991 resultados para supporting program


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Background: In diabetes care, health care professionals need to provide support for their patients. In order to provide good diabetes self-management support for adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam, it is important that health care professionals in Vietnam understand the factors influencing diabetes self-management among these people. However, knowledge about factors influencing diabetes self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam is limited. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate factors influencing diabetes self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey with convenience sampling was conducted on 198 adults with type 2 diabetes in VietnamData collection was administeted via interview. Descriptive statistics, simple correlation statistics and structural equation modelling statistics were used for data analysis. Results: Adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam had limited diabetes knowledge (Median = 6.0). The majority of the study participants (72.7%) believed that performing diabetes self-management activities was very important or extremely important for controlling their blood glucose levels and for preventing complications from diabetes; about half usually received support from their family and friends’ (48.5%), and around two thirds rarely received support from their health care providers (68.2%). Many of the participants (41.4%) had limited confidence to perform diabetes management activities. The practices of diabetes self-management were limited among the study population (Mean = 96.7, SD = 19.4). Diabetes knowledge (β = 0.17, p < .001), belief in treatment effectiveness (β = 0.13, p < .01), family and friends’ support (β = 0.13, p < .001), health care providers’ support (β = 0.27, p < .001) and diabetes management self-efficacy (β = 0.43, p < .001) directly influenced their diabetes self-management. Diabetes knowledge, and family and friends’ support also indirectly influenced diabetes self-management among these people through their belief in treatment effectiveness and their diabetes management self-efficacy (p < .05). Conclusion: Findings in this study indicated that health care professionals should provide diabetes self-management support for adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam in the future. The adapted theory-based model of factors influencing diabetes self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam found in this study could be a useful framework to develop this supporting program.


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In this paper we report, to the best of our knowledge, the first experimental realization of distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor lasers based on reconstruction-equivalent-chirp (REC) technology. Lasers with different lasing wavelengths are achieved simultaneously on one chip, which shows a potential for the REC technology in combination with the photonic integrated circuits (PIC) technology to be a possible method for monolithic integration, in that its fabrication is as powerful as electron beam technology and the cost and time-consuming are almost the same as standard holographic technology. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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The motion of a single bubble rising freely in quiescent non-Newtonian viscous fluids was investigated experimentally and computationally. The non-Newtonian effects in the flow of viscous inelastic fluids are modeled by the Carreau theological model. An improved level set approach for computing the incompressible two-phase flow with deformable free interface is used. The control volume formulation with the SIMPLEC algorithm incorporated is used to solve the governing equations on a staggered Eulerian grid. The simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm is robust for shear-thinning liquids with large density (rho(1)/rho(g) up to 10(3)) and high viscosity (eta(1)/eta(g) up to 10(4)). The comparison of the experimental measurements of terminal bubble shape and velocity with the computational results is satisfactory. It is shown that the local change in viscosity around a bubble greatly depends on the bubble shape and the zero-shear viscosity of non-Newtonian shear-thinning liquids. The shear-rate distribution and velocity fields are used to elucidate the formation of a region of large viscosity at the rear of a bubble as a result of the rather stagnant flow behind the bubble. The numerical results provide the basis for further investigations, such as the numerical simulation of viscoelastic fluids. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From the end of the 80s, the Brazilian higher education experience strong growth, coming from the private sector, which would intensify further in the late 90th Higher education has become a lucrative business. With a drop in the number of students entering and strong competition, the number of idle places in private institutions of higher education reached 49.5% in 2004. That same year, by Measure, was the University for All Program (PROUNI) program, to include high school students from public higher education, offering scholarships to those students in private HEIs. In exchange, the IES gain tax exemption. The objective of this research is to investigate the game of interest occurred in the formulation of this program and identify the model and the political game and has led to the creation of PROUNI, analyzing the process occurred since the wording of a bill, the issue of Measure Law and that the legitimacy PROUNI, with the most important changes made initial model. Since the first draft of the Law to the final Act, the PROUNI was disfigured in its main points, as the percentage of stock for paying students, the process of selection of stock and bond of the IES program. Throughout the process of creating the program, it is quite clear the performance of the institutions representing the private higher education. As reference for the analysis was based on Rational Choice Theory of Political Science. The basic argument of the methods based on rational choice is the maximization of the benefit will be the main motivation of individuals, but they can give that your goals can be achieved more effectively through institutional action and thereby discover that their conduct is shaped by institutions. Thus, individuals rationally choose to get to a certain extent constrained to join in certain institutions, whether voluntarily or not. The PROUNI was submitted by government and public policy covered by the mystical aura of the discourse of social justice and economic development, as in higher education includes a stratum of people who would not have access to the university, due to restrictions in the supply network public higher education. However, the greatest benefit from the program are the private HEIs, which through a difficult time in a scenario marked by high competition and idleness of nearly half of the vacancies offered. The PROUNI became a program that prioritizes access and not the residence of the student to higher education. More serious than a supporting program for students Fellows is a program supporting the institutions of private education


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Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento, validação e utilização de uma metodologia de avaliação da qualidade dos serviços de atenção primária do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), o Questionário de Avaliação da Qualidade de Serviços de Atenção Básica (QualiAB). Destina-se aos serviços de atenção básica, organizados segundo diferentes modelos de atenção, incluindo a Saúde da Família. Contém 50 indicadores sobre oferta e organização do trabalho assistencial e programático e 15 sobre gerenciamento, na forma de questões de múltipla escolha, autorespondidas via web pela equipe local do serviço. Confere a cada resposta valor zero, um ou dois; a média geral atribui ao serviço um grau de qualidade expresso pela distância do melhor padrão correspondente à média dois. Foi construído por processo de consenso interativo, que incluiu metodologias qualitativas, teste-piloto, aplicação em 127 serviços, validação de construto e confiabilidade. Respondido, em 2007, por 598 (92%) dos serviços de 115 municípios paulistas, mostrou bom poder para discriminar níveis de qualidade. Adotado em 2010 como parte de um programa de apoio à Atenção Básica da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, foi respondido por 95% (2.735) dos serviços de 586 municípios (90,8% do Estado). Os resultados foram encaminhados aos municípios. O QualiAB fornece uma avaliação válida, simples e com a possibilidade de retorno imediato para gerentes e profissionais. Mostrou factibilidade, aceitabilidade, bom poder de discriminação e utilidade para auxiliar a gestão da rede de atenção básica do SUS em São Paulo. A experiência indica aplicabilidade nas redes de atenção básica do Brasil.


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Code profiling is an essential activity to increase software quality. It is commonly employed in a wide variety of tasks, such as supporting program comprehension, determining execution bottlenecks, and assessing code coverage by unit tests. Spy is an innovative framework to easily build profilers and visualize profiling information. The profiling information is obtained by inserting dedicated code before or after method execution. The gathered profiling information is structured in line with the application structure in terms of packages, classes, and methods. Spy has been instantiated on four occasions so far. We created profilers dedicated to test coverage, time execution, type feedback, and profiling evolution across version. We also integrated Spy in the Pharo IDE. Spy has been implemented in the Pharo Smalltalk programming language and is available under the MIT license.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar os efeitos de programa de apoio na agressividade reacional de policiais envolvidos em ocorrências graves, considerando-se como tal aquelas em que há confronto armado ou acidentes de trânsito com viaturas em atividade operacional, qualquer que seja o resultado do evento. Esse estudo é composto pela verificação da modificação da resposta agressiva reacional de 77 policiais militares envolvidos em ocorrências graves, utilizando-se, para esse fim, o Psicodiagnóstico Miocinético antes e depois da execução do programa de apoio. Compõem, ainda, o estudo a caracterização sóciodemográfica da amostra e a identificação dos níveis de agressividade nela existentes no início do programa e após o seu encerramento, além da definição do perfil de cinco categorias distintas, em função do tipo de resposta apresentada após o programa: agressividade ampliada, reduzida, inalterada, estável e instável. É ainda objeto da presente pesquisa o estudo clínico de um caso de cada uma das categorias definidas, de acordo com o perfil apurado, utilizando-se, além dos dados do Psicodiagnóstico Miocinético, outros levantados por intermédio de ficha de cadastro, de entrevista individual, do Teste Palográfico e da Escala de Personalidade de Comrey. Os resultados demonstram a modificação da resposta agressiva reacional na maioria dos policiais militares envolvidos no estudo, após o programa de apoio.


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From the end of the 80s, the Brazilian higher education experience strong growth, coming from the private sector, which would intensify further in the late 90th Higher education has become a lucrative business. With a drop in the number of students entering and strong competition, the number of idle places in private institutions of higher education reached 49.5% in 2004. That same year, by Measure, was the University for All Program (PROUNI) program, to include high school students from public higher education, offering scholarships to those students in private HEIs. In exchange, the IES gain tax exemption. The objective of this research is to investigate the game of interest occurred in the formulation of this program and identify the model and the political game and has led to the creation of PROUNI, analyzing the process occurred since the wording of a bill, the issue of Measure Law and that the legitimacy PROUNI, with the most important changes made initial model. Since the first draft of the Law to the final Act, the PROUNI was disfigured in its main points, as the percentage of stock for paying students, the process of selection of stock and bond of the IES program. Throughout the process of creating the program, it is quite clear the performance of the institutions representing the private higher education. As reference for the analysis was based on Rational Choice Theory of Political Science. The basic argument of the methods based on rational choice is the maximization of the benefit will be the main motivation of individuals, but they can give that your goals can be achieved more effectively through institutional action and thereby discover that their conduct is shaped by institutions. Thus, individuals rationally choose to get to a certain extent constrained to join in certain institutions, whether voluntarily or not. The PROUNI was submitted by government and public policy covered by the mystical aura of the discourse of social justice and economic development, as in higher education includes a stratum of people who would not have access to the university, due to restrictions in the supply network public higher education. However, the greatest benefit from the program are the private HEIs, which through a difficult time in a scenario marked by high competition and idleness of nearly half of the vacancies offered. The PROUNI became a program that prioritizes access and not the residence of the student to higher education. More serious than a supporting program for students Fellows is a program supporting the institutions of private education


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From the end of the 80s, the Brazilian higher education experience strong growth, coming from the private sector, which would intensify further in the late 90th Higher education has become a lucrative business. With a drop in the number of students entering and strong competition, the number of idle places in private institutions of higher education reached 49.5% in 2004. That same year, by Measure, was the University for All Program (PROUNI) program, to include high school students from public higher education, offering scholarships to those students in private HEIs. In exchange, the IES gain tax exemption. The objective of this research is to investigate the game of interest occurred in the formulation of this program and identify the model and the political game and has led to the creation of PROUNI, analyzing the process occurred since the wording of a bill, the issue of Measure Law and that the legitimacy PROUNI, with the most important changes made initial model. Since the first draft of the Law to the final Act, the PROUNI was disfigured in its main points, as the percentage of stock for paying students, the process of selection of stock and bond of the IES program. Throughout the process of creating the program, it is quite clear the performance of the institutions representing the private higher education. As reference for the analysis was based on Rational Choice Theory of Political Science. The basic argument of the methods based on rational choice is the maximization of the benefit will be the main motivation of individuals, but they can give that your goals can be achieved more effectively through institutional action and thereby discover that their conduct is shaped by institutions. Thus, individuals rationally choose to get to a certain extent constrained to join in certain institutions, whether voluntarily or not. The PROUNI was submitted by government and public policy covered by the mystical aura of the discourse of social justice and economic development, as in higher education includes a stratum of people who would not have access to the university, due to restrictions in the supply network public higher education. However, the greatest benefit from the program are the private HEIs, which through a difficult time in a scenario marked by high competition and idleness of nearly half of the vacancies offered. The PROUNI became a program that prioritizes access and not the residence of the student to higher education. More serious than a supporting program for students Fellows is a program supporting the institutions of private education


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The Patches program involves Malaysian pre-service teachers working closely with Australian pre-service teachers on a series of academic and intercultural communication tasks. A recurring problem for international students is the challenge to develop social relationships with Australian students. Similarly, it is often difficult for Australian students to step outside their accustomed social worlds to establish relationships with international students. The Patches Program supported rich cross-cultural social and academic exchanges among the students facilitating the development of students' academic literacy skills, their knowledge of self and knowledge of learning, and their skills in cross-cultural communication.


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This chapter has two major sections, one by Lederach and the apprentices, and one by Goldberg. The introduction above represents an amalgam of Lederach’s own writing and Goldberg’s, which summarizes some key information, but loses in written flow what it gains in information. As Goldberg reviewed Lederach’s initial chapter, she became deeply interested and asked Lederach for further materials. She conducted two interviews and collected background and supplementary materials and used them to explore some areas that were touched on by Lederach, but, if expanded, offered greater richness. In order to preserve the clarity of writing, the material will be presented in two sections. The first will include Lederach’s original chapter with the apprentice narratives. We start with an overview provided by John Paul that describes several practices incorporated into the process of the past three years. Each of the four apprentices will then reflect on how they experienced these practices and the impact, if any, they have had on their lives and professional careers. Each segment written by Lederach and the apprentices is written in the first person, starting with Lederach’s practices, below. Following will be Goldberg’s work deepening the information presented in Lederach’s section, and the conclusion.