963 resultados para symplektisch, Lagrange Faserung, Hodgetheorie, Deformation, Hyperkähler Mannigfaltigkeit


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In this work we investigate the deformation theory of pairs of an irreducible symplectic manifold X together with a Lagrangian subvariety Y in X, where the focus is on singular Lagrangian subvarieties. Among other things, Voisin's results [Voi92] are generalized to the case of simple normal crossing subvarieties; partial results are also obtained for more complicated singularities.rnAs done in Voisin's article, we link the codimension of the subspace of the universal deformation space of X parametrizing those deformations where Y persists, to the rank of a certain map in cohomology. This enables us in some concrete cases to actually calculate or at least estimate the codimension of this particular subspace. In these cases the Lagrangian subvarieties in question occur as fibers or fiber components of a given Lagrangian fibration f : X --> B. We discuss examples and the question of how our results might help to understand some aspects of Lagrangian fibrations.


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In this thesis we give a definition of the term logarithmically symplectic variety; to be precise, we distinguish even two types of such varieties. The general type is a triple $(f,nabla,omega)$ comprising a log smooth morphism $fcolon Xtomathrm{Spec}kappa$ of log schemes together with a flat log connection $nablacolon LtoOmega^1_fotimes L$ and a ($nabla$-closed) log symplectic form $omegainGamma(X,Omega^2_fotimes L)$. We define the functor of log Artin rings of log smooth deformations of such varieties $(f,nabla,omega)$ and calculate its obstruction theory, which turns out to be given by the vector spaces $H^i(X,B^bullet_{(f,nabla)}(omega))$, $i=0,1,2$. Here $B^bullet_{(f,nabla)}(omega)$ is the class of a certain complex of $mathcal{O}_X$-modules in the derived category $mathrm{D}(X/kappa)$ associated to the log symplectic form $omega$. The main results state that under certain conditions a log symplectic variety can, by a flat deformation, be smoothed to a symplectic variety in the usual sense. This may provide a new approach to the construction of new examples of irreducible symplectic manifolds.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine Deformationstheorie fürLagrange-Singularitäten entwickelt. Wir definieren einen Komplex von Moduln mit nicht-linearem Differential, densogenannten Lagrange-de Rham-Komplex, dessen ersteKohomologie isomorph zum Raum der infinitesimalenLagrange-Deformationen ist. Wir beschreiben die Beziehung diesesKomplexes zur Theorie der Moduln über dem Ring vonDifferentieloperatoren. Informationen zur Obstruktionstheorie vonLagrange-Deformationen werden aus derzweiten Kohomologie des Lagrange-de Rham-Komplexes gewonnen.Wir zeigen, dass unter einer geometrischen Bedingung an dieSingularität ie Kohomologie von des Lagrange-deRham-Komplexes ausendlich dimensionalen Vektorräumen besteht. Desweiteren wirdeine Methode zur effektiven Berechnung dieser Kohomologie fürquasi-homogene Lagrange-Flächensingularitäten entwickelt. UnterZuhilfenahme von Computeralgebra wird diese Methode für konkreteBeispiele angewendet.


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Axial loads of load bearing elements impact on the vibration characteristics. Several methods have been developed to quantify axial loads and hence axial deformations of individual structural members using their natural frequencies. Nevertheless, these methods cannot be applied to individual members in structural framing systems as the natural frequency is a global parameter for the entire framing system. This paper proposes an innovative method which uses modal strain energy phenomenon to quantify axial deformations of load bearing elements of structural framing systems. The procedure is illustrated through examples and results confirm that the proposed method has an ability to quantify the axial deformations of individual elements of structural framing systems


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The vibration characteristics of structural members are significantly influenced by the axial loads and hence axial deformation of the member. Numerous methods have been developed to quantify the axial loads in individual structural members using their natural frequencies. However, the findings of these methods cannot be applied to individual members in a structural framing system as the natural frequency is a global parameter for the entire framing system. This paper proposes an innovative method which uses the modal flexibility parameter to quantify axial deformations in load bearing elements of structural framing systems. The proposed method is illustrated through examples and results highlight that the method can be used to quantify the axial deformations of Individual elements of structural framing systems.


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The large deformation analysis is one of major challenges in numerical modelling and simulation of metal forming. Because no mesh is used, the meshfree methods show good potential for the large deformation analysis. In this paper, a local meshfree formulation, based on the local weak-forms and the updated Lagrangian (UL) approach, is developed for the large deformation analysis. To fully employ the advantages of meshfree methods, a simple and effective adaptive technique is proposed, and this procedure is much easier than the re-meshing in FEM. Numerical examples of large deformation analysis are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly developed nonlinear meshfree approach. It has been found that the developed meshfree technique provides a superior performance to the conventional FEM in dealing with large deformation problems for metal forming.


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To accurately and effectively simulate large deformation is one of the major challenges in numerical modeling of metal forming. In this paper, an adaptive local meshless formulation based on the meshless shape functions and the local weak-form is developed for the large deformation analysis. Total Lagrangian (TL) and the Updated Lagrangian (UL) approaches are used and thoroughly compared each other in computational efficiency and accuracy. It has been found that the developed meshless technique provides a superior performance to the conventional FEM in dealing with large deformation problems for metal forming. In addition, the TL has better computational efficiency than the UL. However, the adaptive analysis is much more efficient using the UL approach than using in the TL approach.


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This paper presents a multiscale study using the coupled Meshless technique/Molecular Dynamics (M2) for exploring the deformation mechanism of mono-crystalline metal (focus on copper) under uniaxial tension. In M2, an advanced transition algorithm using transition particles is employed to ensure the compatibility of both displacements and their gradients, and an effective local quasi-continuum approach is also applied to obtain the equivalent continuum strain energy density based on the atomistic poentials and Cauchy-Born rule. The key parameters used in M2 are firstly investigated using a benchmark problem. Then M2 is applied to the multiscale simulation for a mono-crystalline copper bar. It has found that the mono-crystalline copper has very good elongation property, and the ultimate strength and Young's modulus are much higher than those obtained in macro-scale.


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We show that when a soft polymer like Poly(3-hexyl-thiophene) wraps multiwall nanotubes by coiling around the main axis, a localized deformation of the nanotube structure is observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy shows that radial compressions of about 4% can take place, and could possibly lead to larger interlayer distance between the nanotube inner walls and reduce the innermost nanotube radius. The mechanical stress due to the polymer presence was confirmed by Raman spectroscopic observation of a gradual upshift of the carbon nanotube G-band when the polymer content in the composites was progressively increased. Vibrational spectroscopy also indicates that charge transfer from the polymer to the nanotubes is responsible for a peak frequency relative downshift for high P3HT-content samples. Continuously acquired transmission electron microscopy images at rising temperature show the MWCNT elastic compression and relaxation due to polymer rearrangement on the nanotube surface.


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Column elements at a certain level in building are subjected to loads from different tributary areas. Consequently, differential axial deformation among these elements occurs. Adverse effects of differential axial deformation increase with building height and geometric complexity. Vibrating wire, electronic strain and external mechanical strain gauges are used to measure the axial deformations to take adequate provisions to mitigate the adverse effects. These gauges require deploying in or on the elements during their construction in order to acquire necessary measurements continuously. The use of these gauges is therefore inconvenient and uneconomical. This highlights the need for a method to quantify the axial deformation using ambient measurements. This paper proposes a comprehensive vibration based method. The unique capabilities of the proposed method present through an illustrative example.