974 resultados para symbolic test generation


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This thesis presents a new approach to building a design for testability (DFT) system. The system takes a digital circuit description, finds out the problems in testing it, and suggests circuit modifications to correct those problems. The key contributions of the thesis research are (1) setting design for testability in the context of test generation (TG), (2) using failures during FG to focus on testability problems, and (3) relating circuit modifications directly to the failures. A natural functionality set is used to represent the maximum functionalities that a component can have. The current implementation has only primitive domain knowledge and needs other work as well. However, armed with the knowledge of TG, it has already demonstrated its ability and produced some interesting results on a simple microprocessor.


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With the development of high-level languages for new computer architectures comes the need for appropriate debugging tools as well. One method for meeting this need would be to develop, from scratch, a symbolic debugger with the introduction of each new language implementation for any given architecture. This, however, seems to require unnecessary duplication of effort among developers. This paper describes Maygen, a "debugger generation system," designed to efficiently provide the desired language-dependent and architecture-dependent debuggers. A prototype of the Maygen system has been implemented and is able to handle the semantically different languages of C and OPAL.


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In this paper, we consider a classical problem of complete test generation for deterministic finite-state machines (FSMs) in a more general setting. The first generalization is that the number of states in implementation FSMs can even be smaller than that of the specification FSM. Previous work deals only with the case when the implementation FSMs are allowed to have the same number of states as the specification FSM. This generalization provides more options to the test designer: when traditional methods trigger a test explosion for large specification machines, tests with a lower, but yet guaranteed, fault coverage can still be generated. The second generalization is that tests can be generated starting with a user-defined test suite, by incrementally extending it until the desired fault coverage is achieved. Solving the generalized test derivation problem, we formulate sufficient conditions for test suite completeness weaker than the existing ones and use them to elaborate an algorithm that can be used both for extending user-defined test suites to achieve the desired fault coverage and for test generation. We present the experimental results that indicate that the proposed algorithm allows obtaining a trade-off between the length and fault coverage of test suites.


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This chapter is a tutorial that teaches you how to design extended finite state machine (EFSM) test models for a system that you want to test. EFSM models are more powerful and expressive than simple finite state machine (FSM) models, and are one of the most commonly used styles of models for model-based testing, especially for embedded systems. There are many languages and notations in use for writing EFSM models, but in this tutorial we write our EFSM models in the familiar Java programming language. To generate tests from these EFSM models we use ModelJUnit, which is an open-source tool that supports several stochastic test generation algorithms, and we also show how to write your own model-based testing tool. We show how EFSM models can be used for unit testing and system testing of embedded systems, and for offline testing as well as online testing.


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In the area of testing communication systems, the interfaces between systems to be tested and their testers have great impact on test generation and fault detectability. Several types of such interfaces have been standardized by the International Standardization Organization (ISO). A general distributed test architecture, containing distributed interfaces, has been presented in the literature for testing distributed systems based on the Open Distributing Processing (ODP) Basic Reference Model (BRM), which is a generalized version of ISO distributed test architecture. We study in this paper the issue of test selection with respect to such an test architecture. In particular, we consider communication systems that can be modeled by finite state machines with several distributed interfaces, called ports. A test generation method is developed for generating test sequences for such finite state machines, which is based on the idea of synchronizable test sequences. Starting from the initial effort by Sarikaya, a certain amount of work has been done for generating test sequences for finite state machines with respect to the ISO distributed test architecture, all based on the idea of modifying existing test generation methods to generate synchronizable test sequences. However, none studies the fault coverage provided by their methods. We investigate the issue of fault coverage and point out a fact that the methods given in the literature for the distributed test architecture cannot ensure the same fault coverage as the corresponding original testing methods. We also study the limitation of fault detectability in the distributed test architecture.


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Combinatorial testing is an important testing method. It requires the test cases to cover various combinations of parameters of the system under test. The test generation problem for combinatorial testing can be modeled as constructing a matrix which has certain properties. This paper first discusses two combinatorial testing criteria: covering array and orthogonal array, and then proposes a backtracking search algorithm to construct matrices satisfying them. Several search heuristics and symmetry breaking techniques are used to reduce the search time. This paper also introduces some techniques to generate large covering array instances from smaller ones. All the techniques have been implemented in a tool called EXACT (EXhaustive seArch of Combinatorial Test suites). A new optimal covering array is found by this tool.


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A long-standing problem when testing from a deterministic finite state machine is to guarantee full fault coverage even if the faults introduce extra states in the implementations. It is well known that such tests should include the sequences in a traversal set which contains all input sequences of length defined by the number of extra states. This paper suggests the SPY method, which helps reduce the length of tests by distributing sequences of the traversal set and reducing test branching. It is also demonstrated that an additional assumption about the implementation under test relaxes the requirement of the complete traversal set. The results of the experimental comparison of the proposed method with an existing method indicate that the resulting reduction can reach 40%. Experimental results suggest that the additional assumption about the implementation can help in further reducing the test suite length. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Basis path testing is a very powerful structural testing criterion. The number of test paths equals to the cyclomatic complexity of program defined by McCabe. Traditional test generation methods select the paths either without consideration of the constraints of variables or interactively. In this note, an efficient method is presented to generate a set of feasible basis paths. The experiments show that this method can generate feasible basis paths for real-world C programs automatically in acceptable time.


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This thesis describes two programs for generating tests for digital circuits that exploit several kinds of expert knowledge not used by previous approaches. First, many test generation problems can be solved efficiently using operation relations, a novel representation of circuit behavior that connects internal component operations with directly executable circuit operations. Operation relations can be computed efficiently by searching traces of simulated circuit behavior. Second, experts write test programs rather than test vectors because programs are more readable and compact. Test programs can be constructed automatically by merging program fragments using expert-supplied goal-refinement rules and domain-independent planning techniques.


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Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Erforschung von Methoden, Techniken und Werkzeugen zur Fehlersuche in modellbasierten Softwareentwicklungsprozessen. Hierzu wird zuerst ein von mir mitentwickelter, neuartiger und modellbasierter Softwareentwicklungsprozess, der sogenannte Fujaba Process, vorgestellt. Dieser Prozess wird von Usecase Szenarien getrieben, die durch spezielle Kollaborationsdiagramme formalisiert werden. Auch die weiteren Artefakte des Prozess bishin zur fertigen Applikation werden durch UML Diagrammarten modelliert. Es ist keine Programmierung im Quelltext nötig. Werkzeugunterstützung für den vorgestellte Prozess wird von dem Fujaba CASE Tool bereitgestellt. Große Teile der Werkzeugunterstützung für den Fujaba Process, darunter die Toolunterstützung für das Testen und Debuggen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der Fujaba Process im Detail erklärt und unsere Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz des Prozesses in Industrieprojekten sowie in der Lehre dargestellt. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Testgenerierung, die zu einem wichtigen Teil des Fujaba Process geworden ist. Hierbei werden aus den formalisierten Usecase Szenarien ausführbare Testfälle generiert. Es wird das zugrunde liegende Konzept, die konkrete technische Umsetzung und die Erfahrungen aus der Praxis mit der entwickelten Testgenerierung dargestellt. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Debuggen im Fujaba Process. Es werden verschiedene im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Konzepte und Techniken vorgestellt, die die Fehlersuche während der Applikationsentwicklung vereinfachen. Hierbei wurde darauf geachtet, dass das Debuggen, wie alle anderen Schritte im Fujaba Process, ausschließlich auf Modellebene passiert. Unter anderem werden Techniken zur schrittweisen Ausführung von Modellen, ein Objekt Browser und ein Debugger, der die rückwärtige Ausführung von Programmen erlaubt (back-in-time debugging), vorgestellt. Alle beschriebenen Konzepte wurden in dieser Arbeit als Plugins für die Eclipse Version von Fujaba, Fujaba4Eclipse, implementiert und erprobt. Bei der Implementierung der Plugins wurde auf eine enge Integration mit Fujaba zum einen und mit Eclipse auf der anderen Seite geachtet. Zusammenfassend wird also ein Entwicklungsprozess vorgestellt, die Möglichkeit in diesem mit automatischen Tests Fehler zu identifizieren und diese Fehler dann mittels spezieller Debuggingtechniken im Programm zu lokalisieren und schließlich zu beheben. Dabei läuft der komplette Prozess auf Modellebene ab. Für die Test- und Debuggingtechniken wurden in dieser Arbeit Plugins für Fujaba4Eclipse entwickelt, die den Entwickler bestmöglich bei der zugehörigen Tätigkeit unterstützen.


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In testing from a Finite State Machine (FSM), the generation of test suites which guarantee full fault detection, known as complete test suites, has been a long-standing research topic. In this paper, we present conditions that are sufficient for a test suite to be complete. We demonstrate that the existing conditions are special cases of the proposed ones. An algorithm that checks whether a given test suite is complete is given. The experimental results show that the algorithm can be used for relatively large FSMs and test suites.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar e avaliar técnicas para a aceleração de algoritmos de análise de timing funcional (FTA - Functional Timing Analysis) baseados em geração automática de testes (ATPG – Automatic Test Generation). Para tanto, são abordados três algoritmos conhecidos : algoritmo-D, o PODEM e o FAN. Após a análise dos algoritmos e o estudo de algumas técnicas de aceleração, é proposto o algoritmo DETA (Delay Enumeration-Based Timing Analysis) que determina o atraso crítico de circuitos que contêm portas complexas. O DETA está definido como um algoritmo baseado em ATPG com sensibilização concorrente de caminhos. Na implementação do algoritmo, foi possível validar o modelo de computação de atrasos para circuitos que contêm portas complexas utilizando a abordagem de macro-expansão implícita. Além disso, alguns resultados parciais demonstram que, para alguns circuitos, o DETA apresenta uma pequena dependência do número de entradas quando comparado com a dependência no procedimento de simulação. Desta forma, é possível evitar uma pesquisa extensa antes de se encontrar o teste e assim, obter sucesso na aplicação de métodos para aceleração do algoritmo.


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The work proposed by Cleverton Hentz (2010) presented an approach to define tests from the formal description of a program s input. Since some programs, such as compilers, may have their inputs formalized through grammars, it is common to use context-free grammars to specify the set of its valid entries. In the original work the author developed a tool that automatically generates tests for compilers. In the present work we identify types of problems in various areas where grammars are used to describe them , for example, to specify software configurations, which are potential situations to use LGen. In addition, we conducted case studies with grammars of different domains and from these studies it was possible to evaluate the behavior and performance of LGen during the generation of sentences, evaluating aspects such as execution time, number of generated sentences and satisfaction of coverage criteria available in LGen