10 resultados para webservices


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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El següent document detalla la implementació, des de zero, d'una aplicació J2EE. La correlació amb la realitat no ha estat un dels models a seguir, donat que l'objectiu bàsic es l'assemblatge de les diferents eines disponibles entorn al mon J2EE.


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I dagens näringsliv är effektiv kommunikation och informationsutbyte mellan företag en förutsättning för verksamheten. Näringslivet utmärks av förändring; företag köps upp, företag slås samman, företag samarbetar i projektform. Behovet av att integrera varandras informationssystem står i paritet med ovanstående förändringar. Ett stort problem med systemintegration är variationsrikedomen mellan informationssystemen, beträffande teknisk plattform och programspråk. Webservices erbjuder metoder att enkelt integrera olika informationssystem med varandra.I rapporten beskrivs hur webservices implementeras och vilka tekniska komponenter som ingår, samt de fördelar som webservicetekniken ger. Uppdraget från Sogeti, Borlänge var att designa och implementera en prototyp, i vilken klientapplikationer i Java och VB.NET integreras med varandra genom webservices i respektive programspråk. För analys och design har metoden UML använts. Slutsatsen av rapporten är att Java och VB.NET kan kommunicera med varandra genom webserviceteknik. Dock är integrationen mellan de två programspråken inte okomplicerad. Detta leder till slutsatsen att webservicetekniken måste standardiseras för att få ordentligt genomslag som teknik för systemintegration mellan olika programspråk.


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Constrained and unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems often appear in many engineering areas. In some of these cases it is not possible to use derivative based optimization methods because the objective function is not known or it is too complex or the objective function is non-smooth. In these cases derivative based methods cannot be used and Direct Search Methods might be the most suitable optimization methods. An Application Programming Interface (API) including some of these methods was implemented using Java Technology. This API can be accessed either by applications running in the same computer where it is installed or, it can be remotely accessed through a LAN or the Internet, using webservices. From the engineering point of view, the information needed from the API is the solution for the provided problem. On the other hand, from the optimization methods researchers’ point of view, not only the solution for the problem is needed. Also additional information about the iterative process is useful, such as: the number of iterations; the value of the solution at each iteration; the stopping criteria, etc. In this paper are presented the features added to the API to allow users to access to the iterative process data.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Elaboració d'una senzilla aplicació client-servidor de localització geogràfica mitjançant el GPS integrat d'un Smartphone amb Sistema Operatiu Android


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This paper presents a webservice architecture for Statistical Machine Translation aimed at non-technical users. A workfloweditor allows a user to combine different webservices using a graphical user interface. In the current state of this project,the webservices have been implemented for a range of sentential and sub-sententialaligners. The advantage of a common interface and a common data format allows the user to build workflows exchanging different aligners.


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El projecte Integració del motor APIS de qüestionaris on-line en una plataformad'eLearning basada en serveis descriu el procés d'anàlisi i implementació del codi necessari per integrar dins de la plataforma d'eLearning SLeD tot el motor d'APIS de manera que SLeD pugui reproduir preguntes o items i exàmens complets o tests dins d'una UOL o unitat d'aprenentatge. Això permetrà dotar a APIS d'un control de sessió d'usuari i permetrà una utilitat que fins ara no tenia, la possibilitat de entrar al món online mitjançant SLeD. Tot aixòs’implementa gràcies a la connexió WebServices amb el mòdul CCSI de CopperCore i SLeD que s'encarrega de donar facilitats al programador de cara a ampliar el ventall d'eines que ofereix aquesta plataforma i fomentar encara més la idea del codi lliure (open source) i la utilitat globalitzadora d'e-Learning.


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Metadata is data that fully describes the data and the areas they represent, allowing the user to decide on their use as best as possible. Allow reporting on the existence of a set of data linked to specific needs. The use of metadata has the purpose of documenting and organizing a structured organizational data in order to minimize duplication of efforts to locate them and to facilitate maintenance. It also provides the administration of large amounts of data, discovery, retrieval and editing features. The global use of metadata is regulated by a technical group or task force composed of several segments such as industries, universities and research firms. Agriculture in particular is a good example for the development of typical applications using metadata is the integration of systems and equipment, allowing the implementation of techniques used in precision agriculture, the integration of different computer systems via webservices or other type of solution requires the integration of structured data. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the standards of metadata areas consolidated as agricultural.


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The technological evolution has been making the Distance Education accessible for a greater number of citizens anytime and anywhere. The potential increase of the supply for mobile devices integrated to mobile learning environments allows that the information comes out of the physical environment, creating opportunities for students and teachers to create geographically distributed learning scenarios. However, many applications developed for these environments remain isolated from each other and do not become integrated sufficiently into the virtual learning environments (AVA). This dissertation presents an interoperability model between mobile devices and distinct AVA based on webservices. For the conception of this model, requirements engineering and software architecture techniques were used. With the goal of showing the model viability, a mobile application focused on surveys has been developed, and additionally, the main functionalities related to the interoperability were tested