750 resultados para violence - marriage - immigrants


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Objectives: To analyze whether sociodemographics and social support have a different or similar effect on the likelihood of Intimate Partner Violence in immigrants and natives, and to estimate prevalences and associations between different types of IPV depending on women's birthplace. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 10,048 women (18–70 years) attending primary healthcare in Spain (2006–2007). Outcome: Current Intimate Partner Violence (psychological, physical and both). Sociodemographics and social support were considered first as explicative and later as control variables. Results: Similar Intimate Partner Violence sociodemographic and social support factors were observed among immigrants and natives. However, these associations were stronger among immigrants, except in the case of poor social support (adjusted odds ratio natives 4.36 and adjusted odds ratio immigrants 4.09). When these two groups were compared, immigrants showed a higher likelihood of IPV than natives (adjusted odds ratios 1.58). Conclusion: Immigrant women are in a disadvantaged Intimate Partner Violence situation. It is necessary that interventions take these inequalities into account.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Language socialization is a life-long process in which individuals are continuously socialized into new roles, statuses, and practices. This process becomes more complex in multilingual contexts. However, we know little of the language socialization of older adults and we know even less of minority-speaking elders' experiences of linguistic marginalization in contemporary communicative milieus. In this ethnographic and discourse-analytic study, I examine the language socialization of non-Mandarin-speaking elderly Taiwanese women in senior adult education programs in a rural township in Taiwan. Through examining autobiographical narratives, master narratives about elders, and classroom discourses, this study explores the historical construction of their sociolinguistic marginalization and their negotiation and resistance of such marginalization. The majority of the elderly women were denied education when they were young. Some received Japanese education during the Japanese colonization period. While the uneducated and illiterate elders have a strong aspiration for learning, they are dismissed as "unable to learn" by their teachers, peer students, and community leaders. By contrast, the Japanese literate exhibit a strong learning identity associated with colonial modernity. These two groups, however, have to contend with the social stereotype associated with their non-Mandarin speaking status. Under a Mandarin-only ideology that links Mandarin with modernity, discourses that have actively mobilized the category of “illiterate” to reference the older population are part and parcel of Taiwan’s modern identity. By demonstrating how these women are treated, in official discourses and in classroom interactions, as children for their lack of Mandarin abilities, I argue that the literacy education that set out to “compensate” these women for their earlier lack of educational opportunity has paradoxically reinforced their marginalization. Further, in recent years, they have become even more marginalized as the government has prioritized the education of recent young female marriage immigrants from Southeast Asia, who are considered in charge of educating the “future sons and daughters of Taiwan.” This research demonstrates how language socialization is a contested and life-long process and calls attention to the effects of language ideologies on literacy and language education. The findings have policy implications for improving literacy and language education both within Taiwan and elsewhere in the world.


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RÉSUMÉ DE LA RECHERCHE Le conflit armé en Colombie est le troisième conflit le plus long du monde, après le problème entre la Palestine et l’Israël et celui entre l’Inde et le Pakistan. La violence organisée qui caractérise ce conflit a des conséquences sur le plan individuel (souffrance psychologique, etc.) et sur le plan collectif (démobilisation sociale par la terreur, modification de la pensée critique, augmentation de la violence commune). Cette violence a poussé des milliers de Colombiens à l’exil. Certaines de ces personnes arrivent au Québec en tant que réfugiés. La présente étude décrit et analyse les effets de la violence organisée subie en Colombie par ces personnes. Elle fait le lien entre ces conséquences et le processus d’intégration des refugiés colombiens dans une région du Québec, la Haute-Yamaska. Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est de répondre à cette question : selon l’expérience des immigrants réfugiés colombiens victimes de violence organisée, quels sont les effets de cette violence sur leur vie actuelle au Québec? Douze récits d’expériences ont été recueillis et analysés à partir d’entrevues semi dirigées auprès des refugiés colombiens. Les résultats de cette étude montrent la nécessité, pour les réfugiés, d’un travail d’élaboration autour de leur propre identité à travers l’expérience vécue; la présence du retrait et de l’isolement comme mécanismes de protection qui se manifestent en terre d’accueil; la reproduction, par un groupe minoritaire, de certains des comportements qui sont jugés violents en terre d’accueil et qui dans le contexte de la terre d’origine avaient un autre sens. Cette différence de sens est accompagnée d’une tolérance différente à la violence dans un groupe de réfugiés et la société d’accueil. L’attitude personnelle positive face aux difficultés ainsi que le soutien du réseau familial ou des nouveaux amis sont des facilitateurs de l’intégration. Finalement, on constate que les effets d’un deuil prolongé freinent l’investissement affectif et personnel en terre d’accueil.


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Près d’un Canadien sur cinq est né à l’étranger. Les niveaux d’immigration ne cessant de croître, la façon dont ces nouveaux venus s’intégreront à leur société d’accueil joue grandement sur l’avenir du pays. Dans les études d'intégration, une attention particulière est portée aux jeunes formant la première et la seconde génération puisqu’ils représentent le lien intergénérationnel entre membres de leurs familles, communautés culturelles et natifs canadiens. Ce mémoire porte sur les tendances liées aux comportements matrimoniaux des différentes générations d’hommes et de femmes provenant de diverses régions géographiques, comparativement à ceux de la population canadienne, incluant l’analyse du rôle que pourraient y jouer les communautés culturelles. En utilisant le recensement de 2001, l'analyse fait une distinction entre le Québec et le reste du Canada, et se concentre sur la probabilité de vivre ou non en union selon l’âge puis, pour ceux en union, la probabilité d’être marié ou en union libre. Les résultats démontrent que les comportements matrimoniaux des immigrants issus d’une union mixte (ayant un parent né au Canada) se conforment plus rapidement à ceux de la population locale que ceux ayant deux parents nés à l’étranger. Aussi, nos résultats révèlent que les immigrants issus de diverses régions géographiques présentent des comportements matrimoniaux et des profils selon le statut générationnel distincts alors que certains d’entre eux ne montrent aucun signe de convergence vers les comportements matrimoniaux des natifs canadiens. Finalement, les résultats liés à la taille et à la présence d’une communauté culturelle varient selon les différents modèles.


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Domestic violence is a gender based violation of human rights having multi- dimensional repercussions in the well- being of individuals in family and society. The Indian legislation to protect the women from domestic violence is significant in providing a mechanism for enforcing positive civil rights of protection and injunction orders to the victims of domestic violence along with the existing remedies of criminal sanctions. However the Act was brought in the backdrop of an established tradition of cohesive and stable family setting. This, in turn, results in the emergence of new issues and challenges which necessitates deeper understandings of indigenous sociocultural institutions in India i.e., marriage and family. This study is an attempt to analyse the Indian law on domestic violence and to assess whether the law addresses and answers the problems of domestic violence effectively in the culture specific setting of India


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Polizei in Afrika ist korrupt und schlecht ausgebildet und eine „Marionette“ der Regierungen − so das nicht nur im populären, sondern auch sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs vermittelte Bild. Eine ethnographische Perspektive, die Polizeiarbeit im Alltag beobachtet und auf die Interaktionsstrategien der Polizisten mit Klienten und ihre Deutungen und Selbstbilder fokussiert, erlaubt neue Einsichten in das alltägliche Funktionieren der Organisation. Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf einem dreimonatigen Aufenthalt in der domestic violence unit der Police Headquarters in der Upper West Region Ghanas. Sie zeigt unter anderem, wie die Akteure die Ausbildung zum Polizisten, Gehaltsfragen, Versetzungen, Geschlechterverhältnis und Beförderungen konzeptionalisieren und wo sie sich in ihrer Arbeitswelt positionieren. Die besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Arbeit gilt der Interaktion der Polizisten mit Akteuren außerhalb ihrer Organisation, den „Klienten“. Eine zentrale Erkenntnis ist, dass die Klienten erst mit Hilfe typischer bürokratischer Praktiken und Redensarten als solche von den Polizisten konstruiert werden. Dabei sind die Klienten aber weder passiv polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert noch können einflussreiche Klienten die Polizei nach ihrem Gusto manipulieren. In zwei Fallstudien von Verhandlungssituationen wird deutlich, wie Polizisten Autorität in der Interaktion mit Klienten herstellen und legitimieren und welche Maßnahmen Klienten ihrerseits ergreifen, um die Situation zu ihren Gunsten zu gestalten.


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This article presents findings from a quantitative survey (N = 301) to evaluate the impact discriminatory incidents have on the attitudes of immigrants towards the majority society in Germany.The findings show that there is a strong relationship between experiences of discrimination and a hostile or alienated attitude towards German society. As an attempt to explain this generalization from single incidents to the macro relation between immigrants and autochthonous Germans in general a theory of framing, taken from developments in the field of rational choice theory, is applied. The reasoning is that a generalizing and rather hostile framing in terms of the attitude towards Germans can minimize psychic, emotional and social costs resulting from acts of discrimination.


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Since the 1960s, there has been growing awareness regarding the issue of domestic violence as a form of violence against women, which has been largely influenced by the work of feminist activist and scholars in North America and Europe (Dobash and Dobash 1992). Other terms have been used to describe the same phenomenon, including domestic abuse, spousal abuse, wife battering, marital violence, intimate partner violence. Though there is no doubt that this problem has existed for much more than five decades, the tendency to label it as ‘private matters’ or ‘marital disagreements’ has obscured the reality of women living with abuse in their home. At a general level, domestic violence can be defined as the means used by a man in order to assert his control and domination over his intimate partner, whether they are married or not (Mullender 1996). It can involve incidents of physical and sexual violence, as well as verbal, psychological and financial abuse. Though some of its manifestations may be associated with particular cultural or religious groups – e.g. forced marriage and honour killing in South-Asian communities – domestic violence affects women from all classes and backgrounds.


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Despite a longstanding belief that education importantly affects the process of immigrant assimilation, little is known about the relative importance of different mechanisms linking these two processes. This paper explores this issue through an examination of the effects of human capital on one dimension of assimilation, immigrant intermarriage. I argue that there are three primary mechanisms through which human capital affects the probability of intermarriage. First, human capital may make immigrants better able to adapt to the native culture thereby making it easier to share a household with a native. Second, it may raise the likelihood that immigrants leave ethnic enclaves, thereby decreasing the opportunity to meet potential spouses of the same ethnicity. Finally, assortative matching on education in the marriage market suggests that immigrants may be willing to trade similarities in ethnicity for similarities in education when evaluating potential spouses. Using a simple spouse-search model, I first derive an identification strategy for differentiating the cultural adaptability effect from the assortative matching effect, and then I obtain empirical estimates of their relative importance while controlling for the enclave effect. Using U.S. Census data, I find that assortative matching on education is the most important avenue through which human capital affects the probability of intermarriage. Further support for the model is provided by deriving and testing some of its additional implications.


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Objective: To explore service providers’ perceptions in order to identify barriers and facilitators to effective coverage of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) services for immigrant women in Spain, according to the different categories proposed in Tanahashi's model of effective coverage. Methods: A qualitative study based on 29 in-depth personal interviews and four group interviews with a total of 43 professionals working in public services (social and health-care services, women's refuges, the police force, the judiciary) and NGOs in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Alicante (Spain) in 2011. Findings: Current IPV services in Spain partially fail in their coverage of abused immigrant women due to barriers of (i) availability, such as the inexistence of culturally appropriate services; (ii) accessibility, as having a residence permit is a prerequisite for women's access to different services and rights; (iii) acceptability, such as women's lack of confidence in the effectiveness of services; and (iv) effectiveness, for example, lack of specific training among professionals on the issues of IPV and immigration. However, interviewees also identified facilitators, such as the enabling environment promoted by the Spanish Law on Gender-Based Violence (1/2004), and the impetus it has provided for the development of other specific legislative tools to address IPV in immigrant populations in Spain (availability, accessibility and effectiveness). Conclusion: Whilst not dismissing cultural barriers, aspects related to service structure are identified by providers as the main barriers and facilitators to immigrant women use of IPV services. Despite noteworthy achievements, improvements are still required in terms of mainstreaming assistance tailored to immigrant women's needs in IPV policies and services.


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Over forty million foreign-born residents currently live in the United States. Latinos make up the largest population of immigrants living in the U.S. Previous research suggests that Latino immigrants often experience pre-migration stressors, such as traumatic experiences, political upheaval, and unplanned migration. These stressors may have a negative impact on immigrants’ post-migration mental health. Research also suggests that the post-migration climate of the receiving community may inform the connection between pre-migration experiences and post-migration mental health. The current study examined the relationship between Latino immigrants’ reasons for migration, migration planning, and pre-migration experience of political and/or interpersonal violence, and post-migration symptoms of psychological distress. In addition to examining the effect of these pre-migration factors, the current study also examined the community “climate” experienced by Latino immigrants post-migration by assessing the influence of three post-migration factors: 1) community support and engagement, 2) discrimination, and 3) employment. The study was a secondary analysis of data collected for the National Latino and Asian American Study, which focused on the mental health and service utilization of Latinos and Asian Americans. Participants included 1,629 Latino immigrants from across the United States. Results indicated that pre-migration experience of political and/or interpersonal trauma, post-migration experience of discrimination, and female sex were positively associated with psychological distress. Post-migration employment was negatively associated with psychological distress. In addition, discrimination modified the association between unplanned migration and psychological distress; the relationship between unplanned migration and psychological distress decreased for participants who reported more discrimination. Furthermore, employment modified the association between political and/or interpersonal trauma and psychological distress; the connection between trauma and psychological distress increased among those who reported having less employment. Recommendations for further research were presented. Policy and clinical practice implications were discussed, particularly given the current climate of high anti-immigrant sentiment and hostility in the U.S.