921 resultados para underground cabling
As a result of the recent regulatory amendments and other development trends in the electricity distribution business, the sector is currently witnessing radical restructuring that will eventually impact the business logics of the sector. This report represents upcoming changes in the electricity distribution industry and concentrates on the factors that are expected to be the most fundamental ones. Electricity network companies nowadays struggle with legislative and regulatory requirements that focus on both the operational efficiency and the reliability of electricity distribution networks. The forces that have an impact on the distribution network companies can be put into three main categories that define the transformation at a general level. Those are: (1) a requirement for a more functional marketplace for energy, (2) environmental aspects (combating climate change etc.), and (3) a strongly emphasized requirement for the security of energy supply. The first point arises from the legislators’ attempt to increase competition in electricity retail markets, the second one concerns both environmental protection and human safety issues, and the third one indicates societies’ reduced willingness to accept interruptions in electricity supply. In the future, regulation of electricity distribution business may lower the threshold for building more weather-resistant networks, which in turn means increased underground cabling. This development pattern is reinforced by tightening safety and environmental regulations that ultimately make the overhead lines expensive to build and maintain. The changes will require new approaches particularly in network planning, construction, and maintenance. The concept for planning, constructing, and maintaining cable networks is necessary because the interdependencies between network operations are strong, in other words, the nature of the operation requires a linkage to other operations.
Strategic development of distribution networks plays a key role in the asset management in electricity distribution companies. Owing to the capital-intensive nature of the field and longspan operations of companies, the significance of a strategy is emphasised. A well-devised strategy combines awareness of challenges posed by the operating environment and the future targets of the distribution company. Economic regulation, ageing infrastructure, scarcity of resources and tightening supply requirements with challenges created by the climate change put a pressure on the strategy work. On the other hand, technology development related to network automation and underground cabling assists in answering these challenges. This dissertation aims at developing process knowledge and establishing a methodological framework by which key issues related to network development can be addressed. Moreover, the work develops tools by which the effects of changes in the operating environment on the distribution business can be analysed in the strategy work. To this end, the work discusses certain characteristics of the distribution business and describes the strategy process at a principle level. Further, the work defines the subtasks in the strategy process and presents the key elements in the strategy work and long-term network planning. The work delineates the factors having either a direct or indirect effect on strategic planning and development needs in the networks; in particular, outage costs constitute an important part of the economic regulation of the distribution business, reliability being thus a key driver in network planning. The dissertation describes the methodology and tools applied to cost and reliability analyses in the strategy work. The work focuses on determination of the techno-economic feasibility of different network development technologies; these feasibility surveys are linked to the economic regulation model of the distribution business, in particular from the viewpoint of reliability of electricity supply and allowed return. The work introduces the asset management system developed for research purposes and to support the strategy work, the calculation elements of the system and initial data used in the network analysis. The key elements of this asset management system are utilised in the dissertation. Finally, the study addresses the stages of strategic decision-making and compilation of investment strategies. Further, the work illustrates implementation of strategic planning in an actual distribution company environment.
The Finnish electricity distribution sector, rural areas in particular, is facing major challenges because of the economic regulation, tightening supply security requirements and the ageing network asset. Therefore, the target in the distribution network planning and asset management is to develop and renovate the networks to meet these challenges in compliance with the regulations in an economically feasible way. Concerning supply security, the new Finnish Electricity Market Act limits the maximum duration of electricity supply interruptions to six hours in urban areas and 36 hours in rural areas. This has a significant impact on distribution network planning, especially in rural areas where the distribution networks typically require extensive modifications and renovations to meet the supply security requirements. This doctoral thesis introduces a methodology to analyse electricity distribution system development. The methodology is based on and combines elements of reliability analysis, asset management and economic regulation. The analysis results can be applied, for instance, to evaluate the development of distribution reliability and to consider actions to meet the tightening regulatory requirements. Thus, the methodology produces information for strategic decision-making so that DSOs can respond to challenges arising in the electricity distribution sector. The key contributions of the thesis are a network renovation concept for rural areas, an analysis to assess supply security, and an evaluation of the effects of economic regulation on the strategic network planning. In addition, the thesis demonstrates how the reliability aspect affects the placement of automation devices and how the reserve power can be arranged in a rural area network.
Sähkömarkkinalain uudistuminen syksyllä 2013 aiheutti sähköverkkoyhtiöille velvoitteen parantaa sähköverkkoja siten, että ne täyttävät uuden lain mukaiset keskeytysaikavaatimukset. Laissa asemakaava-alueilla sallitaan enintään 6 tunnin mittainen sähkönjakelunkeskeytys ja haja-asutusalueella 36 tunnin keskeytys. Diplomityössä kehitetään ElMil Oy:lle palvelumalli, jonka avulla pyritään parantamaan sähköverkkojen säävarmuutta ja arvioimaan parannuksien aiheuttamia taloudellisia vaikutuksia verkkoyhtiön kannattavuuteen verkkoliiketoiminnan valvontamallin kautta. Työn teoriaosiossa käydään läpi uuden sähkömarkkinalain muutoksia toimitusvarmuuden kannalta sekä avataan verkkoliiketoiminnan valvontamallin komponentteja ja sitä kuinka niitä on hyödynnetty tässä työssä. Kyseisiä tietoja hyödynnetään case-tarkastelussa, jossa testataan kehitetyn palvelumallin toimivuutta Järvi-Suomen Energia Oy:n sähkönjakeluverkon kahden sähköaseman jakeluverkkojen kokoisella alueella. Tarkastelualueen sähkönjakeluverkolle tehdään suurhäiriömalli, jonka perusteella arvioidaan vaadittavaa säävarman verkon osuutta, jotta sähkömarkkinalain vaatimukset täyttyvät. Alueen investointikohteet optimoidaan kannattavuuden perusteella, jolloin saadaan kustannustehokas investointiohjelma tiettyjen reunaehtojen puitteissa. Lisäksi suurhäiriömallin parametreja varioidaan herkkyystarkasteluissa. Työn lopputuloksena saadaan ElMil Oy:lle kehitettyä palvelumalli. Case-tarkasteluissa havaitaan, että investointikustannukset nousevat merkittävästi. Verkkoliiketoiminnan valvontamallin kannustinvaikutuksista ja sallitusta tuotosta saadaan hyvä näkemys. Herkkyystarkasteluista nähdään, että suurhäiriömalli on hyvin riippuvainen valituista parametreista, jolloin niiden valintaan tulee kiinnittää huomiota
Kantaverkkoyhtiö Fingrid Oy on tarkastellut kantaverkosta otettua tai tuotettua loistehoa alueittain Fingridin määrittelemällä maantieteellisellä tavalla. Alue koostuu liittymispisteistä, jotka ovat yksittäisten verkkoyhtiöiden liittymispisteitä. Yhden alueen sisällä voi siis olla monia eri verkkoyhtiöiden liittymispisteitä. Vuodesta 2016 alkaen loistehon tarkastelu vaihtuu aluetarkastelusta liittymispistetarkasteluun. Liittymispistetarkasteluun siirtymisen myötä tulee verkkoyhtiöiden investoida erinäisiin kompensointiratkaisuihin, jotta yksittäisten liittymispisteiden loistehot pysyvät Fingridin asettaman loistehon tarkasteluikkunan sisällä. Työssä perehdytään erinäisiin kompensointiratkaisuihin ja niiden kytkentöihin sekä kytkentöjen vaikutuksiin olemassa olevaan sähköverkkoon. Lisäksi työssä käsitellään tuulivoimaloiden hyödyntämistä loistehon säädössä. Esimerkkitapauksessa tarkastellaan erästä Caruna Oy:n verkkoa ja pohditaan teknistä ja mahdollisimman taloudellista kompensointiratkaisua kyseiseen verkkoon. Työn lopputulos on, että maakaapeloinnin määrän kasvaessa loistehon kompensoinnin tarve kasvaa. Näin ollen Fingrid Oy:ltä tarvitaan selkeitä linjauksia moneen ongelmakohtaan, kuten tuotanto-kulutuspisteen loistehon tarkasteluun. Lisäksi Energiavirastolta tarvitaan kannusteita loistehon kompensointiin, sillä verkkoyhtiöiden liiketoiminta perustuu regulaatiomalliin ja kompensointilaitteiston yksikköhinnasto on hyvin suppea.
Elenia Oy linjasi vuonna 2009 suunnittelustrategiassaan, että koko sen verkkoalueella käytetään ainoana rakennustapana maakaapelointia. Lisäksi vuoden 2013 sähkömarkkinalain sähkönjakeluverkkoyhtiöiltä edellyttämät toimitusvarmuuskriteerit ovat lisänneet säävarman verkon rakentamista merkittävästi. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia ilmajohtoverkon viankorjauksen soveltumista maakaapeloinnilla tehtäväksi. Tarkastelu toteutetaan taloudellisuuden ja käytännön toteutuksen näkökulmista. Taloudellisessa tarkastelussa vertaillaan ilmajohtorakentamisen ja maakaapeloinnin elinkaarikustannuksia viankorjauksen yhteydessä. Käytännön toteutuksen osalta esitetään tilanteet, joissa viankorjaus on järkevä suorittaa maakaapeloimalla. Käyttämällä laskennassa Energiaviraston yksikköhintoja, jäävät viankorjaukselle soveltuvat verkko-osuudet elinkaarikustannustarkastelun valossa vähäisiksi. Tehokas investoiminen, auraustekniikan hyödyntäminen, regulaatiomallin kannustimet ja kaapelointiratkaisujen hintakehitys voidaan kuitenkin todeta merkittäviksi vaikuttajiksi maakaapeloinnin yleistymisessä toimintatavaksi ilmajohtoverkon viankorjauksessa.
In the Brazilian Cerrado (neotropical savanna), the development of bud-bearing underground systems as adaptive structures to fire and dry periods can comprise an important source of buds for this ecosystem, as already demonstrated in the Brazilian Campos grasslands and North American prairies. Asteraceae species from both woody and herbaceous strata have subterranean organs that accumulate carbohydrates, reinforcing the adaptive strategy of these plants to different environmental conditions. This study aims to analyse the morpho-anatomy of underground systems of six species of Asteraceae (Mikania cordifolia L.f. Willd., Mikania sessilifolia DC, Trixis nobilis (Vell.) Katinas, Pterocaulon alopecuroides (Lam.) DC., Vernonia elegans Gardner and Vernonia megapotamica Spreng.), to describe these structures and to verify the occurrence and origin of shoot buds, and to analyse the presence of reserve substances. Individuals sampled in Cerrado areas in São Paulo State showed thick underground bud-bearing organs, with adventitious or lateral roots and presence of fructans. Xylopodium was found in all studied species, except for Trixis nobilis, which had stem tuber. The presence of fructans as reserve, and the capacity of structures in the formation of buds indicate the potential of herbaceous species of Asteraceae in forming a viable bud bank for vegetation regeneration in the Brazilian Cerrado.
The magnetized MINOS Near Detector, at a depth of 225 mwe, is used to measure the atmospheric muon charge ratio. The ratio of observed positive to negative atmospheric muon rates, using 301 days of data, is measured to be 1.266 +/- 0.001(stat)(-0.014)(+0.015)(syst). This measurement is consistent with previous results from other shallow underground detectors and is 0.108 +/- 0.019(stat + syst) lower than the measurement at the functionally identical MINOS Far Detector at a depth of 2070 mwe. This increase in charge ratio as a function of depth is consistent with an increase in the fraction of muons arising from kaon decay for increasing muon surface energies.
MARTINS, A. R. (Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil), N. PUT, (Division of Biology and Education, University of Vechta, 49377 Vechta, Germany), A. N. SOARES, A.B BOMB, and B. APPEZZATO DA GLORIA (Biological Science Department, Escola Superior de Agricultura `Luiz de Queiroz`, University of Sao Paulo, 13418-900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 137: 220-235. 2010.-New approaches to underground systems in Brazilian Smilax species (Smilacaceae). Scientific studies show that the watery extract of the thickened underground stem and its adventitious roots of the genus Smilax can act as a therapeutic agent in immunoinflammatory disorders, such as rheumatic arthritis. Brazilians have used this genus of plants in folk medicine, however it is very hard to identify these species, since the morphology of the underground systems is very similar in this group. For better identification of those systems, we studied six species of Smilax L. (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana, S. oblongifolia and S. rufescens), collected in different regions of Brazil with different physiognomies and soil characteristics. The main purpose is to describe the morpho-anatomy of the underground systems and to analyze if their structure depends on environmental conditions. The underground stem (rhizophore) is of brown color and it is knotty, massive, slender (S. rufescens) or tuberous (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana and S. oblongifolia). The tuberization is a result of primary thickened meristem (PTM) activity. The color and thickness of the adventitious roots change during development because the epidermis and outer cortex are disposed of, so the inner cortex becomes the new covering tissue with lignified and dark color cells. There are differences in starch grain shapes in mature roots. The chemical attributes of the soil are very similar in all studied environments and, even when soil characteristics varied, all the species` underground system was distributed close to the soil surface (10 to 15 cm deep). The species exhibited clonal growth hence their underground system functions as storage structures and the axillary buds can sprout into new stems. Only Smilax rufescens, collected in sandy soil of Restinga, has vegetative dispersal due to the runners.
In contrast with the abundance of anatomical studies of secretory structures on aerial vegetative organs of Asteraceae species, the information about secretory structures on thickened subterranean organs is sparse. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of secretory structures on thickened and nonthickened subterranean organs of seven Asteraceae species from three tribes: Eupatorieae (Chromolaena squalida and Gyptis lanigera), Vernonieae (Chresta sphaerocephala, Lessingianthus bardanoides, L. glabratus and Orthopappus angustifolius), and Plucheeae (Pterocaulon angustifolium). The specimens were collected in areas of cerrado, from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. All species of the tribe Vernonieae studied exhibited endodermic cells, other than the epithelial cells of the canal, with secretory activity in the roots. In C. sphaerocephala roots, two types of endodermic cell were found, but only one had secretory activity. Secretory canals were found in the tuberous and nontuberous roots of all studied species. These data agree with the results from the literature for Asteraceae species. Here, we describe for the first time in Asteraceae the presence of secretory idioblasts in C. sphaerocephala. Secretory trichomes are present in the Orthopappus angustifolius rhizophore. Histochemical tests have shown that all types of secretory structure possess substances containing lipids. (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
Underground systems of Asteraceac species from the Brazilian Cerrado. The aim or this study was to describe the underground systems structure, the origin of the shoot buds, and to identify the storage reserve of seven Asteraceae species in order to understand the adaptive strategies of these species in burned Cerrado areas and their higher frequency in the floristic Surveys for herbaceous and undershrub layers of this biome. The subterranean systems types-diffuse underground system, rhizophore, tuberous roots, and xylopodium-varied among the studied species, but all of them have high shoot bud-forming potential. Fructans of the inulin type were detected as storage substances. The presence of these characteristics on the underground systems Could explain the frequency of these species in the floristic surveys from the Brazilian Cerrado, in which Fire and seasonal drought are frequent. It is possible that the belowground bud banks in the Cerrado biome are as important as demonstrated in North American prairies where fire is also frequent. However, in the Cerrado, as demonstrated here, there are types of underground systems other than rhizomes that are usually described in the prairie. Understanding the anatomical features of these plants is one of the steps to appropriate conservation management of these species in the Cerrado.
Instantaneous outbursts in underground coal mines have occurred in at least 16 countries, involving both methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The precise mechanisms of an instantaneous outburst are still unresolved but must consider the effects of stress, gas content and physico-mechanical properties of the coal. Other factors such as mining methods (e.g., development heading into the coal seam) and geological features (e.g., coal seam disruptions from faulting) can combine to exacerbate the problem. Prediction techniques continue to be unreliable and unexpected outburst incidents resulting in fatalities are a major concern for underground coal operations. Gas content thresholds of 9 m(3)/t for CH4 and 6 m(3)/t for CO2 are used in the Sydney Basin, to indicate outburst-prone conditions, but are reviewed on an individual mine basis and in mixed as situations. Data on the sorption behaviour of Bowen Basin coals from Australia have provided an explanation for the conflicting results obtained by coal face desorption indices used for outburst-proneness assessment. A key factor appears to be different desorption rates displayed by banded coals, which is supported by both laboratory and mine-site investigations. Dull coal bands with high fusinite and semifusinite contents tend to display rapid desorption from solid coal, for a given pressure drop. The opposite is true for bright coal bands with high vitrinite contents and dull coal bands with high inertodetrinite contents. Consequently, when face samples of dull, fusinite-or semifusinite-rich coal of small particle size are taken for desorption testing, much gas has already escaped and low readings result. The converse applies for samples taken from coal bands with high vitrinite and/or inertodetrinite contents. In terms of outburst potential, it is the bright, vitrinite-rich and the dull, inertodetrinite-rich sections of a coal seam that appear to be more outburst-prone. This is due to the ability of the solid coal to retain gas, even after pressure reduction, creating a gas content gradient across the coal face sufficient to initiate an outburst. Once the particle size of the coal is reduced, rapid gas desorption can then take place. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science.
Robotica 2012: 12th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions April 11, 2012, Guimarães, Portugal