984 resultados para white people


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“Our study will show how the pyramidal structure as a permanent feature of every aspect of American society continues to function in the same manner at institutions of higher learning.”


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The concept of resilience is often situated in a dominant discourse that reflects medical and developmentalist epistemology, in Western models, with the ideology of white people, and middle class hegemonic norms. Behavior that falls outside of the normal, or what is socially acceptable, is associated with riskiness and tacitly if not explicitly labeled as pathological, and then, not resilient. However, the context of social injustice of many young people at-risk can have drastic effects on them. When we offer institutions such as schools that do not understand their needs, they may refuse our services and some of them may engage in antisocial activities, since they are looking for personal validation, pathways to recognize themselves, and places and organizations that contribute to the building of their social identity. This paper analyses how the denial of support and resources for the wellbeing of young people can lead them to situations that are socially unacceptable, such as sexual exploitation and drug trafficking. The main argument is that these activities, in the absence of conventional mechanisms, may bring some benefit to the subjects. Benefits may be in material conditions, though strongly marked by issues of social inequality; or subjective, in gaining relationships with people outside the normative places and institutions for young people. Unconventional circumstances produce unconventional attitudes that are expressed in alternative forms of resilience.


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"The tune comparative list. One hundred and sixteen melodies of white people paired with same number of Negro-sung variants": p. [145]-227.


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Our society operates in such a way as to put whiteness at the center of everything, including individual consciousness--so much so that we seldom question the centrality of white- ness, and most people, on hearing 'race', hear 'black'. That is, whiteness is treated as the norm, against which all differences are measured. 1 Race shapes white women's lives. In the same way that both men's and women's lives are shaped by their gender, and that both heterosexual and lesbian women's experiences in the world are marked by their sexuality, white people and people of color live racially structured lives. In other words, any system of differentiation shapes those on whom it bestows privi- lege as well as those it oppresses. White people are 'raced' just as men are 'gendered'. 2


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Em Vinte e zinco, o escritor moçambicano Mia Couto, recorrendo ao universo telúrico de seu país, tenta recuperar, ficcionalmente, um período cronológico que perpassa dias imediatamente anteriores e posteriores à Revolução dos Cravos em Portugal, quando se deu a queda do regime salazarista, no 25 de Abril de 1974, iniciando a narrativa em 19 de Abril e concluindo-a no dia 30. O escritor vale-se de recursos lúdicos inerentes à produção ficcional, somados às possibilidades estéticas oferecidas ao longo do processo de resgate sociocultural dos valores da terra. Assim, conta uma história em que elementos do maravilhoso são legíveis como comuns à realidade quotidiana. A narrativa apresenta a função da Casa dos Castro os integrantes da família e suas relações com África e das demais personagens que transitam ao seu redor seja na figura de negros, seja na de alguns brancos, estes, assimilados ao avesso ou não. Essas personagens juntas mesmo que estejam, em determinados momentos, em lados opostos caminham, como representação da dualidade colonial, em direção à apoteótica cena insólita em que se dão a ascensão do Napolo e a tempestade que cai ao final, manchando a terra às vésperas do 25 de Abril. Mia Couto, em um universo cercado de mitos, crenças e tradições, torna visível o invisível, espelhando, no plano da diegese, a realidade desse cenário, e recupera, pela via das trocas culturais ao longo dos séculos, estratégias de construção narrativa ficcional desenvolvidas nas literaturas latino-americanas a fim de representar Moçambique em sua obra. Assim, apropria-se dos preceitos do Real Maravilhoso, em sua vertente africana aqui chamada de Real Animismo miacoutiano para apresentar essa mestiçagem cultural com imagens plurivalentes do real


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To utilise a novel method for making measurements in the anterior chamber in order to compare the anterior chamber angles of people of European, African, and east Asian descent aged 40 years and over.


A cross sectional study on 15 people of each sex from each decade from the 40s to the 70s, from each of three racial groups-black, white, and Chinese Singaporeans. Biometric gonioscopy (BG) utilises a slit lamp mounted reticule to make measurements from the apparent iris insertion to Schwalbe's line through a Goldmann one mirror goniolens. The main outcome measures were BG measurements of the anterior chamber angle as detailed above.


There was no significant difference in angle measurement between black, white, and Chinese races in this study. However, at younger ages people of Chinese race appeared to have deeper angles than white or black people, whereas the angles of older Chinese were significantly narrower (p = 0.004 for the difference in slope of BG by age between Chinese and both black and white people).


The failure to detect a difference in angle measurements between these groups was surprising, given the much higher prevalence of angle closure among Chinese. It appears that the overall apparent similarity of BG means between Chinese and Western populations may mask very different trends with age. The apparently more rapid decline in angle width measurements with age among Chinese may be due to the higher prevalence of cataract or "creeping angle closure." However, longitudinal inferences from cross sectional data are problematic, and this may represent a cohort phenomenon caused by the increasing prevalence of myopia in the younger Singaporean population.


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Abstract The aim of this research project is to draw on accounts of experiences ofborder crossing and regulation at the Canada/U.S. border at Niagara in order to illuminate the dynamics of differentiation and inequality at this site. The research is informed by claims that the world is turning into a global village due to transnational flows oftechnology, infonnation, capital and people. Much of the available literature on globalization shows that while the transfer of technology, information, and capital are enhanced, the transnational movement of people is both facilitated and constrained in complex and unequal ways. In this project, the workings of facilitation and constraint were explored through an analysis often interviews with people who had spent a substantial portion oftheir childhood (e.g. 5 years) in a Canadian border community. The interviewees were at the time ofthe research between the ages of 19 and 25. Because most ofthe respondents were 'white' Canadians of working to upper middle class status, my focus was to explore how 'whiteness' as privilege may translate into enhanced movement across borders and how 'white' people may internalize and enjoy this privilege but may often deny its reality. I was also interested in how inequality is perceived, understood, and legitimated by these relatively privileged people. My analysis ofthe ten accounts ofborder crossing and regulation suggests that differentially situated people experience border crossing differently. An important finding is that while relatively privileged border crossers perceived and often problernatized differential treatment based on external factors such as physical appearance, and especially race, most did not challenge such treatment but rather saw it as acceptable. These findings are located within newer literature that addresses the increasing securitization ofborders and migration in western societies.


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Introduction : La vaccination est l’une des interventions de santé publique les plus efficaces et les plus efficientes. Comme dans la plupart des pays de la région Ouest africaine, le programme national de vaccination a bénéficié du soutien de nombreuses initiatives internationales et nationales dans le but d’accroître la couverture vaccinale. La politique vaccinale du Burkina Faso s’est appuyée sur différentes stratégies à savoir: la vaccination-prospection, la «vaccination commando», le Programme élargi de vaccination (PEV) et les Journées nationales de vaccination. La couverture vaccinale complète des enfants de 12 à 23 mois a certes augmenté, mais elle est restée en deçà des attentes passant de 34,7% en 1993, à 29,3% en 1998 et 43,9% en 2003. Objectif : Le but de cette thèse est d’analyser à plusieurs périodes et à différents niveaux, les facteurs associés à la vaccination complète des enfants de 12 à 23 mois en milieu rural au Burkina Faso. Méthodes : Nous avons utilisé plusieurs stratégies de recherche et quatre sources de données : - les enquêtes démographiques et de santé (EDS) de 1998-1999 et de 2003 - les annuaires statistiques de 1997 et de 2002 - des entretiens individuels auprès de décideurs centraux, régionaux et d’acteurs de terrain, œuvrant pour le système de santé du Burkina Faso - des groupes de discussion et des entretiens individuels auprès de populations desservies par des centres de santé et de promotion sociale (niveau le plus périphérique du système de santé) et du personnel local de santé. Des approches quantitatives (multiniveau) et qualitatives ont permis de répondre à plusieurs questions, les principaux résultats sont présentés sous forme de trois articles. Résultats : Article 1: « Les facteurs individuels et du milieu de vie associés à la vaccination complète des enfants en milieu rural au Burkina Faso : une approche multiniveau ». En 1998, bien que la propension à la vaccination s’accroisse significativement avec le niveau de vie des ménages et l’utilisation des services de santé, ces 2 variables n’expliquent pas totalement les différences de vaccination observées entre les districts. Plus de 37 % de la variation de la vaccination complète est attribuable aux différences entre les districts sanitaires. A ce niveau, si les ressources du district semblent jouer un rôle mineur, un accroissement de 1 % de la proportion de femmes éduquées dans le district accroît de 1,14 fois les chances de vaccination complète des enfants. Article 2: « Rates of coverage and determinants of complete vaccination of children in rural areas of Burkina Faso (1998 - 2003) ». Entre 1998 et 2003, la couverture vaccinale complète a augmenté en milieu rural, passant de 25,90% à 41,20%. Alors que les ressources du district n’ont présenté aucun effet significatif et que celui de l’éducation s’est atténué avec le temps, le niveau de vie et l’expérience d’utilisation des services de santé par contre, restent les facteurs explicatifs les plus stables de la vaccination complète des enfants. Mais, ils n’expliquent pas totalement les différences de vaccination complète qui persistent entre les districts. Malgré une tendance à l’homogénéisation des districts, 7.4% de variation de la vaccination complète en 2003 est attribuable aux différences entre les districts sanitaires. Article 3: « Cultures locales de vaccination : le rôle central des agents de santé. Une étude qualitative en milieu rural du Burkina Faso ». L’exploration des cultures locales de vaccination montre que les maladies cibles du PEV sont bien connues de la population et sont classées parmi les maladies du «blanc», devant être traitées au centre de santé. Les populations recourent à la prévention traditionnelle, mais elles attribuent la régression de la fréquence et de la gravité des épidémies de rougeole, coqueluche et poliomyélite à la vaccination. La fièvre et la diarrhée post vaccinales peuvent être vues comme un succès ou une contre-indication de la vaccination selon les orientations de la culture locale de vaccination. Les deux centres de santé à l’étude appliquent les mêmes stratégies et font face aux mêmes barrières à l’accessibilité. Dans une des aires de santé, l’organisation de la vaccination est la meilleure, le comité de gestion y est impliqué et l’agent de santé est plus disponible, accueille mieux les mères et est soucieux de s’intégrer à la communauté. On y note une meilleure mobilisation sociale. Le comportement de l’agent de santé est un déterminant majeur de la culture locale de vaccination qui à son tour, influence la performance du programme de vaccination. Tant dans la sphère professionnelle que personnelle il doit créer un climat de confiance avec la population qui acceptera de faire vacciner ses enfants, pour autant que le service soit disponible. Résultats complémentaires : le PEV du Burkina est bien structuré et bien supporté tant par un engagement politique national que par la communauté internationale. En plus de la persistance des inégalités de couverture vaccinale, la pérennité du programme reste un souci de tous les acteurs. Conclusion : Au delà des conclusions propres à chaque article, ce travail a permis d’identifier plusieurs facteurs critiques qui permettraient d’améliorer le fonctionnement et la performance du PEV du Burkina Faso et également de pays comparables. Le PEV dispose de ressources adéquates, ses dimensions techniques et programmatiques sont bien maîtrisées et les différentes initiatives internationales soutenues par les bailleurs de fonds lui ont apporté un support effectif. Le facteur humain est crucial : lors du recrutement du personnel de santé, une attention particulière devrait être accordée à l’adoption d’attitudes d’ouverture et d’empathie vis-à-vis de la population. Ce personnel devrait être en nombre suffisant au niveau périphérique et surtout sa présence et sa disponibilité devraient être effectives. Les liens avec la population sont à renforcer par une plus grande implication du comité de gestion dans l’organisation de la vaccination et en définissant plus clairement le rôle des agents de santé villageois. Ces différents points devraient constituer des objectifs du PEV et à ce titre faire l’objet d’un suivi et d’une évaluation adéquats. Finalement, bien que la gratuité officielle de la vaccination ait réduit les barrières financières, certaines entraves demeurent et elles devraient être levées pour améliorer l’accès aux services de vaccination.


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Uneasily Along the Sand evokes the state of mind of the great Mallee poet John Shaw Neilson during a period of hospitalization for nervous exhaustion around 1900. To his bed come the voices and apparitions of all those people whom he might have met but who in life eluded him. It is a ghost community of jesters, singers and seers, who parade in harlequin costumes and recall the poet to the vanishing spirit of the Mallee forest. In particular, a Wotjobaluk man by the name of ‘Jowley’ haunts him, a man found by white people as a child abandoned in a hollow log - abandoned, lost, stolen? The sound installation ‘Mac’ (that forms part of Uneasily and which will receive its first national broadcast to coincide with Mildura Palimpsest #8) evokes their strange meeting and a kind of reconciliation of peoples and cultures with environments that remains elusive. The hospital, where Neilson heard strange voices and saw strange visions, is evoked in a video work based on a set of ‘actions’ performed in Mildura’s Old Base Hospital, and sound recordings made in Pyrenees House, Ararat (a replica of the Swan Hill Hospital where Neilson was confined). The hospital solarium is transformed into a strangely distorted Mallee paddock, of sand, barbed wire and mattresses that leak like hour glasses. Caught in the fence lines of this dream world are scraps of a woman’s dress, bed sheets inscribed with charcoaled graffiti and footprints alluding to the ‘unevennesses’ of a life. Uneasily Along the sand is inspired by Paul Carter’s recent book, ‘Ground Truthing: explorations in a creative region’. The installation of Uneasily in Mildura coincides with Opening, another work inspired by ‘Ground Truthing’ that Carter and Dirk de Bruyn have created for the big screen at Federation Square, Melbourne.


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Purpose – Reflexive Antiracism is an approach to antiracism that seeks to avoid the limitations of essentialism and negative emotional reactions through a focus on racialisation (a concept that encompasses both racism and antiracism) as well as the formation and maintenance of racialised identities. This paper aims to outline the construction and validation of a scale to measure this novel theoretical construct: the Reflexive Antiracism Scale-Indigenous (RAS-I).

Design/methodology/approach – In the context of a cultural training course focused on Indigenous peoples in Australia, 20 items to assess attitudes were developed along with four hypothetical scenarios designed to assess behavioural intentions in specific situations. The survey formed by these items and scenarios was piloted to assess test-retest, concurrent and construct validity as well as item endorsement and internal reliability.

Findings – Findings suggest that an 11-item scale based on this survey forms a valid and reliable measure of Reflexive Antiracism. Further research and applications are discussed.

– This paper will prompt further exploration of Reflexive Antiracism as a concept that can be applied in a range of settings where a more nuanced understanding and approach to antiracism may be of benefit. Being aware of their position within a society that is racialised will allow antiracists to be reflexive (and realistic) about their ability as individuals to achieve antiracist ideals while continuing to strive towards them.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB