833 resultados para valutazione ambientale strategica, best practices, sostenibilità.


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Lo scopo di questo studio è descrivere nel dettaglio la procedura di Valutazione Ambientale Strategica (VAS) relativa ai Piani Energetici Provinciali (PEP) al fine di delinearne un metodo efficace di valutazione, a partire dallo studio del caso della Provincia di Ravenna. In seguito alla mancanza di Linee Guida sulla VAS, si è ritenuta utile un´analisi comparativa tra metodologie e strumenti, e gli obiettivi specifici e generali che andrebbero rispettati in ogni VAS di un PEP. Lo studio si basa su confronti paralleli tra quattro casi di VAS di Piani Energetici Provinciali al fine di elaborare un modello di valutazione delle VAS, semplice e diretto, basato su contenuti teorici e metodologici provenienti da una selezione di studi e documenti nazionali e internazionali, di cui si è tenuto conto e da cui si sono estrapolate le migliori "Buone Pratiche" per la VAS. L´analisi seguente è stata effettuata attraverso matrici qualitative in cui, per ciascuna connessione tra metodologia e "obiettivo VAS" si è espresso un giudizio che cerca di tenere conto, quando possibile, dei criteri e dei principi generali di sostenibilità dettati dalle maggiori autorità e associazioni internazionali e nazionali di valutazione ambientale. Il confronto tra i quattro casi, ha evidenziato dei punti di debolezza nell´applicazione della Direttiva VAS. Questo studio inoltre, ha tra i suoi obiettivi, quello ambizioso di delineare un metodo efficace di valutazione strategica dei piani energetici provinciali, a partire dallo studio del caso della Provincia di Ravenna. Per questi obiettivi, si è deciso di impostare un programma di lavoro basato sui sistemi informativi geografici, che ha permesso di individuare le aree con potenziale di sviluppo energetico della risorsa solare. Nello specifico è stato possibile calcolare quanta “superficie utile”, presente nelle aree industriali e commerciali della Provincia, potrebbe essere sfruttata installandovi pannelli fotovoltaici. Si è riusciti con questa metodologia a fornire una stima più dettagliata delle reali potenzialità della risorsa solare in Provincia di Ravenna, individuando nel dettaglio territoriale le rispettive quote percentuali che potrebbero essere installate, per raggiungere gli obiettivi di sostenibilità del piano. Il percorso iniziato con questa tesi consente di riflettere sulla necessità di approfondire il tema del rapporto tra valutazione ambientale qualitativa di uno strumento di pianificazione come la VAS, e la stima quantitativa sia della sostenibilità che del danno ambientale legato agli impatti negativi che questo strumento dovrebbe rilevare. Gli sviluppi futuri cui la tesi pone le basi sono l'implementazione di strumenti quantitativi di analisi delle potenzialità energetiche e di valutazione degli scenari. Questi strumenti sono necessari a definire i modelli ambientali per il supporto alle decisioni in campo energetico.


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Nel corso del mio lavoro di ricerca mi sono occupata di identificare strategie che permettano il risparmio delle risorse a livello edilizio e di approfondire un metodo per la valutazione ambientale di tali strategie. La convinzione di fondo è che bisogna uscire da una visione antropocentrica in cui tutto ciò che ci circonda è merce e materiale a disposizione dell’uomo, per entrare in una nuova era di equilibrio tra le risorse della terra e le attività che l’uomo esercita sul pianeta. Ho quindi affrontato il tema dell’edilizia responsabile approfondendo l’ambito delle costruzioni in balle di paglia e terra. Sono convinta che l’edilizia industriale abbia un futuro molto breve davanti a sé e lascerà inevitabilmente spazio a tecniche non convenzionali che coinvolgono materiali di semplice reperimento e posa in opera. Sono altresì convinta che il solo utilizzo di materiali naturali non sia garanzia di danni ridotti sull’ecosistema. Allo stesso tempo ritengo che una mera certificazione energetica non sia sinonimo di sostenibilità. Per questo motivo ho valutato le tecnologie non convenzionali con approccio LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), approfondendo gli impatti legati alla produzione, ai trasporti degli stessi, alla tipologia di messa in opera, e ai loro possibili scenari di fine vita. Inoltre ho approfondito il metodo di calcolo dei danni IMPACT, identificando una carenza nel sistema, che non prevede una categoria di danno legata alle modifiche delle condizioni idrogeologiche del terreno. La ricerca si è svolta attraverso attività pratiche e sperimentali in cantieri di edilizia non convenzionale e attività di ricerca e studio sull’LCA presso l’Enea di Bologna (Ing. Paolo Neri).


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The inclusion or not of chat services within Virtual Reference (VR) is an important topic for university libraries. Increasingly, email supported by a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database is suggested in the scholarly literature as the preferred, cost-effective means for providing university VR services. This paper examines these issues and identifies some best practices for university library VR services relating to chat and email service, collaborative service provision, services staffing, and staff training. Further studies are required to more completely identify best practices for the complete range of VR services.


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Predictions that result from scientific research hold great appeal for decision-makers who are grappling with complex and controversial environmental issues, by promising to enhance their ability to determine a need for and outcomes of alternative decisions. A problem exists in that decision-makers and scientists in the public and private sectors solicit, produce, and use such predictions with little understanding of their accuracy or utility, and often without systematic evaluation or mechanisms of accountability. In order to contribute to a more effective role for ecological science in support of decision-making, this paper discusses three ``best practices'' for quantitative ecosystem modeling and prediction gleaned from research on modeling, prediction, and decision-making in the atmospheric and earth sciences. The lessons are distilled from a series of case studies and placed into the specific context of examples from ecological science.


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There are increasing numbers of refugees worldwide, with approximately 16 million refugees in 2007 and over 2.5 million refugees resettled in the United States since the start of its humanitarian program. Psychologists and other health professionals who deliver mental health services for individuals from refugee backgrounds need to have confidence that the therapeutic interventions they employ are appropriate and effective for the clients with whom they work. The current review briefly surveys refugee research, examines empirical evaluations of therapeutic interventions in resettlement contexts, and provides recommendations for best practices and future directions in resettlement countries. The resettlement interventions found to be most effective typically target culturally homogeneous client samples and demonstrate moderate to large outcome effects on aspects of traumatic stress and anxiety reduction. Further evaluations of the array of psychotherapeutic, psychosocial, pharmacological, and other therapeutic approaches, including psychoeducational and community-based interventions that facilitate personal and community growth and change, are encouraged. There is a need for increased awareness, training and funding to implement longitudinal interventions that work collaboratively with clients from refugee backgrounds through the stages of resettlement.


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This article focuses on mental health assessment of refugees in clinical, educational and administrative-legal settings in order to synthesise research and practice designed to enhance and promote further development of culturally appropriate clinical assessment services during the refugee resettlement process. It specifically surveys research published over the last 25 years into the development, reliability measurement and validity testing of assessment instruments, which have been used with children, adolescents and adults from refugee backgrounds, prior to or following their arrival in a resettlement country, to determine whether the instruments meet established crosscultural standards of conceptual, functional, linguistic, technical and normative equivalence. The findings suggest that, although attempts have been made to develop internally reliable, appropriately normed tests for use with refugees from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, matters of conceptual and linguistic equivalence and test–retest reliability are often overlooked. Implications of these oversights for underreporting refugees' mental health needs are considered. Efforts should also be directed towards development of culturally comparable, valid and reliable measures of refugee children's mental health and of refugee children's and adults' psychoeducational, neuropsychological and applied memory capabilities.


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Throughout the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and across the world, riders and passengers of motorcycles and scooters are among the most vulnerable road users. Such vulnerability is especially pertinent for nations that more often use motorcycles and scooters as a method of transportation. In developing effective countermeasures to reduce motorcycle and scooter death and injury across multiple regions, consideration is required of various situational and socio-cultural factors that vary across APEC economies. This compendium aims to facilitate implementation of best practice countermeasures to improve motorcycle safety in APEC member economies.


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Throughout the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and across the world, riders and passengers of motorcycles and scooters are among the most vulnerable road users. There is considerably greater likelihood of death or injury from use of these vehicles compared with other motor vehicles. Such vulnerability is especially pertinent for economies that more often use motorcycles and scooters as a method of transportation. In developing effective countermeasures to reduce motorcycle and scooter death and injury across multiple regions consideration is required of various situational and socio-cultural factors that vary across APEC economies. The study presented here sought to understand important motorcycle and scooter safety issues across APEC economies and any current barriers that might exist in implementing potentially effective countermeasures. This is the first stage of a wider project which also includes a literature review and ultimately the production of a compendium to facilitate implementation of best practice countermeasures.


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Motorcyclists and scooter riders are among the most vulnerable road users, across APEC. This report assesses the potential road safety measures that can be used to address these issues and selects measures that could feasibly and effectively be implemented across the Asia Pacific Economic Communities (APEC). The scope of the report is confined to on-road motorcycle riding. While the numbers of injuries resulting from off-road riding (including as part of farm work) are likely to be substantial based on data from other states, many of the issues and measures to reduce trauma in off-road riding would be quite different. A previous report described important motorcycle and scooter safety issues across APEC economies and any current barriers that might exist in implementing potentially effective countermeasures.


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In the era of global knowledge economy, urban regions—seeking to increase their competitive edge, become destinations for talent and investment, and provide prosperity and quality of life to their inhabitants—have little chance achieving their development goals without forming effective knowledge-based urban development (KBUD) strategies. KBUD paradigm suggests that the economic future of cities increasingly depends on the capacity to attract, generate, retain and foster creativity, knowledge and innovation—and make space and place for knowledge generation and knowledge communities. Thus, the paper aims to shed light on the planning and development processes of the KBUD phenomenon with respect to the construction of sustainable knowledge community precincts (KCPs) aimed at making space for knowledge generation and place for knowledge communities—and provide useful lessons for the developing country cities seeking such sustainable and KBUD.


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This study was undertaken to examine the influence that a set of Professional Development (PD) initiatives had on faculty use of Moodle, a well known Course Management System. The context of the study was a private language university just outside Tokyo, Japan. Specifically, it aimed to identify the way in which the PD initiatives adhered to professional development best practice criteria; how faculty members perceived the PD initiatives; what impact the PD initiatives had on faculty use of Moodle; and other variables that may have influenced faculty in their use of Moodle. The study utilised a mixed methods approach. Participants in the study were 42 teachers who worked at the university in the academic year 2008/9. The online survey consisted of 115 items, factored into 10 constructs. Data was collected through an online survey, semi-structured face-to-face interviews, post-workshop surveys, and a collection of textual artefacts. The quantitative data were analysed in SPSS, using descriptive statistics, Spearman's Rank Order correlation tests and a Kruskal-Wallis means test. The qualitative data was used to develop and expand findings and ideas. The results indicated that the PD initiatives adhered closely to criteria posited in technology-related professional development best practice criteria. Further, results from the online survey, post workshop surveys, and follow up face-to-face interviews indicated that while the PD initiatives that were implemented were positively perceived by faculty, they did not have the anticipated impact on Moodle use among faculty. Further results indicated that other variables, such as perceptions of Moodle, and institutional issues, had a considerable influence on Moodle use. The findings of the study further strengthened the idea that the five variables Everett Rogers lists in his Diffusion of Innovations model, including perceived attributes of an innovation; type of innovation decision; communication channels; nature of the social system; extent of change agents' promotion efforts, most influence the adoption of an innovation. However, the results also indicated that some of the variables in Rogers' DOI seem to have more of an influence than others, particularly the perceived attributes of an innovation variable. In addition, the findings of the study could serve to inform universities that have Course Management Systems (CMS), such as Moodle, about how to utilise them most efficiently and effectively. The findings could also help to inform universities about how to help faculty members acquire the skills necessary to incorporate CMSs into curricula and teaching practice. A limitation of this study was the use of a non-randomised sample, which could appear to have limited the generalisations of the findings to this particular Japanese context.


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Purpose: The paper seeks to investigate emerging knowledge precincts under the urban design lens in order to identify recurrent spatial patterns of urban forms and functions to gather an understanding of physical aspects that contribute to the creation of place quality. Scope: This paper focuses on the physical design and layout of specific precincts. Although socio-economic and other factors come into play imparting the distinctiveness; this paper only focuses on the spatial dimensions. Method: The research first develops a design typology framework through the lead of literature, and then utilizes it to identify recurrent elements in knowledge precinct design in order to develop taxonomy of patterns and layouts. Results: The research reported in this paper provides preliminary insights into the various form and functional factors playing role in the design of knowledge precincts and evaluates the elements that contribute to the success of these urban interventions. Recommendations: The paper recommends the use of particular design-based solutions in order to enhance the place making in knowledge precincts. Conclusions: The study concludes that despite the locational, regulatory and other contextual differences, the underlying driving principle of providing place quality to people leads to the emergence of identifiable spatial patterns across the knowledge precincts.


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Individualization of design is often necessary particularly when designing with people with disabilities. Maker communities, with their flexible Do-It-Yourself (DIY) practices, offer potential to support individualized and cost-effective product design. However, efforts to adapt DIY practices in designing with people with disabilities tend to face difficulties with regard to continuous commitment, infrastructure provision and proper guidance. We carried out interviews with diverse stakeholders in the disability services sector and carried out observations of local makerspaces to understand their current practices and potential for future collaborations. We found that makerspace participants face difficulties in terms of infrastructure provision and proper guidance whereas Disability Service Organizations face difficulties in continuous expertise. We suggest that artful infrastructuring to blend the best of both approaches offers potential to create a sustainable community that can design individualized technologies to support people with disabilities.