107 resultados para wheelchair


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- Objectives To develop and test a valid and reliable assessment of wheelchair skills for individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI); the Queensland Evaluation of Wheelchair Skills (QEWS). - Setting Hospital, Australia. - Methods Phase 1: Four Delphi panel rounds with clinical experts were used to develop the QEWS. Phase 2: Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of the QEWS items were examined in 100 people with SCI. Phase 3a: Concurrent validity was investigated by examining the association between QEWS total scores and physiotherapists’ global ratings of wheelchair skill performance. Phase 3b: Construct validity was tested in 20 people with recent SCI by examining change in QEWS total scores between when they first mobilised in a wheelchair and scores obtained 10 weeks later. - Results Phase 1: The QEWS was developed. Phase 2: The intra-class correlation coefficients reflecting the intra-rater reliability and the inter-rater reliability for the QEWS total score were 1.00 and 0.98, with scores being within one point of each other 96 and 91% of the time, respectively. Phase 3a: The QEWS total scores were comparable with the global rating of wheelchair skill performance (r2=0.93). Phase 3b: The QEWS scores changed by a median (interquartile range (IQR)) of 4 (1 to 6) points over the 10-week period following first wheelchair mobilisation. - Conclusion The QEWS is a valid and reliable tool for measuring wheelchair skills in individuals with SCI. The QEWS is efficient and practical to administer and does not require specialised equipment.


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Purpose: To determine the efficacy of a custom made wheelchair simulation in training children to use a powered wheelchair (PWC). Design: Randomised controlled trial employing the 4C/ID-model of learning. Twenty-eight typically developing children (13M, 15F; mean age 6 years, SD 6 months) were assessed on their operation of a PWC using a functional evaluation rating scale. Participants were randomly assigned to intervention (8x 30minute training sessions using a joystick operated wheelchair simulation) or control conditions (no task), and were re-assessed on their PWC use following the intervention phase. Additional data from the simulation on completion times, errors and total scores were recorded for the intervention group. Results: Analysis of variance showed a main effect of time, with planned comparisons revealing a statistically significant change in PWC use for the intervention (p = 0.022) but not the control condition. Whilst the intervention group showed greater improvement than the controls this did not reach statistical significance. Multiple regression analyses showed that gender was predictive of pre-test (p = 0.005) functional ability. Implications: A simulated wheelchair task appears to be effective in helping children learn to operate a PWC. Greater attention should be given to female learners who underperformed when compared to their male counterparts. This low cost intervention could be easily employed at home to reduce PWC training times in children with motor disorders.


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A importância e preocupação dedicadas à autonomia e independência das pessoas idosas e dos pacientes que sofrem de algum tipo de deficiência tem vindo a aumentar significativamente ao longo das últimas décadas. As cadeiras de rodas inteligentes (CRI) são tecnologias que podem ajudar este tipo de população a aumentar a sua autonomia, sendo atualmente uma área de investigação bastante ativa. Contudo, a adaptação das CRIs a pacientes específicos e a realização de experiências com utilizadores reais são assuntos de estudo ainda muito pouco aprofundados. A cadeira de rodas inteligente, desenvolvida no âmbito do Projeto IntellWheels, é controlada a alto nível utilizando uma interface multimodal flexível, recorrendo a comandos de voz, expressões faciais, movimentos de cabeça e através de joystick. Este trabalho teve como finalidade a adaptação automática da CRI atendendo às características dos potenciais utilizadores. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia capaz de criar um modelo do utilizador. A investigação foi baseada num sistema de recolha de dados que permite obter e armazenar dados de voz, expressões faciais, movimentos de cabeça e do corpo dos pacientes. A utilização da CRI pode ser efetuada em diferentes situações em ambiente real e simulado e um jogo sério foi desenvolvido permitindo especificar um conjunto de tarefas a ser realizado pelos utilizadores. Os dados foram analisados recorrendo a métodos de extração de conhecimento, de modo a obter o modelo dos utilizadores. Usando os resultados obtidos pelo sistema de classificação, foi criada uma metodologia que permite selecionar a melhor interface e linguagem de comando da cadeira para cada utilizador. A avaliação para validação da abordagem foi realizada no âmbito do Projeto FCT/RIPD/ADA/109636/2009 - "IntellWheels - Intelligent Wheelchair with Flexible Multimodal Interface". As experiências envolveram um vasto conjunto de indivíduos que sofrem de diversos níveis de deficiência, em estreita colaboração com a Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Saúde do Porto e a Associação do Porto de Paralisia Cerebral. Os dados recolhidos através das experiências de navegação na CRI foram acompanhados por questionários preenchidos pelos utilizadores. Estes dados foram analisados estatisticamente, a fim de provar a eficácia e usabilidade na adequação da interface da CRI ao utilizador. Os resultados mostraram, em ambiente simulado, um valor de usabilidade do sistema de 67, baseado na opinião de uma amostra de pacientes que apresentam os graus IV e V (os mais severos) de Paralisia Cerebral. Foi também demonstrado estatisticamente que a interface atribuída automaticamente pela ferramenta tem uma avaliação superior à sugerida pelos técnicos de Terapia Ocupacional, mostrando a possibilidade de atribuir automaticamente uma linguagem de comando adaptada a cada utilizador. Experiências realizadas com distintos modos de controlo revelaram a preferência dos utilizadores por um controlo compartilhado com um nível de ajuda associado ao nível de constrangimento do paciente. Em conclusão, este trabalho demonstra que é possível adaptar automaticamente uma CRI ao utilizador com claros benefícios a nível de usabilidade e segurança.


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In this paper we present ezGo, an electric powered wheelchair with a speech based interface and biosignal monitoring instrumentation. The user can use the voice, a natural communication method, for controlling the chair movement and obtain information about his health. Additionally a set of semi-autonomous modes with macro recording enable the execution of navigation tasks with little effort and improved precision. The main purpose of the system is to provide severely disabled persons with an assistive device that can improve their confidence and daily independence. The obtained results on usability tests showed that users consider ezGo a valuable help on their daily tasks and a very desirable addition to standard wheelchairs.


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It is estimated that over 4.4 million people are living in Canada with a reported disability. Due to a number of risk factors associated with potential health concerns and sedentary lifestyles, it is important for people with physical disabilities to lead an active lifestyle. Recreation and leisure pursuits are a great outlet for this to take place. However, in order to gain the long terms benefits of these pursuits one must be committed to an activity. With the use of a collaborative interview method, with the Sport Commitment Model serving as the guiding framework, this study sought to find the underlying factors for continued participation for people with physical disabilities in wheelchair basketball. Through utilizing an interpretive approach it was found that enjoyment, social support, perceived ability and to some extent involvement opportunities, were the main contributors to overall commitment. Criticisms and suggestions for future research are also provided.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article discusses the design of robust controller applied to Wheelchair Furniture via Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI), to obtain Strictly Positive Real (SPR) systems. The contributions of this work were the choice of a mathematical model for wheelchair: mobile with uncertainty about the position of the center of gravity (CG), the decoupling of the kinematic and dynamical systems, linearization of the models, the headquarters building of parametric uncertainties, the proposal of the control loop and control law with a specified decay rate.


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Long term wheelchair usage has been related to a number of problems, among which pressure ulcers are one of most concern. The design of wheelchair seat cushions has been of increasing interest among researchers, as it can influence seat interface pressure and user's comfort. The aim of this study was to investigate the subjects' perception comfort, stability and body posture of six different commercially available wheelchair cushions. The evaluation was through a questionnaire, where the subjects rate their perceptions on a ten point visual analog scale after staying seated in the cushion for two minutes. The results shows that the RohoTM aircell cushion was preferred by the users, while the least preferred one was the water cushion. Individuals' subjective perceptions may compliment objective data on seat interface pressure, thus contributing to a more complete view of the users' experience during wheelchair cushion usage.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of motor practice on visual judgments of apertures for wheelchair locomotion and the visual control of wheelchair locomotion in wheelchair users who had no prior experience. Sixteen young adults, divided into motor practice and control groups, visually judged varying apertures as passable or impassable under walking, pre-practice, and post-practice conditions. The motor practice group underwent additional motor practice in 10 blocks of five trials each, moving the wheelchair through different apertures. The relative perceptual boundary was determined based on judgment data and kinematic variables that were calculated from videos of the motor practice trials. The participants overestimated the space needed under the walking condition and underestimated it under the wheelchair conditions, independent of group. The accuracy of judgments improved from the pre-practice to post-practice condition in both groups. During motor practice, the participants adaptively modulated wheelchair locomotion, adjusting it to the apertures available. The present findings from a priori visual judgments of space and the continuous judgments that are necessary for wheelchair approach and passage through apertures appear to support the dissociation between processes of perception and action.


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Las personas que usan la silla de ruedas como su forma de movilidad prioritaria presentan una elevada incidencia (73%) de dolor de hombro debido al sobreuso y al movimiento repetitivo de la propulsión. Existen numerosos métodos de diagnóstico para la detección de las patologías del hombro, sin embargo la literatura reclama la necesidad de un test no invasivo y fiable, y sugiere la termografía como una técnica adecuada para evaluar el dolor articular. La termografía infrarroja (IRT) proporciona información acerca de los procesos fisiológicos a través del estudio de las distribuciones de la temperatura de la piel. Debido a la alta correlación entre ambos lados corporales, las asimetrías térmicas entre flancos contralaterales son una buena indicación de patologías o disfunciones físicas subyacentes. La fiabilidad de la IRT ha sido estudiada con anterioridad en sujetos sanos, pero nunca en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Las características especiales de la población con discapacidad (problemas de sudoración y termorregulación, distribución sanguínea o medicación), hacen necesario estudiar los factores que afectan a la aplicación de la IRT en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. La bibliografía discrepa en cuanto a los beneficios o daños resultantes de la práctica de la actividad física en las lesiones de hombro por sobreuso en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Recientes resultados apuntan a un aumento del riesgo de rotura del manguito rotador en personas con paraplejia que practican deportes con elevación del brazo por encima de la cabeza. Debido a esta falta de acuerdo en la literatura, surge la necesidad de analizar el perfil termográfico en usuarios de sillas de ruedas sedentarios y deportistas y su relación con el dolor de hombro. Hasta la fecha sólo se han publicado estudios termográficos durante el ejercicio en sujetos sanos. Un mayor entendimiento de la respuesta termográfica al ejercicio en silla de ruedas en relación al dolor de hombro clarificará su aparición y desarrollo y permitirá una apropiada intervención. El primer estudio demuestra que la fiabilidad de la IRT en usuarios de sillas de ruedas varía dependiendo de las zonas analizadas, y corrobora que la IRT es una técnica no invasiva, de no contacto, que permite medir la temperatura de la piel, y con la cual avanzar en la investigación en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. El segundo estudio proporciona un perfil de temperatura para usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Los sujetos no deportistas presentaron mayores asimetrías entre lados corporales que los sedentarios, y ambos obtuvieron superiores asimetrías que los sujetos sin discapacidad reportados en la literatura. Los no deportistas también presentaron resultados más elevados en el cuestionario de dolor de hombro. El área con mayores asimetrías térmicas fue hombro. En deportistas, algunas regiones de interés (ROIs) se relacionaron con el dolor de hombro. Estos resultados ayudan a entender el mapa térmico en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. El último estudio referente a la evaluación de la temperatura de la piel en usuarios de sillas de ruedas en ejercicio, reportó diferencias significativas entre la temperatura de la piel antes del test y 10 minutos después del test de propulsión de silla de ruedas, en 12 ROIs; y entre el post-test y 10 minutos después del test en la mayoría de las ROIs. Estas diferencias se vieron atenuadas cuando se compararon las asimetrías antes y después del test. La temperatura de la piel tendió a disminuir inmediatamente después completar el ejercicio, e incrementar significativamente 10 minutos después. El análisis de las asimetrías vs dolor de hombro reveló relaciones significativas negativas en 5 de las 26 ROIs. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre las variables de propulsión y el cuestionario de dolor de hombro. Todas las variables cinemáticas correlacionaron significativamente con las asimetrías en múltiples ROIs. Estos resultados indican que los deportistas en sillas de ruedas exhiben una capacidad similar de producir calor que los deportistas sin discapacidad; no obstante, su patrón térmico es más característico de ejercicios prolongados que de esfuerzos breves. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la termorregulación en usuarios de sillas de ruedas durante el ejercicio, y aporta información relevante para programas deportivos y de rehabilitación. ABSTRACT Individuals who use wheelchairs as their main means of mobility have a high incidence (73%) of shoulder pain (SP) owing to overuse and repetitive propulsion movement. There are numerous diagnostic methods for the detection of shoulder pathologies, however the literature claims that a noninvasive accurate test to properly assess shoulder pain would be necessary, and suggests thermography as a suitable technique for joint pain evaluation. Infrared thermography (IRT) provides information about physiological processes by studying the skin temperature (Tsk) distributions. Due to the high correlation of skin temperature between both sides of the body, thermal asymmetries between contralateral flanks are an indicator of underlying pathologies or physical dysfunctions. The reliability of infrared thermography has been studied in healthy subjects but there are no studies that have analyzed the reliability of IRT in wheelchair users (WCUs). The special characteristics of people with disabilities (sweating and thermoregulation problems, or blood distribution) make it necessary to study the factors affecting the application of IRT in WCUs. Discrepant reports exist on the benefits of, or damage resulting from, physical exercise and the relationship to shoulder overuse injuries in WCUs. Recent findings have found that overhead sports increase the risk of rotator cuff tears in wheelchair patients with paraplegia. Since there is no agreement in the literature, the thermographic profile of wheelchair athletes and nonathletes and its relation with shoulder pain should also be analysed. Infrared thermographic studies during exercise have been carried out only with able-bodied population at present. The understanding of the thermographic response to wheelchair exercise in relation to shoulder pain will offer an insight into the development of shoulder pain, which is necessary for appropriate interventions. The first study presented in this thesis demonstrates that the reliability of IRT in WCUs varies depending on the areas of the body that are analyzed. Moreover, it corroborates that IRT is a noninvasive and noncontact technique that allows the measurement of Tsk, which will allow for advances to be made in research concerned with WCUs. The second study provides a thermal profile of WCUs. Nonathletic subjects presented higher side-to-side skin temperature differences (ΔTsk) than athletes, and both had greater ΔTsk than the able-bodied results that have been published in the literature. Nonathletes also revealed larger Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI) score than athletes. The shoulder region of interest (ROI) was the area with the highest ΔTsk of the regions measured. The analysis of the athletes’ Tsk showed that some ROIs are related to shoulder pain. These findings help to understand the thermal map in WCUs. Finally, the third study evaluated the thermal response of WCUs in exercise. There were significant differences in Tsk between the pre-test and the post-10 min in 12 ROIs, and between the post-test and the post-10 in most of the ROIs. These differences were attenuated when the ΔTsk was compared before and after exercise. Skin temperature tended to initially decrease immediately after the test, followed by a significant increase at 10 minutes after completing the exercise. The ΔTsk versus shoulder pain analysis yielded significant inverse relationships in 5 of the 26 ROIs. No significant correlations between propulsion variables and the results of the WUSPI questionnaire were found. All kinematic variables were significantly correlated with the temperature asymmetries in multiple ROIs. These results present indications that high performance wheelchair athletes exhibit similar capacity of heat production to able-bodied population; however, they presented a thermal pattern more characteristic of a prolonged exercise rather than brief exercise. This work contributes to improve the understanding about temperature changes in wheelchair athletes during exercise and provides implications to the sports and rehabilitation programs.


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Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, D.C.


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"Report no. UMTA-CA-06-0098-81-1."