989 resultados para volumetric-modulated arc therapy
A phantom was designed and implemented for the delivery of treatment plans to cells in vitro. Single beam, 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) plans, inverse planned five-field intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), nine-field IMRT, single-arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and dual-arc VMAT plans were created on a CT scan of the phantom to deliver 3 Gy to the cell layer and verified using a Farmer chamber, 2D ionization chamber array and gafchromic film. Each plan was delivered to a 2D ionization chamber array to assess the temporal characteristics of the plan including delivery time and 'cell's eye view' for the central ionization chamber. The effective fraction time, defined as the percentage of the fraction time where any dose is delivered to each point examined, was also assessed across 120 ionization chambers. Each plan was delivered to human prostate cancer DU-145 cells and normal primary AGO-1522b fibroblast cells. Uniform beams were delivered to each cell line with the delivery time varying from 0.5 to 20.54 min. Effective fraction time was found to increase with a decreasing number of beams or arcs. For a uniform beam delivery, AGO-1552b cells exhibited a statistically significant trend towards increased survival with increased delivery time. This trend was not repeated when the different modulated clinical delivery methods were used. Less sensitive DU-145 cells did not exhibit a significant trend towards increased survival with increased delivery time for either the uniform or clinical deliveries. These results confirm that dose rate effects are most prevalent in more radiosensitive cells. Cell survival data generated from uniform beam deliveries over a range of dose rates and delivery times may not always be accurate in predicting response to more complex delivery techniques, such as IMRT and VMAT.
The aim of this work is to determine the out-of-field survival of cells irradiated with either the primary field or scattered radiation in the presence and absence of intercellular communication following delivery of conformal, IMRT and VMAT treatment plans. Single beam, conformal, IMRT and VMAT plans were created to deliver 3 Gy to half the area of a T80 flask containing either DU-145 or AGO-1522 cells allowing intercellular communication between the in-and out-of-field cell populations. The same plans were delivered to a similar custom made phantom used to hold two T25 culture flasks, one flask in-field and one out-of-field to allow comparison of cell survival responses when intercellular communication is physically inhibited. Plans were created for the delivery of 8 Gy to the more radio-resistant DU-145 cells only in the presence and absence of intercellular communication. Cell survival was determined by clonogenic assay. In both cell lines, the out-of-field survival was not statistically different between delivery techniques for either cell line or dose. There was however, a statistically significant difference between survival out-of-field when intercellular communication was intact (single T80 culture flask) or inhibited (multiple T25 culture flasks) to in-field for all plans. No statistically significant difference was observed in-field with or without cellular communication to out-of-field for all plans. These data demonstrate out-of-field effects as important determinants of cell survival following exposure to modulated irradiation fields when cellular communication between differentially irradiated cell populations is present. This data is further evidence that refinement of existing radiobiological models to include indirect cell killing effects is required.
Purpose: The aim of this work was to determine if volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans, created for constant dose-rate (cdrVMAT) delivery are a viable alternative to step and shoot five-field intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Materials and methods: The cdrVMAT plans, inverse planned on a treatment planning system with no solution to account for couch top or rails, were created for delivery on a linear accelerator with no variable dose rate control system. A series of five-field IMRT and cdrVMAT plans were created using dual partial arcs (gantry rotating between 260° and 100°) with 4° control points for ten prostate patients with the average rectal constraint incrementally increased. Pareto fronts were compared for the planning target volume homogeneity and average rectal dose between the two techniques for each patient. Also investigated were tumour control probability and normal tissue complication probability values for each technique. The delivery parameters [monitor units (MU) and time] and delivery accuracy of the IMRT and VMAT plans were also compared. Results: Pareto fronts showed that the dual partial arc plans were superior to the five-field IMRT plans, particularly for the clinically acceptable plans where average rectal doses were less for rotational plans (p = 0·009) with no statistical difference in target homogeneity. The cdrVMAT plans had significantly more MU (p = 0·005) but the average delivery time was significantly less than the IMRT plans by 42%. All clinically acceptable cdrVMAT plans were accurate in their delivery (gamma 99·2 ± 1·1%, 3%3 mm criteria). Conclusions Accurate delivery of dual partial arc cdrVMAT avoiding the couch top and rails has been demonstrated.
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of using volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and/or voluntary moderate deep inspiration breath-hold (vmDIBH) in the radiation therapy (RT) of left-sided breast cancer including the regional lymph nodes.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: For 13 patients, four treatment combinations were compared; 3D-conformal RT (i.e., forward IMRT) in free-breathing 3D-CRT(FB), 3D-CRT(vmDIBH), 2 partial arcs VMAT(FB), and VMAT(vmDIBH). Prescribed dose was 42.56 Gy in 16 fractions. For 10 additional patients, 3D-CRT and VMAT in vmDIBH only were also compared.
RESULTS: Dose conformity, PTV coverage, ipsilateral and total lung doses were significantly better for VMAT plans compared to 3D-CRT. Mean heart dose (D(mean,heart)) reduction in 3D-CRT(vmDIBH) was between 0.9 and 8.6 Gy, depending on initial D(mean,heart) (in 3D-CRT(FB) plans). VMAT(vmDIBH) reduced the D(mean,heart) further when D(mean,heart) was still >3.2 Gy in 3D-CRT(vmDIBH). Mean contralateral breast dose was higher for VMAT plans (2.7 Gy) compared to 3DCRT plans (0.7 Gy).
CONCLUSIONS: VMAT and 3D-CRT(vmDIBH) significantly reduced heart dose for patients treated with locoregional RT of left-sided breast cancer. When Dmean,heart exceeded 3.2 Gy in 3D-CRT(vmDIBH) plans, VMAT(vmDIBH) resulted in a cumulative heart dose reduction. VMAT also provided better target coverage and reduced ipsilateral lung dose, at the expense of a small increase in the dose to the contralateral breast.
The risk of second malignant neoplasms (SMNs) following prostate radiotherapy is a concern due to the large population of survivors and decreasing age at diagnosis. It is known that parallel-opposed beam proton therapy carries a lower risk than photon IMRT. However, a comparison of SMN risk following proton and photon arc therapies has not previously been reported. The purpose of this study was to predict the ratio of excess relative risk (RRR) of SMN incidence following proton arc therapy to that after volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Additionally, we investigated the impact of margin size and the effect of risk-minimized proton beam weighting on predicted RRR. Physician-approved treatment plans were created for both modalities for three patients. Therapeutic dose was obtained with differential dose-volume histograms from the treatment planning system, and stray dose was estimated from the literature or calculated with Monte Carlo simulations. Then, various risk models were applied to the total dose. Additional treatment plans were also investigated with varying margin size and risk-minimized proton beam weighting. The mean RRR ranged from 0.74 to 0.99, depending on risk model. The additional treatment plans revealed that the RRR remained approximately constant with varying margin size, and that the predicted RRR was reduced by 12% using a risk-minimized proton arc therapy planning technique. In conclusion, proton arc therapy was found to provide an advantage over VMAT in regard to predicted risk of SMN following prostate radiotherapy. This advantage was independent of margin size and was amplified with risk-optimized proton beam weighting.
Validation of treatment plan quality and dose calculation accuracy is essential for new radiotherapy techniques, including volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). VMAT delivers intensity modulated radiotherapy treatments while simultaneously rotating the gantry, adding an additional level of complexity to both the dose calculation and delivery of VMAT treatments compared to static gantry IMRT. The purpose of this project was to compare two VMAT systems, Elekta VMAT and Varian RapidArc, to the current standard of care, IMRT, in terms of both treatment plan quality and dosimetric delivery accuracy using the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) head and neck (H&N) phantom. Clinically relevant treatment plans were created for the phantom using typical prescription and dose constraints for Elekta VMAT (planned with Pinnacle3 Smart Arc) and RapidArc and IMRT (both planned with Eclipse). The treatment plans were evaluated to determine if they were clinically comparable using several dosimetric criteria, including ability to meet dose objectives, hot spots, conformity index, and homogeneity index. The planned treatments were delivered to the phantom and absolute doses and relative dose distributions were measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and radiochromic film, respectively. The measured and calculated doses of each treatment were compared to determine if they were clinically acceptable based upon RPC criteria of ±7% dose difference and 4 mm distance-to-agreement. Gamma analysis was used to assess dosimetric accuracy, as well. All treatment plans were able to meet the dosimetric objectives set by the RPC and had similar hot spots in the normal tissue. The Elekta VMAT plan was more homogenous but less conformal than the RapidArc and IMRT plans. When comparing the measured and calculated doses, all plans met the RPC ±7%/4 mm criteria. The percent of points passing the gamma analysis for each treatment delivery was acceptable. Treatment plan quality of the Elekta VMAT, RapidArc and IMRT treatments were comparable for consistent dose prescriptions and constraints. Additionally, the dosimetric accuracy of the Elekta VMAT and RapidArc treatments was verified to be within acceptable tolerances.
La VMAT (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy) è una delle più recenti tecniche radioterapiche, in cui, oltre alla modulazione geometrica della fluenza del campo di radiazione come avviene nell’IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy), sono variati durante il trattamento anche la velocità del gantry e il rateo di dose. La radiazione è erogata senza interruzioni lungo uno o più archi continui della testata dell’acceleratore, così da ridurre i tempi di trattamento in modo sostanziale rispetto all’IMRT. Nelle tecniche ad intensità modulata, ed in particolare nella VMAT, il lettino porta paziente modifica la distribuzione di dose durante gli irraggiamenti posteriori, riducendo quella al target e aumentando quella superficiale. Il presente lavoro di tesi, che ha proprio l’obiettivo di valutare questi aspetti dosimetrici in un’ottica pre-clinica, è stato svolto presso il Servizio di Fisica Sanitaria del Policlinico S.Orsola–Malpighi, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna. Le misure sono state effettuate presso le U.O. Radioterapia-Morganti e Radioterapia-Frezza f.f. della medesima Azienda Sanitaria, al fine di caratterizzare dal punto di vista dosimetrico il lettino di trattamento iBEAM evo dell’acceleratore lineare Synergy Elekta. L’attenuazione misurata in caso di incidenza perpendicolare del fascio sul lettino, in buon accordo con gli articoli di riferimento, è stata: (2.81±0.06)% per fotoni di energia di 6 MV, (1.81±0.10)% a 10 MV e (1.38±0.05)% a 15 MV. L’attenuazione massima misurata con fotoni di energia di 6 MV si è avvicinata al 4% negli irraggiamenti obliqui. Infine, è stato analizzato il confronto con statistica gamma fra distribuzione di dose pianificata e misurata prima e dopo aver modellizzato le caratteristiche del lettino nel software per l’elaborazione del piano di trattamento. Solo dopo tale operazione, i due casi VMAT analizzati (tumore dell’orofaringe e prostatico) superano i criteri più restrittivi e affidabili utilizzati nella pratica clinica.
Introduction This study examines and compares the dosimetric quality of radiotherapy treatment plans for prostate carcinoma across a cohort of 163 patients treated across 5 centres: 83 treated with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), 33 treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and 47 treated with volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Methods Treatment plan quality was evaluated in terms of target dose homogeneity and organ-at-risk sparing, through the use of a set of dose metrics. These included the mean, maximum and minimum doses; the homogeneity and conformity indices for the target volumes; and a selection of dose coverage values that were relevant to each organ-at-risk. Statistical significance was evaluated using two-tailed Welch’s T-tests. The Monte Carlo DICOM ToolKit software was adapted to permit the evaluation of dose metrics from DICOM data exported from a commercial radiotherapy treatment planning system. Results The 3DCRT treatment plans offered greater planning target volume dose homogeneity than the other two treatment modalities. The IMRT and VMAT plans offered greater dose reduction in the organs-at-risk: with increased compliance with recommended organ-at-risk dose constraints, compared to conventional 3DCRT treatments. When compared to each other, IMRT and VMAT did not provide significantly different treatment plan quality for like-sized tumour volumes. Conclusions This study indicates that IMRT and VMAT have provided similar dosimetric quality, which is superior to the dosimetric quality achieved with 3DCRT.
Background: In a selective group of patients accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) might be applied after conservative breast surgery to reduce the amount of irradiated healthy tissue. The role of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and voluntary moderately deep inspiration breath-hold (vmDIBH) techniques in further reducing irradiated healthy – especially heart – tissue is investigated.
Material and methods: For 37 partial breast planning target volumes (PTVs), three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) (3 – 5 coplanar or non-coplanar 6 and/or 10 MV beams) and VMAT (two partial 6 MV arcs) plans were made on CTs acquired in free-breathing (FB) and/or in vmDIBH. Dose-volume parameters for the PTV, heart, lungs, and breasts were compared.
Results: Better dose conformity was achieved with VMAT compared to 3D-CRT (conformity index 1.24 0.09 vs. 1.49 0.20). Non-PTV ipsilateral breast receiving 50% of the prescribed dose was on average reduced by 28% in VMAT plans compared to 3D-CRT plans. Mean heart dose (MHD) reduced from 2.0 (0.1 – 5.1) Gy in 3D-CRT(FB) to 0.6 (0.1 – 1.6) Gy in VMAT(vmDIBH). VMAT is benefi cial for MHD reduction if MHD with 3D-CRT exceeds 0.5Gy. Cardiac dose reduction as a result of VMAT increases with increasing initial MHD, and adding vmDIBH reduces the cardiac dose further. Mean dose to the ipsilateral lung decreased from 3.7 (0.7 – 8.7) to 1.8 (0.5 – 4.0) Gy with VMAT(vmDIBH) compared to 3D-CRT(FB). VMAT resulted in a slight increase in the contralateral breast dose (DMean ) always remaining 1.9 Gy).
Conclusions: For APBI patients, VMAT improves PTV dose conformity and delivers lower doses to the ipsilateral breast and lung compared to 3D-CRT. This goes at the cost of a slight but acceptable increase of the contralateral breast dose. VMAT reduces cardiac dose if MHD exceeds 0.5 Gy for 3D-CRT. Adding vmDIBH results in a further reduction of heart and ipsilateral lung dose.
Recent in vitro results have shown significant contributions to cell killing from signaling effects at doses that are typically used in radiation therapy. This study investigates whether these in vitro observations can be reconciled with in vivo knowledge and how signaling may have an impact on future developments in radiation therapy.
Methods and Materials
Prostate cancer treatment plans were generated for a series of 10 patients using 3-dimensional conformal therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), and volumetric modulated arc therapy techniques. These plans were evaluated using mathematical models of survival following modulated radiation exposures that were developed from in vitro observations and incorporate the effects of intercellular signaling. The impact on dose-volume histograms and mean doses were evaluated by converting these survival levels into "signaling-adjusted doses" for comparison.
Inclusion of intercellular communication leads to significant differences between the signalling-adjusted and physical doses across a large volume. Organs in low-dose regions near target volumes see the largest increases, with mean signaling-adjusted bladder doses increasing from 23 to 33 Gy in IMRT plans. By contrast, in high-dose regions, there is a small decrease in signaling-adjusted dose due to reduced contributions from neighboring cells, with planning target volume mean doses falling from 74 to 71 Gy in IMRT. Overall, however, the dose distributions remain broadly similar, and comparisons between the treatment modalities are largely unchanged whether physical or signaling-adjusted dose is compared. Conclusions Although incorporating cellular signaling significantly affects cell killing in low-dose regions and suggests a different interpretation for many phenomena, their effect in high-dose regions for typical planning techniques is comparatively small. This indicates that the significant signaling effects observed in vitro are not contradicted by comparison with clinical observations. Future investigations are needed to validate these effects in vivo and to quantify their ranges and potential impact on more advanced radiation therapy techniques.
Purpose: It is common for head and neck patients to be affected by time trend errors as a result of weight loss during a course of radiation treatment. The objective of this planning study was to investigate the impact of weight loss on Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) as well as Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for locally advanced head and neck cancer using automatic co-registration of the CBCT. Methods and Materials: A retrospective analysis of previously treated IMRT plans for 10 patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer patients was done. A VMAT plan was also produced for all patients. We calculated the dose–volume histograms (DVH) indices for spinal cord planning at risk volumes (PRVs), the brainstem PRVs (SC+0.5cm and BS+0.5cm, respectively) as well as mean dose to the parotid glands. Results: The results show that the mean difference in dose to the SC+0.5cm was 1.03% and 1.27% for the IMRT and VMAT plans, respectively. As for dose to the BS+0.5, the percentage difference was 0.63% for the IMRT plans and 0.61% for the VMAT plans. The analysis of the parotid gland doses shows that the percentage change in mean dose to left parotid was -8.0% whereas that of the right parotid was -6.4% for the IMRT treatment plans. In the VMAT plans, the percentages change for the left and the right parotid glands were -6.6% and -6.7% respectively. Conclusions: This study shows a clinically significant impact of weight loss on DVH indices analysed in head and neck organs at risk. It highlights the importance of adaptive radiotherapy in head and neck patients if organ at risk sparing is to be maintained.
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the benefit of complexity metrics such as the modulation complexity score (MCS) and monitor units (MUs) in multi-institutional audits of volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) delivery.
METHODS: 39 VMAT treatment plans were analysed using MCS and MU. A virtual phantom planning exercise was planned and independently measured using the PTW Octavius(®) phantom and seven29(®) 2D array (PTW-Freiburg GmbH, Freiburg, Germany). MCS and MU were compared with the median gamma index pass rates (2%/2 and 3%/3 mm) and plan quality. The treatment planning systems (TPS) were grouped by VMAT modelling being specifically designed for the linear accelerator manufacturer's own treatment delivery system (Type 1) or independent of vendor for VMAT delivery (Type 2). Differences in plan complexity (MCS and MU) between TPS types were compared.
RESULTS: For Varian(®) linear accelerators (Varian(®) Medical Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA), MCS and MU were significantly correlated with gamma pass rates. Type 2 TPS created poorer quality, more complex plans with significantly higher MUs and MCS than Type 1 TPS. Plan quality was significantly correlated with MU for Type 2 plans. A statistically significant correlation was observed between MU and MCS for all plans (R = -0.84, p < 0.01).
CONCLUSION: MU and MCS have a role in assessing plan complexity in audits along with plan quality metrics. Plan complexity metrics give some indication of plan deliverability but should be analysed with plan quality.
ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: Complexity metrics were investigated for a national rotational audit involving 34 institutions and they showed value. The metrics found that more complex plans were created for planning systems which were independent of vendor for VMAT delivery.
In this study, the PTW 1000SRS array with Octavius 4D phantom was characterised for FF and FFF beams. MU linearity, field size, dose rate, dose per pulse (DPP) response and dynamic conformal arc treatment accuracy of the 1000SRS array were assessed for 6MV, 6FFF and 10FFF beams using a Varian TrueBeam STx linac. The measurements were compared with a pinpoint IC, microdiamond IC and EBT3 Gafchromic film. Measured dose profiles and FWHMs were compared with film measurements. Verification of FFF volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) clinical plans were assessed using gamma analysis with 3%/3 mm and 2%/2 mm tolerances (10% threshold). To assess the effect of cross calibration dose rate, clinical plans with different dose rates were delivered and analysed. Output factors agreed with film measurements to within 4.5% for fields between 0.5 and 1 cm and within 2.7% for field sizes between 1.5 and 10 cm and were highly correlated with the microdiamond IC detector. Field sizes measured with the 1000SRS array were within 0.5 mm of film measurements. A drop in response of up to 1.8%, 2.4% and 5.2% for 6MV, 6FFF and 10FFF beams respectively was observed with increasing nominal dose rate. With an increase in DPP, a drop of up to 1.7%, 2.4% and 4.2% was observed in 6MV, 6FFF and 10FFF respectively. The differences in dose following dynamic conformal arc deliveries were less than 1% (all energies) from calculated. Delivered VMAT plans showed an average pass percentage of 99.5(±0.8)% and 98.4(±3.4)% with 2%/2 mm criteria for 6FFF and 10FFF respectively. A drop to 97.7(±2.2)% and 88.4(±9.6)% were observed for 6FFF and 10FFF respectively when plans were delivered at the minimum dose rate and calibrated at the maximum dose rate. Calibration using a beam with the average dose rate of the plan may be an efficient method to overcome the dose rate effects observed by the 1000SRS array.
La radiothérapie stéréotaxique corporelle (SBRT) est une technique couramment employée pour le traitement de tumeurs aux poumons lorsque la chirurgie n’est pas possible ou refusée par le patient. Une complication de l’utilisation de cette méthode provient du mouvement de la tumeur causé par la respiration. Dans ce contexte, la radiothérapie asservie à la respiration (RGRT) peut être bénéfique. Toutefois, la RGRT augmente le temps de traitement en raison de la plus petite proportion de temps pour laquelle le faisceau est actif. En utilisant un faisceau de photons sans filtre égalisateur (FFF), ce problème peut être compensé par le débit de dose plus élevé d’un faisceau FFF. Ce mémoire traite de la faisabilité d’employer la technique de RGRT en combinaison avec l’utilisation un faisceau FFF sur un accélérateur Synergy S (Elekta, Stockholm, Suède) avec une ceinture pneumatique, le Bellows Belt (Philips, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas), comme dispositif de suivi du signal respiratoire. Un Synergy S a été modifié afin de pouvoir livrer un faisceau 6 MV FFF. Des mesures de profils de dose et de rendements en profondeur ont été acquises en cuve à eau pour différentes tailles de champs. Ces mesures ont été utilisées pour créer un modèle du faisceau 6 MV FFF dans le système de planification de traitement Pinnacle3 de Philips. Les mesures ont été comparées au modèle à l’aide de l’analyse gamma avec un critère de 2%, 2 mm. Par la suite, cinq plans SBRT avec thérapie en arc par modulation volumétrique (VMAT) ont été créés avec le modèle 6 MV du Synergy S, avec et sans filtre. Une comparaison des paramètres dosimétriques a été réalisée entre les plans avec et sans filtre pour évaluer la qualité des plans FFF. Les résultats révèlent qu’il est possible de créer des plans SBRT VMAT avec le faisceau 6 MV FFF du Synergy S qui sont cliniquement acceptables (les crières du Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 0618 sont respectés). Aussi, une interface physique de RGRT a été mise au point pour remplir deux fonctions : lire le signal numérique de la ceinture pneumatique Bellows Belt et envoyer une commande d’irradiation binaire au linac. L’activation/désactivation du faisceau du linac se fait par l’entremise d’un relais électromécanique. L’interface comprend un circuit électronique imprimé fait maison qui fonctionne en tandem avec un Raspberry Pi. Un logiciel de RGRT a été développé pour opérer sur le Raspberry Pi. Celui-ci affiche le signal numérique du Bellows Belt et donne l’option de choisir les limites supérieure et inférieure de la fenêtre d’irradiation, de sorte que lorsque le signal de la ceinture se trouve entre ces limites, le faisceau est actif, et inversement lorsque le signal est hors de ces limites. Le logiciel envoie donc une commande d’irradiation au linac de manière automatique en fonction de l’amplitude du signal respiratoire. Finalement, la comparaison entre la livraison d’un traitement standard sans RGRT avec filtre par rapport à un autre plan standard sans RGRT sans filtre démontre que le temps de traitement en mode FFF est réduit en moyenne de 54.1% pour un arc. De la même manière, la comparaison entre la livraison d’un traitement standard sans RGRT avec filtre par rapport à un plan de RGRT (fenêtre d’irradiation de 75%) sans filtre montre que le temps de traitement de RGRT en mode FFF est réduit en moyenne de 27.3% par arc. Toutefois, il n’a pas été possible de livrer des traitements de RGRT avec une fenêtre de moins de 75%. Le linac ne supporte pas une fréquence d’arrêts élevée.
Il presente lavoro, svolto presso il servizio di Fisica Sanitaria dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma, consiste nello sviluppo di un metodo innovativo di radioterapia adattativa. Il metodo è stato applicato a pazienti affetti da varie patologie, trattati con tecnica VMAT, (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy), altamente conformata al target. Il metodo sviluppato si compone di due fasi: nella prima fase vengono effettuate due analisi su immagini portali, di ricostruzione della dose all'isocentro e l'analisi gamma 2D. Se almeno una di queste fallisce, si interviene con la seconda fase, che vede l'acquisizione della CBCT del paziente e la taratura in densità elettronica della stessa. Si calcola dunque il piano su CBCT, previa operazione di contouring da parte del medico e, infine, si esegue l'analisi gamma 3D sulle matrici di dose calcolate sulla CT e sulla CBCT del paziente, quantificando gli indici gamma sulle strutture PTV, CTV e OAR di interesse clinico. In base ai risultati, se necessario, si può intervenire sul piano di trattamento. Le analisi gamma 2D e 3D sono state svolte avvalendosi di un software toolkit chiamato GADD-23 (Gamma Analysis on 2D and 3D Dose Distributions) implementato e sviluppato appositamente in ambiente Matlab per questo lavoro di tesi; in particolare, la realizzazione di GADD-23 è stata resa possibile grazie all'interazione con due software di tipo open-source, Elastix e CERR, specifici per l’elaborazione e la registrazione di immagini mediche. I risultati ottenuti mostrano come il metodo sviluppato sia in grado di mettere in luce cambiamenti anatomici che alcuni pazienti hanno subìto, di tipo sistematico, in cui è possibile prendere in considerazione una ripianificazione del trattamento per correggerli, o di tipo casuale, sui quali può essere utile condurre l'attenzione del medico radioterapista, sebbene non sia necessario un replanning.