949 resultados para waveguide


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In this work a novel hybrid approach is presented that uses a combination of both time domain and frequency domain solution strategies to predict the power distribution within a lossy medium loaded within a waveguide. The problem of determining the electromagnetic fields evolving within the waveguide and the lossy medium is decoupled into two components, one for computing the fields in the waveguide including a coarse representation of the medium (the exterior problem) and one for a detailed resolution of the lossy medium (the interior problem). A previously documented cell-centred Maxwell’s equations numerical solver can be used to resolve the exterior problem accurately in the time domain. Thereafter the discrete Fourier transform can be applied to the computed field data around the interface of the medium to estimate the frequency domain boundary condition in-formation that is needed for closure of the interior problem. Since only the electric fields are required to compute the power distribution generated within the lossy medium, the interior problem can be resolved efficiently using the Helmholtz equation. A consistent cell-centred finite-volume method is then used to discretise this equation on a fine mesh and the underlying large, sparse, complex matrix system is solved for the required electric field using the iterative Krylov subspace based GMRES iterative solver. It will be shown that the hybrid solution methodology works well when a single frequency is considered in the evaluation of the Helmholtz equation in a single mode waveguide. A restriction of the scheme is that the material needs to be sufficiently lossy, so that any penetrating waves in the material are absorbed.


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The use of metal stripes for the guiding of plasmons is a well established technique for the infrared regime and has resulted in the development of a myriad of passive optical components and sensing devices. However, the plasmons suffer from large losses around sharp bends, making the compact design of nanoscale sensors and circuits problematic. A compact alternative would be to use evanescent coupling between two sufficiently close stripes, and thus we propose a compact interferometer design using evanescent coupling. The sensitivity of the design is compared with that achieved using a hand-held sensor based on the Kretschmann style surface plasmon resonance technique. Modeling of the new interferometric sensor is performed for various structural parameters using finite-difference time-domain and COMSOL Multiphysics. The physical mechanisms behind the coupling and propagation of plasmons in this structure are explained in terms of the allowed modes in each section of the device.


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Spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) study of a ZnO nanonail, having thin shank, tapered neck, and hexagonal head sections, is reported. Monochromatic imaging and line scan profiling indicate that the wave guiding and leaking from growth imperfections in addition to the oxygen deficiency variation determine the spatial contrast of CL emissions. Occurrence of resonance peaks at identical wavelengths regardless of CL-excitation spots is inconsistent with the whispering-gallery mode (WGM) resonances of a two-dimensional cavity in the finite difference time domain simulation. However, three dimensioanl cavity simulation produced WGM peaks that are consistent with the experimental spectra, including transverse-electric resonances that are comparable to transverse-magnetic ones.


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Quantum dot - plasmon waveguide systems are of interest for the active control of plasmon propagation, and consequently, the development of active nanophotonic devices such as nano-sized optical transistors. This paper is concerned with how varying aspect ratio of the waveguide crosssection affects the quantum dot - plasmon coupling. We compare a stripe waveguide with an equivalent nanowire, illustrating that both waveguides have a similar coupling strength to a nearby quantum dot for small waveguide cross-section, thereby indicating that stripe lithographic waveguides have strong potential use in quantum dot –plasmon waveguide systems. We also demonstrate that changing the aspect ratio of both stripe and wire waveguides can increase the spontaneous emission rate of the quantum dot into the plasmon mode, by up to a factor of five. The results of this paper will contribute to the optimisation of quantum dot - plasmon waveguide systems and help pave the way for the development of active nanophotonics devices.


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The intensity pulsations of a cw 1030 nm Yb:Phosphate monolithic waveguide laser with distributed feedback are described. We show that the pulsations could result from the coupling of the two orthogonal polarization modes through the two photon process of cooperative luminescence. The predictions of the presented theoretical model agree well with the observed behaviour.


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In this paper we modeled a quantum dot at near proximity to a gap plasmon waveguide to study the quantum dot-plasmon interactions. Assuming that the waveguide is single mode, this paper is concerned about the dependence of spontaneous emission rate of the quantum dot on waveguide dimensions such as width and height. We compare coupling efficiency of a gap waveguide with symmetric configuration and asymmetric configuration illustrating that symmetric waveguide has a better coupling efficiency to the quantum dot. We also demonstrate that optimally placed quantum dot near a symmetric waveguide with 50 nm x 50 nm cross section can capture 80% of the spontaneous emission into a guided plasmon mode.


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The self-modulation process of a high-frequency surface wave (SW) in a wave-guiding structure - a semibounded magnetoactive plasma and perfectly conducting metal wall - is considered for the weak nonlinearity approximation. Estimates are given for the contributions to the nonlinear frequency shift of the SW from the two principal self-action channels: via the generation of a signal of the doubled frequency and of static surface perturbations, arising as the result of the action of a ponderomotive force. Solutions for the field envelope of the nonlinear wave are examined with regard to their stability with respect to longitudinal and transverse perturbations.


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The nonlinear effect of hf surface waves self-interaction in a magnetoactive planar plasma waveguide is studies. The waveguide structure under consideration can be formed by gaseous or semiconducting homogeneous plasma, which is limited by a perfectly conducting metal surface. The surface (localized near the surface) wave perturbations propagating on the plasma-metal boundary perpendicular to the constant external magnetic field, are investigated. The nonlinear frequency shift connected with interaction of the second harmonic and static surface perturbations with the main frequency wave, is determined using the approximation of weak nonlinearity. It is shown that the process of double-frequency signal generation is the dissipative one as a result of bulk wave excitation on the surface wave second harmonic.


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The problem concerning the excitation of high-frequency surface waves (SW) propagating across an external magnetic field at a plasma-metal interface is considered. A homogeneous electric pump field is applied in the direction transverse with respect to the plasma-metal interface. Two high-frequency SW from different frequency ranges of existence and propagating in different directions are shown to be excited in this pump field. The instability threshold pump-field values and increments are obtained for different parameters of the considered waveguide structure. The results associated with saturation of the nonlinear instability due to self-interaction effects of the excited SW are given as well. The results are appropriate for both gaseous and semiconductor plasmas.


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The results of theoretical investigations of two-channel waveguide modulator based on Surface Wave (SW) propagation are presented. The structure studied consists of two n-type semiconductor waveguide channels separated from each other by a dielectric gap and coated by a metal. The SW propagates at the semiconductor-metal interface across an external magnetic field which is parallel to the interface. An external dc voltage is applied to the metal surface of one channel to provide a small phase shift between two propagating modes. In a coupled mode approximation, two possible regimes of operation of the structure, namely as a directional coupler and as an electro-optical modulator, are considered. Our results suggest new applications in millimeter and submillimeter wave solid-state electronics and integrated optics.


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Summary form only given. Geometric simplicity, efficiency and polarization purity make slot antenna arrays ideal solutions for many radar, communications and navigation applications, especially when high power, light weight and limited scan volume are priorities. Resonant arrays of longitudinal slots have a slot spacing of one-half guide wavelength at the design frequency, so that the slots are located at the standing wave peaks. Planar arrays are implemented using a number of rectangular waveguides (branch line guides), arranged side-by-side, while waveguides main lines located behind and at right angles to the branch lines excite the radiating waveguides via centered-inclined coupling slots. Planar slotted waveguide arrays radiate broadside beams and all radiators are designed to be in phase.


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In this paper we image the highly confined long range plasmons of a nanoscale metal stripe waveguide using quantum emitters. Plasmons were excited using a highly focused 633 nm laser beam and a specially designed grating structure to provide stronger incoupling to the desired mode. A homogeneous thin layer of quantum dots was used to image the near field intensity of the propagating plasmons on the waveguide. We observed that the photoluminescence is quenched when the QD to metal surface distance is less than 10 nm. The optimised spacer layer thickness for the stripe waveguides was found to be around 20 nm. Authors believe that the findings of this paper prove beneficial for the development of plasmonic devices utilising stripe waveguides.


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Linewidth measurement of a femtosecond laser direct-written distributed feedback (DFB) waveguide laser (WGL) is reported. The WGL was fabricated in Yb-doped phosphate glass using the femtosecond laser direct-write technique. The linewidth was measured using a loss-compensated recirculating delayed self-heterodyne interferometer. By recirculating the output signal in a 10.2-km fiber delay loop, the linewidth was measured to be 35.4±1.4 kHz at a delay time of 306 μs , which is comparable with that of narrow-linewidth fiber DFB lasers.


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Spontaneous emission (SE) of a Quantum emitter depends mainly on the transmission strength between the upper and lower energy levels as well as the Local Density of States (LDOS)[1]. When a QD is placed in near a plasmon waveguide, LDOS of the QD is increased due to addition of the non-radiative decay and a plasmonic decay channel to free space emission[2-4]. The slow velocity and dramatic concentration of the electric field of the plasmon can capture majority of the SE into guided plasmon mode (Гpl ). This paper focused on studying the effect of waveguide height on the efficiency of coupling QD decay into plasmon mode using a numerical model based on finite elemental method (FEM). Symmetric gap waveguide considered in this paper support single mode and QD as a dipole emitter. 2D simulation models are done to find normalized Гpl and 3D models are used to find probability of SE decaying into plasmon mode ( β) including all three decay channels. It is found out that changing gap height can increase QD-plasmon coupling, by up to a factor of 5 and optimally placed QD up to a factor of 8. To make the paper more realistic we briefly studied the effect of sharpness of the waveguide edge on SE emission into guided plasmon mode. Preliminary nano gap waveguide fabrication and testing are already underway. Authors expect to compare the theoretical results with experimental outcomes in the future