845 resultados para western Liaoning
二十世纪初,前人在中国的东北地区发现了大量保存完好的动物化石,其中以狼鳍鱼最具代表性,科学家将在该地区发现的化石生物群命名为“热河生物群”。“热河”这一名称得名于该化石群的经典产地,即当时的热河省东部地区。建国后,热河省被撤消,其西部划归河北省,东部划归辽宁省。原热河生物群的经典产地因此落在了今天辽宁省的西部,即辽西地区。但是,“热河生物群”这一在地质古生物学界具有深刻影响的名称仍然保留着,而且近几年来在该地区又有大量的鸟类以及恐龙的化石被发现。该地区现在已经成为世界级的古生物宝库。通过不同的方法对该地区进行时代测定的结果认为该地区的时代为白垩纪早期。 与发现众多、研究深入的动物群相比,在该地区开展的植物学研究起步较晚,但在最近几年取得了很大的进展。目前为止,已经发现的植物类群就有苔藓、蕨类、银杏、苏铁、松柏类和被子植物。其中,银杏、苏铁、松柏类尤为丰富。理论上,被子植物也正是从该生物群所代表的白垩纪早期开始出现并逐步走向繁荣的。近年来在热河生物群中就有不少关于被子植物早期类群的报道,如古果属A rchaefructus和里海果属Hyrcantha等。传统上认为,买麻藤目植物与被子植物起源的关系非常密切,但是最近的分子系统学研究却将该类群推离了被子植物,而作为裸子植物高等类群松柏类的姐妹群对待。但是,在热河生物群中的一些新买麻藤目植物的化石标本与被子植物早期类型化石标本的发现却提供了新的思路或证据。如近年来,我国学者已经在该生物群中报道的麻黄科下的2属4种。这些发现的类群都与买麻藤植物的基部类群麻黄属密切相关。这种新发现带来的证据或许可以为被子植物起源这一世界难题的解决提供新的思路。 在对前人关于买麻藤目植物化石标本的研究进行整理的时候,我们发现我们的部分化石与前人发表的一个种Ephedrites chenii在标本的形态学特征方面完全相同。但是在对该类群及其所在的属与麻黄的现代类群作对比研究后发现,该种植物的繁殖器官的特征完全符合麻黄属的特征,因此将该类群转移到麻黄属中作为新组合对待。另外,根据前人对该种在种加词的命名上的修改,我们将该新组合命名为Ephedra cheniae。 在调查该生物群中的买麻藤植物时,我们发现在部分化石类群中出现了前人没有记载过的新性状,比如在麻黄科类植物中发现了互生的分枝方式,并据此命名一个新的单种属Alloephedra xingxuei。为了探讨互生分枝这一性状对于麻黄科的分类意义,我们调查了国内外不少标本馆中的标本,并在野外做了取样统计。结果发现,在不少现代麻黄的枝条上都出现了不同程度的分枝发育不均衡,表现为在同一节上对生的两个分枝中一侧分枝能够正常发育而另一侧发育迟缓甚至不发育,这种不均衡的发育造成了在现代麻黄中出现了类似互生的分枝状况。在整理前人对麻黄分枝方式研究的基础上,结合我们对野外类群形态学性状的调查,我们认为由于在同一节上对生的两个分枝中一侧延迟或不发育而引起的类似互生的性状是较为广泛存在的,它不应该成为属一级的分类依据,而只能作为种一级的分类依据对待。因此我们将AHoephedra xingxuei转移到麻黄属中作为新组合Ephedra xingxuei处理。 除此之外,我们也发现了不少其他的买麻藤目化石标本,在对买麻藤目以往的化石记录了解以及对这些标本形态学性状把握的基础上,我们将这些新发现的化石标本放置在麻黄科麻黄属中作为新种对待,并根据其叶片以及苞片的特征分别将他们命名为披针叶麻黄(Ephedra lanceoleta)、裂叶麻黄(Ephedra divisa),卵叶麻黄(Ephedra ovata)以及双苞麻黄(Ephedra bibracta)。 与此同时,我们也发现了保存完好的被子植物的化石标本。该标本中具有5个离生的心皮、分枝方式兼具侧生和二叉分枝两种、并具有多裂的叶片。在辽西地区同时代发现的被子植物早期类型共有两个,分别是Archaefructus和Hyrcantha。其中前者具有许多个离生的螺旋状排列在可育枝的顶端1cm内的子房/心皮,而后者只有2-4个子房/心皮。在对我们新发现的化石标本与这两个被子植物的早期类型在叶片形态、分枝式样、果实大小、果实构成、果实排布、心 皮数目等形态学特征对比的基础上,我们认为新的化石标本描述了一个被子植物早期类群的新形态,并根据其具有五个心皮以及多裂的叶片的特征,命名为裂叶文采果Wentsaia divisa gen.&sp. nov。 由于我们有幸能在辽西同时发现了买麻藤植物的化石标本和被子植物早期类型的标本,这就给了我们一个讨论二者在起源关系方面的机会。在对二者的营养器官特征、繁殖器官结构组成、繁殖器官性别构成以及对二者生活环境理解进行对比的基础上,我们认为,买麻藤目植物的早期类型与被子植物的早期类型之间存在相关性。但是就目前的证据而言,尚无法推测二者之间是否存在性状上的演化关系,而该问题的解决需要更多的化石证据的积累。
辽西山地由于人为破坏严重,自然环境恶劣,建国以来,国家和地方先后投入了大量的人力与物力,开展以人工植被建设为主要目的工程治理。由于诸多方面原因,辽西生态建设多注重理论的探讨和工程的实施,技术开发没引起足够重视。 本文以山地乡土树种开发利用的理论和技术为主要内容,对辽西地区生态建设的理论和方法进行研究,目的是为辽西山地生态恢复与环境治理提供相应的理论基础和技术指导,以期在辽西生态与环境建设中以较少的投资获得较大的生态效益。 本研究有如下工作和结果:(1)分析并明确了辽西山地生态建设主要矛盾,指出辽西山地生态建设应遵循恢复生态学理论;(2)通过对干燥度测算,明确了辽西山地属于半干旱区与半湿润区的交错地带,从而对辽西山地给出了现实的生态区划定位;(3)利用修正的Thornthwaite公式计算了这一地区的最大潜在蒸发量,分析了水分的盈亏状况;(4)研究分析了乡土树种生长与气候因子的关系;(5)在分析现有森林资源的基础上,确认人工植被建设中纯林比重过大、乡土树种比例过小、生态系统十分脆弱;(6)研究了乡土树种资源,结果表明辽西山地乡土树种丰富,可以开发的较多,进而提出了可利用的乡土树种耐旱的形态和生理特征;同时,进一步提出了主要乡土树种研究和开发课题;(7)从生态工程的原理出发,提出并设计了辽西地区利用乡土树种可进行的生态建设工程项目。
Exactly measuring the degradation degree of ecosystems is the basis and precondition of restoring ecosystems. At present,degradation degree is usually analyzed qualitatively.In this paper,quantitative classification method was used to study the degradation degree of ecosystem in hilly region of western Liaoning,which was measured by the degradation degree of habitat.The result shows that the habitat in the northern slope of mountains has been degraded to certain stage between shrubbery and pioneer tree forest,which provides theoretical basis for vegetation restoration practice. Moreover,the result is beneficial for studying the degradation degree of ecosystems in other regions or of other types.
Under the direction of Sustainable Development, some key issues of forestry in Western Liaoning Province were analyzed in this paper. "Planting Broad-leaved Trees and Accelerating Conifers" (PBTAC) was put forward as the effective approach to sustainable management on the Pure Plantation of Pinus tabulaeformis and the unique path of forestry sustainable development in Western Liaoning Province. The concept, aim, and notices of "PBTAC" were also analyzed and discussed.
Change in thermal conditions can substantially affect crop growth, cropping systems, agricultural production and land use. In the present study, we used annual accumulated temperatures > 10 degrees C (AAT10) as an indicator to investigate the spatio-temporal changes in thermal conditions across China from the late 1980s to 2000, with a spatial resolution of 1 x 1 km. We also investigated the effects of the spatio-temporal changes on cultivated land use and cropping systems. We found that AAT10 has increased on a national scale since the late 1980s, Particularly, 3.16 x 10(5) km(2) of land moved from the spring wheat zone (AAT10: 1600 to 3400 degrees C) to the winter wheat zone (AAT10: 3400 to 4500 degrees C). Changes in thermal conditions had large influences on cultivated land area and cropping systems. The areas of cultivated land have increased in regions with increasing AAT10, and the cropping rotation index has increased since the late 1980s. Single cropping was replaced by 3 crops in 2 years in many regions, and areas of winter wheat cultivation were shifted northward in some areas, such as in the eastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and in western Liaoning and Jilin Provinces.
Microorganisms linked to Neoproterozoic microspar carbonate sedimentation in the Jilin-Liaoning area
Molar-tooth carbonate refers to a sort of rock that has ptygmatical folded structure comparable to the ivory. This kind of carbonate exists in a special time range (from Middle to Neoproterozoic). Its origin and the possibility to use it in stratigraphic correlation of the paleocontinent is the key task of the IGCP447, a project on Proterozoic molar tooth carbonates and the evolution of the earth (2001-2005). The importance lies in that the molar-tooth structure is the key to solving problems related to Precambrian biological and global geochemical events. The molar-tooth structure is associated with microorganisms. Development and recession of such carbonates have relations with the evolution process of early lives and abrupt changes in sea carbonate geochemistry. In recent years, based on researches on petrology, geochemistry and Sr isotope of molar-tooth carbonate in the Jilin-Liaoning and Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, the authors hold that it can be used as a marker for stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary facies analyses.
Microorganisms linked to Neoproterozoic microspar carbonate sedimentation in the Jilin-Liaoning area
Molar-tooth carbonate refers to a sort of rock that has ptygmatical folded structure comparable to the ivory. This kind of carbonate exists in a special time range (from Middle to Neoproterozoic). Its origin and the possibility to use it in stratigraphic correlation of the paleocontinent is the key task of the IGCP447, a project on Proterozoic molar tooth carbonates and the evolution of the earth (2001-2005). The importance lies in that the molar-tooth structure is the key to solving problems related to Precambrian biological and global geochemical events. The molar-tooth structure is associated with microorganisms. Development and recession of such carbonates have relations with the evolution process of early lives and abrupt changes in sea carbonate geochemistry. In recent years, based on researches on petrology, geochemistry and Sr isotope of molar-tooth carbonate in the Jilin-Liaoning and Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, the authors hold that it can be used as a marker for stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary facies analyses.
Liaoning. Faku. Yemaotai; hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk