18 resultados para thyristors


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Two-way power flow is nothing new and has been in practical use using line commutated converters for at least 50 years. With these types of converters, reversal of power flow can be achieved by increasing the firing angle of the devices beyond 90 degrees thus producing a negative DC voltage. Line commutated converters have several known disadvantages including: the direct current cannot be reversed, the power factor decreases when the firing angle increases and the harmonics are high on the line current. To tackle the above problems a forced commutated converter can be used. The power factor can be unity and the harmonics can be reduced. Many researchers have used PWM with different control techniques to serve the above purposes. In each converter arm, they used a forced commutated device with an antiparallel diode. Under the rectification mode of operation the current path is preponderantly through the diodes and under the inverter operation the current flows preponderantly through the forced commutated devices. Although their results were encouraging and gave a unity power factor with nearly sinusoidal current, the main disadvantage was that there were difficulties in controlling the power factor when the system is needed to operate at lagging or leading power factor. In this work, a new idea was introduced by connecting two GTOs antiparallel instead of a diode and a GTO. A single phase system using two GTO converters which are connected in series was built. One converter operates as a rectifier and the other converter operates as an inverter. In the case of the inversion mode and in each inverter arm one GTO is operated as a diode simply by switching it always on and the other antiparallel GTO is operated as a normal device to carry the inverter current. In case of the rectification mode, in each arm one GTO is always off and the other GTP is operated as a controlled device. The main advantage is that the system can be operated at lagging or leading power factor.


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Thyristor-based onload tap-changing ac voltage stabilizers are cheap and robust. They have replaced most mechanical tap-changers in low voltage applications from 300 VA to 300 M. Nevertheless, this replacement hardily applies to tap-changers associated to transformers feeding medium-voltage lines (typically 69 kV primary, 34.5 kV line, 10 MVA) which need periodical maintenance of contacts and oil. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has studied the feasibility of this replacement. It detected economical problems derived from the need for series association of thyristors to manage the high voltages involved, and from the current overload developed under line fault. The paper reviews the configurations used in that field and proposes new solutions, using a compensating transformer in the main circuit and multi-winding coils in the commutating circuit, with reduced overload effect and no series association of thyristors, drastically decreasing their number and rating. The stabilizer can be installed at any point of the line and the electronic circuit can be fixed to ground. Subsequent works study and synthesize several commutating circuits in detail.


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Neste trabalho pretende-se estudar, dimensionar e implementar experimentalmente de um sistema de alimentação para transformadores de alta tensão a alta frequência. Este sistema será constituído por dois elementos principais, um rectificador monofásico em ponte totalmente controlado e por um inversor de tensão. Inicialmente realizou-se um estudo sobre as diferentes topologias possíveis para o rectificador considerando diferentes tipos de carga. Realizou-se, também, um estudo sobre o circuito de geração dos impulsos de disparo dos tiristores, executado com base num circuito integrado TCA 785, dimensionou-se os elementos constituintes do circuito de disparo, e de um sistema de controlo da tensão de saída do rectificador. Posteriormente estudou-se o funcionamento do inversor de tensão, definindo-se os modos de operação e dimensionou-se um circuito ressonante tendo em conta os parâmetros construtivos do transformador que se pretende utilizar. Finalmente procedeu-se à implementação prática dos sistemas previamente dimensionados e simulados e à apresentação dos respectivos resultados.


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O estudo das curvas características de um transístor permite conhecer um conjunto de parâmetros essenciais à sua utilização tanto no domínio da amplificação de sinais como em circuitos de comutação. Deste estudo é possível obter dados em condições que muitas vezes não constam na documentação fornecida pelos fabricantes. O trabalho que aqui se apresenta consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema que permite de forma simples, eficiente e económica obter as curvas características de um transístor (bipolar de junção, efeito de campo de junção e efeito de campo de metal-óxido semicondutor), podendo ainda ser utilizado como instrumento pedagógico na introdução ao estudo dos dispositivos semicondutores ou no projecto de amplificadores transistorizados. O sistema é constituído por uma unidade de condicionamento de sinal, uma unidade de processamento de dados (hardware) e por um programa informático que permite o processamento gráfico dos dados obtidos, isto é, traçar as curvas características do transístor. O seu princípio de funcionamento consiste na utilização de um conversor Digital-Analógico (DAC) como fonte de tensão variável, alimentando a base (TBJ) ou a porta (JFET e MOSFET) do dispositivo a testar. Um segundo conversor fornece a variação da tensão VCE ou VDS necessária à obtenção de cada uma das curvas. O controlo do processo é garantido por uma unidade de processamento local, baseada num microcontrolador da família 8051, responsável pela leitura dos valores em corrente e em tensão recorrendo a conversores Analógico-Digital (ADC). Depois de processados, os dados são transmitidos através de uma ligação USB para um computador no qual um programa procede à representação gráfica, das curvas características de saída e à determinação de outros parâmetros característicos do dispositivo semicondutor em teste. A utilização de componentes convencionais e a simplicidade construtiva do projecto tornam este sistema económico, de fácil utilização e flexível, pois permite com pequenas alterações


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El disseny d’un equip per controlar un doble pont trifàsic totalment controlat de tiristors,consta de diferents parts: disseny i programació de la lògica de control, el disseny del’etapa de potència per augmentar el senyal de la lògica de control i atacar els tiristors,el disseny del doble pont de tiristor per rectificar el senyal trifàsic i el disseny de lafont d’alimentació per alimentar tot l’equip.El projecte engloba només la mecanització de la lògica de control i de l’etapa depotència, el doble pont de tiristor i la font d’alimentació només hi ha documentacióteòrica. En ser un prototip es realitzen proves al laboratori per comprovar el correctefuncionament.La finalitat d’aquest projecte és el disseny d’una nou equip, principalment la renovacióde tota la lògica de control, per substituir l’aparell que s’ha utilitzat fins ara, ja que,aquest últim ha quedat obsolet.El nou equip servirà per la realització de pràctiques al laboratori d’electrotècnia perl’estudi del motor de corrent continua. Amb les novetats introduïdes es considera quel’alumne podrà observar, estudiar i entendre millor, la rectificació controlada i elfuncionament del motor de manera més directa, pràctica i segura


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan verkkokäyttöisten harjattomasti magnetoitujen tahtimoottorien käynnistyshäiriötä, jossa moottori magnetoituu vasta useiden sekuntien kuluttua magnetoinnin kytkemisestä magnetointilaitteiston normaalista toiminnasta huolimatta. Syy magnetoitumisen viivästymiseen on magnetointikoneen oikosulkeutuminen roottorin ylijännitesuojana toimivan tyristorihaaran kautta siitä huolimatta, että tyristorihaaran tyristorien on tarkoitus olla johtamattomassa tilassa magnetointikoneen alkaessa syöttää magnetointivirtaa. Syitä tyristorien johtavana pysymiseen magnetoinnin kytkennän jälkeen etsitään tahtimoottorin käynnistyskokeista saatujen mittaustulosten sekä SMT- ja FCSMEK-laskentaohjelmilla tehtyjen käynnistyssimulointien avulla. Samalla arvioidaan ohjelmien käyttökelpoisuutta käynnistyshäiriön ennakoimisessa. Diplomityössä esitetään syyt kahden esimerkkikoneen magnetoitumisen viivästymiseen sekä muutoksia roottoripiiriin ja käynnistysproseduuriin, joiden avulla tutkittu käynnistyshäiriö voitaisiin tulevaisuudessa todennäköisesti välttää.


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Boolean input systems are in common used in the electric industry. Power supplies include such systems and the power converter represents these. For instance, in power electronics, the control variable are the switching ON and OFF of components as thyristors or transistors. The purpose of this paper is to use neural network (NN) to control continuous systems with Boolean inputs. This method is based on classification of system variations associated with input configurations. The classical supervised backpropagation algorithm is used to train the networks. The training of the artificial neural network and the control of Boolean input systems are presented. The design procedure of control systems is implemented on a nonlinear system. We apply those results to control an electrical system composed of an induction machine and its power converter.


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The purpose of this paper is to design a control law for continuous systems with Boolean inputs allowing the output to track a desired trajectory. Such systems are controlled by items of commutation. This type of systems, with Boolean inputs, has found increasing use in the electric industry. Power supplies include such systems and a power converter represents one of theses systems. For instance, in power electronics the control variable is the switching OFF and ON of components such as thyristors or transistors. In this paper, a method is proposed for the designing of a control law in state space for such systems. This approach is implemented in simulation for the control of an electronic circuit.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Teaching a course of special electric loads in a continuing education program to power engineers is a difficult task because they are not familiarized with switching topology circuits. Normally, in a typical program, many hours are dedicated to explain the thyristors switching sequence and to draw the converter currents and terminal voltages waveforms for different operative conditions. This work presents teaching support software in order to optimize the time spent in this task and, mainly to benefit the assimilation of the proposed subjects, studying the static converter under different non-ideal operative conditions.


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This work deals with the effects of the series compensation on the electric power system for small-signal stability studies. Therefore, the system is modeled admitting the existence of the compensation and then, the equations are linearized and a linear model is obtained for a single machine-infinite bus power system with a compensator installed. The resulting model with nine defined constants is very similar to the Heffron & Phillips linear model widely used on the existent literature. Finally, simulations are executed for an example system, to analyze the behavior of these constants when loading the system. © 2004 IEEE.