996 resultados para universal emotions


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En el trabajo que nos ocupa analizaremos la relación entre diversos ámbitos culturales y la publicidad internacional audiovisual. En la publicidad audiovisual, como la televisiva, las imágenes cargadas de valor simbólico son determinantes para el posicionamiento de una marca y para llegar a la mente del consumidor. A lo largo del estudio relacionaremos el simbolismo de estas imágenes con la mitología y la música para acercarnos a emociones universales que faciliten la relación entre la marca y el consumidor, o bien, entre el spot publicitario y el espectador. En el ámbito internacional, donde se encuentran personas con identidades culturales muy diferentes, y desde una perspectiva comunicacional sería de gran utilidad conocer aspectos comunes en la mente de todo ser humano que favoreciesen la estandarización y sus consecuentes sinergias.


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Les chercheurs qui s’intéressent au champ d’études des émotions sont principalement divisés en deux groupes possédant chacun une façon de percevoir l’expérience émotionnelle et de comprendre ce qui est à sa base. Ces deux groupes sont à l’origine de l’élaboration de deux familles théoriques bien distinctes : celle des émotions discrètes et celle des émotions dimensionnelles. La première, phylogénétiquement inclusive, focalise sur les similarités concrètes entre notre espèce et d’autres espèces de mammifère de manière à trouver des preuves de l’existence de composantes émotionnelles universelles. La seconde, phylogénétiquement beaucoup plus exclusive, s’intéresse aux variantes d’états émotionnels principalement au sein de notre propre espèce. Le présent mémoire s’intéresse à ces deux familles théoriques et a pour mission de confronter les hypothèses précédemment mentionner dans le but de répondre à la question suivante : les émotions sont-elles variables culturellement ou bien sont-elles universelles?


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Although marketers have a strong interest in finding ways to engage with consumers through mobile phones, the everyday experiential, or affective consumption practices surrounding this technology have received limited attention in the literature. To address this limitation, we used appraisal theory, which specifies it is the way individuals appraise situations or events that elicit emotions. We conducted an experience sampling method study to explore the emotions that individuals experience during their interactions with and through their mobile phones and what situations or events elicit these emotions. The preliminary findings show a number of significant relationships between emotions and specfic clusters of situations and events. Additionally, age and gender were also important indicators. The research contributes to a deeper understanding of the experiential nature of mobile information technologies through consumers’ everyday-consumption-related emotions and the situations and events that elicit them.


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Leucodepletion, the removal of leucocytes from blood products improves the safety of blood transfusion by reducing adverse events associated with the incidental non-therapeutic transfusion of leucocytes. Leucodepletion has been shown to have clinical benefit for immuno-suppressed patients who require transfusion. The selective leucodepletion of blood products by bed side filtration for these patients has been widely practiced. This study investigated the economic consequences in Queensland of moving from a policy of selective leucodepletion to one of universal leucodepletion, that is providing all transfused patients with blood products leucodepleted during the manufacturing process. Using an analytic decision model a cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted. An ICER of $16.3M per life year gained was derived. Sensitivity analysis found this result to be robust to uncertainty in the parameters used in the model. This result argues against moving to a policy of universal leucodepletion. However during the course of the study the policy decision for universal leucodepletion was made and implemented in Queensland in October 2008. This study has concluded that cost-effectiveness is not an influential factor in policy decisions regarding quality and safety initiatives in the Australian blood sector.


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This chapter describes an evidence-based programme called the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP), which has been successful in building resilience in young people to prevent depressive symptoms developing.The programme adopts a strengths-focused approach. It aims to build a range of coping resources that foster teenagers’ abilities to maintain a positive sense of self and regulate emotions in the face of the vicissitudes of everyday struggles and difficult life events.This groupbased programme can be implemented routinely in schools or by counselling professionals as an early intervention or prevention programme. While there is no universal definition, ‘resilience’ generally means the process of avoiding the negative trajectories associated with exposure to risk factors (Fergus and Zimmerman, 2005). Current models of resilience are also very clear that there ‘are many pathways to resilience’ (Bonanno, 2004) and there is no


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The Australian Government has committed $970 million over 5 years to fund the expansion of preschool education and has established a National Early Childhood Education Partnership Agreement with States and Territories to achieve universal preschool access by 2013. The Partnership Agreement acknowledges the role of State and Territory Government in preschool education, and different approaches to preschool provision. It also recognises differences in current preschool participation rates across states and territories. This paper offers snapshots of a number of different models of preschool provision, spanning traditional sessional approaches to some integrated and innovative approaches within the long day care context. The paper explores the newer long day care model and offers recommendations for the delivery of preschool education within this different context.


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University students are a high risk population for mental health problems, yet few seek professional help when experiencing problems. This study explored the potential role of an online intervention for promoting wellbeing in university students, by investigating students' help-seeking behaviour, intention to use online interventions and student content preference for such interventions; 254 university students responded to an online survey designed for this study. As predicted, students were less likely to seek help as levels of psychological distress increased. Conversely, intention to use an online intervention increased at higher levels of distress, with 39.1%, 49.4% and 57.7% of low, moderate and severely distressed students respectively indicating they would use an online program supporting student well-being. Results suggest that online interventions may be a useful way to provide help to students in need who otherwise may not seek formal help.


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This thesis reports on the findings of a study which sought to explore the relationship between grandparents and their grandchild who has a disability. In contrast to previous studies, it presents the grandparents’ perspective on the roles and relationships they maintain within their families and adopts a qualitative approach to identify the meanings, symbols and beliefs grandparents attribute to their experiences. Grandparents have played and continue to play an important role in the lives of many families, contributing both symbolic and instrumental support to their grandchildren. Changing life expectancy for older people has meant that many more grandparents and grandchildren now have the opportunity to participate in meaningful interactions and to develop strong relationships. In the future, this will be true for great grandparents and in some cases great great grandparents as well. This presents a number of challenges to all concerned as family members negotiate the often complex arena of family life in the 21st Century. Realizing that a grandchild has a disability adds another degree of complexity to the negotiation of roles and responsibilities of grandparents within families. By focussing on grandparents experiences when their grandchild has a disability, this research both explores a knowledge gap in the current literature and more practicably, will inform both grandparents and their families as they negotiate these challenges. This research makes a significant contribution to knowledge in this area by exploring grandparents’ views on the differences in the relationship they have with their typically developing grandchildren and their grandchild with a disability; the impact having a grandchild with a disability had had on their grandparent identity and whether it impacted on quality of life. As well as reporting on the aims of the study, the papers presented in this thesis report on the key topics and themes identified in the analysis of the transcribed interviews conducted with 22 grandparents whose grandchild has a disability. Article 1 presents an overview of the literature which informs current knowledge in relation to grandparents, presenting a historical and theoretical perspective. Additionally, it presents previous literature which discusses the roles and styles grandparents adopt thus providing a framework which is later used to examine the roles and styles adopted by the grandparents in the study. Article 2 addresses the emotional responses grandparents in the study experienced as they grandparented a child with a disability. Comparing these emotions to that of a roller coaster ride, ranging from absolute sadness and grief to pride and delight, these findings highlight their unique experiences and will be reassuring for other grandparents who experience similar emotional responses. Article 3 discusses from the grandparents’ perspective, how having a grandchild with a disability has impacted on their family. Whilst reporting on the day to day challenges of competing family commitments and conflict, a number of grandparents in this study also commented that the experience had made them closer as a family and that there had been significant changes in how some individual family members now viewed people with disability. Article 4 explores the impact having a grandchild with a disability may have on the grandparents’ sense of identity and enactment of the grandparent role, utilising Neugarten and Weinstein’s (1964) classic grandparenting styles and Kornhaber’s (1996) concepts of latent and functional grandparent identity as a basis for comparison. It provides important insight into grandparenting identity when a child has a disability, suggesting that the grandparenting experience and role enactment may be universal with only the context and delivery varying. In summary, this thesis confirms the valuable role grandparents play in the lives of grandchildren who have a disability and their families. It identifies a number of implications and makes recommendations for future research and practice.


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In this paper we highlight how current approaches to design for disability have failed to consider the emotional needs not only of those with disabilities but their families and other carers as well. In conjunction with this, we demonstrate through a review of literature the significance of the house, the home and home in the support and growth of the person as a whole in association with their loved ones, and the potential inequity that arises when the emotional and holistic dimensions of 'being' are neglected. With a growing trend nationally and internationally away from group and shared housing, a greater focus on the family and their home is required. However, as research has shown, home for families where a family member has a disability is not necessarily a positive experience; it can be a source of stress, work, conflict and burden, arousing emotions ranging from loss of control through guilt. As proposed in the paper, consideration of the negative as well as positive emotions demands exploration of the 'middle ground' between institutions and home-based care models. This paper outlines the beginning of one such exploration.


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This paper reports on a unique approach to inclusive practice that responds to several critical issues highlighted in the first Universal Design (UD) Conference in Yokohama as well as in more recent literature on universal design. The approach, as explained in the paper, involves a not-for-profit community organization, university researchers, and a design action group comprising practitioners from across the design disciplines, together with other specialist consultants, developing a voluntary capacity an independent housing model for people with disabilities and their families or caretakers. With a focus on relationships and "a system that places human beings at the centre in all respects", this paper presents the approach and the ermerging theoretical framework which addresses three issues that afacan and Erbug (2009) propose hinder the integration of universal design with design practice, namely: theory-practice inconsistency involving the lack of flow-on of universal design awareness into design practice; a way of thinking that exhibits very little empathy with and understanding of the requirements of diverse users; and poorly implemented and coordinated collaboration and communication involving designers and other professionals (pp. 731 - 732).


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Spontaneous facial expressions differ from posed ones in appearance, timing and accompanying head movements. Still images cannot provide timing or head movement information directly. However, indirectly the distances between key points on a face extracted from a still image using active shape models can capture some movement and pose changes. This information is superposed on information about non-rigid facial movement that is also part of the expression. Does geometric information improve the discrimination between spontaneous and posed facial expressions arising from discrete emotions? We investigate the performance of a machine vision system for discrimination between posed and spontaneous versions of six basic emotions that uses SIFT appearance based features and FAP geometric features. Experimental results on the NVIE database demonstrate that fusion of geometric information leads only to marginal improvement over appearance features. Using fusion features, surprise is the easiest emotion (83.4% accuracy) to be distinguished, while disgust is the most difficult (76.1%). Our results find different important facial regions between discriminating posed versus spontaneous version of one emotion and classifying the same emotion versus other emotions. The distribution of the selected SIFT features shows that mouth is more important for sadness, while nose is more important for surprise, however, both the nose and mouth are important for disgust, fear, and happiness. Eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth are important for anger.