945 resultados para tourist 2.0 lifecycle
Part 6: Engineering and Implementation of Collaborative Networks
Long-term independent budget travel to countries far away has become increasingly common over the last few decades, and backpacking has now entered the tourism mainstream. Nowadays, backpackers are a very important segment of the global travel market. Backpacking is a type of tourism that involves a lot of information search activities. The Internet has become a major source of information as well as a platform for tourism business transactions. It allows travelers to gain information very effortlessly and to learn about tourist destinations and products directly from other travelers in the form of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). Social media has penetrated and changed the backpacker market, as now modern travelers can stay connected to people at home, read online recommendations, and organize and book their trips very independently. In order to create a wider understanding on modern-day backpackers and their information search and share behavior in the Web 2.0 era, this thesis examined contemporary backpackers and their use of social media as an information and communication platform. In order to achieve this goal, three sub-objectives were identified: 1. to describe contemporary backpacker tourism 2. to examine contemporary backpackers’ travel information search and share behavior 3. to explore the impacts of new information and communications technologies and Web 2.0 on backpacker tourism The empirical data was gathered with an online survey, thus the method of analysis was mainly quantitative, and a qualitative method was used for a brief analysis of open questions. The research included both descriptive and analytical approaches, as the goal was to describe modern-day backpackers, and to examine possible interdependencies between information search and share behavior and background variables. The interdependencies were tested for statistical significance with the help of five research hypotheses. The results suggested that backpackers no longer fall under the original backpacker definitions described some decades ago. Now, they are mainly short-term travelers, whose trips resemble more those of mainstream tourists. They use communication technologies very actively, and particularly social media. Traditional information sources, mainly guide books and recommendations from friends, are of great importance to them but also eWOM sources are widely used in travel decision making. The use of each source varies according to the stage of the trip. All in all, Web 2.0 and new ICTs have transformed the backpacker tourism industry in many ways. Although the experience has become less authentic in some travelers’ eyes, the backpacker culture is still recognizable.
The pocilloporin Rtms5 and an engineered variant Rtms5(H146S) undergo distinct color transitions (from blue to red to yellow to colorless) in a pH-dependent manner. pK(a) values of 4.1 and 3.2 were determined for the blue (absorption lambda(max), 590 nm) to yellow (absorption lambda(max), similar to 453 nm) transitions of Rtms5 and Rtms5H(146). The pK(a) for the blue-yellow transition of Rtms5H(146S) increased by 1.4 U in the presence of 0.1 M KI, whereas the pK(a) for the same transition of Rtms5 was relatively insensitive to added halides. To understand the structural basis for these observations, we have determined to 2.0 A resolution the crystal structure of a yellow form of Rtms5(H146S) at pH 3.5 in the presence of iodide. Iodide was found occupying a pocket in the structure with a pH of 3.5, forming van der Waals contacts with the tyrosyl moiety of the chromophore. Elsewhere, it was determined that this pocket is occupied by a water molecule in the Rtms5(H141S) structure (pH 8.0) and by the side chain of histidine 146 in the wild-type Rtms5 structure. Collectively, our data provide an explanation for the observed linkage between color transitions for Rtms5(H146S) and binding to halides.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the bone repair along a mandibular body osteotomy after using a 2.0 miniplate system. Nine adult mongrel dogs were subjected to unilateral continuous defect through an osteotomy between the mandibular 3rd and 4th premolars. Two four-hole miniplates were placed in accordance with the Arbeitgeimeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen Manual. Miniplates adapted to the alveolar processes were fixed monocortically with 6.0-mm-length titanium alloy self-tapping screws, whereas miniplates placed near the mandible bases were fixed bicortically. At 2, 6 and 12 weeks, three dogs were sacrificed per period, and the osteotomy sites were removed, divided into three thirds (Tension Third, TT; Intermediary Third, IT; Compression Third, CT) and prepared for conventional and polarized light microscopy. At 6 weeks, while the CT repaired faster and showed bone union by woven bone formation, the TT and IT exhibited a ligament-like fibrous connective tissue inserted in, and connecting, newly formed woven bone overlying the parent lamellar bone edges. At 12 weeks, bone repair took place at all thirds. Histometrically, proportions of newly formed bone did not alter at TT, IT and CT, whereas significantly enhanced bone formation was observed for the 12-week group, irrespective of the third. The results demonstrated that although the method used to stabilize the mandibular osteotomy allowed bone repair to occur, differences in the dynamics of bone healing may take place along the osteotomy site, depending on the action of tension and compression forces generated by masticatory muscles.
Experimental studies on phase equilibria and liquidus in the multicomponent system PbO-ZnO-CaO-SiO2-FeO-Fe2O3 in air have been conducted over the temperature range between 1323 K (1050 degreesC) and 1623 K (1350 degreesC) to characterize the phase relations of the complex slag systems encountered in lead and zinc blast furnace sinters. The liquidus in two pseudoternary sections ZnO-Fe2O3-(PbO + CaO + SiO2) with the CaO/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.933 and PbO/(CaO + SiO2) weight ratios of 2.0 and 3.2 have been constructed.
Today, information overload and the lack of systems that enable locating employees with the right knowledge or skills are common challenges that large organisations face. This makes knowledge workers to re-invent the wheel and have problems to retrieve information from both internal and external resources. In addition, information is dynamically changing and ownership of data is moving from corporations to the individuals. However, there is a set of web based tools that may cause a major progress in the way people collaborate and share their knowledge. This article aims to analyse the impact of ‘Web 2.0’ on organisational knowledge strategies. A comprehensive literature review was done to present the academic background followed by a review of current ‘Web 2.0’ technologies and assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. As the framework of this study is oriented to business applications, the characteristics of the involved segments and tools were reviewed from an organisational point of view. Moreover, the ‘Enterprise 2.0’ paradigm does not only imply tools but also changes the way people collaborate, the way the work is done (processes) and finally impacts on other technologies. Finally, gaps in the literature in this area are outlined.
Esta dissertação aborda directamente o conceito de sustentabilidade de um edifício numa vertente prática, ou seja, explica o que são sistemas de avaliação de sustentabilidade de ambientes construídos, aplicando um dos sistemas, o LiderA 2.0®, a um edifício já construído. Pretende-se com este trabalho final de mestrado, explicar a importância da construção sustentável nos dias correntes, e, principalmente, o modo através do qual se pode avaliar a sustentabilidade de uma construção. Desta forma, é feita uma abordagem sucinta a alguns dos sistemas internacionais de avaliação de sustentabilidade que existem actualmente, aprofundando particularmente o sistema português, LiderA 2.0®. Foi escolhido um edifício já construído, o edifício Ferreira Cardoso do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) onde é ministrado o curso de Engenharia Civil, por se tratar de um edifício que, em termos de sustentabilidade ou falta da mesma, seria interessante de estudar, pois, este apresenta várias patologias a nível de consumo de recursos que devem de ser alteradas. Com a aplicação do sistema LiderA 2.0® ao edifício Ferreira Cardoso, obtevese a classe actual de desempenho ambiental. Todavia, foram propostas soluções que levaram a um aumento do desempenho ambiental do edifício, conseguindo por isso uma classe superior à actual. Após a realização deste trabalho, tendo em conta as oportunidades de melhoria propostas, bem como a possível aplicação das mesmas, espera-se que o mesmo seja expandido a outros edifícios do ISEL e, no futuro, a todo o campus.
OBJETIVO Validar a versão em português do World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0). MÉTODOS A versão original de 36 itens do WHODAS 2.0, administrada por entrevista, foi traduzida para o português de acordo com orientações internacionais e testada em nove participantes da população em geral. A versão em português foi administrada em 204 pacientes com patologia musculoesquelética. Foram coletados os dados sociodemográficos e de sa250;de dos pacientes, assim como o n250;mero de locais onde apresentavam dor e sua intensidade. O WHODAS 2.0 foi novamente administrado por um segundo entrevistador, um a três dias após a primeira entrevista, para avaliar a confiabilidade interavaliadores. A validade de constructo foi avaliada quanto a: capacidade do WHODAS 2.0 para diferenciar participantes com diferentes locais com dor e associação entre o WHODAS 2.0 e a intensidade da dor. A consistência interna também foi avaliada. RESULTADOS A versão portuguesa do WHODAS 2.0 teve fácil compreensão, apresentou boa consistência interna (α = 0,84) e confiabilidade interavaliadores (CCI = 0,95). Mostrou ser capaz de detectar diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre indivíduos com diferente n250;mero de locais com dor (p < 0,01) e indicar que maior incapacidade está associada à maior intensidade da dor (r = 0,44, p < 0,01), indicando validade de constructo. CONCLUSÕES A versão portuguesa do WHODAS 2.0 mostrou-se confiável e válida quando utilizada em pacientes com dor associada à patologia musculoesquelética.
Actas do Encontro sobre Web 2.0. Braga: CIEd
In these days the learning experience is no longer confined within the four walls of a classroom. Computers and primarily the internet have broadened this horizon by creating a way of delivering education that is known as e-learning. In the meantime, the internet, or more precisely, the Web is heading towards a new paradigm where the user is no longer just a consumer of information and becomes an active part in the communication. This two-way channel where the user takes the role of the producer of content triggered the appearance of new types of services such as Social Networks, Blogs and Wikis. To seize this second generation of communities and services, educational vendors are willing to develop e-learning systems focused on the new and emergent users needs. This paper describes the analysis and specification of an e-learning environment at our School (ESEIG) towards this new Web generation, called PEACE – Project for ESEIG Academic Environment. This new model relies on the integration of several services controlled by teachers and students such as social networks, repositories libraries, e-portfolios and e-conference sytems, intelligent tutors, recommendation systems, automatic evaluators, virtual classrooms and 3D avatars.
The confluence of education with the evolution of technology boosted the paradigm shift of the face-to-face learning to distance learning. In this scenario e-Learning plays an essential role as a facilitator of the teaching/learning process. However new demands associated with the new Web paradigm require that existent e-Learning environments characterized mostly by monolithic systems begin interacting with new specialized services. In this decentralized scenario the definition of a strategy of interoperability is the cornerstone to ensure the standardization communication among systems. This paper presents a definition of an interoperability strategy for an e-Learning environment at our School (ESEIG) called PEACE – Project for ESEIG Academic Content Environment. This new interoperability model relies on the application of several coordination and integration standards on several services, controlled by teachers and students, and included in the PEACE environment such as social networks, repositories, libraries, e-portfolios, intelligent tutors, recommendation systems and virtual classrooms.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
This paper presents an ongoing project that implements a platform for creating personal learning environments controlled by students, integrating Web 2.0 applications and content management systems, enabling the safe use of content created in Web 2.0 applications, allowing its publication in the infrastructure controlled by the HEI. Using this platform, students can develop their personal learning environment (PLE) integrated with the Learning Management System (LMS) of the HEI, enabling the management of their learning and, simultaneously, creating their e-portfolio with digital content developed for Course Units (CU). All this can be maintained after the student completes his academic studies, since the platform will remain accessible to students even after they leave the HEI and lose access to its infrastructure. The platform will enable the safe use of content created in Web 2.0 applications, allowing its protected publication in the infrastructure controlled by HEI, thus contributing to the adaptation of the L&T paradigm to the Bologna process.
A utilização de aplicações Web 2.0 no processo ensino/aprendizagem tem vindo a intensificar-se nos últimos tempos, mais por iniciativas individuais de docentes e estudantes do que por estratégia das Instituições de Ensino. Este artigo apresenta um projecto já em curso que consiste na implementação de uma plataforma de criação de ambientes de aprendizagem controlados pelos estudantes, integrando aplicações Web 2.0 e sistemas de gestão de conteúdos. A plataforma permitirá a utilização segura de conteúdos criados em aplicações Web 2.0, no processo de avaliação, possibilitando a sua publicação na infra-estrutura controlada pela Instituição de Ensino Superior, contribuindo assim para a adequação do binómio ensino/aprendizagem ao novo paradigma implicado no processo de Bolonha.