996 resultados para the suitability of candidates and tenderers
Osallistuessaan julkisten hankintojen tarjouskilpailuun yritys pyrkii tekemään tarjouksen, jolla se voittaa kilpailun. Ennen tarjousten vertailua yrityksen soveltuvuus arvioidaan tarjoajien valinnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää miten yritys voi varmistaa tarjousvertailuun pääsyn. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on lainoppi. Empiirisessä osiossa aineistona ovat hankintailmoitukset ja -aineistot, joita analysoidaan kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Lain, lainvalmisteluaineiston, oikeuskirjallisuuden ja oikeuskäytännön perusteella muodostetaan peilaavan vastauksen malli. Yritys varmistaa jatkoon pääsyn, kun se tarjouksessaan kuvaa resurssinsa peilaten hankintayksikön ilmoittamia vaatimuksia sekä toimittaa vaaditut liiteasiakirjat määräajassa. Aineiston perusteella mallin todetaan toimivan silloin, kun myös hankintayksikkö toimii mallin odotusten mukaan. Kun hankintayksikkö ei toimi mallin oletusten mukaisesti, yrityksen mallin mukaista toimintaa ei voi arvioida.
This study evaluated the suitability of written materials for stroke survivors and their carers. Twenty stroke survivors and 14 carers were interviewed about the stroke information they had received and their perceptions of the content and presentation of materials of increasing reading difficulty. The mean readability level of materials (grade 9) was higher than participants’ mean reading ability (grade 7–8). Satisfaction with materials decreased as the content became more difficult to read. Seventy-five percent reported that their information needs were not met in hospital. More stroke survivors with aphasia wanted support from health professionals to read and understand written information, and identified simple language, large font size, color, and diagrams to complement the text as being important features of written materials. Simple materials that meet clients’ information needs and design preferences may optimally inform them about stroke.
The suitability of a total-length-based, minimum capture-size and different protection regimes was investigated for the gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes shellfishery in N Spain. For this analysis, individuals that were collected from 10 sites under different fishery protection regimes (permanently open, seasonally closed, and permanently closed) were used. First, we applied a non-parametric regression model to explore the relationship between the capitulum Rostro-Tergum (RT) size and the Total Length (TL). Important heteroskedastic disturbances were detected for this relationship, demon- strating a high variability of TL with respect to RT. This result substantiates the unsuitability of a TL-based minimum size by means of a mathematical model. Due to these disturbances, an alternative growth- based minimum capture size of 26.3 mm RT (23 mm RC) was estimated using the first derivative of a Kernel-based non-parametric regression model for the relationship between RT and dry weight. For this purpose, data from the permanently protected area were used to avoid bias due to the fishery. Second, the size-frequency distribution similarity was computed using a MDS analysis for the studied sites to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection regimes. The results of this analysis indicated a positive effect of the permanent protection, while the effect of the seasonal closure was not detected. This result needs to be interpreted with caution because the current harvesting based on a potentially unsuitable mini- mum capture size may dampen the efficacy of the seasonal protection regime.
The main objective of this study was to explore the suitability of Vitis vinifera as a raw material and alkaline lignin as a natural binder for fiberboard manufacturing. In the first step, Vitis vinifera was steam- exploded through a thermo-mechanical vapor process in a batch reactor, and the obtained pulp was dried, ground, and pressed to produce the boards. The effects of pretreatment factors and pressing conditions on the chemical composition of the fibers and the physico-mechanical properties of binderless fiberboards were evaluated, and the conditions that optimize these properties were found. A response surface method based on a central composite design and multiple-response optimization was used. The variables studied and their respective variation ranges were: pretreatment temperature (Tr: 190-210ºC), pretreatment time (tr: 5-10 min), pressing temperature (Tp: 190-210ºC), pressing pressure (Pp: 8-16MPa), and pressing time (tp: 3-7min). The results of the optimization step show that binderless fiberboards have good water resistance and weaker mechanical properties. In the second step, fiberboards based on alkaline lignin and Vitis vinifera pulp produced at the optimal conditions determined for binderless fiberboards were prepared and their physico-mechanical properties were tested. Our results show that the addition of about 15% alkaline lignin leads to the production of fiberboards that fully meet the requirements of the relevant standard specifications
Waveform-based tomographic imaging of crosshole georadar data is a powerful method to investigate the shallow subsurface because of its ability to provide images of electrical properties in near-surface environments with unprecedented spatial resolution. A critical issue with waveform inversion is the a priori unknown source signal. Indeed, the estimation of the source pulse is notoriously difficult but essential for the effective application of this method. Here, we explore the viability and robustness of a recently proposed deconvolution-based procedure to estimate the source pulse during waveform inversion of crosshole georadar data, where changes in wavelet shape with location as a result of varying near-field conditions and differences in antenna coupling may be significant. Specifically, we examine whether a single, average estimated source current function can adequately represent the pulses radiated at all transmitter locations during a crosshole georadar survey, or whether a separate source wavelet estimation should be performed for each transmitter gather. Tests with synthetic and field data indicate that remarkably good tomographic reconstructions can be obtained using a single estimated source pulse when moderate to strong variability exists in the true source signal with antenna location. Only in the case of very strong variability in the true source pulse are tomographic reconstructions clearly improved by estimating a different source wavelet for each transmitter location.
Nanogenotoxicity is a crucial endpoint in safety testing of nanomaterials as it addresses potential mutagenicity, which has implications for risks of both genetic disease and carcinogenesis. Within the NanoTEST project, we investigated the genotoxic potential of well-characterised nanoparticles (NPs): titanium dioxide (TiO2) NPs of nominal size 20 nm, iron oxide (8 nm) both uncoated (U-Fe3O4) and oleic acid coated (OC-Fe3O4), rhodamine-labelled amorphous silica 25 (Fl-25 SiO2) and 50 nm (Fl-50 SiO) and polylactic glycolic acid polyethylene oxide polymeric NPs - as well as Endorem® as a negative control for detection of strand breaks and oxidised DNA lesions with the alkaline comet assay. Using primary cells and cell lines derived from blood (human lymphocytes and lymphoblastoid TK6 cells), vascular/central nervous system (human endothelial human cerebral endothelial cells), liver (rat hepatocytes and Kupffer cells), kidney (monkey Cos-1 and human HEK293 cells), lung (human bronchial 16HBE14o cells) and placenta (human BeWo b30), we were interested in which in vitro cell model is sufficient to detect positive (genotoxic) and negative (non-genotoxic) responses. All in vitro studies were harmonized, i.e. NPs from the same batch, and identical dispersion protocols (for TiO2 NPs, two dispersions were used), exposure time, concentration range, culture conditions and time-courses were used. The results from the statistical evaluation show that OC-Fe3O4 and TiO2 NPs are genotoxic in the experimental conditions used. When all NPs were included in the analysis, no differences were seen among cell lines - demonstrating the usefulness of the assay in all cells to identify genotoxic and non-genotoxic NPs. The TK6 cells, human lymphocytes, BeWo b30 and kidney cells seem to be the most reliable for detecting a dose-response.
In the current Information Age, data production and processing demands are ever increasing. This has motivated the appearance of large-scale distributed information. This phenomenon also applies to Pattern Recognition so that classic and common algorithms, such as the k-Nearest Neighbour, are unable to be used. To improve the efficiency of this classifier, Prototype Selection (PS) strategies can be used. Nevertheless, current PS algorithms were not designed to deal with distributed data, and their performance is therefore unknown under these conditions. This work is devoted to carrying out an experimental study on a simulated framework in which PS strategies can be compared under classical conditions as well as those expected in distributed scenarios. Our results report a general behaviour that is degraded as conditions approach to more realistic scenarios. However, our experiments also show that some methods are able to achieve a fairly similar performance to that of the non-distributed scenario. Thus, although there is a clear need for developing specific PS methodologies and algorithms for tackling these situations, those that reported a higher robustness against such conditions may be good candidates from which to start.
Fluorescent proteins have proven to be important tools for in vitro live imaging of parasites and for imaging of parasites within the living host by intravital microscopy. We observed that a red fluorescent transgenic malaria parasite of rodents, Plasmodium berghei-RedStar, is suitable for in vitro live imaging experiments but bleaches rapidly upon illumination in intravital imaging experiments using mice. We have therefore generated two additional transgenic parasite lines expressing the novel red fluorescent proteins tdTomato and mCherry, which have been reported to be much more photostable than first- and second-generation red fluorescent proteins including RedStar. We have compared all three red fluorescent parasite lines for their use in in vitro live and intravital imaging of P. berghei blood and liver parasite stages, using both confocal and wide-field microscopy. While tdTomato bleached almost as rapidly as RedStar, mCherry showed improved photostability and was bright in all experiments performed.
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"Published by order of the convention."