917 resultados para wastewater pumping station


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Pumppauksessa arvioidaan olevan niin teknisesti kuin taloudellisestikin huomattavia mahdollisuuksia säästää energiaa. Maailmanlaajuisesti pumppaus kuluttaa lähes 22 % sähkö-moottorien energiantarpeesta. Tietyillä teollisuudenaloilla jopa yli 50 % moottorien käyttämästä sähköenergiasta voi kulua pumppaukseen. Jäteveden pumppauksessa pumppujen toiminta perustuu tyypillisesti on-off käyntiin, jolloin pumpun ollessa päällä se käy täydellä teholla. Monissa tapauksissa pumput ovat myös ylimitoitettuja. Yhdessä nämä seikat johtavat kasvaneeseen energian kulutukseen. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään perusteet jätevesihuollosta ja jäteveden käsittelystä sekä pumppaussysteemin pääkomponentit: pumppu, putkisto, moottori ja taajuusmuuttaja. Työn empiirisessä osassa esitellään työn aikana kehitetty laskuri, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida energiansäästöpotentiaalia jäteveden pumppaussysteemeissä. Laskurilla on mandollista laskea energiansäästöpotentiaali käytettäessä pumpun tuoton ohjaustapana pyörimisnopeuden säätöä taajuusmuuttajalla on-off säädön sijasta. Laskuri ilmoittaa optimaalisimmanpumpun pyörimisnopeuden sekä ominaisenergiankulutuksen. Perustuen laskuriin, kolme kunnallista jätevedenpumppaamoa tutkittiin. Myös laboratorio-testitsuoritettiin laskurin simuloimiseksi sekä energiansäästöpotentiaalin arvioimiseksi. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että jätevedenpumppauksessa on huomattavia mandollisuuksia säästää energiaa pumpun pyörimisnopeutta pienentämällä. Geodeettisen nostokorkeuden ollessa pieni, voidaan energiaa säästää jopa 50 % ja pitkällä aikavälillä säästö voi olla merkittävä. Tulokset vahvistavat myös tarpeen jätevedenpumppaussysteemien toiminnan optimoimiseksi.


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"July 1994."


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"Volume 4 in the series on oil pipe line transportation practices."


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The wastewater discharge produces impacts on receiving water bodies. Nutrients as P produce implications on lentic systems because they accelerate the eutrophication processes. Several technologies for P removal from the wastewater have been used: physic chemical treatment systems with important effects by coagulant products addition; biological processes based on anaerobic and aerobic conditions with great implications on the required volume; natural systems as stabilization ponds and irrigation require bigger areas and post-treatment processes. The aerobic fluidized bed reactors with internal circulation (AFBRIC) are compact options with high concentrations of active biomass that have demonstrated their capacity for organic matter and N removal. For sewage from the wastewater pumping station of Ilha Solteira city and effluents of a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) for semi-intensive tilapia farming, the reactive P and total P removal efficiency in three AFBRIC with 250 mm external tube diameter and different internal tube diameter (ITD), for two different support media at different concentrations was evaluated. The average reactive P removal efficiency for domestic wastewater to hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3 hours and 125 mm ITD reactor varied from 25,6 to 38,4% and with 150 mm ITD reactor varied from 27,5 to 32,5%; the average total P removal for the RAS wastewater at a HRT of 0,19 hours and 100 mm ITD was of 32,7%.


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O presente relatório de estágio enquadra-se no âmbito do Trabalho Final de Mestrado (TFM) do curso de Engenharia Civil, área de especialização de Hidráulica, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, e baseia-se na temática dos sistemas de abastecimento de água e drenagem de águas residuais. O estágio, intitulado de “Sistemas de Abastecimento de Agua e Saneamento Básico”, decorreu numa empresa de consultaria de engenharia denominada ENGIDRO – Estudos de Engenharia, Lda., vocacionada para a realização de estudos e projectos na área de Hidráulica, com particular incidência na Hidráulica Urbana e Saneamento Básico. O estágio iniciou-se com um adequado enquadramento profissional na empresa e incidiu principalmente no desenvolvimento de trabalhos de concepção e dimensionamento, a nível de projectos de execução, de sistemas de abastecimento de água e de saneamento básico, para 21 localidades da província de Lunda Sul, em Angola, com prestação de serviços para o Governo Provincial de Lunda Sul – Direcção Provincial da Energia e Aguas, juntamente com empresa CENGA – Consultores de Engenharia de Angola, S.A. Na prestação de serviços à entidade contratante foram efectuados trabalhos de campo, que consistiram principalmente em reconhecimentos do terreno, levantamentos topográficos e recolha de informação relevante sobre elementos condicionantes dos projectos (origens e disponibilidades de água, natureza e declive dos terrenos, tipos de infra-estruturas locais) e trabalhos de gabinete para compilação e análise da informação recolhida na elaboração dos projectos de execução, incluindo pecas desenhadas (desenhos pormenorizados) e peças escritas (memórias descritivas e justificativas, medições e orçamentos). Sendo os projectos destinados a aglomerados populacionais pouco desenvolvidos e com carências e condicionantes de diversa ordem (falta de energia eléctrica, de acessos, de telecomunicações, de meios técnicos e materiais, entre outros), prestou-se especial atenção aos aspectos da concepção, privilegiando soluções de baixa tecnologia, mais fáceis de explorar e manter com os recursos locais disponíveis.


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Pumppaaminen kuluttaa teollisuudessa huomattavan osan energiasta, joten siellä on myös merkittäviä säästömahdollisuuksia. Maailmanlaajuisesti pumppaus kuluttaa noin viidenneksen sähkömoottorien energiantarpeesta, ja tietyillä teollisuudentoimialoilla jopa yli 50%. Jätevedenpumppaus perustuu edelleenkin pääosin 50- ja 60- luvuilla kehitettyyn tekniikkaan, merkittäviä energiansäästöjä on mahdollista saavuttaa suhteellisen pienillä investoinneilla. Työn teoriaosassa käsitellään perusteet jätevedenkäsittelystä, ja viemäriputkiston rakenteesta. Pumppuja, sähkömoottoreita ja taajuusmuuttajia käsitellään laajemmin keskittyen niiden toimintaan ja toimintaa ohjaaviin teorioihin. Empiirisessä osassa tutkitaan uuden teknologian energiansäästöpotentiaalia erilaisilla mittauksilla, sekä mittausten pohjalta tehdyillä case-analyyseillä. Näitä analyysejä varten työn aikana kehiteltiin laskin, jolla voidaan arvioida energian kulutusta tunnetulle pumpulle, kun tiedetään haluttu toimintapiste. Työssä käsitelty uusi teknologia on mahdollisesti merkittävin uudistus viemäriveden pumppausteknologiaan taajuusmuuttajien käyttöönoton jälkeen. Teknologialla päästään eroon imukaivoista liki täysin, ja sitä kautta saadaan paremmin hallittua monia ongelmia kuten hajuhaittoja. Teknologian merkittävin hyöty on kuitenkin energiansäästö. Perinteisessä teknologiassa taajuusmuuttajat ovat olleet kannattavia, mikäli geodeettisen nostokorkeuden osuus on mahdollisimman pieni. Tyypillisessä uuden teknologian sovelluskohteissa geodeettinen nostokorkeus tulee yleensä olemaan pieni, joten uuden teknologian käyttöönoton kannattavuus on näissä kohteissa erityisen hyvä.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work describes a methodology developed for determination of costs associated to products generated in a small wastewater treatment station for sanitary wastewater from a university campus. This methodology begins with plant component units identification, relating their fluid and thermodynamics features for each point marked in its process diagram. Following, its functional diagram is developed and its formulation is elaborated, in exergetic base, describing all equations for these points, which are the constraints for exergetic production cost problem and are used in equations to determine the costs associated to products generated in SWTS. This methodology was applied to a hypothetical system based on SWTS former parts and presented consistent results when compared to expected values based on previous exergetic expertise. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o limite da capacidade de escoamento de esgoto sanitário em tubulação interceptora assentada na área urbana do município de Belém – PA. Para isso, foram considerados a Bacia de Esgotamento 5 (BE 5), as projeções populacionais e de produção de esgoto (2010-2030) da área oficial com coleta e transporte de esgoto da BE 5 (Área 1) e da área total dessa Bacia (Área 2), os 100m (cem) do interceptor assentado na BE 5 (chegada da Estação Elevatória de Esgoto do Una), bem como as informações identificadas dessa tubulação e a alteração de declividade proposta neste trabalho. Foi executado o dimensionamento hidráulico e verificou-se que na Área 1, para todas as declividades escolhidas, o interceptor terá capacidade de escoamento no período de 2010-2030, chegando a lâmina líquida máxima de 0,225 em 2030. No entanto, para a Área 2 verificou-se que a capacidade de escoamento terá comprometimento, quando utilizamos três das sete declividades estimadas, chegando a lâmina líquida máxima de 0,950 em 2030, indo de encontro ao recomentado na NBR 9649/1986 Projeto de Rede Coletora de Esgoto Sanitário (0,750). Recomenda-se, neste caso, a reestruturação/ampliação do sistema de coleta e transporte de esgoto da BE 5, em virtude do aumento populacional e de produção de esgoto, resultante da nova divisão de Bacias de Esgotamento realizado no PDSES (2010).


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Two of the indicators of the UN Millennium Development Goals ensuring environmental sustainability are energy use and per capita carbon dioxide emissions. The increasing urbanization and increasing world population may require increased energy use in order to transport enough safe drinking water to communities. In addition, the increase in water use would result in increased energy consumption, thereby resulting in increased green-house gas emissions that promote global climate change. The study of multiple Municipal Drinking Water Distribution Systems (MDWDSs) that relates various MDWDS aspects--system components and properties--to energy use is strongly desirable. The understanding of the relationship between system aspects and energy use aids in energy-efficient design. In this study, components of a MDWDS, and/or the characteristics associated with the component are termed as MDWDS aspects (hereafter--system aspects). There are many aspects of MDWDSs that affect the energy usage. Three system aspects (1) system-wide water demand, (2) storage tank parameters, and (3) pumping stations were analyzed in this study. The study involved seven MDWDSs to understand the relationship between the above-mentioned system aspects in relation with energy use. A MDWDSs model, EPANET 2.0, was utilized to analyze the seven systems. Six of the systems were real and one was a hypothetical system. The study presented here is unique in its statistical approach using seven municipal water distribution systems. The first system aspect studied was system-wide water demand. The analysis involved analyzing seven systems for the variation of water demand and its impact on energy use. To quantify the effects of water use reduction on energy use in a municipal water distribution system, the seven systems were modeled and the energy usage quantified for various amounts of water conservation. It was found that the effect of water conservation on energy use was linear for all seven systems and that all the average values of all the systems' energy use plotted on the same line with a high R 2 value. From this relationship, it can be ascertained that a 20% reduction in water demand results in approximately a 13% savings in energy use for all seven systems analyzed. This figure might hold true for many similar systems that are dominated by pumping and not gravity driven. The second system aspect analyzed was storage tank(s) parameters. Various tank parameters: (1) tank maximum water levels, (2) tank elevation, and (3) tank diameter were considered in this part of the study. MDWDSs use a significant amount of electrical energy for the pumping of water from low elevations (usually a source) to higher ones (usually storage tanks). The use of electrical energy has an effect on pollution emissions and, therefore, potential global climate change as well. Various values of these tank parameters were modeled on seven MDWDSs of various sizes using a network solver and the energy usage recorded. It was found that when averaged over all seven analyzed systems (1) the reduction of maximum tank water level by 50% results in a 2% energy reduction, (2) energy use for a change in tank elevation is system specific, and (2) a reduction of tank diameter of 50% results in approximately a 7% energy savings. The third system aspect analyzed in this study was pumping station parameters. A pumping station consists of one or more pumps. The seven systems were analyzed to understand the effect of the variation of pump horsepower and the number of booster stations on energy use. It was found that adding booster stations could save energy depending upon the system characteristics. For systems with flat topography, a single main pumping station was found to use less energy. In systems with a higher-elevation neighborhood, however, one or more booster pumps with a reduced main pumping station capacity used less energy. The energy savings for the seven systems was dependent on the number of boosters and ranged from 5% to 66% for the analyzed five systems with higher elevation neighborhoods (S3, S4, S5, S6, and S7). No energy savings was realized for the remaining two flat topography systems, S1, and S2. The present study analyzed and established the relationship between various system aspects and energy use in seven MDWDSs. This aids in estimating the amount of energy savings in MDWDSs. This energy savings would ultimately help reduce Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions including per capita CO 2 emissions thereby potentially lowering the global climate change effect. This will in turn contribute to meeting the MDG of ensuring environmental sustainability.


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The overarching goal of this research is to establish a successful forum for a transition from the existing paradigm of managing wastewater infrastructure to a more sustainable paradigm that achieves a more efficient utilisation of wastewater assets. A transitioning approach to support a more efficient utilisation of surface water and wastewater assets and infrastructure is proposed and developed. The determined transitioning approach possesses key stages namely developing the arena, developing the agenda, case study, and monitoring. The case study stage investigates a drainage utility identifying their improvement drivers, the removal of surface water through detailed drainage modelling and the financial examination of the costs incurred under the various scenarios conducted. Understanding the implications of removing/attenuating surface water from the network is improved through obtaining data by detailed drainage modelling. Infoworks software is used to investigate and assess the current and future operational scenarios of a wastewater system operating over one calendar year. Modelling scenarios were conducted removing surface water from selected areas focusing on the volumes requiring pumping and durations of pumping station(s) operation prior to treatment during storm conditions. The financial implication of removing surface water in combined sewer systems is examined in three main components. Firstly the costs of electricity incurred at the single sewage pumping station (SPS) investigated during the various scenarios modelled require to be addressed. Secondly the costs to retrofit sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) solutions needs to be identified. Thirdly the implications of removing surface water for the drainage utility at the national level and the potential saving for householder’s committing to a surface water disconnection rebate scheme. When addressed at the macro level i.e., with over 2,100 pumping stations, some operating in sequence and contained within one drainage utility annually treating 315,360 megalitres the significance of the same multiple quantifiable and intangible benefits becomes amplified. The research aims, objectives and findings are presented to the identified and convened stakeholders. The transitioning approach developed encourages positive discourse between stakeholders. The level of success of the transitioning approach determined is then tested using a quantitative methodology through the completion of questionnaires. From the questionnaires completed the respondents unanimously agreed that surface water flows should be removed as well as reduced from the combined sewer system. The respondents agreed that the removal of surface water from a typical combined sewer system is justified by applying a transitioning approach focusing on the energy consumption required to pump increased volumes during storm events. This response is significant based upon the economic evidence and is contrary to the respondents previous position that finance was their most influencing factor. When provided with other potentially available benefits the respondents were even more supportive of the justification to remove surface water from the combined sewer system. The combined findings of the work presented in this thesis provide further justification that the transitioning approach applied to the removal of surface water from a typical combined sewer system, as determined in this research has been successful.


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Relatório de estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Trabalho de Projecto de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil