983 resultados para user training


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Today’s business world demands more and more internal and external integration and transparency among companies at all fields. Integrated ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems offer a possibility to improve business practices and procedures by providing a unified view on the business including all functions and departments. Due to the obvious benefits, the popularity of integrated ERP systems keeps growing. The implementation of ERP systems has however proven risky. The implementation projects tend to be long, extensive, and costly – and often they end up in a failure. Due to the significant task and role changes ERP implementation brings to almost everybody in the company, training has been identified as one of the most critical success factors of an ERP implementation. To ensure that the training is conducted in the most effective and successful manner, the training outcomes should be evaluated. So far, training evaluation has however gained only limited attention at most companies investing in different training programs. Uponor corporation has initiated a large ERP implementation and process harmonization program in 2004. Thousands of end-users have been trained during this project so far, and the work still continues until the project is completed in 2010. In this thesis, the evaluation of end-user training in Uponor’s ERP program is brought further from the current state of performing the basic participant satisfaction survey in the end of each class. The results show that in order to reach reliable training effectiveness evaluation results, not only the reaction towards training but also transfer of skills and attitudes and the final results of the training program should be evaluated.


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This document is aimed to serve as a tool for officials (as) public library in the training process and educational users who make use of the services offered, and in turn, fulfill the aims and purposes these cultural centers should pursue as a social entity.


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The Library of the Institute of Alajuela made an induction experience and training of users and ventured into the information literacy and engaged in the work of the teaching-learning as an integral part of the curriculum. The actions of the library in developing search strategies, location, selection and use of information brought inthe health service, changes to the role of the library, the librarian, the book and the information in the educational environment.By sharing this experience is intended to provide information that can motivate staff of educational institutions that wish toenter the field of information literacy as a strategy to support the development oflifelong independent learning skills and meaningful learning. Currently, the library should be a proactive part in the education of students but also teachers, administrative and family.This will result in a benefit to Costa Rica: the development of youth and their proper integration into the workplace.


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The importance of appropriate training in the use of videoconferencing equipment for clinical purposes is often underestimated when telemedicine projects are established. We developed a user training programme which was delivered via videoconferencing to a group of 130 nurses. Training was delivered on a one-to-one basis. A questionnaire was developed to evaluate user satisfaction and the effectiveness of training. One hundred and two fully completed questionnaires were returned (a 79% response rate). High levels of satisfaction were obtained but the level of user competence reached 100% only when training was supported by a training manual and at least weekly practice. Before establishing a telemedicine service, the following steps appear to be important: identify the required training competencies; deliver a 'hands on' training programme based on the required training competencies; back up the training programme with an instruction booklet; ensure that trainees have at least weekly practice; measure the level of user competence.


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El treball se centra en l'anàlisi de les causes de la baixa participació en les sessions de formació d'usuaris per part dels estudiants, professors i investigadors universitaris de la Biblioteca de Física i Química de la Universitat de Barcelona. Es remarca la importància d'aquesta formació en la cerca, selecció i difusió de la informació així com la inclusió d'un programa d'alfabetització informacional. Es presenten possibles solucions i propostes per tal d'augmentar aquesta assistència (major difusió, publicitat...), amortitzar els recursos i serveis que preparen els bibliotecaris i en definitiva fidelitzar aquests usuaris.


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L'objectiu de la comunicació és donar a conèixer un estudi sobre els requisits que han de tenir els materials formatius en línia de les biblioteques, i difondre l'experiència pilot que s'ha dut a terme per a elaborar uns materials de formació en format vídeo a la Biblioteca Virtual de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.El punt de partida de l'estudi ha estat la necessitat de crear uns materials de formació nous, adaptats a les necessitats dels usuaris en un entorn virtual i en el marc de l'EEES, en el qual els estudiants cada vegada han de ser més autònoms i en què les competències informacionals són bàsiques. Tots aquests aspectes ens han portat a repensar els nostres materials formatius.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia oppimisprosessin muodostumista ja toteutumista sekä prosessijohtamisen ja prosessien roolia SAP:in käyttöönottoprojektissa. Tutkielman case-organisaationa toimii Kespro Oy ja tutkimuskohteena on SAP:in käyttöönottoprojekti Kespron tukuissa. Tutkimus- ja tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytetään kvantitatiivista kyselylomaketta. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selkeä kuva prosessijohtamisen ja prosessien roolista muutostilanteessa sekä oppimisprosessin muodostumisesta jatoteutumisesta. Johdon ja esimiesten tuen korostuminen sekä onnistunut strategisten linjausten tiedottaminen tulivat esille käytännön työssä prosessien toimivuuden ja oman työn merkityksen kautta. Tärkeänä haasteena osaamisen varmistamiseksi käyttöönoton yhteydessä oli varmistaa koulutuksen ja käyttäjäohjeiden riittävä taso ja sisältö. Käyttöönoton aikana ja sen jälkeen korostuivat tiedon jakamisessa pääkäyttäjien ja henkilöstön keskinäinen yhteistyö ja avunanto. Tehokas tiedon jakaminen mahdollisti käyttöönoton onnistumisen. Käyttöönottoon vaikutti oleellisesti myös tietotekninen näkökulma: käyttäjien kyky erottaa toisistaan oma osaaminen ja tietotekniset ongelmat. Näiden tekijöiden huomioiminen mahdollisti SAP-toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän sujuvan liikkeellelähdön Kespron tukuissa mahdollisimman vähillä operatiivisilla ongelmilla.


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Tutkimuksessa on tutkittu sähköisen itseopiskelutyökalun käyttöä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän loppukäyttäjien kouluttamisen tukena. Tutkimuksen tavoitteina oli selvittää onko intra- tai internetin yli käytettävän sähköisen itseopiskeluympäristön käyttö organisaatiolle hyödyllistä ja kuinka nykyistä, sähköistä itseopiskelua hyödyntävää koulutusratkaisua voitaisiin kehittää edelleen. Tutkimus on toteutettu Liikennevirastossa syksyn 2010 ja kevään 2011 aikana. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan laadullinen ja sen aineisto kerättiin haastatteluin, kirjallisena palautteena ja perehtymällä aiheeseen liittyviin tieteellisiin julkaisuihin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todettiin luokkahuonekoulutuksen rinnalla käytetyn sähköisen itseopiskeluympäristön tukevan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän järjestelmätoimintojen teknistä kouluttamista loppukäyttäjille, mutta käytettävien toimintatapojen ja kokonaiskuvan kouluttamiseen tarvitaan myös muuta tukimateriaalia. Kehitysehdotuksena nykyiseen ratkaisuun suositeltiin yksittäisiä järjestelmätoimintoja kouluttavien harjoitusten selkeämpään sijoittamiseen osaksi toiminnanohjauksen kokonaiskuvaa ja -prosessia. Näin loppukäyttäjät voisivat paremmin ymmärtää suorittamiensa toimintojen ja itsensä sijoittumisen osaksi toiminnanohjauksen liiketoimintaprosesseja.


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ERP system is now attracting the SMEs, as it is now economical and affordable for them. The current research emphasizes on “how to make ERP successful for SMEs”. The researchers have identified various critical success factors in implementation of ERP. The research gap noticed by author is the missing point of view of ERP consultant. This thesis investigates the answer of research question “What are the critical success factors in implementation of ERP system in SMEs in opinion of ERP consultants and acquiring organizations”. The purpose of this study is to identify the highly important and less important factors. The study results will suggest the ERP managers where they have to concentrate more in order to achieve success. Literature is reviewed in order to setup a base for empirical study. Aplenty of work is found related to CSFs, SMEs and ERP. The authors and factors are organized in form of a table that tells which author is agreed upon which factor. Final result of literature review is a list of 14 CSFs. The qualitative research methodology is used to investigate the ERP in Pakistani SMEs. A case study approach is selected because of unified nature of SMEs in Pakistan. A rice mill is selected as a case because it contains maximum SME attributes. The opinion of a Microsoft certified consultant is obtained by a semi-structured interview. Similarly a semi-structured interview is conducted with CIO of SME that acquired ERP. Both the interviewees are asked about all 14 factors, whether they are agree or not and why. The collected evidences then analyzed by tabulation. The factors upon which both the participants found agreed, taken as highly important. Similarly the factors upon which both participants found disagree, taken as less important. Study results present a grid with four quadrants, the CSFs highly important in opinion of both, the CSFs less important in opinion of both, CSFs important in opinion of consultant but not client, CSFs important in opinion of client but not consultant. In discussion part, the significance of each factor is discussed individually. It is discussed that why some factors are high/less important for SMEs in Pakistan. The study output communicates a message that the success of ERP system in SMEs is linked with careful management of five important factors, the project management, top management support, user training and education, consultant participation and ERP teamwork and composition. The ERP consultants and managers can divert their concentration from less important factors such as user involvement, culture readiness and ERP package selection, toward the highly important factors. The limitations of the study are small number of interviews and less people involved, provide an opportunity for future research in this field of information system.


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Les auteurs présentent un survol des logiciels de portails de bibliothèque. La notion de portail de bibliothèque est d’abord définie, puis les principales fonctionnalités de ce type de produit (métarecherche, personnalisation, authentification) sont présentées et expliquées. Un aperçu du marché des logiciels de portail est ensuite donné. Des questions reliées à la fiabilité des résultats et à la formation des utilisateurs sont également soulevées. // The authors present a brief review of software for library portals. The concept of library portals is defined and their main functionalities subsequently presented and explained (meta search engines, personalization, authentication). A general survey of the market for portal software is given before addressing certain questions about the reliability of their results and user training.


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Almost everyone sketches. People use sketches day in and day out in many different and heterogeneous fields, to share their thoughts and clarify ambiguous interpretations, for example. The media used to sketch varies from analog tools like flipcharts to digital tools like smartboards. Whereas analog tools are usually affected by insufficient editing capabilities like cut/copy/paste, digital tools greatly support these scenarios. Digital tools can be grouped into informal and formal tools. Informal tools can be understood as simple drawing environments, whereas formal tools offer sophisticated support to create, optimize and validate diagrams of a certain application domain. Most digital formal tools force users to stick to a concrete syntax and editing workflow, limiting the user’s creativity. For that reason, a lot of people first sketch their ideas using the flexibility of analog or digital informal tools. Subsequently, the sketch is "portrayed" in an appropriate digital formal tool. This work presents Scribble, a highly configurable and extensible sketching framework which allows to dynamically inject sketching features into existing graphical diagram editors, based on Eclipse GEF. This allows to combine the flexibility of informal tools with the power of formal tools without any effort. No additional code is required to augment a GEF editor with sophisticated sketching features. Scribble recognizes drawn elements as well as handwritten text and automatically generates the corresponding domain elements. A local training data library is created dynamically by incrementally learning shapes, drawn by the user. Training data can be shared with others using the WebScribble web application which has been created as part of this work.


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The electronic mail service is one of the most Internet services that grow in the corporate environment. This evolution is bringing several problems for the organizations, especially to information that circulates inside of the corporate net. The lack of correct orientation to the people, about the usage and the security importance of these resources, is leaving breaches and causing misusage and overuse of service, for example. In recent literature, it starts to coming out several ideas, which has helped to rganizations how to plain and how to implement the information security system to the electronic mail in computer environment. However, these ideas are still not placed in practice in many companies, public or private. This dissertation tries to demonstrate the results of a research that has like goal, identify the importance that user training has over the information security policy, through a case study inside of private superior education institute in this state. Besides, this work had by basic orientation the ISO/IEC 17799, which talk about People Security. This study was developed over a proposed model to this research, which looked for offer conditions to guide the institution studied, how to plan better a information security policy to the electronic mail. Also, this research has an exploratory and descreptive nature and your type, qualitative. Firstly, it was applied na questionary to the information technology manager, as better way to get some general data and to deepen the contact which still then, it was being kept through e-mail. Thereupon this first contact, eleven interviews were done with the same manager, beside one interview with twenty-four users, among employees e students. After that to collect and transcript the interviews, were review with the manager all informations given, to correct any mistakes and to update that informations, to then, start the data analyze. The research suggests that the institution has a pro attitude about the information security policy and the electronic mail usage. However, it was clear that answers have their perception about information security under a very inexperient way, derived of a planning lack in relation to training program capable to solve the problem


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The "EMR Tutorial" is designed to be a bilingual online physician education environment about electronic medical records. After iterative assessment and redesign, the tutorial was tested in two groups: U.S. physicians and Mexican medical students. Split-plot ANOVA revealed significantly different pre-test scores in the two groups, significant cognitive gains for the two groups overall, and no significant difference in the gains made by the two groups. Users rated the module positively on a satisfaction questionnaire.


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Este artículo propone avances en la normativa, los procedimientos y los medios de los servicios de referencia, con la finalidad de mejorar la atención al ciudadano en los archivos. Para ello se examinan, desde la experiencia, la teoría y la práctica existentes, considerando particularmente la problemática a la que se enfrentan los archivos históricos que dependen del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Los resultados demuestran la necesidad de implementar la legislación estatal de archivos, aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías para la normalización y para la simplificación de los procedimientos, contar con unos medios suficientes, así como la evaluación y la formación de los usuarios.


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Training in information competencies or information literacy is one of the current challenges of university libraries at the possibilities of access to vast information resources that facilitate digital media, which require a better understand and apply the selection and assessment criteria to retrieval the highest quality and relevance of information as needed. In this situation, Ibero-American university libraries (Latin-America, Spain and Portugal) have been slowly incorporating this training either from direct training programs, offered from the library or through collaborative work with teachers and schools in curricula of various universities as a whole or in specific disciplines. In this text, it was identified that, at present, from the information displayed on Web sites of universities-HEI in Costa Rica, a very small percentage of university libraries would find taking actions in a level 1 or 2 of incorporating information literacy, since a large most developed is still very focused programs and processes to the traditional user training, while another large majority, unfortunately, has no action-information about actions from the forming perspective that should be any library.