998 resultados para variation partitioning


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In this work, 17-polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxin/furan (PCDD/Fs) isomers were measured in ambient air at four urban sites in Seoul, Korea (from February to June 2009). The concentrations of their summed values RPCDD/Fs) across all four sites ranged from 1,947 (271 WHO05 TEQ) (Jong Ro) to 2,600 (349 WHO05 TEQ) fg/m3 (Yang Jae) with a mean of 2,125 ± 317) fg/m3 (292 WHO05 TEQ fg/m3). The sum values for the two isomer groups of RPCDD and RPCDF were 527 (30 WHO05 TEQ) and 1,598 (263 WHO05 TEQ) fg/m3, respectively. The concentration profile of individual species was dominated by the 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF isomer, which contributed approximately 36 % of the RPCDD/Fs value. The observed temporal trends in PCDD/F concentrations were characterized by relative enhancement in the winter and spring. The relative contribution of different sources, when assessed by principal component analysis, is explained by the dominance of vehicular emissions along with coal (or gas) burning as the key source of ambient PCDD/Fs in the residential areas studied.


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Aim Recent studies have suggested that global diatom distributions are not limited by dispersal, in the case of both extant species and fossil species, but rather that environmental filtering explains their spatial patterns. Hubbell's neutral theory of biodiversity provides a framework in which to test these alternatives. Our aim is to test whether the structure of marine phytoplankton (diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores) assemblages across the Atlantic agrees with neutral theory predictions. We asked: (1) whether intersite variance in phytoplankton diversity is explained predominantly by dispersal limitation or by environmental conditions; and (2) whether species abundance distributions are consistent with those expected by the neutral model. Location Meridional transect of the Atlantic (50 degrees N50 degrees S). Methods We estimated the relative contributions of environmental factors and geographic distance to phytoplankton composition using similarity matrices, Mantel tests and variation partitioning of the species composition based upon canonical ordination methods. We compared the species abundance distribution of phytoplankton with the neutral model using Etienne's maximum-likelihood inference method. Results Phytoplankton communities are slightly more determined by niche segregation (24%), than by dispersal limitation and ecological drift (17%). In 60% of communities, the assumption of neutrality in species' abundance distributions could not be rejected. In tropical zones, where oceanic gyres enclose large stable water masses, most communities showed low species immigration rates; in contrast, we infer that communities in temperate areas, out of oligotrophic gyres, have higher rates of species immigration. Conclusions Phytoplankton community structure is consistent with partial niche assembly and partial dispersal and drift assembly (neutral processes). The role of dispersal limitation is almost as important as habitat filtering, a fact that has been largely overlooked in previous studies. Furthermore, the polewards increase in immigration rates of species that we have discovered is probably caused by water mixing conditions and productivity.


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Understanding the dietary consumption and selection of wild populations of generalist herbivores is hampered by the complex array of factors. Here, we determine the influence of habitat, season, and animal density, sex, and age on the diet consumption and selection of 426 red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus) culled in Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. Our site differs from studies elsewhere both in habitat (evergreen angiosperm-dominated forests) and the intensity of hunting pressures. We predicted that deer would not consume forage in proportion to its relative availability, and that dietary consumption would change among and within years in response to hunting pressures that would also limit opportunities for age and sex segregation. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we evaluated the relative importance of different drivers of variation in diet consumption assessed from gut content and related these to available forage in the environment. We found that altitude explained the largest proportion of variation in diet consumption, reflecting the ability of deer to alter their consumption and selection in relation to their foraging grounds. Grasses formed a high proportion of the diet consumption, even for deer culled several kilometres from the alpine grasslands. In the winter months, when the alpine grasslands were largely inaccessible, less grass was eaten and deer resorted to woody plants that were avoided in the summer months. Surprisingly, there were no significant dietary differences between adults and juveniles and only subtle differences between the sexes. Sex-based differences in diet consumption are commonly observed in ungulate species and we suggest that they may have been reduced in our study area owing to decreased heterogeneity in available forage as the diversity of palatable species decreased under high deer browsing pressures, or by intense hunting pressure. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 Ecological Society of Australia.


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O presente estudo determina e analisa a importância relativa de diversos descritores ambientais, de pastoreio e de influência humana directa na distribuição da geneta (Genetta genetta L., 1758). O estudo decorreu em Monfurado, Sítio de Importância Comunitária, no Sul de Portugal. A área de estudo é predominantemente agrícola, maioritariamente ocupada por montado. A análise do padrão de distribuição deste carnívoro através de partição da variância e de ITMC (lnformation Theoretic Model Comparison) teve como objectivo orientar as prioridades na gestão das actividades humanas, compatíveis com a presença da espécie. Os resultados mostram que a distribuição da geneta é maioritariamente influenciada pelos descritores ambientais, apresentando uma relação positiva com densidade de montado com matos, conteúdo de matéria orgânica do solo e índice de Shannon de diversidade vertical da vegetação. A sua presença parece também ser promovida por níveis intermédios de pastoreio e fora das zonas de caça do regime cinegético especial. ABSTRACT; This study determines and analyses the relative importance of several environmental, livestock and human descriptors in the distribution of the common genet (Genetta genetta L., 1758). The study was conducted in Monfurado, a Site of Communitary lmportance, in South Portugal. The study area is Mediterranean farmland and is dominated by evergreen oak tree stands, named "montado". Modeling the distribution of this carnivore species was evaluated on the basis of ITMC (lnformation Theoretic Model Comparison) and variation partitioning techniques aiming to define human management activities compatible with the species conservation. The results show that the species distribution is mainly influenced by the environmental descriptors, and is positively related with montado and shrubs density, soil organic matter and Shannon's index of vertical vegetation diversity. Genet presence is favoured by intermediate levels of grazing and outside of game estates areas.


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La recherche porte sur les patrons de distribution longitudinale (amont-aval) et transversale (rive nord - rive sud) des communautés de crustacés planctoniques qui ont été analysés le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent entre le lac Saint-François et la zone de transition estuarienne, à deux hydropériodes en mai (crue) et en août (étiage). Les données zooplanctoniques et environnementales ont été récoltées à 52 stations réparties sur 16 transects transversaux en 2006. Au chapitre 1, nous présentons les principaux modèles écosystémiques en rivière, une synthèse des facteurs influençant le zooplancton en rivières et les objectifs et hypothèses de recherche. Au chapitre 2, nous décrivons la structure des communautés de zooplancton dans trois zones biogéographiques du fleuve et 6 habitats longitudinaux, ainsi que les relations entre la structure du zooplancton et la distribution spatiale des masses d’eau et les variables environnementales. Au chapitre 3, nous réalisons une partition de la variation des variables spatiales AEM (basées sur la distribution des masses d’eau) et des variables environnementales pour évaluer quelle part de la variation du zooplancton est expliquée par les processus hydrologiques (variables AEM) et les conditions locales (facteurs environnementaux). Le gradient salinité-conductivité relié à la discontinuité fleuve-estuaire a déterminé la distribution à grande échelle du zooplancton. Dans les zones fluviales, la distribution du zooplancton est davantage influencée par la distribution des masses d’eau que par les facteurs environnementaux locaux. La distribution des masses d’eau explique une plus grande partie de la variation dans la distribution du zooplancton en août qu’en mai.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Ce mémoire visait à comprendre la dynamique temporelle et les patrons floristiques actuels de deux tourbières du sud-ouest du Québec (Small et Large Tea Field) et à identifier les facteurs anthropiques, environnementaux et spatiaux sous-jacents. Pour répondre aux objectifs, des inventaires floristiques anciens (1985) ont d’abord été comparés à des inventaires récents (2012) puis les patrons actuels et les facteurs sous-jacents ont été identifiés à l’aide d’analyses multi-variables. Mes résultats montrent d’abord qu’un boisement important s’est produit au cours des 30 dernières années dans les tourbières à l’étude, probablement en lien avec le drainage des terres agricoles avoisinantes, diminuant la hauteur de la nappe phréatique. Simultanément, les sphaignes ont proliférées dans le centre des sites s’expliquant par une recolonisation des secteurs ayant brûlés en 1983. D’autre part, mes analyses ont montré que les patrons floristiques actuels étaient surtout liés aux variables environnementales (pH et conductivité de l’eau, épaisseur des dépôts), bien que la variance associée aux activités humaines était aussi significative, notamment dans la tourbière Large (18.6%). Les patrons floristiques ainsi que les variables environnementales et anthropiques explicatives étaient aussi fortement structurés dans l’espace, notamment selon un gradient bordure-centre. Enfin, la diversité béta actuelle était surtout liée à la présence d’espèces non-tourbicoles ou exotiques. Globalement, cette étude a montré que les perturbations humaines passées et actuelles avaient un impact important sur la dynamique et la distribution de la végétation des tourbières Small et Large Tea Field.


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L'urbanisation représente une menace majeure pour la biodiversité. Ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à comprendre ses effets sur la composition fonctionnelle et l'homogénéisation biotique dans les forêts riveraines. Des inventaires floristiques ont été réalisés dans 57 forêts riveraines de la région de Montréal. Afin d'étudier la variation de la composition fonctionnelle avec l'urbanisation, des moyennes pondérées de traits par communauté ont été calculées pour les arbres, arbustes et herbacées. Chaque forêt a été caractérisée par des variables relatives au paysage urbain environnant, aux conditions locales des forêts et aux processus spatiaux. Les conditions locales, notamment les inondations, exerçaient une pression de sélection dominante sur les traits. L'effet du paysage était indirect, agissant via l'altération des régimes hydrologiques. La dispersion le long des rivières était aussi un processus important dans la structuration des forêts riveraines. Les changements dans la diversité β taxonomique et fonctionnelle des herbacées ont été étudiés entre trois niveaux d'urbanisation et d'inondation. Alors que l'urbanisation a favorisé une différenciation taxonomique, les inondations ont favorisé une homogénéisation taxonomique, sans influencer la diversité β fonctionnelle. L'urbanisation était l'élément déclencheur des changements de la diversité β, directement, en causant un gain en espèces exotiques et une diminution de la richesse totale dans les forêts très urbanisées, et, indirectement, en entraînant un important turnover d'espèces par l'altération des régimes hydrologiques. Globalement, ces résultats suggèrent que la modification des processus naturels par les activités anthropiques est le principal moteur de changements dans les communautés riveraines urbaines.


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Microbial communities respond to a variety of environmental factors related to resources (e.g. plant and soil organic matter), habitat (e.g. soil characteristics) and predation (e.g. nematodes, protozoa and viruses). However, the relative contribution of these factors on microbial community composition is poorly understood. Here, we sampled soils from 30 chalk grassland fields located in three different chalk hill ridges of Southern England, using a spatially explicit sampling scheme. We assessed microbial communities via phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and measured soil characteristics, as well as nematode and plant community composition. The relative influences of space, soil, vegetation and nematodes on soil microorganisms were contrasted using variation partitioning and path analysis. Results indicate that soil characteristics and plant community composition, representing habitat and resources, shape soil microbial community composition, whereas the influence of nematodes, a potential predation factor, appears to be relatively small. Spatial variation in microbial community structure was detected at broad (between fields) and fine (within fields) scales, suggesting that microbial communities exhibit biogeographic patterns at different scales. Although our analysis included several relevant explanatory data sets, a large part of the variation in microbial communities remained unexplained (up to 92% in some analyses). However, in several analyses, significant parts of the variation in microbial community structure could be explained. The results of this study contribute to our understanding of the relative importance of different environmental and spatial factors in driving the composition of soil-borne microbial communities.


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Landscape heterogeneity (the composition and configuration of matrix habitats) plays a major role in shaping species communities in wooded-agricultural landscapes. However, few studies consider the influence of different types of semi-natural and linear habitats in the matrix, despite their known ecological value for biodiversity. Objective To investigate the importance of the composition and configuration of matrix habitats for woodland carabid communities and identify whether specific landscape features can help to maintain long-term populations in wooded-agricultural environments. Methods Carabids were sampled from woodlands in 36 tetrads of 4 km2 across southern Britain. Landscape heterogeneity including an innovative representation of linear habitats was quantified for each tetrad. Carabid community response was analysed using ordination methods combined with variation partitioning and additional response trait analyses. Results Woodland carabid community response was trait-specific and better explained by simultaneously considering the composition and configuration of matrix habitats. Semi-natural and linear features provided significant refuge habitat and functional connectivity. Mature hedgerows were essential for slow-dispersing carabids in fragmented landscapes. Species commonly associated with heathland were correlated with inland water and woodland patches despite widespread heathland conversion to agricultural land, suggesting that species may persist for some decades when elements representative of the original habitat are retained following landscape modification. Conclusions Semi-natural and linear habitats have high biodiversity value. Landowners should identify features that can provide additional resources or functional connectivity for species relative to other habitat types in the landscape matrix. Agri-environment options should consider landscape heterogeneity to identify the most efficacious changes for biodiversity.


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Context Landscape heterogeneity (the composition and configuration of different landcover types) plays a key role in shaping woodland bird assemblages in wooded-agricultural mosaics. Understanding how species respond to landscape factors could contribute to preventing further decline of woodland bird populations. Objective To investigate how woodland birds with different species traits respond to landscape heterogeneity, and to identify whether specific landcover types are important for maintaining diverse populations in wooded-agricultural environments. Methods Birds were sampled from woodlands in 58 2 x 2 km tetrads across southern Britain. Landscape heterogeneity was quantified for each tetrad. Bird assemblage response was determined using redundancy analysis combined with variation partitioning and response trait analyses. Results For woodland bird assemblages, the independent explanatory importance of landscape composition and landscape configuration variables were closely interrelated. When considered simultaneously during variation partitioning, the community response was better represented by compositional variables. Different species responded to different landscape features and this could be explained by traits relating to woodland association, foraging strata and nest location. Ubiquitous, generalist species, many of which were hole-nesters or ground foragers, correlated positively with urban landcover while specialists of broadleaved woodland avoided landscapes containing urban areas. Species typical of coniferous woodland correlated with large conifer plantations. Conclusions At the 2 x 2 km scale, there was evidence that the availability of resources provided by proximate landcover types was highly important for shaping woodland bird assemblages. Further research to disentangle the effects of composition and configuration at different spatial scales is advocated.


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The Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 25 world's hotspots for biodiversity, has experienced dramatic changes in its landscape. While the loss of species diversity is well documented, functional diversity has not received the same amount of attention. In this study, we evaluated functional diversity of insects in streams utilizing three indices: functional diversity (FD), functional dispersion (FDis), and functional divergence (FDiv), seeking to understand the roles of three predictor sets in explaining functional patterns: (1) bioclimatic and landscape variables; (2) spatial variables; and (3) local environmental variables. We determined the amount of variation in different measures of functional diversity that was explained by each predictor set and their interplays using variation partitioning. Our study showed that variation in functional diversity is better explained by a set of variables linked to different scales dependent on spatial structures, indicating the importance of landscape and mainly environmental variables in the functional organization of aquatic insect communities, and that the relative importance of predictor sets depends on the indices considered. Variation in FD was better explained by the interplay among the three predictor sets and by local environmental variables, whereas variation in FDis was better explained by spatial variables and by the interplay between environmental and spatial variables. Variation in FDiv was not significantly explained by any predictors. Our study adds more evidence on the harmful effects caused by landscape changes on biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest, suggesting that these effects also influence the functional organization of stream insect communities. © 2013 The Author(s) Journal compilation © 2013 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.


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Within a metacommunity, both environmental and spatial processes regulate variation in local community structure. The strength of these processes may vary depending on species traits (e.g., dispersal mode) or the characteristics of the regions studied (e.g., spatial extent, environmental heterogeneity). We studied the metacommunity structuring of three groups of stream macroinvertebrates differing in their overland dispersal mode (passive dispersers with aquatic adults; passive dispersers with terrestrial adults; active dispersers with terrestrial adults). We predicted that environmental structuring should be more important for active dispersers, because of their better ability to track environmental variability, and that spatial structuring should be more important for species with aquatic adults, because of stronger dispersal limitation. We sampled a total of 70 stream riffle sites in three drainage basins. Environmental heterogeneity was unrelated to spatial extent among our study regions, allowing us to examine the effects of these two factors on metacommunity structuring. We used partial redundancy analysis and Moran's eigenvector maps based on overland and watercourse distances to study the relative importance of environmental control and spatial structuring. We found that, compared with environmental control, spatial structuring was generally negligible, and it did not vary according to our predictions. In general, active dispersers with terrestrial adults showed stronger environmental control than the two passively dispersing groups, suggesting that the species dispersing actively are better able to track environmental variability. There were no clear differences in the results based on watercourse and overland distances. The variability in metacommunity structuring among basins was not related to the differences in the environmental heterogeneity and spatial extent. Our study emphasized that (1) environmental control is prevailing in stream metacommunities, (2) dispersal mode may have an important effect on metacommunity structuring, and (3) some factors other than spatial extent or environmental heterogeneity contributed to the differences among the basins.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)