882 resultados para the Sorensen similarity index
Several alpine vertebrates share a distribution pattern that extends across the South-western Palearctic but is limited to the main mountain massifs. Although they are usually regarded as cold-adapted species, the range of many alpine vertebrates also includes relatively warm areas, suggesting that factors beyond climatic conditions may be driving their distribution. In this work we first recognize the species belonging to the mentioned biogeographic group and, based on the environmental niche analysis of Plecotus macrobullaris, we identify and characterize the environmental factors constraining their ranges. Distribution overlap analysis of 504 European vertebrates was done using the Sorensen Similarity Index, and we identified four birds and one mammal that share the distribution with P. macrobullaris. We generated 135 environmental niche models including different variable combinations and regularization values for P. macrobullaris at two different scales and resolutions. After selecting the best models, we observed that topographic variables outperformed climatic predictors, and the abruptness of the landscape showed better predictive ability than elevation. The best explanatory climatic variable was mean summer temperature, which showed that P. macrobullaris is able to cope with mean temperature ranges spanning up to 16 degrees C. The models showed that the distribution of P. macrobullaris is mainly shaped by topographic factors that provide rock-abundant and open-space habitats rather than climatic determinants, and that the species is not a cold-adapted, but rather a cold-tolerant eurithermic organism. P. macrobullaris shares its distribution pattern as well as several ecological features with five other alpine vertebrates, suggesting that the conclusions obtained from this study might be extensible to them. We concluded that rock-dwelling and open-space foraging vertebrates with broad temperature tolerance are the best candidates to show wide alpine distribution in the Western Palearctic.
O estudo objetivou avaliar a composição florística e estrutural dos componentes arbustivo-arbóreo da Floresta Ombrófila Densa submontana em diferentes estágios de regeneração natural, na vertente sudeste do Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande/RJ. Para o inventário florístico foram realizadas coletas assistemáticas em diferentes trechos nessa vertente. A complementação da lista de espécies foi feita a partir, da consulta às exsicatas dos herbários do Rio de Janeiro (FCAB, GUA, HB, HRJ, R, RB, RBR, RFA, RFFP e RUSU) e do inventário fitossociológico. Foi verificado o status de conservação das espécies inventariadas para a Flora Brasileira. Para o inventário fitossociológico foram estabelecidas 34 parcelas amostrais, totalizando 1,02 ha de área amostrada. Todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com DAP ≥ 5 cm foram registrados e, após identificação, foram depositados no Herbário da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (HRJ). O pacote estatístico FITOPAC 2.1. foi utilizado para a análise dos dados. A similaridade entre o remanescente investigado neste estudo e as outras quatorze áreas distintas do Rio de Janeiro, da própria Ilha Grande ou não, foi avaliada, utilizando-se o coeficiente de Similaridade de Sorensen; pelo critério de agrupamento por ligação média não ponderada (UPGMA) e pelo método de autorreamostragem para a estrutura de grupos; utilizados os programas PAST v1.34 e Multiv 2.4. A partir do levantamento em herbários e dos inventários florístico e fitossociológico realizados neste trabalho, foram analisados 3.470 registros, sendo 1.778 do levantamento de herbários, 1.536 do levantamento fitossociológico e 156 do inventário florístico. Esses registros corresponderam a 606 espécies ou morfo-espécies de Angiospermas e uma de Pteridófita. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de 22 espécies ameaçadas de extinção para a Flora do Brasil. Dentre, as quais, sete são exclusivas da amostragem fitossociológica: Abarema cochliacarpos (Gomes) Barneby & J.W. Grimes, Chrysophyllum flexuosum Mart., Ficus pulchella Schott ex Spreng., Macrotorus utriculatus Perkins, Myrceugenia myrcioides (Cambess.) O.Berg, Rudgea interrupta Benth e Urbanodendron bahiense (Meisn.) Rohwer. No estudo fitossociológico, inventariou-se 1.536 indivíduos de 217 espécies, subordinadas a 53 famílias. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H) calculado foi de 4,702 nats/ind e equabilidade (J) de 0,874. As 10 famílias com maior riqueza foram: Myrtaceae (31 spp.), Rubiaceae (21), Fabaceae (17), Lauraceae (12), Euphorbiaceae (11), Monimiaceae (8), Melastomataceae (7), Sapindaceae (7), Sapotaceae (6) e Annonaceae (6). Os 10 maiores Valores de Importância das espécies foram para Chrysophyllum flexuosum (3,43%), Lamanonia ternata Vell. (3,40%), Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemão (2,83%), Actinostemon verticillatus (Klotzsch) Baill. (2,55%), Psychotria brasiliensis Vell. (2,55%), Eriotheca pentaphylla (Vell.) A. Robyns (2,28%), Guatteria australis A. St.-Hil. (2,12%), Mabea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (2,04%), Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. (1,89%) e Rustia formosa (Cham. & Schltdl. ex DC.) Klotzsch (1,82%). Amostraram-se 27% de espécies representadas por apenas um indivíduo. As análises florísticas avaliadas a partir do Índice de Similaridade de Sorensen indicaram como principais variáveis para a formação dos blocos, os diferentes valores de diversidade para as áreas e a distribuição fitogeográfica das espécies. Os resultados obtidos junto aos dados dos grupos ecológicos, para os indivíduos da fitossociologia, indicaram maior percentual de indivíduos secundários tardios amostrados. Conclui-se que a área de estudo é uma floresta secundária em estágio intermediário de regeneração, com grande riqueza de espécies, muitas das quais de relevante importância ecológica.
选取内蒙古草原三种主要草原类型(草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原)代表性群落羊草杂类草群落、羊草群落和大针茅群落、小针茅群落,应用样线法沿水分梯度研究放牧对内蒙古草原不同植物群落功能群组成、多样性、生产力以及多样性与生产力关系的影响和放牧对土壤种子库组成、大小以及多样性的影响,在此基础上,研究土壤种子库与地上植被间的关系。主要结论如下: 1 放牧对植物群落的影响 荒漠草原的放牧演替规律为小针茅群落→猪毛菜 + 小针茅群落→猪毛菜群落;典型草原为羊草或大针茅群落→糙隐子草 + 大针茅群落或克氏针茅群落→星毛委陵菜 + 糙隐子草群落;草甸草原为羊草杂类草群落→羊草 + 贝加尔针茅群落,这是不同物种对牧压的不同适应结果造成的。 放牧使4种草原群落生活型功能群组分间发生强烈的生态替代作用,但不同的群落生态替代模式不同:放牧使小针茅群落多年生丛生禾草作用减弱,一二年生草本作用增强;羊草群落和大针茅群落多年生丛生禾草、多年生根茎禾草作用减弱,多年生杂类草作用增强;羊草杂类草群落多年生根茎禾草作用减弱,多年生丛生禾草作用增强。放牧使非旱生和C3植物作用减弱,而旱生、C4植物作用增强。 放牧对4种群落物种和功能群多样性的影响随不同的群落而表现不同:物种丰富度、物种多样性、生活型多样性 和水分生态类型多样性除羊草杂类草群落外随放牧强度的加大而降低,但适度放牧增加了羊草杂类草群落的上述多样性指标。 群落地上现存量一般随放牧强度的增大而下降,但小针茅群落反之,主要与一年生植物猪毛菜的生物量迅速增加有关。除羊草群落外,0~10 cm 地下生物量随放牧强度的变化不显著;除大针茅群落外,放牧显著降低0~30 cm 地下生物量。 放牧影响下内蒙古草原植物群落生物量随水分生态类型多样性的升高而升高,其回归方程为:Y = 809 + 774x (R2=0.84, P<0.001),其中Y代表群落地上现存量和地下生物量之和,x代表群落水分生态类型多样性。 2 放牧对土壤种子库的影响 小针茅群落、大针茅群落、羊草群落和羊草杂类草群落土壤种子库组成中均以多年生杂类草为主,分别占各自群落种子库总物种数的40%、52%、54%和67%。 生活型功能群种子库密度除羊草杂类草群落外,均以一二年生草本占优势。中度放牧升高了除小针茅群落外多年生禾草种子库密度;放牧增大了小针茅群落和羊草杂类草群落一二年生草本种子库密度;除羊草杂类草群落外,放牧对多年生杂类草种子库密度影响不大;总种子库组成中,灌木半灌木和小半灌木种子库密度不大,不随取样时间和牧压而变化。 中度放牧种子库总密度最大,小针茅群落在重度放牧最大,主要是由于猪毛菜种子库密度在重度放牧突增所致。总体上,内蒙古草原4种群落在不同取样时间不同牧压下种子库总密度波动在20.8~3819.2粒/m2。 土壤种子库物种丰富度最大值一般出现在10月份,除羊草杂类草群落外,不放牧群落较放牧群落为高,中度放牧使羊草杂类草群落土壤种子库物种丰富度增加。中度放牧增加了小针茅群落、大针茅群落7月份和羊草杂类草群落各取样时间土壤种子库物种多样性。 3 地上植被与土壤种子库的关系 土壤种子库的优势种在特定时间特定放牧强度下与地上现有植被优势种一致,但一致率仅为三次取样时间不同放牧强度下总体的23.3%。 地上植被与土壤种子库物种组成相似性指数受不同取样时间的影响,一般的10月取样最大。不同放牧强度对二者间的相似性亦有影响,中度放牧提高了小针茅群落、羊草杂类草群落各取样时间和大针茅群落、羊草群落4月份的相似性指数。隔年二次萌发法提高了二者间的相似性水平。总体上相似性指数变动在0.1~0.75之间。 地上植被现存量、总密度与各取样时间土壤种子库总密度之间不存在显著的相关性。 4 对于估计土壤种子库密度、物种组成和确定种子库与地上植被间的关系,隔年二次萌发法对于弥补直接萌发法本身所具有的不足不失为一种有益的尝试。
O estudo atual foi feito no setor sul oriental da Amazônia equatoriana, na floresta protetora da bacia elevada do rio Nangaritza, em três centros indígenas Shuar: Shaime, Yayu e Napints, pertencentes à jurisdição Politico-Administrativa de Zurmi, do canto de Nangaritza, província de Zamora Chinchipe. São organizados e representados na associação Shuar Tayunts, além dos seus “Diretivas” e “Clubes centrais”. Trata-se de um esforço para apresentar a dinâmica sócio-ambiental do povo Shuar no extrativismo das palmas, para o qual se faz uma análise sócio-histórica destes três Centros Shuar; se estuda sua composição florística e a estrutura das palmeiras. Em cada um dos Centros se fez a amostragem em 0,3 ha e foram recenseados todos os indivíduos com CAP ≥ 10 cm, Shaime apresentou 4 espécies, Yayu 5 e Napints 3 espécies. No total foram 7 espécies registradas em 5 gêneros com 164 indivíduos. As palmeiras com maior área basal são Wettinia maynensis, Oenocarpus bataua e Prestoea schultzeana; e as de maior importância ecológica são Wettinia maynensis e Oenocarpus bataua. A regeneração natural é considerada aceitável, especialmente de Oenocarpus bataua, Wettinia maynensis, e Socratea exorrhiza. O índice de diversidade Shannon-Wiener de todas as espécies tem um valor de 1,34; a similaridade de Sorensen apresenta Napints e Shaime como os de maior similaridade com 85,71%, a apresenta também a Prestoea acuminata e a Wettinia maynensis como espécies compartilhadas entre os três Centros Shuar. São 9 as Etnocategorias de uso, as famílias Shuar dão maior valor total às etnocategorias de alimentação humana, construção, alimentação para animais de caça e pesca e de artesanato.
In this work, the aromatic fluctuation index (FLU) that describes the fluctuation of electronic charge between adjacent atoms in a given ring is introduced as a new aromaticity measure. This new electronic criterion of aromaticity is based on the fact that aromaticity is related to the cyclic delocalized circulation of π electrons. It is defined not only considering the amount of electron sharing between contiguous atoms, which should be substantial in aromatic molecules, but also taking into account the similarity of electron sharing between adjacent atoms. For a series of rings in 15 planar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, we have found that, in general, FLU is strongly correlated with other widely used indicators of local aromaticity, such as the harmonic-oscillator model of aromaticity, the nucleus independent chemical shift, and the para-delocalization index (PDI). In contrast to PDI, the FLU index can be applied to study the aromaticity of rings with any number of members and it can be used to analyze both the local and global aromatic character of rings and molecules
Retinal image quality is commonly analyzed through parameters inherited from instrumental optics. These parameters are defined for ‘good optics’ so they are hard to translate into visual quality metrics. Instead of using point or artificial functions, we propose a quality index that takes into account properties of natural images. These images usually show strong local correlations that help to interpret the image. Our aim is to derive an objective index that quantifies the quality of vision by taking into account the local structure of the scene, instead of focusing on a particular aberration. As we show, this index highly correlates with visual acuity and allows inter-comparison of natural images around the retina. The usefulness of the index is proven through the analysis of real eyes before and after undergoing corneal surgery, which usually are hard to analyze with standard metrics.
This paper examines the relationship between the volatility implied in option prices and the subsequently realized volatility by using the S&P/ASX 200 index options (XJO) traded on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) during a period of 5 years. Unlike stock index options such as the S&P 100 index options in the US market, the S&P/ASX 200 index options are traded infrequently and in low volumes, and have a long maturity cycle. Thus an errors-in-variables problem for measurement of implied volatility is more likely to exist. After accounting for this problem by instrumental variable method, it is found that both call and put implied volatilities are superior to historical volatility in forecasting future realized volatility. Moreover, implied call volatility is nearly an unbiased forecast of future volatility.
Background Older adults may find it problematic to attend hospital appointments due to the difficulty associated with travelling to, within and from a hospital facility for the purpose of a face-to-face assessment. This study aims to investigate equivalence between telephone and face-to-face administration for the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI) and the Euroqol-5D (EQ-5D) generic health-related quality of life instrument amongst an older adult population. Methods Patients aged >65 (n = 53) who had been discharged to the community following an acute hospital admission underwent telephone administration of the FAI and EQ-5D instruments seven days prior to attending a hospital outpatient appointment where they completed a face-to-face administration of these instruments. Results Overall, 40 subjects' datasets were complete for both assessments and included in analysis. The FAI items had high levels of agreement between the two modes of administration (item kappa's ranged 0.73 to 1.00) as did the EQ-5D (item kappa's ranged 0.67–0.83). For the FAI, EQ-5D VAS and EQ-5D utility score, intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.94, 0.58 and 0.82 respectively with paired t-tests indicating no significant systematic difference (p = 0.100, p = 0.690 and p = 0.290 respectively). Conclusion Telephone administration of the FAI and EQ-5D instruments provides comparable results to face-to-face administration amongst older adults deemed to have cognitive functioning intact at a basic level, indicating that this is a suitable alternate approach for collection of this information.
Background: The Functional Capacity Index (FCI) was designed to predict physical function 12 months after injury. We report a validation study of the FCI. Methods: This was a consecutive case series registered in the Queensland Trauma Registry who consented to the prospective 12-month telephone-administered follow-up study. FCI scores measured at 12 months were compared with those originally predicted. Results: Complete Abbreviated Injury Scale score information was available for 617 individuals, of whom 587 (95%) could be assigned at least one FCI score (range, 1-17). Agreement between the largest predicted FCI and observed FCI score was poor ([kappa] = 0.05; 95% confidence interval, 0.00-0.10) and explained only 1% of the variability in observed FCI. Using an encompassing model that included all FCI assignments, agreement remained poor ([kappa] = 0.05; 95% confidence interval, -0.02-0.12), and the model explained only 9% of the variability in observed FCI. Conclusion: The predicted functional capacity poorly agrees with actual functional outcomes. Further research should consider including other (noninjury) explanatory factors in predicting FCI at 12 months.
Background: Timely access to appropriate cardiac care is critical for optimising outcomes. Our aim was to derive an objective, comparable, geographic measure reflecting access to cardiac services for Australia's 20,387 population locations. Methods: An expert panel defined a single patient care pathway. Using geographic information systems (GIS) the numeric/alpha index was modelled in two phases. The acute phase index (numeric) ranged from 1 (access to tertiary centre with PCI ≤1 h) to 8 (no ambulance service, >3 h to medical facility, air transport required). The aftercare index was modelled into 5 alphabetic categories; A (Access to general practitioner, pharmacy, cardiac rehabilitation, pathology ≤1 h) to E (no services available within 1 h). Results: Approximately 70% or 13.9 million people lived within a CardiacARIAindex category 1A location. Disparity continues in access to category 1A cardiac services for 5.8 million (30%) of all Australians, 60% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and 32% of people over 65 years of age. In a cardiac emergency only 40% of the Indigenous population reside within one hour of category 1 hospital. Approximately 30% (81,491 Indigenous persons) are more than one to three hours from basic cardiac services. Conclusion: Geographically, the majority of Australian's have timely access for survival of a cardiac event. The CardiacARIAindex objectively demonstrates that the healthcare system may not be providing for the needs of 60% of Indigenous people residing outside the 1A geographic radius. Innovative clinical practice maybe required to address these disparities.
Background/aims: Access to appropriate health care following an acute cardiac event is important for positive outcomes. The aim of the Cardiac ARIA index was to derive an objective, comparable, geographic measure reflecting access to cardiac services across Australia. Methods: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used to model a numeric-alpha index based on acute management from onset of symptoms to return to the community. Acute time frames have been calculated to include time for ambulance to arrive, assess and load patient, and travel to facility by road 40–80 kph. Results: The acute phase of the index was modelled into five categories: 1 [24/7 percutaneous cardiac intervention (PCI) ≤1 h]; 2 [24/7 PCI 1–3 h, and PCI less than an additional hour to nearest accident and emergency room (A&E)]: 3 [Nearest A&E ≤3 h (no 24/7 PCI within an extra hour)]: 4 [Nearest A&E 3–12 h (no 24/7 PCI within an extra hour)]: 5 [Nearest A&E 12–24 h (no 24/7 PCI within an extra hour)]. Discharge care was modelled into three categories based on time to a cardiac rehabilitation program, retail pharmacy, pathology services, hospital, GP or remote clinic: (A) all services ≤30 min; (B) >30 min and ≤60 min; (C) >60 min. Examples of the index indicate that the majority of population locations within capital cities were category 1A; Alice Springs and Byron Bay were 3A; and the Northern Territory town of Maningrida had minimal access to cardiac services with an index ranking of 5C. Conclusion: The Cardiac ARIA index provides an invaluable tool to inform appropriate strategies for the use of scarce cardiac resources.