998 resultados para topological groups
Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION A-MATHEMATICS Volume: 131 Pages: 1257-1273 Part: Part 6 Published: 2001 Times Cited: 5 References: 23 Citation MapCitation Map beta Abstract: We show that the Banach space M of regular sigma-additive finite Borel complex-valued measures on a non-discrete locally compact Hausdorff topological Abelian group is the direct sum of two linear closed subspaces M-D and M-ND, where M-D is the set of measures mu is an element of M whose Fourier transform vanishes at infinity and M-ND is the set of measures mu is an element of M such that nu is not an element of MD for any nu is an element of M \ {0} absolutely continuous with respect to the variation \mu\. For any corresponding decomposition mu = mu(D) + mu(ND) (mu(D) is an element of M-D and mu(ND) is an element of M-ND) there exist a Borel set A = A(mu) such that mu(D) is the restriction of mu to A, therefore the measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are singular with respect to each other. The measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are real if mu is real and positive if mu is positive. In the case of singular continuous measures we have a refinement of Jordan's decomposition theorem. We provide series of examples of different behaviour of convolutions of measures from M-D and M-ND.
A topological group G is said to be universal in a class K of topological groups if G is an element of K and if for every group H is an element of K there is a subgroup K of G that is isomorphic to H as a topological group. A group is constructed that is universal in the class of separable metrizable topological Abelian groups.
Митрофан М. Чобан, Петър Ст. Кендеров, Уорън Б. Муурс - Полу-топологична група (съответно, топологична група) е група, снабдена с топология, относно която груповата оперция произведение е частично непрекъсната по всяка от променливите (съответно, непрекъсната по съвкупност от променливите и обратната операция е също непрекъсната). В настоящата работа ние даваме условия, от топологичен характер, една полу-топологична група да е всъщност топологична група. Например, ние показваме, че всяка сепарабелна псевдокомпактна полу-топологична група е топологична група. Показваме също, че всяка локално псевдокомпактна полу-топологична група, чиято групова операция е непрекъсната по съвкупност от променливите е топологична група.
Александър В. Архангелски, Митрофан М. Чобан, Екатерина П. Михайлова - Изследвани са прирасти със свойството на Бер на топологични групи.
The class of all locally quasi-convex (lqc) abelian groups contains all locally convex vector spaces (lcs) considered as topological groups. Therefore it is natural to extend classical properties of locally convex spaces to this larger class of abelian topological groups. In the present paper we consider the following well known property of lcs: “A metrizable locally convex space carries its Mackey topology ”. This claim cannot be extended to lqc-groups in the natural way, as we have recently proved with other coauthors (Außenhofer and de la Barrera Mayoral in J Pure Appl Algebra 216(6):1340–1347, 2012; Díaz Nieto and Martín Peinador in Descriptive Topology and Functional Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 80 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05224-3_7, 2014; Dikranjan et al. in Forum Math 26:723–757, 2014). We say that an abelian group G satisfies the Varopoulos paradigm (VP) if any metrizable locally quasi-convex topology on G is the Mackey topology. In the present paper we prove that in any unbounded group there exists a lqc metrizable topology that is not Mackey. This statement (Theorem C) allows us to show that the class of groups satisfying VP coincides with the class of finite exponent groups. Thus, a property of topological nature characterizes an algebraic feature of abelian groups.
We show that if p is a selective ultrafilter, then for each cardinal alpha <= omega(1), there exists a topological group G such that G(beta) is almost p-compact (in particular, countably compact), for beta < alpha, but G(alpha) is not countably compact. If in addition, we assume Martin's Axiom, then the result above holds for every alpha < c. (C) 2012 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
MSC 2010: 30C60
The main goal of this work is to give the reader a basic introduction into the subject of topological groups, bringing together the areas of topology and group theory.
Nesta tese, consideram-se operadores integrais singulares com a acção extra de um operador de deslocacamento de Carleman e com coeficientes em diferentes classes de funções essencialmente limitadas. Nomeadamente, funções contínuas por troços, funções quase-periódicas e funções possuíndo factorização generalizada. Nos casos dos operadores integrais singulares com deslocamento dado pelo operador de reflexão ou pelo operador de salto no círculo unitário complexo, obtêm-se critérios para a propriedade de Fredholm. Para os coeficientes contínuos, uma fórmula do índice de Fredholm é apresentada. Estes resultados são consequência das relações de equivalência explícitas entre aqueles operadores e alguns operadores adicionais, tais como o operador integral singular, operadores de Toeplitz e operadores de Toeplitz mais Hankel. Além disso, as relações de equivalência permitem-nos obter um critério de invertibilidade e fórmulas para os inversos laterais dos operadores iniciais com coeficientes factorizáveis. Adicionalmente, aplicamos técnicas de análise numérica, tais como métodos de colocação de polinómios, para o estudo da dimensão do núcleo dos dois tipos de operadores integrais singulares com coeficientes contínuos por troços. Esta abordagem permite também a computação do inverso no sentido Moore-Penrose dos operadores principais. Para operadores integrais singulares com operadores de deslocamento do tipo Carleman preservando a orientação e com funções contínuas como coeficientes, são obtidos limites superiores da dimensão do núcleo. Tal é implementado utilizando algumas estimativas e com a ajuda de relações (explícitas) de equivalência entre operadores. Focamos ainda a nossa atenção na resolução e nas soluções de uma classe de equações integrais singulares com deslocamento que não pode ser reduzida a um problema de valor de fronteira binomial. De forma a atingir os objectivos propostos, foram utilizadas projecções complementares e identidades entre operadores. Desta forma, as equações em estudo são associadas a sistemas de equações integrais singulares. Estes sistemas são depois analisados utilizando um problema de valor de fronteira de Riemann. Este procedimento tem como consequência a construção das soluções das equações iniciais a partir das soluções de problemas de valor de fronteira de Riemann. Motivados por uma grande diversidade de aplicações, estendemos a definição de operador integral de Cauchy para espaços de Lebesgue sobre grupos topológicos. Assim, são investigadas as condições de invertibilidade dos operadores integrais neste contexto.
Our objective in this paper is to prove an Implicit Function Theorem for general topological spaces. As a consequence, we show that, under certain conditions, the set of the invertible elements of a topological monoid X is an open topological group in X and we use the classical topological group theory to conclude that this set is a Lie group.
We introduce a general Hamiltonian describing coherent superpositions of Cooper pairs and condensed molecular bosons. For particular choices of the coupling parameters, the model is integrable. One integrable manifold, as well as the Bethe ansatz solution, was found by Dukelsky et al. [J. Dukelsky, G.G. Dussel, C. Esebbag, S. Pittel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 050403]. Here we show that there is a second integrable manifold, established using the boundary quantum inverse scattering method. In this manner we obtain the exact solution by means of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. In the case where the Cooper pair energies are degenerate we examine the relationship between the spectrum of these integrable Hamiltonians and the quasi-exactly solvable spectrum of particular Schrodinger operators. For the solution we derive here the potential of the Schrodinger operator is given in terms of hyperbolic functions. For the solution derived by Dukelsky et al., loc. cit. the potential is sextic and the wavefunctions obey PT-symmetric boundary conditions. This latter case provides a novel example of an integrable Hermitian Hamiltonian acting on a Fock space whose states map into a Hilbert space of PE-symmetric wavefunctions defined on a contour in the complex plane. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In memory of Professor D. Doitchinov ∗ This paper was written while the first author was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation under grants 21–30585.91 and 2000-041745.94/1 and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences under DGES grant SAB94-0120. The second author was supported under DGES grant PB95-0737. During her stay at the University of Berne the third author was supported by the first author’s grant 2000-041745.94/1 from the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Bibliography: p. 272-279.
Modern non-invasive brain imaging technologies, such as diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI), enable the mapping of neural fiber tracts in the white matter, providing a basis to reconstruct a detailed map of brain structural connectivity networks. Brain connectivity networks differ from random networks in their topology, which can be measured using small worldness, modularity, and high-degree nodes (hubs). Still, little is known about how individual differences in structural brain network properties relate to age, sex, or genetic differences. Recently, some groups have reported brain network biomarkers that enable differentiation among individuals, pairs of individuals, and groups of individuals. In addition to studying new topological features, here we provide a unifying general method to investigate topological brain networks and connectivity differences between individuals, pairs of individuals, and groups of individuals at several levels of the data hierarchy, while appropriately controlling false discovery rate (FDR) errors. We apply our new method to a large dataset of high quality brain connectivity networks obtained from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) tractography in 303 young adult twins, siblings, and unrelated people. Our proposed approach can accurately classify brain connectivity networks based on sex (93% accuracy) and kinship (88.5% accuracy). We find statistically significant differences associated with sex and kinship both in the brain connectivity networks and in derived topological metrics, such as the clustering coefficient and the communicability matrix.