831 resultados para supply contract
Yritystoiminnan alkuvaiheessa vakuuksia sitoutuu usein investointien ja käyttöpääoman rahoittamiseen vieraalla pääomalla. Tilaustyyppistä tuotantoa harjoittavien yritysten vakuusresursseja sitoutuu usein myös toimitussopimusten edellyttämiin vastuusitoumuksiin. Näin vakuustarpeet saattavat kasvaa liiketoiminnan kasvaessa. Pk - yrityksille vakuuspula tulee ongelmaksi silloin, jos yrityksen vakuustarpeet ylittävät yrityksen omaisuuden vakuusarvon. Tämä taas vaikeuttaa yrityksen kasvupyrkimyksiä, jos sen tulorahoitus ei riitä liiketoiminnan kasvattamiseen. Tämän pro gradu - tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten toimitussopimuksien ja vieraan pääoman edellyttämät vakuustarpeet vaikuttavat pk - yrityksen kasvuun. Toimitussopimusten ja vieraan pääoman edellyttämien vakuustarpeiden vaikutusta pk - yrityksen kasvuun tarkasteltiin Finnvera Oyj:n asiakkaina olevien koneita ja laitteita valmistavien pk - yritysten kohdalta. Hypoteesina esitettiin, että vakuustarpeet vaikeuttavat pk - yrityksen kasvua. Lisäksi tutkielmassa kartoitettiin esimerkkien avulla erilaisia toimitus- ja hankintasopimustyyppejä ja käytiin läpi sopimuksen sisältöä ja syntytapaa. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin esimerkkien avulla lähemmin metalliteollisuudessa käytettyjä toimitussopimuksia. Edellisten lisäksi tutkielmassa käsiteltiin tarkemmin toimituksiin liittyviä vakuuksia, lähinnä takauksia. Tutkielman viitekehyksen tavoitteena, kirjallisuus ja artikkelikatsauksen avulla, oli hahmottaa sitä kontekstia, johon toimitussopimusten ja vieraan pääoman edellyttämät vakuudet liittyvät. Tutkielma oli laadultaan survey - tutkimus. Yrityksen kasvua tarkasteltiin mm. tilinpäätöksistä saatujen tunnuslukujen avulla. Yrityksiin lähetettiin kyselylomake, jonka avulla haettiin vastauksia yrityksen käyttämistä toimitussopimuksista, vakuuksista, yrityksen kasvusta ja tulevaisuuden näkymistä. Toimitussopimuksissa käytettiin usein yksilöllisesti laadittuja sopimuksia, vakiosopimuksia tai näiden yhdistelmiä. Tutkielman tuloksena saatiin selville, että vakuustarpeet eivät ole yrityksille suurin kasvun este. Yritykset näkivät suurimpina kasvun esteinä omarahoituksen puutteen, työvoiman kustannukset ja työvoiman saatavuuden sekä kireän kilpailutilanteen
Tutkielmassa paneudutaan sopimusjohtamiseen yleisellä tasolla, siihen liittyviin haasteisiin ja niiden mahdollisiin ratkaisuihin, painopisteenä pk-yritykset. Kandidaatintutkielmassa on suoritettu haastattelutukimus pienessä yrityksessä, jonka sopimusjohtamisen haasteisiin ja niiden kehityskeinoihin etsitään ratkaisua.
Projetos de automação industrial são avaliados financeiramente através dos métodos bastante utilizados de Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) e Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR). Estudos recentes mostram uma tendência para a utilização de outros métodos para realizar esta avaliação. Este trabalho explora o método alternativo de Opções Reais para avaliação desses projetos que busca se aproximar mais do mundo real considerando maior incerteza e flexibilidade do que o VPL. Inicialmente será feita uma revisão de literatura focando o método binomial dentro de Opções Reais. A metodologia proposta é um estudo de caso de um projeto no mercado de cerveja no Brasil, utilizando como fonte uma empresa multinacional de grande porte fornecedora desse projeto. Posteriormente será feita uma análise financeira primeiramente utilizando somente o VPL e posteriormente incorporando o método binomial de Opções Reais, resultando no VPL estendido. O objetivo é precificar a flexibilidade das Opções Reais presentes no contrato de fornecimento do projeto em estudo que normalmente não são consideradas. Com isso pretende-se verificar se o método binomial de Opções Reais faz real diferença no projeto em estudo.
The October 2014 agreement on gas supplies between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union did not resolve the Ukraine-Russia conflict over gas. The differences between parties in terms of objectives, growing mistrust and legacy issues make it unlikely that a long-term stable arrangement will be achieved without further escalation. Without EU pressure and support, Ukraine is likely to enter a new unfavourable gas arrangement with Russia, which could have repercussions beyond the energy sector. Key highlights: To reduce prices and increase the security of imports, the EU as a bloc should redefine its gas relationship with Russia and Ukraine and overcome the diverging interests of EU member states on second-order issues. Implementation of a joint strategy rests on enforcement of EU competition and gas market rules, a strengthened role for the Energy Community and the establishment of a market-based instrument for supply security. For Ukraine, the EU should serve as an anchor for comprehensive gas sector reform. Contingent on Ukraine’s reform efforts, EU financial and technical assistance, the enabling of reverse flows from the EU to Ukraine and pressure on Gazprom, should eventually enable Ukraine to obtain a sustainable gas-supply contract with Russia. This should make a sustainable and mutually beneficial Russia-Ukraine-EU gas relationship possible. However, during the transition, the EU should be prepared for possible frictions.
The usual objectives that companies have for subcontracting are studied in this thesis. The case company’s objectives for contract manufacturing now and in the future are identified. The main objective of the thesis is to create a focused model for the structure and supply chain management in the contract manufacturing network. This model is made for case company’s certain profit center. The different possibilities and their advantages and disadvantages for the structure and supply chain management are examined trough a theoretical review of literature. The possibilities found are then examined from the case company’s point of view. The case company point of view is established based on the opinions of the case company’s representatives. The outcome of the thesis is that the star shaped structure with supply chain management centralized to case company would be the best choice for the case company to manage the contract manufacture network.
Irrigators face the risk of not having enough water to meet their crops’ demand. There are different mechanisms to cope with this risk, including water markets (option contracts) or insurance. A farmer will purchase them when the expected utility change derived from the tool is positive. This paper presents a theoretical assessment of the farmer’s expected utility under two different option contracts, a drought insurance and a combination of an option contract and the insurance. We analyze the conditions that determine farmer’s reference for one instrument or the other and perform a numerical application that is relevant for a Spanish region.
"Addendum no. 1", 1958 (6 l.) inserted at end.
On covers: Contract for the supply of ... [materials] Order [s] ...
Thesis submitted in Trinity Term 2001 for the degree of Master of Philosophy, Worcester College, Oxford
Moral values infuence individual behavior and social interactions. A specially signif- cant instance is the case of moral values concerning work e¤ort. Individuals determine what they take to be proper behaviour and judge the others, and themselves, accordingly. They increase their esteem -and self-esteem- for those who perform in excess of the standard and decrease their esteem for those who work less. These changes in self-esteem result from the self-regulatory emotions of guilt or pride extensively studied in Social Psychology. We examine the interactions between sentiments, individual behaviour and the social contract in a model of rational voting over redistribution where individual self-esteem and relative es-teem for others are endogenously determined. Individuals di¤er in their productivities. The desired extent of redistribution depends both on individual income and on individual attitudes toward others. We characterize the politico-economic equilibria in which sentiments, labor supply and redistribution are simultaneously determined. The model has two types of equilibria. In "cohesive" equilibria, all individuals conform to the standard of proper behav- iour, income inequality is low and social esteem is not biased toward any particular type. Under these conditions equilibrium redistribution increases in response to larger inequality. In a "clustered" equilibrium skilled workers work above the mean while unskilled workers work below. In such an equilibrium, income inequality is large and sentiments are biased in favor of the industrious. As inequality increases, this bias may eventually overtake the egoistic demand for greater taxation and equilibrium redistribution decreases. The type of equilibrium that emerges crucially depends on inequality. We contrast the predictions of the model with data on inequality, redistribution, work values and attitudes toward work and toward the poor for a set of OECD countries.
Changes in climate policy have large influence on businesses. Firms anticipate and respond to such changes, but what if they have already engaged in a longterm relationship with other firms or customers at the time of policy change? For example, coal supply to power stations is typically based on long-term contracts, while the nature of the buyer-supplier relationship may well be affected substantially by climate regulations. However, there has been little evidence on whether or how firms amend their contractual agreements in response to a change in policy.
In this thesis, I develop analytical models to price the value of supply chain investments under demand uncer¬tainty. This thesis includes three self-contained papers. In the first paper, we investigate the value of lead-time reduction under the risk of sudden and abnormal changes in demand forecasts. We first consider the risk of a complete and permanent loss of demand. We then provide a more general jump-diffusion model, where we add a compound Poisson process to a constant-volatility demand process to explore the impact of sudden changes in demand forecasts on the value of lead-time reduction. We use an Edgeworth series expansion to divide the lead-time cost into that arising from constant instantaneous volatility, and that arising from the risk of jumps. We show that the value of lead-time reduction increases substantially in the intensity and/or the magnitude of jumps. In the second paper, we analyze the value of quantity flexibility in the presence of supply-chain dis- intermediation problems. We use the multiplicative martingale model and the "contracts as reference points" theory to capture both positive and negative effects of quantity flexibility for the downstream level in a supply chain. We show that lead-time reduction reduces both supply-chain disintermediation problems and supply- demand mismatches. We furthermore analyze the impact of the supplier's cost structure on the profitability of quantity-flexibility contracts. When the supplier's initial investment cost is relatively low, supply-chain disin¬termediation risk becomes less important, and hence the contract becomes more profitable for the retailer. We also find that the supply-chain efficiency increases substantially with the supplier's ability to disintermediate the chain when the initial investment cost is relatively high. In the third paper, we investigate the value of dual sourcing for the products with heavy-tailed demand distributions. We apply extreme-value theory and analyze the effects of tail heaviness of demand distribution on the optimal dual-sourcing strategy. We find that the effects of tail heaviness depend on the characteristics of demand and profit parameters. When both the profit margin of the product and the cost differential between the suppliers are relatively high, it is optimal to buffer the mismatch risk by increasing both the inventory level and the responsive capacity as demand uncertainty increases. In that case, however, both the optimal inventory level and the optimal responsive capacity decrease as the tail of demand becomes heavier. When the profit margin of the product is relatively high, and the cost differential between the suppliers is relatively low, it is optimal to buffer the mismatch risk by increasing the responsive capacity and reducing the inventory level as the demand uncertainty increases. In that case, how¬ever, it is optimal to buffer with more inventory and less capacity as the tail of demand becomes heavier. We also show that the optimal responsive capacity is higher for the products with heavier tails when the fill rate is extremely high.
Supply chain finance, a financial product provided by the bank, has gained increasing attention and popularity over the last few years. Supply chain finance helps the corporate clients to optimize their financial flows along the supply chain. One characteristic of supply chain finance is that it aims to provide automated solutions. Therefore, the business process automation of supply chain finance is a very interesting and important topic for study. In this study, the business process automation of supply chain finance within the case organization, ING, is analysed. The purpose is to: (1) Identify the benefits to understand the importance to automate supply chain finance business process; (2) Find out the existing automation degree in the supply chain finance business process within the case bank to see what’s the situation now and how to improve in the future; (3) Discover the challenges in the further automation of supply chain finance business process. Firstly, the study finds out that supply chain finance business process automation can bring many benefits to the bank. Automation can improve productivity by using less time and human labour in the business process, and by providing scalable solutions. Automation can also improve quality of the service by reducing the human errors. Last but not least, automation can improve internal governance by providing enhanced visibility of the business process. Because of these potential benefits, many banks are actively seeking solutions to automate their supply chain finance business process. Then, the current automation situation with the case bank is analysed with the help of business process modelling. The supply chain finance business process within the case bank can be further divided into several sub processes: daily transaction, buyer sales and setup, supplier onboarding, contract management, customer services and supports, and contract termination. The study finds out that the daily transaction process is already a highly automated, which is carried out through the web-based trading platform. However, for other business the automation degree is relatively low. Among these business processes, supplier onboarding is most needed for further automation. Then, some solutions are also suggested to automate the supplier onboarding business process. In the end, the study also foresees some challenges during the further automation of supply chain finance business process in the case bank. Some suggestions are also given to deal with these challenges.
La thèse propose d’introduire une perspective globale dans le traitement juridique du transport intermodal international qui prendrait racine dans la stratégie logistique des entreprises. La conception juridique se heurte, en effet, aux évolutions opérationnelles et organisationnelles des transports et aboutit à une incertitude juridique. Les transporteurs ont dû s’adapter aux exigences d’optimisation des flux des chargeurs dont les modes de production et de distribution reposent sur le supply chain management (SCM). Ce concept est le fruit de la mondialisation et des technologies de l’information. La concurrence induite par la mondialisation et le pilotage optimal des flux ont impulsé de nouvelles stratégies de la part des entreprises qui tentent d’avoir un avantage concurrentiel sur le marché. Ces stratégies reposent sur l’intégration interfonctionnelle et interoganisationnelle. Dans cette chaîne logistique globale (ou SCM) l’intermodal est crucial. Il lie et coordonne les réseaux de production et de distribution spatialement désagrégés des entreprises et, répond aux exigences de maîtrise de l’espace et du temps, à moindre coût. Ainsi, le transporteur doit d’une part, intégrer les opérations de transport en optimisant les déplacements et, d’autre part, s’intégrer à la chaîne logistique du client en proposant des services de valeur ajoutée pour renforcer la compétitivité de la chaîne de valeur. Il en découle une unité technique et économique de la chaîne intermodale qui est pourtant, juridiquement fragmentée. Les Conventions internationales en vigueur ont été élaborées pour chaque mode de transport en faisant fi de l’interaction entre les modes et entre les opérateurs. L’intermodal est considéré comme une juxtaposition des modes et des régimes juridiques. Ce dépeçage juridique contraste avec la gestion de la chaîne intermodale dont les composantes individuelles s’effacent au profit de l’objectif global à atteindre. L’on expose d’abord l’ampleur de l’incertitude juridique due aux difficultés de circonscrire le champ d’opérations couvert par les Conventions en vigueur. Une attention est portée aux divergences d’interprétations qui débouchent sur la « désunification » du droit du transport. On s’intéresse ensuite aux interactions entre le transport et la chaîne logistique des chargeurs. Pour cela, on retrace l’évolution des modes de production et de distribution de ces derniers. C’est effectivement de la stratégie logistique que découle la conception de la chaîne intermodale. Partant de ce système, on identifie les caractéristiques fondamentales de l’intermodal. La thèse aboutit à dissiper les confusions liées à la qualification de l’intermodal et qui sont à la base des divergences d’interprétations et de l’incertitude juridique. De plus, elle met en exergue l’unité économique du contrat de transport intermodal qui devrait guider la fixation d’un régime de responsabilité dédié à ce système intégré de transport. Enfin, elle initie une approche ignorée des débats juridiques.