976 resultados para surface reconstruction


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Hardly a month goes by within the scientific literature without some new material “X” being reported as a suitable material on which to grow cell type “Y”, for the potential purpose of treating disease “Z”. Thus when fibroin, a protein found in silk, was first proposed as a biomaterial for cell growth [1] it joined a long list of other materials of both natural as well as synthetic origin. Nevertheless, in the second decade of the Asian Century it is perhaps befitting that a material of so much importance to the continent’s cultural and economic history, should become the focus of cutting-edge biomedical research. Sentiments aside, however, silk fibroin possesses quite a unique combination of properties which make it a promising candidate for repairing the eye and especially for treating damage to the cornea, the transparent window at the front of the eye.


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Realistic virtual models of leaf surfaces are important for a number of applications in the plant sciences, such as modelling agrichemical spray droplet movement and spreading on the surface. In this context, the virtual surfaces are required to be sufficiently smooth to facilitate the use of the mathematical equations that govern the motion of the droplet. While an effective approach is to apply discrete smoothing D2-spline algorithms to reconstruct the leaf surfaces from three-dimensional scanned data, difficulties arise when dealing with wheat leaves that tend to twist and bend. To overcome this topological difficulty, we develop a parameterisation technique that rotates and translates the original data, allowing the surface to be fitted using the discrete smoothing D2-spline methods in the new parameter space. Our algorithm uses finite element methods to represent the surface as a linear combination of compactly supported shape functions. Numerical results confirm that the parameterisation, along with the use of discrete smoothing D2-spline techniques, produces realistic virtual representations of wheat leaves.


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A cooperative integration of stereopsis and shape-from-shading is presented. The integration makes the process of D surface reconstruction better constrained and more reliable. It also obviates the need for surface boundary conditions, and explicit information about the surface albedo and the light source direction, which can now be estimated in an iterative manner


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Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were employed to explore the gas-sensing mechanisms of zinc oxide (ZnO) with surface reconstruction taken into consideration. Mix-terminated (10 (1) over bar0) ZnO surfaces were examined. By simulating the adsorption process of various gases, i.e., H-2, NH3, CO, and ethanol (C2H5OH) gases, on the ZnO (10 (1) over bar0) surface, the changes of configuration and electronic structure were compared. Based on these calculations, two gas-sensing mechanisms were proposed and revealed that both surface reconstruction and charge transfer result in a change of electronic conductance of ZnO. Also, the calculations were compared with existing experiments.


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We demonstrate how the Gaussian process regression approach can be used to efficiently reconstruct free energy surfaces from umbrella sampling simulations. By making a prior assumption of smoothness and taking account of the sampling noise in a consistent fashion, we achieve a significant improvement in accuracy over the state of the art in two or more dimensions or, equivalently, a significant cost reduction to obtain the free energy surface within a prescribed tolerance in both regimes of spatially sparse data and short sampling trajectories. Stemming from its Bayesian interpretation the method provides meaningful error bars without significant additional computation. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.


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We demonstrate how a prior assumption of smoothness can be used to enhance the reconstruction of free energy profiles from multiple umbrella sampling simulations using the Bayesian Gaussian process regression approach. The method we derive allows the concurrent use of histograms and free energy gradients and can easily be extended to include further data. In Part I we review the necessary theory and test the method for one collective variable. We demonstrate improved performance with respect to the weighted histogram analysis method and obtain meaningful error bars without any significant additional computation. In Part II we consider the case of multiple collective variables and compare to a reconstruction using least squares fitting of radial basis functions. We find substantial improvements in the regimes of spatially sparse data or short sampling trajectories. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.


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The structural evolution of a single-layer latex film during annealing was studied via grazing incidence ultrasmall-angle X-ray scattering (GIUSAXS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The latex particles were composed of a low-T-g (-54 degrees C) core (n-butylacrylate, 30 wt %) and a high-T-g (41 degrees C) shell (t-butylacrylate, 70 wt %) and had an overall diameter of about 500 nm. GIUSAXS data indicate that the q(y) scan at q(z) = 0.27 nm(-1) (out-of-plane scan) contains information about both the structure factor and the form factor. The GIUSAXS data on latex films annealed at various temperatures ranging from room temperature to 140 degrees C indicate that the structure of the latex thin film beneath the surface changed significantly. The evolution of the out-of-plane scan plot reveals the surface reconstruction of the film. Furthermore, we also followed the time-dependent behavior of structural evolution when the latex film was annealed at a relatively low temperature (60 degrees C) where restructuring within the film can be followed that cannot be detected by AFM, which detects only surface morphology.


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We address the computational role that the construction of a complete surface representation may play in the recovery of 3--D structure from motion. We present a model that combines a feature--based structure--from- -motion algorithm with smooth surface interpolation. This model can represent multiple surfaces in a given viewing direction, incorporates surface constraints from object boundaries, and groups image features using their 2--D image motion. Computer simulations relate the model's behavior to perceptual observations. In a companion paper, we discuss further perceptual experiments regarding the role of surface reconstruction in the human recovery of 3--D structure from motion.


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This thesis investigates the problem of estimating the three-dimensional structure of a scene from a sequence of images. Structure information is recovered from images continuously using shading, motion or other visual mechanisms. A Kalman filter represents structure in a dense depth map. With each new image, the filter first updates the current depth map by a minimum variance estimate that best fits the new image data and the previous estimate. Then the structure estimate is predicted for the next time step by a transformation that accounts for relative camera motion. Experimental evaluation shows the significant improvement in quality and computation time that can be achieved using this technique.


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Reconstructing a surface from sparse sensory data is a well known problem in computer vision. Early vision modules typically supply sparse depth, orientation and discontinuity information. The surface reconstruction module incorporates these sparse and possibly conflicting measurements of a surface into a consistent, dense depth map. The coupled depth/slope model developed here provides a novel computational solution to the surface reconstruction problem. This method explicitly computes dense slope representation as well as dense depth representations. This marked change from previous surface reconstruction algorithms allows a natural integration of orientation constraints into the surface description, a feature not easily incorporated into earlier algorithms. In addition, the coupled depth/ slope model generalizes to allow for varying amounts of smoothness at different locations on the surface. This computational model helps conceptualize the problem and leads to two possible implementations- analog and digital. The model can be implemented as an electrical or biological analog network since the only computations required at each locally connected node are averages, additions and subtractions. A parallel digital algorithm can be derived by using finite difference approximations. The resulting system of coupled equations can be solved iteratively on a mesh-pf-processors computer, such as the Connection Machine. Furthermore, concurrent multi-grid methods are designed to speed the convergence of this digital algorithm.


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A method for reconstructing 3D rational B-spline surfaces from multiple views is proposed. The method takes advantage of the projective invariance properties of rational B-splines. Given feature correspondences in multiple views, the 3D surface is reconstructed via a four step framework. First, corresponding features in each view are given an initial surface parameter value (s; t), and a 2D B-spline is fitted in each view. After this initialization, an iterative minimization procedure alternates between updating the 2D B-spline control points and re-estimating each feature's (s; t). Next, a non-linear minimization method is used to upgrade the 2D B-splines to 2D rational B-splines, and obtain a better fit. Finally, a factorization method is used to reconstruct the 3D B-spline surface given 2D B-splines in each view. This surface recovery method can be applied in both the perspective and orthographic case. The orthographic case allows the use of additional constraints in the recovery. Experiments with real and synthetic imagery demonstrate the efficacy of the approach for the orthographic case.


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A method for reconstruction of 3D rational B-spline surfaces from multiple views is proposed. Given corresponding features in multiple views, though not necessarily visible in all views, the surface is reconstructed. First 2D B-spline patches are fitted to each view. The 3D B-splines and projection matricies can then be extracted from the 2D B-splines using factorization methods. The surface fit is then further refined via an iterative procedure. Finally, a hierarchal fitting scheme is proposed to allow modeling of complex surfaces by means of knot insertion. Experiments with real imagery demonstrate the efficacy of the approach.


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Aims - To evaluate the efficacy of amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) for ocular surface reconstruction. Methods - 10 consecutive patients who underwent AMT were included. The indications were: group A, cases with persistent epithelial defect after corneal abscess (n = 1), radiation (n = 1), or chemical burn (n = 3); group B, cases with epithelial defect and severe stromal thinning and impending or recent perforation, due to chemical burn (two patients, three eyes) or corneal abscess (n = 2); group C, to promote corneal epithelium healing and prevent scarring after symblepharon surgery with extensive corneo-conjunctival adhesion (n = 1). Under sterile conditions amniotic membrane was prepared from a fresh placenta of a seronegative pregnant woman and stored at -70°C. This technique involved the use of amniotic membrane to cover the entire cornea and perilimbal area in groups A and B, and the epithelial defect only in group C. Results - The cornea healed satisfactorily in four of five patients in group A, but the epithelial defect recurred in one of these patients. After AMT three patients underwent limbal transplantation and one penetrating keratoplasty and cataract extraction. In group B amniotic membrane transplantation was not helpful, and all cases underwent an urgent tectonic corneal graft. Surgery successfully released the symblepharon, promoted epithelialisation and prevented adhesions in the case of group C. Conclusion - AMT was effective to promote corneal healing in patients with persistent epithelial defect, and appeared to be helpful after surgery to release corneo-conjunctival adhesion. Most surgery for further surface rehabilitation. Amniotic membrane used as a patch was not effective to prevent tectonic corneal graft in cases with severe stromal thinning and impending or recent perforation.


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This paper describes a new method for reconstructing 3D surface using a small number, e.g. 10, of 2D photographic images. The images are taken at different viewing directions by a perspective camera with full prior knowledge of the camera configurations. The reconstructed object's surface is represented a set of triangular facets. We empirically demonstrate that if the viewing directions are uniformly distributed around the object's viewing sphere, then the reconstructed 3D points optimally cluster closely on a highly curved part of the surface and are widely, spread on smooth or fat parts. The advantage of this property is that the reconstructed points along a surface or a contour generator are not undersampled or underrepresented because surfaces or contours should be sampled or represented with more densely points where their curvatures are high. The more complex the contour's shape, the greater is the number of points required, but the greater the number of points is automatically generated by the proposed method Given that the viewing directions are uniformly distributed, the number and distribution of the reconstructed points depend on the shape or the curvature of the surface regardless of the size of the surface or the size of the object.