39 resultados para voicing
'Double-voicing' means that when a person speaks, they have a heightened awareness of the concerns and agendas of others, which is reflected in the ways they adjust their language in response to interlocutors. The Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin famously applied the concept of 'double-voiced discourse' to the world of literature, but just touched upon its relevance to everyday language. This book reveals how 'double-voicing' is an inherent and routine part of spoken interactions within educational and professional contexts. Double-voicing is closely related to the ways in which power relations are constructed between speakers, as it is often used by less powerful speakers to negotiate perceived threats from more powerful others. The book explores how women leaders use double-voicing more than men as a means of gaining acceptance and approval in the workplace. While double-voicing at times indexes a speaker's linguistic insecurity, the book argues that it can be harnessed to demonstrate linguistic expertise.
'Double-voicing' means that when a person speaks, they have a heightened awareness of the concerns and agendas of others, which is reflected in the ways they adjust their language in response to interlocutors. The Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin famously applied the concept of 'double-voiced discourse' to the world of literature, but just touched upon its relevance to everyday language. This book reveals how 'double-voicing' is an inherent and routine part of spoken interactions within educational and professional contexts. Double-voicing is closely related to the ways in which power relations are constructed between speakers, as it is often used by less powerful speakers to negotiate perceived threats from more powerful others. The book explores how women leaders use double-voicing more than men as a means of gaining acceptance and approval in the workplace. While double-voicing at times indexes a speaker's linguistic insecurity, the book argues that it can be harnessed to demonstrate linguistic expertise.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the benefits of providing audible speech to listeners with sensorineural hearing loss when the speech is presented in a background noise. Previous studies have shown that when listeners have a severe hearing loss in the higher frequencies, providing audible speech (in a quiet background) to these higher frequencies usually results in no improvement in speech recognition. In the present experiments, speech was presented in a background of multitalker babble to listeners with various severities of hearing loss. The signal was low-pass filtered at numerous cutoff frequencies and speech recognition was measured as additional high-frequency speech information was provided to the hearing-impaired listeners. It was found in all cases, regardless of hearing loss or frequency range, that providing audible speech resulted in an increase in recognition score. The change in recognition as the cutoff frequency was increased, along with the amount of audible speech information in each condition (articulation index), was used to calculate the "efficiency" of providing audible speech. Efficiencies were positive for all degrees of hearing loss. However, the gains in recognition were small, and the maximum score obtained by an listener was low, due to the noise background. An analysis of error patterns showed that due to the limited speech audibility in a noise background, even severely impaired listeners used additional speech audibility in the high frequencies to improve their perception of the "easier" features of speech including voicing
Recent research (Kuhl, 1991) has suggested that the internal structure of vowel categories is graded in terms of stimulus goodness. It has been proposed that a best instance stimulus reflects a central point or prototype, which effectively renders within-category members perceptually more similar. Discrimination experiments suggest a nonlinear relationship between acoustic and perceptual space near category centers (Iverson & Kuhl, 1995b). This phenomenon has been described as the perceptual magnet effect. The present study investigated the presence of the perceptual magnet effect in five Australian vowel categories. Australian English speakers identified, rated, and discriminated between a pool of 32 vowel stimuli that varied in F1 and F2 values. The results from Experiments 1 and 2 showed that subjects were able to judge the quality and identity of each stimulus and that a general grading of stimulus quality was reported. This was not symmetrical, and the subjects' responses varied considerably. In Experiment 3, closer control of the methodology in the discrimination task and of contextual factors influencing the test materials was exercised. Despite this, evidence of the warping of perceptual space in discrimination data was not found. In general, these results do not provide support for the existence of the perceptual magnet effect, and explanations for this finding are discussed.
This paper presents the results of an experimental analysis of the duralion of Spanish consonants. The influence of three different factors—stress, location on thesyllable, and pause vicinity— on the duration of consonants in reading text has been studied. Phonetic context and speech rate have also been controlled. The obtained results seem to indicate that the vicinity of a pause and the location of the consonant in the syllable have a systematic effect on all the consonants, while the stress only affects the duration of a rcduced set of voicedallophones ([1], [r] and [n]). Some general conclusions about the mean duration of each consonant, and about the relationship between duration and voicing, manner and place of articulation, have also been established.
The topic of the present doctoral dissertation is the analysis of the phonological and tonal structures of a previously largely undescribed language, namely Samue. It is a Gur language belonging to the Niger-Congo language phulym, which is spoken in Burkina Faso. The data were collected during the fieldwork period in a Sama village; the data include 1800 lexical items, thousands of elicited sentences and 30 oral texts. The data were first transcribed phonetically and then the phonological and tonal analyses were conducted. The results show that the phonological system of Samue with the phoneme inventory and phonological processes has the same characteristics as other related Gur languages, although some particularities were found, such as the voicing and lenition of stop consonants in medial positions. Tonal analysis revealed three level tones, which have both lexical and grammatical functions. A particularity of the tonal system is the regressive Mid tone spreading in the verb phrase. The theoretical framework used in the study is Optimality theory. Optimality theory is rarely used in the analysis of an entire language system, and thus an objective was to see whether the theory was applicable to this type of work. Within the tonal analysis especially, some language specific constraints had to be created, although the basic Optimality Theory principle is the universal nature of the constraints. These constraints define the well-formedness of the language structures and they are differently ranked in different languages. This study gives new insights about typological phenomena in Gur languages. It is also a fundamental starting point for the Samue language in relation to the establishment of an orthography. From the theoretical point of view, the study proves that Optimality theory is largely applicable in the analysis of an entire sound system.
RÉSUMÉ L‘hébergement en centre de soins de longue durée d'un parent âgé atteint de démence marque une transition pour les personnes qui occupent un rôle d’aidant familial principal. Ces personnes, principalement des femmes, poursuivent leur engagement après l’hébergement et souhaitent être impliquées dans les décisions concernant les soins offerts à leur parent. Souvent l'hébergement survient au moment où la personne âgée n'est plus en mesure, compte tenu de ses déficiences cognitives, d'exprimer clairement ses besoins; les aidantes accordent alors une place centrale au rôle de représentante de leur proche hébergé. Cette étude avait pour but d’expliquer la transformation du rôle de représentante chez des aidantes familiales dont le parent atteint de démence vit dans un centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD). La méthode qualitative de la théorisation ancrée a été retenue pour expliquer ce processus social. Les résultats obtenus reposent sur 14 entrevues en profondeur réalisées auprès de filles dont le parent atteint de démence était hébergé depuis plus de six mois dans un CHSLD. Ces aidantes ont été sélectionnées selon une procédure d’échantillonnage théorique et l’analyse des données a été réalisée à partir de la transcription intégrale des entrevues en suivant trois niveaux d'analyse, soit la codification ouverte, axiale et sélective. Une proposition théorique, générée par voie inductive, met en lumière trois processus intermédiaires interreliés expliquant la transformation du rôle de représentante pendant l’hébergement du proche : 1) l’intégration dans le milieu ; 2) l’évaluation de la qualité des soins et 3) le développement de la confiance envers le milieu d’hébergement. Plus précisément, les aidantes déploient différentes stratégies d’intégration dans le milieu d’hébergement, soit l’établissement de relations de réciprocité et d’une collaboration avec le personnel soignant, ainsi que l’utilisation d’un style de communication diplomatique. Parallèlement, elles évaluent la qualité des soins en trois étapes : jugement, pondération et action. Finalement, une relation de confiance avec les membres du personnel de l’établissement se développe en lien avec cinq facteurs spécifiques, soit les premières impressions, la comparaison avec d’autres CHSLD, l’intérêt démontré par le personnel envers le proche, le fait d’être entendue et prise au sérieux et la transparence du milieu d’hébergement. Ces trois processus contribuent au bien-être du parent hébergé et à celui de l’aidante. Le développement de la confiance étant associé aux deux autres processus intermédiaires ainsi qu’au bien-être de l’aidante, il est le processus central de la théorie contextuelle qui émerge de cette recherche. Cette étude contribue au développement des connaissances, notamment en fournissant plusieurs éléments inédits de compréhension du processus de transformation du rôle de représentante des aidantes familiales, de même que des pistes pour soutenir ces aidantes dont le parent, souffrant de démence, n’est plus en mesure de prendre des décisions. La théorie contextuelle proposée dans le cadre de cette étude constitue les prémices d’une théorie de niveau intermédiaire portant sur le rôle de représentant des aidants familiaux dans le contexte plus général du système de santé. Des études réalisées dans d’autres contextes de soins et auprès d’aidants de proches vulnérables ayant d’autres types d’affections sont ainsi recommandées.
L'appropriation culturelle possède une diffusion très large et est un phénomène essentiellement intemporel. L'appropriation culturelle est définie comme «the taking- from a culture that is not one’s own- of intellectual property, cultural expressions or artifacts, history and ways of knowledge» (Ziff et Rao 1997: 1). Cela comprend tous les aspects de la spiritualité, les objets sacrés, des valeurs, des histoires et des rites. L'appropriation est étroitement liée aux relations de pouvoir et à la politique. Avec la montée de la popularité du chamanisme et du néo-chamanisme dans la société occidentale, les peuples amérindiens de l'Amérique du Nord (ou d’Australie) expriment leurs inquiétudes et leur désapprobation en ce qui concerne l’appropriation de leurs cérémonies, rituels et croyances sacrées par les Occidentaux. Par le discours contre l'appropriation, les populations autochtones (re)gagnent et (re)créent une identité qui avait été négligée, supprimée et assimilée au cours de la colonisation. Cette création identitaire s’effectue par l'intermédiaire de l'écriture, dans les milieux universitaires, aussi non-académiques, et le partage des pratiques rituelles avec d'autres autochtones (pan amérindianisme). Les auteurs autochtones contestent le statu quo et désirent contribuer à faire avancer le débat concernant l'appropriation spirituelle, les relations de pouvoir et le néo-colonialisme. Les arguments et les opinions concernant l'appropriation spirituelle présentés ici traitent de génocide culturel, d’abus sexuels, de néo-colonialisme, de non-respect et d'inquiétude face aux dangers liés à une mauvaise utilisation des rituels et autres pratiques sacrées. Ce débat est lié au processus de guérison en contexte amérindien (Episkenew 2009). En participant à ce débat sur l'appropriation spirituelle, les peuples autochtones sont activement engagés dans la (re)définition de leur identité. C'est cet engagement actif qui permet à la guérison d’avoir lieu. Ce mémoire aborde quelques-uns des auteurs autochtones contemporains et examine leurs écrits. L'importance de l'histoire et du mot dans la création identitaire est explorée. L’analyse de certains textes portant sur la médecine, la sociologie, la religion et la culture de consommation rend explicite le lien entre identité et politique.
La escritura es una modalidad de comunicación y aprendizaje propia de unaorganización motriz fina, correspondiente al dominio de las relaciones del espacio,el pensamiento y la afectividad. Implica la utilización de símbolos gráficos quepermiten la comunicación verbal.
Subjugated knowledges and the possibilities of genealogy The article explores the possibilities of “voicing” marginalized subjects by analyzing letters written by female mental patients in the beginning of the twentieth century. Following Michel Foucault, genealogy is here used as a means to explore and reclaim subjugated knowledges, i.e. knowledges that have been dismissed, distorted, disqualified and put aside by more powerful and ultimately victorious knowledge claims, in this case the psychiatric discourse. Historically oriented research on madness has often explored medical and cultural discourses and representations, as these correspond to sources that can be easily found in archives. This also means that mental patients’ own narratives and texts have been more difficult to trace, partly due to the paucity of available documentation. Herein lies a challenge: how can we represent these subjects, whose stories are inevitably always already captured and filtered by authorities, without portraying them either as passive victims or reducing them to effects of power networks? The article thus ponders research ethics, the question of Otherness and the power of representations. The difficulties in representing female patients’ “own”voices are discussed, yet the article points to the necessity of taking voices that are simultaneously in the margins and in the centre of more powerful discourses, seriously as objects of knowledge. The article argues that “the insurrection of subjugated knowledges”, i.e. bringing back such knowledges as represented here by mental patients’ narratives, opens us otherpossibilities of knowledge. Hence, mental patients’ letters are seen as important “fractures” in the official and legitimized knowledge of madness, offering alternative understandings of both committed individuals and the psychiatric discourse itself.
OBJETIVO: Verificar os desempenhos perceptual-auditivo e ortográfico de escolares no que se refere à identificação de contrastes entre as fricativas do Português Brasileiro, e investigar em que medida esses dois tipos de desempenhos se relacionam. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados de desempenho perceptual-auditivo e de desempenho ortográfico extraídos de 20 crianças das duas primeiras séries do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública do município de Mallet (PR). A coleta de dados de percepção auditiva foi feita com base no Instrumento de Avaliação da Percepção de Fala (PERCEFAL), com o uso do software Perceval. Já a coleta de dados de ortografia foi feita por meio de um ditado das mesmas palavras que compõem o instrumento PERCEFAL. RESULTADOS: Foram observadas: maior acurácia perceptual-auditiva do que ortográfica; tendência de menor tempo de resposta e de menor variabilidade nos acertos perceptuais-auditivos do que nos erros; não correspondência de erros de percepção-auditiva e ortografia, já que, na percepção, o maior percentual de erros envolveu o ponto de articulação das fricativas, enquanto que, na ortografia, o maior percentual envolveu o vozeamento. CONCLUSÃO: Embora se mostrem relacionados, os desempenhos perceptual-auditivo e ortográfico não apresentam correspondência termo a termo. Portanto, na prática clínica, a atenção deve-se voltar não apenas para os aspectos que aproximam esses dois desempenhos, mas, também, para os aspectos que os diferenciam.
The aim of this study was to perform voice evaluation in teachers with and without vocal symptoms, identifying etiologic factors of dysphonia, voice symptoms, vocal qualities, and laryngeal lesions. Eighty teachers were divided into two groups: GI (without or sporadic symptoms, 40) and GII (with frequent vocal symptoms, 40). They answered a specific questionnaire, and were subject to a perceptual vocal assessment (maximum phonation time, glottal attack, resonance, coordination of breathing and voicing, pitch, and loudness), GIRBAS scale, and to videolaryngoscopy. Females were predominant in both groups, and the age range was from 36 to 50 years. Elementary teachers predominated, working in classes with 31-40 students. Voice symptoms and alterations in the perceptual vocal analysis and in the GIRBAS scale were more frequent in GII In 46 teachers (GI-16; GII-30), videolaryngoscopy exams were abnormal with the vocal nodules being the most frequent lesions. These results indicate that a teacher's voice is compromised, and requires more attention including control of environmental factors and associated diseases, preventive vocal hygiene, periodic laryngeal examinations, and access to adequate specialist treatment.