992 resultados para total station
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar cotas de vértices de uma poligonal, considerando dados coletados por três diferentes receptores GPS, usando como testemunha uma estação total. Os dados foram obtidos em uma poligonal fechada, sendo posteriormente tratados pelo software Topograph. As cotas obtidas pelos três receptores foram confrontadas com aquelas calculadas a partir do levantamento com a estação total, mediante a aplicação do teste t, constatando-se que as mesmas foram satisfatórias para o equipamento GPS Trimble® 4600 LS. Para o equipamento GPS Trimble® modelo PRO XR, as cotas não foram totalmente satisfatórias, mas possíveis de serem consideradas em anteprojetos. Para o equipamento GPS Garmin® de navegação 12 XS, as cotas mostraram-se inaceitáveis para a finalidade estudada.
Camera Botanica 1 - testing a design process (unrealised buildings). ---------- Sited in a highly biodiverse and bushfire prone heathlands on the South-east coast of Western Australia, Camera Botanica 1 is a test of a new design methodology for achieving ecologically sustainable architecture in biodiverse, bushfire prone landscapes. ---------- The design methods were intensively site-based with the author-designer conducting his own site surveys using high-end professional grade surveying equipment such as: Real Time Kinematic GPS (landform survey); Terrestrial laser scanning (vegetation survey); laser levelling and Total Station surveys (erection of scaffolds and contour lines). ---------- This was the first time, internationally, that terrestrial laser scanning was used to measure vegetation. These precise surveys enabled the construction of highly detailed models and drawings - a facility that has not been available prior to this technology. ---------- Designed for a real client and a real site - Camera Botanica 1 is a hypothetical design outcome which demonstrates the efficacy of a new design methodology and thus expands on knowledge of the applicability of new surveying technologies to the design of ecologically sustainable architecture in biodiverse landscapes.
Camera Botanica 2 - testing a design process (unrealised building). Sited in a highly biodiverse and bushfire prone heathlands on the South-east coast of Western Australia, Camera Botanica 2 is a test of a new design methodology for achieving ecologically sustainable architecture in biodiverse, bushfire prone landscapes. ---------- The design method was intensively site-based with the author-designer conducting his own site surveys using high-end professional grade surveying equipment such as: Real Time Kinematic GPS (landform survey); Terrestrial laser scanning (vegetation survey); laser levelling and Total Station surveys (erection of scaffolds and contour lines). ---------- This was the first time, internationally, that terrestrial laser scanning was used to measure vegetation. These precise surveys enabled the construction of highly detailed models and drawings - a facility that has not been available prior to this technology. ---------- Designed for a real client and a real site - Camera Botanica 2 is a hypothetical design outcome which demonstrates the efficacy of a new design methodology and thus expands on knowledge of the applicability of new surveying technologies to the design of ecologically sustainable architecture in biodiverse landscapes.
This paper outlines our literature review background, investigation and practical application utilizing a precise optical survey level and total station technology for a specialist industrial measurement application. The practical part of the project was to measure and check specific critical features of the Industrial JIG assembly table used by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Motorsport group. The JIG is used in constructing a new Formula SAE race-car frame each year and is used throughout the racing season to check the production frame for twists, bends and potential stresses. The industrial JIG table required two survey approaches, firstly determination of the overall flatness throughout its’ steel base surface. Secondly was the validation of verticality of the steel uprights used to support and hold the race-car frame in place during construction and checking alignment for key suspension components. In addition the investigation brings realisations that there are far more accurate, efficient and economical technologies to be harnessed in industrial metrology.
Railroad corridors contain large number of Insulated Rail Joints (IRJs) that act as safety critical elements in the circuitries of the signaling and broken rail identification systems. IRJs are regarded as sources of excitation for the passage of loaded wheels leading to high impact forces; these forces in turn cause dips, cross levels and twists to the railroad geometry in close proximity to the sections containing the IRJs in addition to the local damages to the railhead of the IRJs. Therefore, a systematic monitoring of the IRJs in railroad is prudent to mitigate potential risk of their sudden failure (e.g., broken tie plates) under the traffic. This paper presents a simple method of periodic recording of images using time-lapse photography and total station surveying measurements to understand the ongoing deterioration of the IRJs and their surroundings. Over a 500 day period, data were collected to examine the trends in narrowing of the joint gap due to plastic deformation the railhead edges and the dips, cross levels and twists caused to the railroad geometry due to the settlement of ties (sleepers) around the IRJs. The results reflect that the average progressive settlement beneath the IRJs is larger than that under the continuously welded rail, which leads to excessive deviation of railroad profile, cross levels and twists.
[ES] La documentación contenida en este registro ha servido de base para los siguientes documentos:
[ES] El seguimiento arqueológico se realiza sobre las capillas del la nave Norte de la iglesia más la capilla “de las reliquias”, en total 9 capillas de unos 10 x 10 metros cada una. Los elementos a documentar son las unidades estratigráficas exhumadas que, en gran medida corresponden a enterramientos (fosas y los propios esqueletos).
[ES] Los restos del alcázar se encuentran situados en una ladera ocupando una superficie de unos 40 x 25 metros. Se trata de una serie de terrazas que escalonan la pendiente. Las campañas arqueológicas realizadas muestran una secuencia de cinco muros paralelos, escalonados en altura, dispuestos para reforzar y defender el desnivel de 12 m existente entre el exterior y el interior del recinto. Los muros parten por el oeste de otro gran muro perpendicular, orientado de norte a sur, para morir en el precipicio natural situado al este. Entre ellos se disponen diversas dependencias y una amplia escalinata de acceso trazada en la última época.
[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.
[ES] Este proyecto tiene una continuación en el siguiente registro:
[ES] En lo alto del cerro se encuentra un sistema de cuatro recintos amurallados de piedra en seco que se disponen sobre un espolón rocoso de forma triangular de unos 150 metros de longitud y 100 metros de base.
[ES] El área de trabajo ocupa unos 60 x 60 metros y está situada en la cima del monte Aitz Txiki (Astxiki) en la que se aprecian algunos restos de muros y un aljibe, pertenecientes a una construcción defensiva.
[ES] Edificio situado en el casco histórico de Durango, en estado de ruina previo a su rehabilitación. La documentación se realiza mediante técnicas topográficas con estación total y se complementa con fotografías para conseguir un modelo virtual y la ortoimagen de la fachada principal.
[ES] El conjunto está formado por la torre de Martiartu (de unas 16 x 16 metros de planta), la pequeña ermita de la San Antonio y el área circundante.
[ES] La documentación contenida en este registro ha servido de base para el siguiente proyecto fin de carrera: