985 resultados para virtual tools
The objective of this study is to understand why virtual knowledge workers conduct autonomous tasks and interdependent problem solving tasks on virtual platforms. The study is qualitative case study including three case organizations that tap the knowledge of expert networks, and utilize virtual platforms in the work processes. Research data includes 15 interviews, that is, five experts from each case company. According to the findings there are some specific characteristics in motivation to work on tasks on online platforms. Autonomy, self-improvement, meaningful tasks, knowledge sharing, time management, variety of contacts, and variety of tasks, and projects motivate virtual knowledge workers. Factors that may enhance individuals’ engagement to work on tasks are trust, security of continuous task flow and income, feedback, meaningful tasks and tasks that contribute to self-improvement, flexibility and effectiveness in time management, and virtual tools that support social interaction. The results also indicate that there are some differences in individuals’ motivation based on the tasks’ nature. That is, knowledge sharing and variety of contacts motivated experts who worked on interdependent problem solving tasks. Then again, autonomy and variety of tasks motivated experts who worked on autonomous tasks.
Virtual tools are commonly used nowadays to optimize product design and manufacturing process of fibre reinforced composite materials. The present work focuses on two areas of interest to forecast the part performance and the production process particularities. The first part proposes a multi-physical optimization tool to support the concept stage of a composite part. The strategy is based on the strategic handling of information and, through a single control parameter, is able to evaluate the effects of design variations throughout all these steps in parallel. The second part targets the resin infusion process and the impact of thermal effects. The numerical and experimental approach allowed the identificationof improvement opportunities regarding the implementation of algorithms in commercially available simulation software.
Spatial Data Infrastructures have become a methodological and technological benchmark enabling distributed access to historical-cartographic archives. However, it is essential to offer enhanced virtual tools that imitate the current processes and methodologies that are carried out by librarians, historians and academics in the existing map libraries around the world. These virtual processes must be supported by a generic framework for managing, querying, and accessing distributed georeferenced resources and other content types such as scientific data or information. The authors have designed and developed support tools to provide enriched browsing, measurement and geometrical analysis capabilities, and dynamical querying methods, based on SDI foundations. The DIGMAP engine and the IBERCARTO collection enable access to georeferenced historical-cartographical archives. Based on lessons learned from the CartoVIRTUAL and DynCoopNet projects, a generic service architecture scheme is proposed. This way, it is possible to achieve the integration of virtual map rooms and SDI technologies bringing support to researchers within the historical and social domains.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática. Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia.
Virtuaaliset yhteisöt ja erilaiset virtuaaliset välineet yhteisöllisyyden mahdollistamiselle ovat kasvavan tieteellisen mielenkiinnon kohteena. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin uuden tiedon luomisen prosessia blogiviestinnässä. Tämä tehtiin käyttäen tietojohtamisen tieteenalalla perusteoriana pidettyä Ikujiro Nonakan uuden tiedon luomisen SECImalliia. Blogiympäristöä tarkasteltiin niin ikään Ikujiro Nonakan bakäsitteen avulla. Aihetta tarkennettiin pohtimalla ryhmäytymistä ja sen ilmenemistä virtuaalisessa viestinnässä. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, ja tutkimuskohteena oli Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston opintojaksolla ”Virtuaalinen yhteistyö ja tietotekniset työkalut” käytetty verkko-oppimissovelluksen tarjoama blogialusta. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osan muodostaa aineisto, joka rakentuu opiskelijoiden omista opintojaksoon kuuluvista blogikeskusteluista. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpänä johtopäätöksenä havaittiin, että blogiviestintä edistää uuden tiedon luomista. Edelleen todettiin että blogialusta tukee välineenä uuden tiedon luomisen prosessia, ja tarjoaa tiedon luomiselle hyvän virtuaalisen ympäristön, ba:n. Uuden tiedon luomiseen vaikutti luottamus niin teknistä alustaa, opettajia kuin yhteisöä kohtaan. Avaintekijöiksi nousi avoimuus, tahto jakaa omaa tietämystään, mielenkiinto aiheeseen sekä ryhmäkoheesio. Uuden tiedon rakentumisen huomaaminen, ja virtuaalisen yhteisön uuden tiedon luomisen potentiaalin ymmärtäminen nostivat kollektiivisesti tahtoa rikastaa yleistä keskustelua, heijastaa omia kokemuksia muiden kokemuksiin, sekä jakaa yhteiset johtopäätökset, eli sosiaalistaa, ulkoistaa, yhdistää ja sisäistää kollektiivisesti luotu tieto yksilön kokemukseksi.
Actualmente, la sociedad de la información ha establecido el uso frecuente de las tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), lo cual ha permitió que las estrategias pedagógicas lideradas por la docencia, evoluciones y permitan el desarrollo de habilidades de formación que permitan a los alumnos consolidar su aprendizaje por medio de herramientas virtuales. El presente trabajo es un estudio el cual tiene como propósito verificar si los docentes de la Universidad del Rosario, del programa de Administración de Empresas de la facultad de administración, están realizando un buen manejo de la plataforma rosarista, llamada Moodle.
Although E-Government (E-G) is one public policy in China, it still has a long way to go in terms of diffusion across the country and interactive participation from citizens. It constitutes a double sided sword since it enhances the features that China needs to show to the world in international competitiveness and status, but also poses challenges to the Communist rule inasmuch as it has to be controlled. Therefore, E-G is both a political and a managerial issue: it is sensitive to the Chinese Communist Party but also leads to economical and administrative prosperity and efficiency. Some of the keys would be the development of the middle class, further penetration of the Internet, and more education about virtual tools in government issues and services.
Es por esto que el objetivo de este proyecto es dar a conocer mediante la investigación del comercio internacional entre Colombia y la Unión Europea, específicamente para los países de Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria y Chipre estrategias de internacionalización y expansión de las PYMES a nuevos mercados. Entonces, con este proyecto se quiere conseguir que por medio de la investigación y la información se determinen aquellos productos y servicios que Colombia está ofreciendo a los países de estudio, para que de esta manera se puedan identificar características propias del mercado internacional, en especial los competidores directos a la exportación.
In recent decades the rise of the tools of information and communication technology (ICT) has been notorious. Currently ICTs are an important educational tool and is associated with the development of teaching methods courses in basic and higher education. Given the influence that these tools are currently engaged in several sectors, this project aimed to assess the frequency and manifestations of ICT that have been employed in the teaching of histology in the Schools of Dentistry of São Paulo. The virtual page of 43 Higher Education Institutions (HEI) was analyzed to search for links to sites of histology. With this assessment only 4 virtual domains were found which was present a narrow range of virtual tools such as hypertext, graphics, quizzes and lessons in electronic formats. Later, by sending a questionnaire to 46 teachers of histology of the Universities of São Paulo, were analyzed for the presence or absence of a site of discipline, mode and frequency of use of ICTs in education, and the value that teacher attaches to these tools. From the responses obtained were concluded that teachers who have websites in general have no interactivite tools and many seem to ignore the real representation of interactivity in teaching and the possibilities of applications of ICTs. However most teachers recognize the importance of education mediated by virtual tools
A new image-guided microscope using augmented reality overlays has been developed. Unlike other systems, the novelty of our design consists in mounting a precise mini and low-cost tracker directly on the microscope to track the motion of the surgical tools and the patient. Correctly scaled cut-views of the pre-operative computed tomography (CT) stack can be displayed on the overlay, orthogonal to the optical view or even including the direction of a clinical tool. Moreover, the system can manage three-dimensional models for tumours or bone structures and allows interaction with them using virtual tools, showing trajectories and distances. The mean error of the overlay was 0.7 mm. Clinical accuracy has shown results of 1.1-1.8 mm.
BIOLOGY is a dynamic and fascinating science. The study of this subject is an amazing trip for all the students that have a first contact with this subject. Here, we present the development of the study and learning experience of this subject belonging to an area of knowledge that is different to the training curriculum of students who have studied Physics during their degree period. We have taken a real example, the “Elements of Biology” subject, which is taught as part of the Official Biomedical Physics Master, at the Physics Faculty, of the Complutense University of Madrid, since the course 2006/07. Its main objective is to give to the student an understanding how the Physics can have numerous applications in the Biomedical Sciences area, giving the basic training to develop a professional, academic or research career. The results obtained when we use new virtual tools combined with the classical learning show that there is a clear increase in the number of persons that take and pass the final exam. On the other hand, this new learning strategy is well received by the students and this is translated to a higher participation and a decrease of the giving the subject up
Apesar de o Brasil não apresentar um cenário propício para uma Divulgação Científica eficiente à formação cidadã, nota-se um considerável crescimento no apoio às pesquisas nos últimos anos, principalmente subsidiado pelo fomento de fundações governamentais de diferentes estados. Encontramos, na atualidade, um novo método de expansão informativa, caracterizada pela migração dos meios de comunicação convencionais à internet. Frente a esse desenvolvimento, diversos veículos divulgadores de ciência, com destaque a Pesquisa FAPESP, passaram a empregar esse novo canal no complemento de suas mensagens. Nota-se, porém, uma adoção ainda fragilizada, deixando de lado alguns dos princípios básicos do ciberespaço, tais como a hipertextualidade, por exemplo. A intenção deste trabalho é analisar as ferramentas utilizadas pela Pesquisa FAPESP Online, assim como apontar diversas outras técnicas que poderiam ser inseridas no contexto da Divulgação Científica virtual. Para isso, foi realizada uma entrevista com os editores da revista, bem como uma leitura do portal, com subsídios teóricos da Análise do discurso. Conclui-se que as técnicas praticadas pelo site, embora ainda escassas se comparadas aos demais segmentos do universo digital, são bem utilizadas pelo veículo, preenchendo a lacuna existente na DC e facilitando o acesso da população sobre pesquisas nacionais.(AU)
Purpose: This paper describes the development and test of physical and virtual integrated augmentative manipulation and communication assistive technologies (IAMCATs) that enable children with motor and speech impairments to manipulate educational items by controlling a robot with a gripper, while communicating through a speech generating device. Method: Nine children with disabilities, nine regular and nine special education teachers participated in the study. Teachers adapted academic activities so they could also be performed by the children with disabilities using the IAMCAT. An inductive content analysis of the teachers’ interviews before and after the intervention was performed. Results: Teachers considered the IAMCAT to be a useful resource that can be integrated into the regular class dynamics respecting their curricular planning. It had a positive impact on children with disabilities and on the educational community. However, teachers pointed out the difficulties in managing the class, even with another adult present, due to the extra time required by children with disabilities to complete the activities. Conclusions: The developed assistive technologies enable children with disabilities to participate in academic activities but full inclusion would require another adult in class and strategies to deal with the additional time required by children to complete the activities. IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION - Integrated augmentative manipulation and communication assistive technologies are useful resources to promote the participation of children with motor and speech impairments in classroom activities. - Virtual tools, running on a computer screen, may be easier to use but further research is needed in order to evaluate its effectiveness when compared to physical tools. - Full participation of children with motor and speech impairments in academic activities using these technologies requires another adult in class and adequate strategies to manage the extra time the child with disabilities may require to complete the activities.
El presente proyecto se plantea el siguiente problema de investigación:¿Cuál es la eficacia de los entornos virtuales de enseñanza para optimizar los aprendizajes de Química? Se sostiene la hipótesis de que los entornos virtuales de enseñanza, empleados como mediación instrumental, son eficaces para optimizar los aprendizajes de química, particularmente facilitando la vinculación y reversibilidad entre "mundo micro y macroscópico"; capacidad que usualmente sólo se atribuye al trabajo experimental de laboratorio. Los objetivos propuestos son: Determinar la eficacia de entornos virtuales de enseñanza, como mediaciones instrumentales, para optimizar los aprendizajes de química en estudiantes de ingeniería. Implementar un entrono virtual de enseñanza de química, diseñado como mediación instrumental y destinado a estudiantes de dos carreras de ingeniería del IUA. Evaluar el desarrollo y los resultados de la innovación introducida. Comparar los resultados de la innovación con los resultados de la enseñanza usual. Derivar conclusiones acerca de la eficacia de la innovación propuesta. Socializar el conocimiento producido en ámbitos científico-tecnológicos reconocidos. Se generará un aula virtual en plataforma Educativa y utilidzando el laboratorio de computación de la institución se buscará desarrollar laboratorios virtuales donde se propondrán actividades de simulación de trabajo experimental. Los resultados esperados son: - Un Aula Virtual que cumpla funciones análogas a las de un laboratorio experimental. - Información válida y confiable acerca de la eficacia de la misma como medio para optimizar los aprendizajes de química. - Publicaciones en ámbitos científico-tecnológicos reconocidos que sometan a juicio público la innovación y la investigación efectuadas. La importancia del proyecto radica principalmente en poner a prueba la eficacia de los entornos virtuales para optimizar los aprendizajes de química, analogando tareas usualmente limitadas al trabajo experimental de laboratorio. Su pertinencia apunta a un replanteo del curriculo de los cursos de Química para estudiantes de Ingeniería.
Virtual screening is a central technique in drug discovery today. Millions of molecules can be tested in silico with the aim to only select the most promising and test them experimentally. The topic of this thesis is ligand-based virtual screening tools which take existing active molecules as starting point for finding new drug candidates. One goal of this thesis was to build a model that gives the probability that two molecules are biologically similar as function of one or more chemical similarity scores. Another important goal was to evaluate how well different ligand-based virtual screening tools are able to distinguish active molecules from inactives. One more criterion set for the virtual screening tools was their applicability in scaffold-hopping, i.e. finding new active chemotypes. In the first part of the work, a link was defined between the abstract chemical similarity score given by a screening tool and the probability that the two molecules are biologically similar. These results help to decide objectively which virtual screening hits to test experimentally. The work also resulted in a new type of data fusion method when using two or more tools. In the second part, five ligand-based virtual screening tools were evaluated and their performance was found to be generally poor. Three reasons for this were proposed: false negatives in the benchmark sets, active molecules that do not share the binding mode, and activity cliffs. In the third part of the study, a novel visualization and quantification method is presented for evaluation of the scaffold-hopping ability of virtual screening tools.