300 resultados para tubercle bacilli
SUMMARYMycobacteria which are most commonly isolated in pulmonary secretions of patients with respiratory symptoms living in the State of Amazonas are given. The high percentage of isolates (25,4) and the species obtained indicate a strong relationship of contamination of man by the environment. Among the species isolated, seven of them are considered potentially pathogenic mycobacteria. Since some of these species may interfere with present and further vaccination programs against Tuberculosis and Leprosy, these investigations indicate a necessity of carrying out studies of population awareness against specific PPD's prepared from the same species.
We used a slide culture technique to detect tubercle bacilli surviving in sputum smears (n=46) after conventional heat fixation and Ziehl-Neelsen staining. In all heat-fixed sputum smears, tubercle bacilli survived after time 0 (n=22), 24 h (n=7), 48 h (n=7), 72 h (n=4), and seven days (n=6). None of the stained sputum smears showed growth on slide cultures. Viable tubercle bacilli remaining in heat-fixed sputum smears for at least seven days may present an infection risk to laboratory staff. Thus, sputum smears should be stained immediately by the Ziehl-Neelsen method or stored in a safe container to avoid transmission of tuberculosis.
Thesis (M. S.) - Cornell University, June 1920.
At head of title: U.S. Department of agriculture. Bureau of animal industry.
Mode of access: Internet.
"August 18, 1909."
Nine cases of tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed among 800 uremic patients, followed-up during 11 years, a prevalence of 1125%, 2.5 times higher than that in the general population. Six patients (66.7%) had lymph node involvement (4 cervical and 2 mediastinal). Three patients (33.3%) had pulmonary involvement (2 pleuro-pulmonary and 1 bilateral apical pulmonary). Eight patients were undergoing dialysis and 1 was pre-dialytic. The duration of dialysis ranged from 1 to 60 months. Three patients had previously received immunosuppressive drugs for unsuccessful renal transplantation. Daily fever was present in all but one patient; he was asymptomatic and TB was suspected after routine chest radiography. Biopsy was the diagnostic procedure in 7 patients (77.8%), four by direct cervical lymph node biopsy, 2 by mediastinal, performed by mediastinoscopy and 1 by pleural biopsy. In 2 other patients TB was confirmed by the presence of tubercle bacilli; in sputum (1 patient) and in a bronchial flushing specimen (the other patient). Triple therapy was used in all patients (isoniazid and ethambutol in all), plus rifampicin in 8 and streptomycin in 1. One patient had jaundice and another had optical neuritis. Five patients were cured. The other four died during treatment of causes unrelated to TB or its treatment.
Tuberculosis (TB) was diagnosed in 25 of 466 patients who underwent renal transplant over a period of 15 years. TB developed from 1 month to 9 years post-transplant. In 56% of the cases the onset was within the first post-transplant year. TB affected several isolated or combined organs. Pulmonary involvement was present in 76% of cases, either as isolated pleuro-pulmonary (56%) or associated with other sites (20%). The non-pulmonary sites were: skin, joints, tests, urinary tract, central nervous system and lymphonodules. The diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy in 64% of the cases, by identification of tubercle bacilli in 24% and only at necropsy in 12% Biopsy specimens could be classified in three histological forms: exudative, that occurred in early onset and more severe cases granulomatous in late onset and benign cases; and mixed in intermediate cases. Azathioprine dosages were similar along post-transplant time periods in TB patients and in the control groups; and in TB patients who were cured and who died. The number of steroid treated rejection crises was greater in TB than in the control group. Prednisone doses were higher and the number of rejection crises was greater in TB patients who died than in those who were cured. Fifteen patients were cured and ten died, two of them of causes unrelated to TB. Six of the eight TB-related deaths occurred in the first 6 post-transplant months. The outcome was poor in patients in whom TB arose early in post-transplant period and where the exudative or mixed forms were present; whereas the prognosis was good in patients with late onset and granulomatous form of TB. In one patient TB was transmitted by the allograft.
About one third of the world population is infected with tubercle bacilli, causing eight million new cases of tuberculosis (TB) and three million deaths each year. After years of lack of interest in the disease, World Health Organization recently declared TB a global emergency and it is clear that there is need for more efficient national TB programs and newly defined research priorities. A more complete epidemiology of tuberculosis will lead to a better identification of index cases and to a more efficient treatment of the disease. Recently, new molecular tools became available for the identification of strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis), allowing a better recognition of transmission routes of defined strains. Both a standardized restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism-based methodology for epidemiological studies on a large scale and deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) amplification-based methods that allow rapid detection of outbreaks with multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains, often characterized by high mortality rates, have been developed. This review comments on the existing methods of DNA-based recognition of M. tuberculosis strains and their peculiarities. It also summarizes literature data on the application of molecular fingerprinting for detection of outbreaks of M. tuberculosis, for identification of index cases, for study of interaction between TB and infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, for analysis of the behavior of MDR strains, for a better understanding of risk factors for transmission of TB within communities and for population-based studies of TB transmission within and between countries
Among all infectious diseases that afflict humans, tuberculosis (TB) remains the deadliest. At present, epidemiologists estimate that one-third of the world population is infected with tubercle bacilli, which is responsible for 8 to 10 million new cases of TB and 3 million deaths annually throughout the world. Approximately 95% of new cases and 98% of deaths occur in developing nations, generally due to the few resources available to ensure proper treatment and where human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections are common. In 1882, Dr Robert Koch identified an acid-fast bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as the causative agent of TB. Thirty-nine years later, BCG vaccine was introduced for human use, and became the most widely used prophylactic strategy to fight TB in the world. The discovery of the properties of first-line antimycobacterial drugs in the past century yielded effective chemotherapies, which considerably decreased TB mortality rates worldwide. The later introduction of some additional drugs to the arsenal used to treat TB seemed to provide an adequate number of effective antimicrobial agents. The modern, standard short-course therapy for TB recommended by the World Health Organization is based on a four-drug regimen that must be strictly followed to prevent drug resistance acquisition, and relies on direct observation of patient compliance to ensure effective treatment. Mycobacteria show a high degree of intrinsic resistance to most antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents due to the low permeability of its cell wall. Nevertheless, the cell wall barrier alone cannot produce significant levels of drug resistance. M. tuberculosis mutants resistant to any single drug are naturally present in any large bacterial population, irrespective of exposure to drugs. The frequency of mutants resistant to rifampicin and isoniazid, the two principal antimycobacterial drugs currently in use, is relatively high and, therefore, the large extra-cellular population of actively metabolizing and rapidly growing tubercle bacilli in cavitary lesions will contain organisms which are resistant to a single drug. Consequently, monotherapy or improperly administered two-drug therapies will select for drug-resistant mutants that may lead to drug resistance in the entire bacterial population. Thereby, despite the availability of effective chemotherapy and the moderately protective vaccine, new anti-TB agents are urgently needed to decrease the global incidence of TB. The resumption of TB, mainly caused by the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains and HIV epidemics, led to an increased need to understand the molecular mechanisms of drug action and drug resistance, which should provide significant insight into the development of newer compounds. The latter should be effective to combat both drug-susceptible and MDR/XDR-TB.
As a hallmark of tuberculosis (TB), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) induces granulomatous lung lesions and systemic inflammatory responses during active disease. Molecular regulation of inflammation is associated with inflammasome assembly. We determined the extent to which MTB triggers inflammasome activation and how this impacts on the severity of TB in a mouse model. MTB stimulated release of mature IL-1β in macrophages while attenuated M. bovis BCG failed to do so. Tubercle bacilli specifically activated the NLRP3 inflammasome and this propensity was strictly controlled by the virulence-associated RD1 locus of MTB. However, Nlrp3-deficient mice controlled pulmonary TB, a feature correlated with NLRP3-independent production of IL-1β in infected lungs. Our studies demonstrate that MTB activates the NLRP3 inflammasome in macrophages in an ESX-1-dependent manner. However, during TB, MTB promotes NLRP3- and caspase-1-independent IL-1β release in myeloid cells recruited to lung parenchyma and thus overcomes NLRP3 deficiency in vivo in experimental models.
The ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to establish a latent infection (LTBI) in humans confounds the treatment of tuberculosis. Consequently, there is a need to discover new therapeutic agents that can kill M. tuberculosis both during active disease and LTBI. The streptomycin-dependent strain of M. tuberculosis, 18b, provides a useful tool for this purpose since upon removal of streptomycin (STR) it enters a non-replicating state that mimics latency both in vitro and in animal models. The 4.41 Mb genome sequence of M. tuberculosis 18b was determined and this revealed the strain to belong to clade 3 of the ancient ancestral lineage of the Beijing family. STR-dependence was attributable to insertion of a single cytosine in the 530 loop of the 16S rRNA and to a single amino acid insertion in the N-terminal domain of initiation factor 3. RNA-seq was used to understand the genetic programme activated upon STR-withdrawal and hence to gain insight into LTBI. This revealed reconfiguration of gene expression and metabolic pathways showing strong similarities between non-replicating 18b and M. tuberculosis residing within macrophages, and with the core stationary phase and microaerophilic responses. The findings of this investigation confirm the validity of 18b as a model for LTBI, and provide insight into both the evolution of tubercle bacilli and the functioning of the ribosome.
Tubercle bacilli may survive in unstained heat-fixed sputum smears and may be an infection risk to laboratory staff. We compared the effectiveness of 1% and 5% sodium hypochlorite, 5% phenol, 2% glutaraldehyde, and 3.7% formalin in killing Mycobacterium tuberculosis present in smears prepared from 51 sputum samples. The smears were decontaminated by the tube and slide techniques. Phenol at 5%, glutaraldehyde at 2%, and buffered formalin at 3.7% for 1 min (tube technique) or for 10 min (slide technique) were effective in decontaminating sputum smears and preserved cell morphology and quantitative acid-fast microscopy results.
Over 2 billion people are estimated to be infected with virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yet fewer than 10% progress to clinical tuberculosis within their lifetime. Twin studies and variations in the outcome of tuberculosis infection after exposure to similar environmental risks suggest genetic heterogeneity among individuals in their susceptibility to disease. In a mouse model of tuberculosis, we have established that resistance and susceptibility to virulent M. tuberculosis is a complex genetic trait. A new locus with a major effect on tuberculosis susceptibility, designated sst1 (susceptibility to tuberculosis 1), was mapped to a 9-centimorgan (cM) interval on mouse chromosome 1. It is located 10–19 cM distal to a previously identified gene, Nramp1, that controls the innate resistance of mice to the attenuated bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine strain. The phenotypic expression of the newly identified locus is distinct from that of Nramp1 in that sst1 controls progression of tuberculosis infection in a lung-specific manner. Mice segregating at the sst1 locus exhibit marked differences in the growth rates of virulent tubercle bacilli in the lungs. Lung lesions in congenic sst1-susceptible mice are characterized by extensive necrosis and unrestricted extracellular multiplication of virulent mycobacteria, whereas sst1-resistant mice develop interstitial granulomas and effectively control multiplication of the bacilli. The resistant allele of sst1, although powerful in controlling infection, is not sufficient to confer full protection against virulent M. tuberculosis, indicating that other genes located outside of the sst1 locus are likely also to be important for controlling tuberculosis infection.
Cell-mediated immune responses are essential for protection against many intracellular pathogens. For Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), protection requires the activity of T cells that recognize antigens presented in the context of both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and I molecules. Since MHC class I presentation generally requires antigen to be localized to the cytoplasmic compartment of antigen-presenting cells, it remains unclear how pathogens that reside primarily within endocytic vesicles of infected macrophages, such as MTB, can elicit specific MHC class I-restricted T cells. A mechanism is described for virulent MTB that allows soluble antigens ordinarily unable to enter the cytoplasm, such as ovalbumin, to be presented through the MHC class I pathway to T cells. The mechanism is selective for MHC class I presentation, since MTB infection inhibited MHC class II presentation of ovalbumin. The MHC class I presentation requires the tubercle bacilli to be viable, and it is dependent upon the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), which translocates antigenic peptides from the cytoplasm into the endoplasmic reticulum. The process is mimicked by Listeria monocytogenes and soluble listeriolysin, a pore-forming hemolysin derived from it, suggesting that virulent MTB may have evolved a comparable mechanism that allows molecules in a vacuolar compartment to enter the cytoplasmic presentation pathway for the generation of protective MHC class I-restricted T cells.