940 resultados para temporal period
The definition of models and base parameters for application of investigation tools in environment with high complexity are a basic premise to any sciences. The geophysics is a science with solid theoretical base and applications in diversified areas of the sciences geological, astronomical, meteorological, among many others. Its application in environmental studies is relatively recent and needs further research. To understand the behavior of resident contaminants in a dynamic and complex environment as the geological, it requests studies in scale laboratorial, under control of factors seasonality variable. This work simulates a leak of gasoline in soil, under conditions and in laboratory scale, with the objective of monitoring the temporary behavior of the hydrocarbon under the optics of variation of the parameter physical electric resistivity. The results indicate increase of the resistivity in recent periods the contamination, followed for stability in the values and finally fall and return tendency to the natural conditions.
A large and complex IT project may involve multiple organizations and be constrained within a temporal period. An organization is a system comprising of people, activities, processes, information, resources and goals. Understanding and modelling such a project and its interrelationship with relevant organizations are essential for organizational project planning. This paper introduces the problem articulation method (PAM) as a semiotic method for organizational infrastructure modelling. PAM offers a suite of techniques, which enables the articulation of the business, technical and organizational requirements, delivering an infrastructural framework to support the organization. It works by eliciting and formalizing (e. g. processes, activities, relationships, responsibilities, communications, resources, agents, dependencies and constraints) and mapping these abstractions to represent the manifestation of the "actual" organization. Many analysts forgo organizational modelling methods and use localized ad hoc and point solutions, but this is not amenable for organizational infrastructures modelling. A case study of the infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer (IASI) will be used to demonstrate the applicability of PAM, and to examine its relevancy and significance in dealing with the innovation and changes in the organizations.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The environmental degradation observed in the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí watershed has been one of the principal preoccupations of the environmental agencies in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. In this context, there is inserted the Americana county which is cut by streams of unsuitable quality for the human consumption and other uses. The main goal of the present work was evaluated the water quality of the Recanto Creek, affluent of the Quilombo stream, at the Americana county, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The research was developed in the period from March of 2007 to March of 2008, when it was measured the flow and the following physical-chemical water quality parameters: temperature; turbidity; pH; dissolved oxygen (OD); phosphorus (P); ammonia nitrogen (NH 4); nitrate (NO 3); chemical demand of oxygen (DQO), besides total coliforms. The results demonstrated a variation of the flow from 34.3 to 375.2 L s -1, during the evaluated period. The parameters dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen and nitrate presented values out of the limits recommended for rivers of class 3, like the Recanto Creek, suggesting water pollution due to the organic matter disposal.
The drainage basin of Cascavel River is almost entirely within the urban perimeter of Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil. Seven stream segments were sampled in two seasons (summer and winter). We found 12 taxa of macroalgae with a dominance of Chlorophyta (seven taxa) followed by Cyanophyta (three taxa), Heterokontophyta and Rhodophyta (one taxon each). Richness, diversity, and evenness were higher during the winter while the abundance and dominance were higher in the summer. Among the microenvironmental characteristics, the current velocity was the only one that differed significantly between the periods. The regression analysis revealed that the richness of the substrate was responsible for the variation in richness, diversity, evenness, and dominance during the summer period. During the winter the current velocity was responsible for the variation of species diversity. A cluster analysis of macroalgal communities did not group points in the same temporal period. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the segments were close to each other because of the occurrence of one or a few species in common. The patterns of spatial and temporal distribution of stream macroalgae seem to be strongly influenced by microhabitat characteristics at different scales.However, they aresupported by regional variables.
In France, farmers commission about 250,000 soil-testing analyses per year to assist them managing soil fertility. The number and diversity of origin of the samples make these analyses an interesting and original information source regarding cultivated topsoil variability. Moreover, these analyses relate to several parameters strongly influenced by human activity (macronutrient contents, pH...), for which existing cartographic information is not very relevant. Compiling the results of these analyses into a database makes it possible to re-use these data within both a national and temporal framework. A database compilation relating to data collected over the period 1990-2009 has been recently achieved. So far, commercial soil-testing laboratories approved by the Ministry of Agriculture have provided analytical results from more than 2,000,000 samples. After the initial quality control stage, analytical results from more than 1,900,000 samples were available in the database. The anonymity of the landholders seeking soil analyses is perfectly preserved, as the only identifying information stored is the location of the nearest administrative city to the sample site. We present in this dataset a set of statistical parameters of the spatial distributions for several agronomic soil properties. These statistical parameters are calculated for 4 different nested spatial entities (administrative areas: e.g. regions, departments, counties and agricultural areas) and for 4 time periods (1990-1994, 1995-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2009). Two kinds of agronomic soil properties are available: the firs one correspond to the quantitative variables like the organic carbon content and the second one corresponds to the qualitative variables like the texture class. For each spatial unit and temporal period, we calculated the following statistics stets: the first set is calculated for the quantitative variables and corresponds to the number of samples, the mean, the standard deviation and, the 2-,4-,10-quantiles; the second set is calculated for the qualitative variables and corresponds to the number of samples, the value of the dominant class, the number of samples of the dominant class, the second dominant class, the number of samples of the second dominant class.
Tese de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Este estudo é parte do monitoramento limnológico empreendido pela Companhia Energética do Estado de São Paulo (CESP) durante o processo de enchimento do reservatório de Porto Primavera (Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta). Este reservatório, localizado no alto rio Paraná, entre os Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso, é o quarto maior do país. A primeira etapa de enchimento do lago começou em dezembro de 1998 e a segunda em março de 2001. Amostras para a análise da comunidade bentônica e das características sedimentológicas foram coletadas trimestralmente entre agosto de 1999 e novembro de 2001 e também em agosto de 2002 (11 campanhas). As coletas foram feitas em 13 estações de amostragem distribuídas no reservatório e em uma localizada a jusante da barragem. 128 táxons de invertebrados foram encontrados, sendo Mollusca, Annelida, Insecta e Nematoda os grupos dominantes durante praticamente todos os meses analisados. A classe Insecta foi a melhor representada, com 9 diferentes ordens, dentro das quais os Diptera contribuíram com a ocorrência de 63 táxons. A espécie exótica de bivalve Corbicula fluminea foi registrada em todas as estações de amostragem mostrando sua grande capacidade para colonizar novos habitats em regiões neotropicais. Variações consideráveis na densidade da fauna foram observadas para os diferentes períodos e locais analisados. A densidade máxima (média de 7812 ind.m-2) foi registrada no centro do reservatório enquanto que as densidades mínimas foram registradas na zona lacustre próxima à barragem (média de 9 ind.m-2). A maior riqueza de espécies por local/período (24 táxons) foi encontrada no trecho superior do reservatório (trecho fluvial). A diversidade máxima foi observada nas zonas superior e central do reservatório, com valores de 3.82 e 3.86 (bits.ind-1) no início (agosto/1999) e final (agosto/2002) do processo de enchimento, respectivamente. Não foi encontrado um padrão de distribuição dos grupos faunísticos que pudesse estar associado com a textura granulométrica dos diferentes locais amostrados. Por outro lado, constatou-se a diminuição, ou mesmo a não ocorrência de organismos, nas estações com elevada concentração de matéria orgânica (>40%) em baixo estado de degradação (grandes detritos vegetais). Tal fato pode estar relacionado com a falta de depósitos de sedimentos, dificultando a fixação de organismos da fauna bentônica, bem como com condições químicas mais redutoras em função da intensidade dos processos de decomposição da fitomassa inundada.
The temporal variations in CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes were measured over two consecutive years from February 2007 to March 2009 from a subtropical rainforest in south-eastern Queensland, Australia, using an automated sampling system. A concurrent study using an additional 30 manual chambers examined the spatial variability of emissions distributed across three nearby remnant rainforest sites with similar vegetation and climatic conditions. Interannual variation in fluxes of all gases over the 2 years was minimal, despite large discrepancies in rainfall, whereas a pronounced seasonal variation could only be observed for CO2 fluxes. High infiltration, drainage and subsequent high soil aeration under the rainforest limited N2O loss while promoting substantial CH4 uptake. The average annual N2O loss of 0.5 ± 0.1 kg N2O-N ha−1 over the 2-year measurement period was at the lower end of reported fluxes from rainforest soils. The rainforest soil functioned as a sink for atmospheric CH4 throughout the entire 2-year period, despite periods of substantial rainfall. A clear linear correlation between soil moisture and CH4 uptake was found. Rates of uptake ranged from greater than 15 g CH4-C ha−1 day−1 during extended dry periods to less than 2–5 g CH4-C ha−1 day−1 when soil water content was high. The calculated annual CH4 uptake at the site was 3.65 kg CH4-C ha−1 yr−1. This is amongst the highest reported for rainforest systems, reiterating the ability of aerated subtropical rainforests to act as substantial sinks of CH4. The spatial study showed N2O fluxes almost eight times higher, and CH4 uptake reduced by over one-third, as clay content of the rainforest soil increased from 12% to more than 23%. This demonstrates that for some rainforest ecosystems, soil texture and related water infiltration and drainage capacity constraints may play a more important role in controlling fluxes than either vegetation or seasonal variability
Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease is one of the most widespread mosquito-borne diseases in Australia. The number of outbreaks and the incidence rate of BFV in Australia have attracted growing concerns about the spatio-temporal complexity and underlying risk factors of BFV disease. A large number of notifications has been recorded continuously in Queensland since 1992. Yet, little is known about the spatial and temporal characteristics of the disease. I aim to use notification data to better understand the effects of climatic, demographic, socio-economic and ecological risk factors on the spatial epidemiology of BFV disease transmission, develop predictive risk models and forecast future disease risks under climate change scenarios. Computerised data files of daily notifications of BFV disease and climatic variables in Queensland during 1992-2008 were obtained from Queensland Health and Australian Bureau of Meteorology, respectively. Projections on climate data for years 2025, 2050 and 2100 were obtained from Council of Scientific Industrial Research Organisation. Data on socio-economic, demographic and ecological factors were also obtained from relevant government departments as follows: 1) socio-economic and demographic data from Australian Bureau of Statistics; 2) wetlands data from Department of Environment and Resource Management and 3) tidal readings from Queensland Department of Transport and Main roads. Disease notifications were geocoded and spatial and temporal patterns of disease were investigated using geostatistics. Visualisation of BFV disease incidence rates through mapping reveals the presence of substantial spatio-temporal variation at statistical local areas (SLA) over time. Results reveal high incidence rates of BFV disease along coastal areas compared to the whole area of Queensland. A Mantel-Haenszel Chi-square analysis for trend reveals a statistically significant relationship between BFV disease incidence rates and age groups (ƒÓ2 = 7587, p<0.01). Semi-variogram analysis and smoothed maps created from interpolation techniques indicate that the pattern of spatial autocorrelation was not homogeneous across the state. A cluster analysis was used to detect the hot spots/clusters of BFV disease at a SLA level. Most likely spatial and space-time clusters are detected at the same locations across coastal Queensland (p<0.05). The study demonstrates heterogeneity of disease risk at a SLA level and reveals the spatial and temporal clustering of BFV disease in Queensland. Discriminant analysis was employed to establish a link between wetland classes, climate zones and BFV disease. This is because the importance of wetlands in the transmission of BFV disease remains unclear. The multivariable discriminant modelling analyses demonstrate that wetland types of saline 1, riverine and saline tidal influence were the most significant risk factors for BFV disease in all climate and buffer zones, while lacustrine, palustrine, estuarine and saline 2 and saline 3 wetlands were less important. The model accuracies were 76%, 98% and 100% for BFV risk in subtropical, tropical and temperate climate zones, respectively. This study demonstrates that BFV disease risk varied with wetland class and climate zone. The study suggests that wetlands may act as potential breeding habitats for BFV vectors. Multivariable spatial regression models were applied to assess the impact of spatial climatic, socio-economic and tidal factors on the BFV disease in Queensland. Spatial regression models were developed to account for spatial effects. Spatial regression models generated superior estimates over a traditional regression model. In the spatial regression models, BFV disease incidence shows an inverse relationship with minimum temperature, low tide and distance to coast, and positive relationship with rainfall in coastal areas whereas in whole Queensland the disease shows an inverse relationship with minimum temperature and high tide and positive relationship with rainfall. This study determines the most significant spatial risk factors for BFV disease across Queensland. Empirical models were developed to forecast the future risk of BFV disease outbreaks in coastal Queensland using existing climatic, socio-economic and tidal conditions under climate change scenarios. Logistic regression models were developed using BFV disease outbreak data for the existing period (2000-2008). The most parsimonious model had high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy and this model was used to estimate and forecast BFV disease outbreaks for years 2025, 2050 and 2100 under climate change scenarios for Australia. Important contributions arising from this research are that: (i) it is innovative to identify high-risk coastal areas by creating buffers based on grid-centroid and the use of fine-grained spatial units, i.e., mesh blocks; (ii) a spatial regression method was used to account for spatial dependence and heterogeneity of data in the study area; (iii) it determined a range of potential spatial risk factors for BFV disease; and (iv) it predicted the future risk of BFV disease outbreaks under climate change scenarios in Queensland, Australia. In conclusion, the thesis demonstrates that the distribution of BFV disease exhibits a distinct spatial and temporal variation. Such variation is influenced by a range of spatial risk factors including climatic, demographic, socio-economic, ecological and tidal variables. The thesis demonstrates that spatial regression method can be applied to better understand the transmission dynamics of BFV disease and its risk factors. The research findings show that disease notification data can be integrated with multi-factorial risk factor data to develop build-up models and forecast future potential disease risks under climate change scenarios. This thesis may have implications in BFV disease control and prevention programs in Queensland.
Persistent, lipophilic organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dieldrin, chlordanes, hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and mirex are known to accumulate in human samples [1, 2]. Persistent OCPs are among the chemicals that are covered under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants [3]. Exceptions to this include relatively less lipophillic compounds like HCH (KOW<10^5). In Australia, OCPs such as DDT and HCHs were introduced in the 1940s. This followed a period of widespread use until the 1970s when recognition of risks related to OCPs resulted in reduced use and their ultimate ban in the 1980s. Mirex, however, remained in very restricted use in Northern Australia for treatment of one species of termites (the Giant Termite (Mastotermes darwinensis)) but this use was phased out in 2007.
Lyngbya majuscula is a cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) occurring naturally in tropical and subtropical coastal areas worldwide. Deception Bay, in Northern Moreton Bay, Queensland, has a history of Lyngbya blooms, and forms a case study for this investigation. The South East Queensland (SEQ) Healthy Waterways Partnership, collaboration between government, industry, research and the community, was formed to address issues affecting the health of the river catchments and waterways of South East Queensland. The Partnership coordinated the Lyngbya Research and Management Program (2005-2007) which culminated in a Coastal Algal Blooms (CAB) Action Plan for harmful and nuisance algal blooms, such as Lyngbya majuscula. This first phase of the project was predominantly of a scientific nature and also facilitated the collection of additional data to better understand Lyngbya blooms. The second phase of this project, SEQ Healthy Waterways Strategy 2007-2012, is now underway to implement the CAB Action Plan and as such is more management focussed. As part of the first phase of the project, a Science model for the initiation of a Lyngbya bloom was built using Bayesian Networks (BN). The structure of the Science Bayesian Network was built by the Lyngbya Science Working Group (LSWG) which was drawn from diverse disciplines. The BN was then quantified with annual data and expert knowledge. Scenario testing confirmed the expected temporal nature of bloom initiation and it was recommended that the next version of the BN be extended to take this into account. Elicitation for this BN thus occurred at three levels: design, quantification and verification. The first level involved construction of the conceptual model itself, definition of the nodes within the model and identification of sources of information to quantify the nodes. The second level included elicitation of expert opinion and representation of this information in a form suitable for inclusion in the BN. The third and final level concerned the specification of scenarios used to verify the model. The second phase of the project provides the opportunity to update the network with the newly collected detailed data obtained during the previous phase of the project. Specifically the temporal nature of Lyngbya blooms is of interest. Management efforts need to be directed to the most vulnerable periods to bloom initiation in the Bay. To model the temporal aspects of Lyngbya we are using Object Oriented Bayesian networks (OOBN) to create ‘time slices’ for each of the periods of interest during the summer. OOBNs provide a framework to simplify knowledge representation and facilitate reuse of nodes and network fragments. An OOBN is more hierarchical than a traditional BN with any sub-network able to contain other sub-networks. Connectivity between OOBNs is an important feature and allows information flow between the time slices. This study demonstrates more sophisticated use of expert information within Bayesian networks, which combine expert knowledge with data (categorized using expert-defined thresholds) within an expert-defined model structure. Based on the results from the verification process the experts are able to target areas requiring greater precision and those exhibiting temporal behaviour. The time slices incorporate the data for that time period for each of the temporal nodes (instead of using the annual data from the previous static Science BN) and include lag effects to allow the effect from one time slice to flow to the next time slice. We demonstrate a concurrent steady increase in the probability of initiation of a Lyngbya bloom and conclude that the inclusion of temporal aspects in the BN model is consistent with the perceptions of Lyngbya behaviour held by the stakeholders. This extended model provides a more accurate representation of the increased risk of algal blooms in the summer months and show that the opinions elicited to inform a static BN can be readily extended to a dynamic OOBN, providing more comprehensive information for decision makers.
INTRODUCTION Dengue fever (DF) in Vietnam remains a serious emerging arboviral disease, which generates significant concerns among international health authorities. Incidence rates of DF have increased significantly during the last few years in many provinces and cities, especially Hanoi. The purpose of this study was to detect DF hot spots and identify the disease dynamics dispersion of DF over the period between 2004 and 2009 in Hanoi, Vietnam. METHODS Daily data on DF cases and population data for each postcode area of Hanoi between January 1998 and December 2009 were obtained from the Hanoi Center for Preventive Health and the General Statistic Office of Vietnam. Moran's I statistic was used to assess the spatial autocorrelation of reported DF. Spatial scan statistics and logistic regression were used to identify space-time clusters and dispersion of DF. RESULTS The study revealed a clear trend of geographic expansion of DF transmission in Hanoi through the study periods (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.02-1.34). The spatial scan statistics showed that 6/14 (42.9%) districts in Hanoi had significant cluster patterns, which lasted 29 days and were limited to a radius of 1,000 m. The study also demonstrated that most DF cases occurred between June and November, during which the rainfall and temperatures are highest. CONCLUSIONS There is evidence for the existence of statistically significant clusters of DF in Hanoi, and that the geographical distribution of DF has expanded over recent years. This finding provides a foundation for further investigation into the social and environmental factors responsible for changing disease patterns, and provides data to inform program planning for DF control.
BACKGROUND: Dengue has been a major public health concern in Australia since it re-emerged in Queensland in 1992-1993. We explored spatio-temporal characteristics of locally-acquired dengue cases in northern tropical Queensland, Australia during the period 1993-2012. METHODS: Locally-acquired notified cases of dengue were collected for northern tropical Queensland from 1993 to 2012. Descriptive spatial and temporal analyses were conducted using geographic information system tools and geostatistical techniques. RESULTS: 2,398 locally-acquired dengue cases were recorded in northern tropical Queensland during the study period. The areas affected by the dengue cases exhibited spatial and temporal variation over the study period. Notified cases of dengue occurred more frequently in autumn. Mapping of dengue by statistical local areas (census units) reveals the presence of substantial spatio-temporal variation over time and place. Statistically significant differences in dengue incidence rates among males and females (with more cases in females) (χ(2) = 15.17, d.f. = 1, p<0.01). Differences were observed among age groups, but these were not statistically significant. There was a significant positive spatial autocorrelation of dengue incidence for the four sub-periods, with the Moran's I statistic ranging from 0.011 to 0.463 (p<0.01). Semi-variogram analysis and smoothed maps created from interpolation techniques indicate that the pattern of spatial autocorrelation was not homogeneous across the northern Queensland. CONCLUSIONS: Tropical areas are potential high-risk areas for mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue. This study demonstrated that the locally-acquired dengue cases have exhibited a spatial and temporal variation over the past twenty years in northern tropical Queensland, Australia. Therefore, this study provides an impetus for further investigation of clusters and risk factors in these high-risk areas.