981 resultados para volunteers
Nanorap is a new nanotechnological formulation for topical anesthesia composed of lidocaine (2.5%) and prilocaine (2.5%). The present study evaluated the pharmacokinetics (PK) of Nanorap. For the determination of lidocaine and prilocaine in human plasma a new method using high-performance liquid-chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry was developed. Nanorap pharmacodynamic (PD) and its physical proprieties were also evaluated. Nanorap was administered by topical application of 2g to healthy volunteers and blood samples were collected for the PK analysis. The drugs were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction with ether/hexane (80/20, v/v). The chromatography separation was performed on a Genesis C18 analytical column 4 µm (100 x 2.1 mm i.d.) with a mobile phase of methanol/acetonitrile/water (40/30/30, for lidocaine, and 50/30/20, for prilocaine, v/v/v) + 2 mM of ammonium acetate and ropivacaine as internal standard. The drugs were quantified using a mass spectrometer with an electrospray source in the ESI positive mode (ES+) configured for multiple reaction monitoring. The PD of Nanorap was evaluated with the use of a visual analogue scale. Nanorap was characterized by cryofracture. The chromatography run time was 5.5 min for lidocaine and 3.3 min for prilocaine and the lower limit of quantification was 0.05 ng/mL for both drugs. Mean Cmax was 6.62 and 1.72 ng/mL for lidocaine and prilocaine, respectively. Median Tmax was 6.5 hours for both drugs. Nanocapsules had a mean size of 88nm and mean drug association of 92.5% and 89% for lidocaine and prilocaine, respectively. The PD study showed that Nanorap has a sufficient analgesic effect (>30% reduction in pain) after 10 minutes of application. A new simple, selective and sensitive method for determination of lidocaine and prilocaine in human plasma was developed. Nanorap generated safe plasma levels of the drugs and satisfactory analgesic effect.
Background: Tramadol is a well tolerated and effective analgesic used to treat moderate to severe pain. Several generic formulations of tramadol are available in Brazil; however, published information regarding their bioequivalence in the Brazilian population is not available. A study was designed for Brazilian regulatory authorities to allow marketing of a generic formulation. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the bioequivalence of 2 commercial tablet preparations containing tramadol 100 mg marketed for use in Brazil. Methods: A randomized, open-label, 2 x 2 crossover study was performed in healthy Brazilian volunteers under fasting conditions with a washout period of 12 days. Two tablet formulations of tramadol 100 mg (test and reference formulations) were administered as a single oral dose, and blood samples were collected over 24 hours. Tramadol plasma concentrations were quantified using a validated HPLC method. A plasma concentration time profile was generated for each volunteer and then mean values were determined, from which C(max), T(max), AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), k(e), and t(1/2) were calculated using a noncompartmental model. Bioequivalence between the products was determined by calculating 90% CIs for the ratios of C(max), AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-infinity) values for the test and reference products using log-transformed data. Tolerability was assessed by monitoring vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, heart rate), laboratory tests (hematology, blood biochemistry, hepatic function, urinalysis), and interviews with the volunteers before medication administration and every 2 hours during the study. Results: Twenty-six healthy volunteers (13 men, 13 women) were enrolled in and completed the study. Mean (SD) age was 30 (6.8) years (range, 21-44 years), mean weight was 64 (8.3) kg (range, 53-79 kg), and mean height was 166 (6.4) cm (range, 155-178 cm). The 90% CIs for the ratios of C(max) (1.01-1.17), AUC(0-t) (1.00-1.13), and AUC(0-infinity) (1.00-1.14) values for the test and reference products fell within the interval of 0.80 to 1.25 proposed by most regulatory agencies, including the Brazilian regulatory body. No clinically important adverse effects were reported; only mild somnolence was reported by 4 volunteers and mild headaches by 5 volunteers, and there was no need to use medication to treat these symptoms. Conclusion: Pharmacokinetic analysis in these healthy Brazilian volunteers suggested that the test and reference formulations of tramadol 100-mg tablets met the regulatory requirements to assume bio-equivalence based on the Brazilian regulatory definition. (Clin Ther 2010;32:758-765) (C) 2010 Excerpta Medica Inc.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate bioequivalence of two commercial 8 mg tablet formulations of ondansetrona available ill the Brazilian market. In this study, a simple, rapid, sensitive and selective liquid chromarography-tandem mass spectrometry method is described for the determination of ondansetron in human plasma samples. The method was validated over a concentration range of 2.5-60 ng/ml and used in a bioequivalence trial between orally disintegrating and conventional tablet ondansetron formulations, to assess its usefulness in this kind of Study. Vonau flash (R) (Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica, Brazil, as test formulations) and Zofran (R) (GlaxoSmithKline, Brazil, as reference formulation) were evaluated following a single 8 mg close to 23 healthy volunteers of both genders. The dose was administered after an overnight fast according to a two-way crossover design. Bioequivalence between the products was determinated by Calculating 90% confidence interval (90% CI) for the ratio of C(max), AUC(0-t) and AUC(0-(sic)) values for the test and reference products, using logarithmically transformed data. The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of C(max) (87.5-103.8%), AUC(0-t) (89.3-107.2%) and AUC(0--(sic)) (89.7-106.0%) values for the test and reference products is Within the 80-125% interval, proposed by FDA, EMEA and ANVISA. It was concluded that two ondansetron formulations are bioequivalent ill their rate and extent of absorption. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The bioequivalence of two different tablet formulations of tirtidazole (CAS 19387-91-8) was determined in healthy volunteers after a single dose in a randomized crossover study, with a 1-week washout period between the doses. Reference and test products were administered to 24 volunteers with 240 mL water after overnight fasting. Plasma concentrations of tinidazole were monitored by a high-performance liquid chromatographic method (HPLC) over a period of 72 h after the administration. The pharmacokinetic parameters AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), C(max), T(max), T((1/2)el) and beta were determined from plasma concentration time profile of both formulations and found to be in good agreement with previously reported values. The calculated pharmacokinetic parameters were compared statistically to evaluate bioequivalence between the two brands. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) did not show any significant difference between the two formulations and 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of C(max) (93.9 - 102.6%), AUC(0-t), (94.9-101.1%) and AUC(0-infinity) (94.6-100.8%) values for the test and reference products were within the 80 - 125% interval, satisfying bioequivalence criteria of the European Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products and the US Food and Drug Administration Guidelines. These results indicate that the test and the reference products of tinidazole are bioequivalent and, thus, may be prescribed interchangeably.
Background: Zidovudine is a thymidine nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor with activity against HIV type 1. Some (similar to 8) generic formulations of zidovudine are available in Brazil; however, based on a literature search, information concerning their bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties in the Brazilian population has not been reported. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties of 2 capsule formulations of zidovudine 100 mg in healthy Brazilian volunteers. Methods: This open-label, randomized, 2-way crossover study utilized a 1-week washout period between doses. Blood samples were collected for 8 hours after a single dose of zidovudine 100-mg test (Zidovudina, Fundaqdo para o Remedio Popular, Sao Paulo, Brazil) or reference formulation (Retrovir (R), GlaxoSmithKline, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Plasma zidovudine concentrations were determined using a validated high-performance liquid chromatography method with ultraviolet detection at 265 nm. C-max, T-max, AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), t(1/2), and the elimination constant (k(e)) were determined using noncompartmental analysis. The formulations were considered bioequivalent if the 90% CIS for C-max, AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-infinity) fell within the interval of 80 % to 125 %, the regulatory definition set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Results: Twenty-four healthy volunteers (12 males, 12 females; mean age, 27 years; weight, 60 kg; height, 167 cm) were enrolled and completed the study. The 90% CIs of the treatment ratios for the logarithmic-transformed values of C-max, AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-infinity) were 80.0% to 113.6%, 93.9% to 109.7%, and 93.6% to 110.1 %, respectively. The values for the test and reference formulations were within the FDA bioequivalence definition intervals of 80% to 125%. Conclusions: In this small study in healthy subjects, no statistically significant differences in C-max, AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-)infinity were found between the test and reference formulations of zidovudine 100-mg capsules. The 90% CIs for the mean ratio values for the test and reference formulations of AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), and C-max indicated that the reported data were entirely within the bioequivalence acceptance range proposed by the FDA of 80% to 125% (using log-transformed data).
Two different cefadroxil (CAS 50370-12-2) formulations were evaluated for their relative bioavailability in 24 healthy volunteers who received a single 500 mg oral dose of each preparation. An open, randomized clinical trial designed as a two-period crossover study with a 7-day washout period between doses was employed. Plasma samples for assessments of their cefadroxil concentration by HPLC-UV were obtained over 8 h after administration. Values of 48.94 +/- 10.18 mu g . h/ml for test, and 48.51 +/- 9.02 mu g . h/ml for the reference preparation AUC(0-t) demonstrate a nearly identical extend of drug absorption. Maximum plasma concentration C-max of 16.04 +/- 4.94 mu g/ml and 16.01 +/- 4.02 mu g/ml achieved for the test and reference preparations did not differ significantly. The parametric 90% confidence intervals (CI) of the mean of the difference (test-reference) between log-transformed values of the two formulations were 96.80% to 104.51% and 92.01% to 107.00% for AUC(0-t) and C-max, respectively. Since for both AUC(0-t) or C-max the 90% CI values are within the interval proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, the test product is bioequivalent to the reference product for both the rate and extent of absorption after single dose administration.
This paper describes the ways in which older people contribute to their communities and families as informal volunteers. It challenges current ways of thinking that assign an economic value to the productive activities undertaken by older people. Using qualitative data from a study of older people resident in Queensland, Australia, the paper explores the ways that older people contribute to their families and to the community and the outcomes associated with these activities. Two specific themes emerged from the data: first, the ways' in which older people contribute to strong inter-generational relations, and second, how they provide essential mutual support that permits many older people to remain living in the community. These contributions, while often small in themselves, are in aggregate critical both to family functioning and to the maintenance of sustainable and healthy communities. Many are reciprocal interactions that add value to the lives of individuals and offer positive social roles in later life, and they may be particularly important for those from minority cultural backgrounds or at risk of social isolation. The findings suggest that older people are integral to community and civil society and, therefore, that social policy should respond to the ageing of Australia's population and recognise the positive contributions of older people, rather than emphasising the costs of demographic change.
Background: Risperidone (RSP) is a benzisoxazole antipsychotic agent used to treat schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses in adults and children (including those with autism). After oral administration, RSP is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and undergoes hydroxylation to yield 9-hydroxyrisperidone (9-OH-RSP), an active metabolite that has a pharmacologic profile and potency similar to RSP. Objectives: The aims of this study were to compare the relative bioavailability of a pharmaceutical-equivalent (test) formulation with a reference formulation of oral RSP 2 mg, both available commercially on the Brazilian pharmaceutical market, and to generate data regarding the oral bioavailability of the tested drug in healthy Brazilian volunteers. Methods: This single-dose, randomized-sequence, open-label, 2-period crossover study was conducted in healthy Brazilian volunteers from August to December 2008. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive the test formulation followed by the reference formulation or vice versa, with a 30-day washout period between doses. Study drugs were administered after a 12-hour overnight fast. For pharmacokinetic analysis, blood samples were drawn at 0 (baseline), 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 5, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours after administration. Plasma concentrations of RSP and 9-OH-RSP were determined using LC-MS/MS. The test and reference formulations were to be considered bioequivalent if the 90% CIs for the geometric mean test/reference ratios were within a predetermined range of 80% to 125%, in accordance with the policies of the Brazilian Sanitary Surveillance Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration. Tolerability was determined using clinical assessments, monitoring of vital signs, analysis of laboratory test results, and subject interviews regarding adverse events. Results: A total of 22 subjects were enrolled (11 men, 11 women; mean [SD] age, 32 [12] years [range, 18-58 years]; weight, 70.4 [11.9] kg [range, 50-103 kg]; height, 1.67 [0.08] m [range, 1.56-1.80 m]; and body mass index, 25 [4] kg/m(2) [range, 18-29 kg/m(2)]). For RSP, mean (SD) C(max) values were 12.6 (2.7) and 16.0 (2.3) ng/mL for the test and reference formulations, respectively. For 9-OH-RSP, mean C(max) values were 17.8 (1.3) and 21.0 (1.7) ng/mL for the test and reference formulations. The 90% CIs for the mean test/reference ratios for RSP C(max), AUC(0-120), and AUC(0-infinity) were 74% to 82%, 75% to 85%, and 76% to 85%, respectively, and 83% to 87%, 75% to 79%, and 75% to 78% for 9-OH-RSP. The related adverse events (headache, low back pain, drowsiness, standing hypotension, local postvenipuncture ecchymoses, insomnia, nausea, and vomiting) were transient and mild. Conclusions: This single-dose study found that the test and reference formulations of oral RSP 2 mg did not meet the Brazilian and US regulatory criteria for bioequivalence in these fasting, healthy volunteers. The study formulations appeared to be well tolerated. (Clin Ther 2010;32:2106-2115) (C) 2010 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc.
Arterial stiffness is an independent marker of cardiovascular events. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a validated method to detect arterial stiffness that can be influenced by several factors including age and blood pressure. However, it is not clear whether PWV could be influenced by circadian variations. In the present study, the authors measured blood pressure and carotid-femoral PWV measurements in 15 young healthy volunteers in 4 distinct periods: 8 am, noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm. No significant variations of systolic (P=.92), mean (P=.77), and diastolic (P=.66) blood pressure among 8 am (113 +/- 15, 84 +/- 8, 69 +/- 6 mm Hg), noon (114 +/- 13, 83 +/- 8, 68 +/- 6 mm Hg), 4 pm (114 +/- 13, 85 +/- 8, 70 +/- 7 mm Hg), and 8 pm (113 +/- 7, 83 +/- 10, 68 +/- 7 mm Hg), respectively, were observed. Similarly, carotid-femoral PWV did not change among the periods (8 am: 7.6 +/- 1.4 m/s, noon: 7.4 +/- 1.1 m/s, 4 pm: 7.6 +/- 1.0 m/s, 8 pm, 7.6 +/- 1.3 m/s; P=.85). Considering all measurements, mean blood pressure significantly correlated with PWV (r=.31; P=.016). In young healthy volunteers, there is no significant circadian variation of carotid-femoral PWV. These findings support the concept that it does not appear mandatory to perform PWV measurements at exactly the same period of the day. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2011;13:19-22. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We investigated the analgesic effects of unilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the motor cortex (M1) or dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in two models of experimental pain in healthy volunteers. Two studies were carried out in parallel in two groups of 26 paid healthy volunteers. The effects of active or sham rTMS (frequency, 10 Hz; intensity, 80% resting motor threshold) applied to the right M1 or DLPFC were compared in a double-blind randomized cross-over design. In the first series of experiments, we analyzed the effects of rTMS on thermal (heat and cold) detection and pain thresholds measured on both hands and the left foot, by standardized quantitative sensory testing methods. In the second series of experiments, we measured the effects of M1 or DLPFC rTMS on the threshold and recruitment curves of the RIII nociceptive reflex evoked by ipsilateral electrical stimulation of the sural nerve and recorded on the biceps femoris of both lower limbs. In both studies, measurements were taken before and up to 60 min after the end of rTMS. Active rTMS of both M1 and DLPFC significantly increased the thermal pain thresholds, measured for both hands and the left foot, this effect being most marked for cold pain. These effects, which lasted at least 1 h after rTMS, were selective because they were not associated with changes in non-painful thermal sensations. By contrast, the second study showed that rTMS of M1 or DLPFC had no significant effect on the threshold or recruitment curve of the nociceptive flexion RIII reflex. Our findings demonstrate that unilateral rTMS of M1 or DLPFC induces diffuse and selective analgesic effects in healthy volunteers. The lack of effect on the RIII reflex suggests that such analgesic effects may not depend on the activation of descending inhibitory systems. (C) 2009 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Hypertension and dyslipidemia are independent risk factors for cardiovascular mortality and are frequently present in the same patient. Fluvastatin (FV), used to reduce cholesterol levels, and lercanidipine (LER), used to control blood pressured are marketed as racemic mixtures. Therapeutic activities are 30-fold higher for (+)-3R,5S-FV and 100- to 200-fold higher for S-LER compared with their respective antipodes. The present study describes the enantioselective pharmacokinetic interaction between LER and FV in healthy volunteers. A crossover randomized study was conducted in 3 phases on 8 volunteers treated with a single oral racemic dose of LER (20 mg) or FV (40 mg) or LER plus FV. Serial blood samples were collected from 0 to 24 hours. Plasma concentrations of the LER and FV enantiomers were determined by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, and pharmacokinetic parameters were evaluated using the WinNonlin software. The Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests (P < .05) were used to analyze enantiomer ratios and the pharmacokinetic drug interaction. Data are expressed as medians. In monotherapy, the kinetic disposition of both FV and LER was enantioselective. AUC values were significantly higher for (-)-3S,5R-FV than for (+)-3R,5S-FV (358.20 vs 279.68 ng.h/mL) and for S-LER compared with R-LER (13.90 vs 11.88 ng.h/mL). The pharmacokinetic parameters of FV were not enantioselective when combined with LER (AUC: (-)-3S,5R-FV: 325.21; (+)-3R,5S-FV: 316.44 ng.h/mL). There was a significant reduction in S-LER (8.06 vs 13.90 ng.h/mL) and R-LER (6.76 vs 11.88 ng.h/mL) AUC values when FV was coadministered. In conclusion, the interaction between FV-LER might be clinically relevant because AUC values of (+)-3R,5S-FV were increased when LER was coadministered, and AUC values of the 2 LER enantiomers were reduced when FV was coadministered.
Objective This study compares midazolam with omeprazole as marker drugs for the evaluation of CYP3A activity in nine healthy self-reported white Brazilian volunteers. Methods Omeprazole was also used to evaluate the CYP2C19 phenotype. The volunteers received p.o. 20 mg omeprazole, and blood samples were collected 3.5 h after drug administration. After a washout period of 10 days, the volunteers received p.o. 15 mg midazolam maleate, and serial blood samples were collected up to 6 h after administration of the drug. CYP2C19 was genotyped for the allelic variants CYP2C19*1, CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3, and CYP2C19*17. Analysis of omeprazole, hydroxyomeprazole, omeprazole sulfone, and midazolam in plasma was carried out by LC-MS/MS. Results The volunteers genotyped as CYP2C19*1*17, CYP2C19*17*17, CYP2C19*1*1 (n=8), or CYP2C19*17*2 (n=1) presented a median hydroxylation index (omeprazole/hydroxyomeprazole) of 1.35, indicating that all of them were extensive metabolizers of CYP2C19. The volunteers (n=9) presented a 0.12 log of the omeprazole/sulfone ratio and a median oral clearance of midazolam of 17.89 ml min(-1) kg(-1), suggesting normal CYP3A activity. Conclusions Orthogonal regression analysis between midazolam clearance and log of the plasma concentrations of the omeprazole/omeprazole sulfone ratio (R=-0.7544, P < 0.05) suggests that both midazolam and omeprazole can be used as markers of CYP3A activity in the population investigated.
center dot Pharmacokinetic interactions between albendazole and praziquantel are based on plasma concentrations of the enantiomeric mixture of both drugs with contradictory data, although the antiparasitic activity arises from (-)-(R)-praziquantel and (+)-albendazole sulfoxide. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS center dot The pharmacokinetic interaction between albendazole and praziquantel is enantioselective. Praziquantel increased the plasma concentrations of (+)-albendazole sulfoxide more than those of (-)-albendazole sulfoxide and the administration of albendazole did not change the kinetic disposition of (+)-(S)-praziquantel, but increased the plasma concentration of (-)-(R)-praziquantel. AIM This study investigated the kinetic disposition, metabolism and enantioselectivity of albendazole (ABZ) and praziquantel (PZQ) administered alone and in combination to healthy volunteers. METHODS A randomized crossover study was carried out in three phases (n = 9), in which some volunteers started in phase 1 (400 mg ABZ), others in phase 2 (1500 mg PZQ), and the remaining volunteers in phase 3 (400 mg ABZ + 1500 mg PZQ). Serial blood samples were collected from 0-48 h after drug administration. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using a monocompartmental model with lag time and were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test; P < 0.05. RESULTS The administration of PZQ increased the plasma concentrations of (+)-ASOX (albendazole sulphoxide) by 264% (AUC 0.99 vs. 2.59 mu g ml-1 h), (-)-ASOX by 358% (0.14 vs. 0.50 mu g ml-1 h) and albendazole sulfone (ASON) by 187% (0.17 vs. 0.32 mu g ml-1 h). The administration of ABZ did not change the kinetic disposition of (+)-(S)-PZQ (-)-(R)-4-OHPZQ or (+)-(S)-4-OHPZQ, but increased the plasma concentration of (-)-(R)-PZQ by 64.77% (AUC 0.52 vs. 0.86 mu g ml-1 h). CONCLUSIONS The pharmacokinetic interaction between ABZ and PZQ in healthy volunteers was demonstrated by the observation of increased plasma concentrations of ASON, both ASOX enantiomers and (-)-(R)-PZQ. Clinically, the combination of ABZ and PZQ may improve the therapeutic efficacy as a consequence of higher concentration of both active drugs. On the other hand, the magnitude of this elevation may represent an increased risk of side effects, requiring, certainly, reduction of the dosage. However, further studies are necessary to evaluate the efficacy and safety of this combination.
center dot Citalopram (CITA) pharmacokinetics are enantioselective in healthy volunteers and the metabolism of (+)-(S)-CITA to (+)-(S)-DCITA is dependent on CYP2C19. Omeprazole is a potent CYP2C19 inhibitor. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS center dot This study indicates that omeprazole induces a loss of enantioselectivity in the CITA pharmacokinetics because of the selective inhibition of (+)-(S)-CITA metabolism. AIM The study assessed the influence of omeprazole on the kinetic disposition of the (+)-(S)-citalopram (CITA) and (-)-(R)-CITA enantiomers in healthy volunteers. METHODS In a cross-over study, healthy volunteers (n = 9) phenotyped as extensive metabolizers of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 and with an oral midazolam clearance ranging from 10.9 to 149.3 ml min-1 kg-1 received a single dose of racemic CITA (20 mg orally) in combination or not with omeprazole (20 mg day-1 for 18 days). Serial blood samples were collected up to 240 h after CITA administration. CITA and demethylcitalopram (DCITA) enantiomers were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using a Chiralcel (R) OD-R column. RESULTS The kinetic disposition of CITA was enantioselective in the absence of treatment with omeprazole, with the observation of a greater proportion of plasma (-)-(R)-CITA [AUC S : R ratio of 0.53 (95% CI 0.41, 0.66) for CITA and 1.08 (95% CI 0.80, 1.76) for DCITA] than (+)-(S)-CITA. Racemic CITA administration to healthy volunteers in combination with omeprazole showed a loss of enantioselectivity in CITA pharmacokinetics with an increase of approximately 120% in plasma (+)-(S)-CITA concentrations [AUC S : R ratio of 0.95 (95% CI 0.72, 1.10) for CITA and 0.95 (95% CI 0.44, 1.72) for DCITA]. CONCLUSIONS The administration of multiple doses of omeprazole preferentially inhibited (+)-(S)-CITA metabolism in healthy volunteers. Although omeprazole increased plasma concentrations of (+)-(S)-CITA by approximately 120%, it is difficult to evaluate the clinical outcome because the range of plasma CITA concentrations related to maximum efficacy and minimum risk of adverse effects has not been established.