981 resultados para telephone triage


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PURPOSE: The study aims to identify and articulate how mental health telephone triage (MHTT) clinicians manage psychiatric crisis and emergency via the telephone.

DESIGN AND METHODS: An observational design was employed in the study. Wireless headsets were used to observe 197 occasions of MHTT.

FINDINGS: Clinicians use a range of practical strategies, therapeutic skills, and psychosocial interventions to manage psychiatric crises and emergencies via the telephone.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The evidence base for managing psychiatric crisis/ emergency in MHTT is minimal. These findings contribute to the MHTT knowledge base and provide evidence-based strategies for high-quality emergency mental health care.


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Aims and objectives. The primary aim of this study was to identify the core competencies of mental health telephone triage, including key role tasks, skills, knowledge and responsibilities, in which clinicians are required to be competent to perform safe and effective triage.
Background. Recent global trends indicate an increased reliance on telephone-based health services to facilitate access to health care across large populations. The trend towards telephone-based health services has also extended to mental health settings, evidenced by the growing number of mental health telephone triage services providing 24-hour access to specialist mental health assessment and treatment. Mental health telephone triage services are critical to the early identification of mental health problems and the provision of timely, appropriate interventions. In spite of the rapid growth in mental health telephone triage and the important role these services play in the assessment and management of mental illness and related risks, there has been very little research investigating this area of practice.
Design. An observational design was employed to address the research aims.
Methods. Structured observations (using dual wireless headphones) were undertaken on 197 occasions of mental health telephone triage over a three-month period from January to March 2011.
Results. The research identified seven core areas of mental health telephone triage practice in which clinicians are required to be competent in to perform effective mental health telephone triage, including opening the call; performing mental status examination; risk assessment; planning and action; termination of call; referral and reporting; and documentation.
Conclusions. The findings of this research contribute to the evidence base for mental health telephone triage by articulating the core competencies for practice. Relevance to clinical practice. The mental health telephone triage competencies identified in this research may be used to define an evidence-based framework for mental health telephone triage practice that aims to improve the quality, consistency and accuracy of telephone-based mental health triage assessment.


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Background Patients often establish initial contact with healthcare institutions by telephone. During this process they are frequently medically triaged. Purpose To investigate the safety of computer-assisted telephone triage for walk-in patients with non-life-threatening medical conditions at an emergency unit of a Swiss university hospital. Methods This prospective surveillance study compared the urgency assessments of three different types of personnel (call centre nurses, hospital physicians, primary care physicians) who were involved in the patients' care process. Based on the urgency recommendations of the hospital and primary care physicians, cases which could potentially have resulted in an avoidable hazardous situation (AHS) were identified. Subsequently, the records of patients with a potential AHS were assessed for risk to health or life by an expert panel. Results 208 patients were enrolled in the study, of whom 153 were assessed by all three types of personnel. Congruence between the three assessments was low. The weighted κ values were 0.115 (95% CI 0.038 to 0.192) (hospital physicians vs call centre), 0.159 (95% CI 0.073 to 0.242) (primary care physicians vs call centre) and 0.377 (95% CI 0.279 to 0.480) (hospital vs primary care physicians). Seven of 153 cases (4.57%; 95% CI 1.85% to 9.20%) were classified as a potentially AHS. A risk to health or life was adjudged in one case (0.65%; 95% CI 0.02% to 3.58%). Conclusion Medical telephone counselling is a demanding task requiring competent specialists with dedicated training in communication supported by suitable computer technology. Provided these conditions are in place, computer-assisted telephone triage can be considered to be a safe method of assessing the potential clinical risks of patients' medical conditions.


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Despite the frequency with which fevers occur in children ages 1–3 years, lack of knowledge and understanding about the implications of fever and methods of fever management often results in anxiety among caretakers, sometimes prompting them to seek help at nearby emergency departments. Caretakers often look to health care professionals for advice and guidance over the telephone. The purpose of this study was to investigate caretakers' knowledge of the implications of fever, methods of fever management, perceptions of pediatric telephone triage and advice services regarding fever, and the effectiveness of after hour telephone triage directed toward improving the caretakers' ability to manage their child's fever at home. Pre-triage questionnaires were completed by 72 caretakers over the telephone before the triage encounter. Twenty-two of those same caretakers whose children were triaged using the fever guideline completed and returned the mailed post-triage questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze responses for the larger pre-intervention group and describe comparisons for the pre and post-triage responses in the smaller sample subset (n = 22). ^


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Telephone-based mental health triage services are frontline health-care providers that operate 24/7 to facilitate access to psychiatric assessment and intervention for people requiring assistance with a mental health problem. The mental health triage clinical role is complex, and the populations triage serves are typically high risk; yet to date, no evidence-based methods have been available to assess clinician competence to practice telephone-based mental health triage. The present study reports the findings of a study that investigated the validity and usability of the Mental Health Triage Competency Assessment Tool, an evidence-based, interactive computer programme designed to assist clinicians in developing and assessing competence to practice telephone-based mental health triage.


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Objective: To identify any association between the response priority code generated during calls to the ambulance communication centre and patient reports of pain severity.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of patient care records was undertaken for all patients transported by paramedics over a 7-day period. The primary research interest was the association between the response code allocated at the time of telephone triage and the initial pain severity score recorded using a numeric rating scale (NRS). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression methods were used to analyse the association between the response priority variable and explanatory variables.

Results: There were 1246 cases in which both an initial pain score using the NRS and a response code were recorded. Of these cases, 716/1246 (57.5%) were associated with a code 1 ("time-critical") response. After adjusting for gender, age, cause of pain and duration of pain, a multivariate logistic regression analysis found no significant change in the odds of a patient in pain receiving a time-critical response compared with patients who had no pain, regardless of their initial pain score (NRS 1–3, odds ratio (OR) 1.11, 95% CI 0.7 to 1.8; NRS 4–7, OR 1.12, 95% CI 0.7 to 1.8; NRS 8–10, OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.5 to 1.4).

Conclusion: The severity of pain experienced by the patient appeared to have no influence on the priority (urgency) of the dispatch response. Triage systems used to prioritise ambulance calls and decide the urgency of response or type of referral options should consider pain severity to facilitate timely and humane care.


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There has been an increase in the use of telephone-based services and internet throughout the years and, therefore, the Saúde 24 Hotline has become an important service in Portugal. This service aims to screen, counsel and refer the patient in order to avoid unnecessary visits to health institutions and also to indicate the most appropriate resource according to the illness. This work has two different questions: the first one examines the determinants of satisfaction that have more influence on the overall satisfaction of the Saúde 24 Hotline users. The second one aims to analyze if the confidence level of the users is increasing over time, measured by following the recommendation. The first study was conducted on a random sample collected from June to October 2014, which was taken from the User Satisfaction Survey. The second approach includes data from January 2008 to December 2014 from the Clinical Data Base of all users who have called the Hotline. Findings suggest that the majority of users are very satisfied with the service and the variables with more impact on the overall satisfaction are commitment and availability from the nurse, adequacy of call duration and quick identification of the problem. The survey indicates that 94% of respondents follow the recommendation and on average people have called the hotline 3 times in the previous year. The results from the Clinical Database show that people who were recommended to go to the emergency room are more likely to follow the advice than the people who were recommended to book routine appointments


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Einleitung Aus der Schweizer Grundversorgung lagen bisher noch keine systematischen Daten zu kritischen Ereignissen und zum Sicherheitsklima vor. Aus diesem Grund wurde eine Befragung von Ärzten und Medizinischen Praxisassistentinnen (MPA) in Deutschschweizer Hausarztpraxen sowie ein Folgeprojekt spezifisch zur Telefon-Triage durchgeführt. Methoden Mit Hilfe eines standardisierten Fragebogens wurden Fachpersonen in Hausarztpraxen zu Sicherheitsrisiken und zum Sicherheitsklima in ihren Praxen befragt. Der Fragebogen enthielt neben Fragen zum Sicherheitsklima Beschreibungen von 23 kritischen Ereignissen in Hausarztpraxen, die bezüglich Häufigkeit des Auftretens in der Praxis in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten sowie der Schadensfolge beurteilt wurden, als das Ereignis zum letzten Mal in der Praxis aufgetreten ist. Zudem beantworteten Ärzte und MPA eine offene Frage, nach den für sie besonders relevanten Risiken für die Patientensicherheit in ihren Praxen. Im Folgeprojekt wurden Interviews und Gruppendiskussionen mit MPA und Ärzten geführt, um eine Prozessanalyse der Telefon-Triage durchzuführen und ein Hilfsmittel für Hausarztpraxen zur Stärkung einer sicheren Telefon-Triage zu entwickeln. Ergebnisse 630 Ärzte und MPA (50,2% Ärzte, 49,8% MPA) haben an der Studie teilgenommen. 30% der Ärzte und 17% der MPA gaben an, mindestens einen der untersuchten Ereignisse täglich oder wöchentlich in ihrer Praxis zu beobachten. Fehler bei der Dokumentation wurden am häufigsten beobachtet. Ereignisse, die sich aufgrund der Schadensfolge als besonders relevant erwiesen, waren Fehleinschätzungen bei Kontaktaufnahmen der Patienten mit der Praxis, Diagnosefehler, mangelnde Überwachung von Patienten nach therapeutischen Massnahmen und Fehler in Zusammenhang mit der Medikation. Die Medikation (28% der Nennungen), medizinische Verrichtungen in der Praxis (11%) und die Telefon-Triage (7%) wurden am häufigsten als die Risiken genannt, die die Studienteilnehmer in ihren Praxen gerne eliminieren würden. In Bezug auf das Sicherheitsklima erwiesen sich insbesondere Teamsitzungen und regelmässige Qualitätszirkel-Teilnahme als relevante Prädiktoren für die Dimension „Teambasierte Aktivitäten und Strategien zur Fehlerprävention“. Berufsgruppenunterschiede zwischen Ärzten und MPA konnten sowohl hinsichtlich der berichteten Sicherheitsrisiken, als auch beim Sicherheitsklima beobachtet werden. Fazit Die Ergebnisse der Studie legen die Telefon-Triage als bislang wenig beachteten jedoch sehr relevanten Sicherheitsbereich in der Grundversorgung dar. Um die Sicherheit der Telefon-Triage zu stärken, wurde ein Anschlussprojekt durchgeführt, aus dem heraus ein Leitfaden für Hausarztpraxen entwickelt wurde. Dieser Leitfaden soll Ärzte und MPA in einer gemeinsamen und kritischen Auseinandersetzung von Strukturen und Prozessen rund um die Telefon-Triage sowie der Entwicklung von Verbesserungsschritten unterstützen. Die systematisch beobachteten Berufsgruppenunterschiede sind ein wichtiger Hinweis dafür, dass das gesamte Praxisteam in die Analyse von Sicherheitsrisiken und die Entwicklung von Massnahmen einbezogen werden sollte. Nur so können Risiken umfassend erfasst und für alle Fachpersonen relevante und getragene Verbesserungen initiiert werden. Dieser Ansatz der Team-Involvierung bildet die Basis für den Praxisleitfaden zur Telefon-Triage.


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The participation of service users in all aspects of mental health service delivery including policy development, service planning and evaluation is increasingly an expectation of contemporary mental health care. Although there are a growing number of publications reporting service-user perspectives in the evaluation of mental health services, little attention has been paid to the views of service users about mental health triage services. The purpose of the study reported here was to examine service-users' (consumers and informal carers) experiences of a telephone-based mental health triage service. Using a framework developed from the World Health Organisation's elements of responsiveness, we conducted structured telephone interviews with service users who had contacted a telephone-based mental health triage service in regional Victoria, Australia. The main findings of the study were that consumers experienced more difficulty than carers in accessing the service and that, although most participants were satisfied, only a minority reported being involved in decision-making. Further work is needed to improve accessibility of mental health triage services and to investigate barriers to consumer self-referral. Professional development and practice support systems should be established to support mental health triage nurses in the development of collaborative, consumer-focused care.