898 resultados para strategic business unit


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Tutkimus tarkastelee vaihtoehtoisia termiinisuojaustrategioita metsäteollisuuden alan tulosyksikössä. Jälkitestauksen tarkoituksena on arvioida vaihtoehtoisten strategioiden tuloksellisuutta suojata case-yrityksen kassavirtoja seuraavan kolmen arviointikriteerin avulla: yksittäisten vieraan valuutan määräisten kassavirtojen vaihtelu; koko vieraan valuutan määräisen kassavirran vaihtelu; suojausvoitot ja -tappiot. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys tarkastelee yrityksen päätöksentekoa, valuuttariskien suojausprosessia sekä esittelee yrityksen vaihtoehtoisia suojausstrategioita. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto pohjautuu case- yrityksen historiallisiin myyntilukuihin ja on kerätty yrityksen tietojärjestelmästä. Muu tutkimuksessa käytetty dataon kerätty eri tietokannoista. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että suojaaminen vähentää kassavirtojen vaihtelua. Suojaamisen taloudelliset tulokset ovat kuitenkin erittäin riippuvaisia valitusta suojausstrategiasta, joka voi johtaa merkittäviin suojausvoittoihin, mutta yhtä hyvin myos merkittäviin tappioihin. Johdon näkemykset ja riskitoleranssi määrittelevät mitä strategiaa yrityksessä tullaan viime kädessä noudattamaan.


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine what the normative, effective social Intranet solution is for Tellabs Mobile Routing business unit in terms of sharing knowledge more openly and effectively, fostering innovation, and improving team spirit and positive employee experience. Additionally, these aspects are researched from the intra- and inter-organizational points of view. The research is based on previous literature and empirical interviews. Based on these two items, an eight-fold recommendation proposal was created to change the current Intranet to become an effective social Intranet.


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The scenario planning literature is focused on corporate level interventions. There is a general consensus on the method, but there is little debate about the stages involved in building and using the scenarios. This article presents a case study of a scenario planning intervention, which was conducted at a business unit of the British division of one of the largest beauty and cosmetic products multinationals. The method adopted in this case study has some fundamental differences to the existing models used at corporate level. This research is based on the principles of autoethnography, since its purpose is to present self-critical reflections, enhanced by reflective and reflexive conversations on a scenario planning method used at business unit level. The critical reflections concern a series of critical incidents which distinguish this method from existing intuitive logic scenario planning models which are used at corporate level planning. Ultimately this article contributes to the scenario planning method literature by providing insights into its practice at business unit level. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coaching for all (C4all) is a project created by TESE-Associação para o Desenvolvimento or TESE-Association for development (TESE), aimed at disseminating and democratizing access to coaching methods among people seeking employment and other vulnerable groups of people. The initial results of the C4All project were well below their expectations. Therefore, we developed a Business Plan in order to understand if and how the performance of C4all can be improved. The results of our analysis suggest a number of changes that C4all need to undertake in order to survive and achieve better outcomes in the future


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on rakentaa malli kohdeyrityksen yhden strategisen liiketoimintayksikön tuoteryhmänkohtaisten kannattavuuksien selvittämiseksi yli kokotoimitusketjun. Työssä on keskitytty vain välillisiin kustannuksiin ja välittömien kustannusten osalta on luotettu toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän antamiin tietoihin. Työn lähtökohtana ja teoreettisena viitekehikkona on toimintoperustainen kustannuslaskenta, jonka periaatteita noudattaen kannattavuusmalli rakennettiin. Mallin periaatteet on esitetty työssä mutta sen tuottamia tuloksia ei ole syvemmin analysoitu. Ongelma osoittautui haasteelliseksi ja tulosten verifiointi lähes mahdottomaksi käytettyjen subjektiivisten arvioiden ja ennalta odottamattomien välittömien tuotekustannusten suurten virheiden vuoksi. Työn johtopäätöksissä keskitytään sisäisen laskentatoimen kulttuurin kehittämiseen tuotekustannuslaskennan ja yleisen kustannusvalvonnan näkökulmasta kohdeyrityksessä.


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Työn tärkeimpänä tavoitteena oli edistää ympäristöjärjestelmän laatimista Kvaerner Pulping, Power divisioonan Kattilat-liiketoimintayksikölle. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tarkastella yritykseen kohdistuvia ympäristövaatimuksia ja niiden vaikutusta yrityksen toimintaan. Aluksi työssä tarkasteltiin ympäristöjärjestelmästandardien sisältöjä ja niiden eroja. Työssä käsiteltiin myös erilaisia elinkaarijohtamisen malleja, joita voidaan hyödyntää yrityksen kokonaisvaltaisessa ympäristöjärjestelmässä. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös sidosryhmien vaikutusta yrityksen ympäristötoimintaan. Kattilalaitostoimittajan tärkeimpiä asiakkaita ovat sellu- ja paperiteollisuus. Näihin yrityksiin on kohdistunut runsaan kymmenen vuoden aikana paineita ympäristötoiminnan tehostamiseksi. Tämän kehityksen seurauksena vastaavat tehostamispaineet ovat siirtymässä myös alihankkijoille, kuten kattilaitostoimittajille. Tehokkaan ympäristöjohtamisen takaamiseksi työssä määriteltiin ympäristövastuut ja –valtuudet sekä ympäristöpäämäärät ja –tavoitteet. Lisäksi tunnistettiin yrityksen toimintaan liittyvät ympäristönäkökohdat ja –riskit. Työn yhteydessä laadittiin ympäristöjärjestelmän luonnos, ja se sisältää jatkuvan parantamisen periaatteen. Työn yhteydessä laadittiin lisäksi Kvaerner Pulping Oy:n koelaitokselle ympäristölupahakemus. Työssä on kuvattu koelaitosta ja sen ympäristölupahakemukseen liittyviä asioita esimerkkinä parantuneesta ympäristöasioiden hoidosta.


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Con el nacimiento de la globalización y su idea de integración de naciones para crear un solo mercado, se crea la necesidad en las empresas de expandir sus productos hacia nuevas fronteras para crear así empresas multiculturales que se adapten a los cambios constantes del entorno. Es allí donde nace el concepto de Unidad Estratégica de Negocio (UEN), la cual se puede definir como una subdivisión de una empresa, es una unidad de la empresa que tiene misión y objetivos aparte que se pueden planear con independencia de los demás negocios de la empresa1 . La panela es un producto Colombiano que nace de la extracción del jugo de la caña de azúcar, se consume fría o caliente de acuerdo a la preferencia del consumidor; hoy en día Doña panela, una de las empresas productoras de panela más grande del país, ha sacado al mercado una presentación de panela instantánea en cubos y sobres de diferentes sabores. Doña panela es una empresa que cuenta con todos los estándares legales establecidos para exportar y desde hace algunos años exporta hacia países como Corea del sur, ecuador y Estados Unidos; Siendo así, y gracias a la experiencia vivida en Argentina, se establece la idea de crear una Unidad Estratégica de Negocio de Doña panela en el bello país de Argentina.


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Quando se comemora uma década da Internet comercial no Brasil, é consenso entre os estudiosos que ela não apenas chegou para ficar, mas principalmente, levou muitos negócios a adotarem novos canais, setores a repensarem seus enfoques e indicou novas formas de atender a seus clientes, além de ter provocado mudanças na gestão, operações e formulação de suas estratégias. Neste contexto delineia-se o principal objetivo deste estudo que é investigar o fenômeno da integração no varejo multicanal em empresas brasileiras do setor varejista direcionadas à comercialização de livros. Entende-se por varejo multicanal a disponibilização por parte das empresas de mais de um canal para que seus clientes possam realizar suas compras, com a predominância de lojas físicas e sites comerciais em ambiente Web. O estudo tem por objetivos específicos entender os propósitos das empresas estudadas na adoção do varejo multicanal em relação à estratégia de expansão, como as vantagens competitivas já existentes foram alavancadas com a integração da loja virtual, qual o grau de integração das atividades nos ambientes físico e virtual em relação à gestão, operações e mensuração e no que se refere às variáveis do composto varejista, procurando levantar como estão situadas nos diferentes estágios de integração. Para tanto o referencial teórico procurou adicionar ao conceito de Varejo Multicanal, os elementos dos conceitos consagrados de Estratégia de Crescimento, Unidade Estratégica de Negócios (UENs) e Sinergia. A pesquisa de caráter exploratório foi conduzida em três redes de livrarias com forte presença nacional. Os resultados encontrados mostram que as empresas estudadas conseguiram expandir seus negócios e alavancar suas vantagens competitivas, integrando de forma distinta a gestão, operações e mensuração, bem como as variáveis de seu composto varejista, situando-as em diferentes estágios de integração de seus canais físico e virtual.


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Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir e apresentar algumas considerações acerca das vantagens e implicações da utilização do conceito de UEN - Unidade Estratégica de Negócios, na gestão de empresas, de modo geral. O artigo discute algumas relações que devem ser esclarecidas antes da plena adoção do conceito. Baseado na literatura e na experiência do autor em consultoria em empresas, o artigo propõe uma abordagem metodológica para permitir que gerentes possam definir, analisar e compreender os efeitos da utilização do conceito de UEN - Unidade Estratégica de Negócios, considerando as dimensões competitivas ou Fatores Críticos de Sucesso típicos e intrínsecos da natureza de cada negócio.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the commonalities and differences in manufacturers’ motivations to servitise. Design/methodology/approach – UK study based on interviews with 40 managers in 25 companies in 12 sectors. Using the concept of product complexity, sectors were grouped using the Complex Products and Systems (CoPS) typology: non-complex products, complex products and systems. Findings – Motivations to servitise were categorised as competitive, demand based (i.e. derived from the customer) or economic. Motivations to servitise vary according to product complexity, although cost savings and improved service quality appear important demand-based motivations for all manufacturers. Non-complex product manufacturers also focus on services to help product differentiation. For CoPS manufacturers, both risk reduction and developing a new revenue stream were important motivations. For uniquely complex product manufacturers, stabilising revenue and increased profitability were strong motivations. For uniquely systems manufacturers, customers sought business transformation, whilst new service business models were also identified. Research limitations/implications – Using the CoPS typology, this study delineates motivations to servitise by sector. The findings show varying motivations to servitise as product complexity increases, although some motivational commonality existed across all groups. Manufacturers may have products of differing complexity within their portfolio. To overcome this limitation the unit of analysis was the strategic business unit. Practical implications – Managers can reflect on and benchmark their motivation for, and opportunities from, servitisation, by considering product complexity. Originality/value – The first study to categorise servitisation motivations by product complexity. Identifying that some customers of systems manufacturers seek business transformation through outsourcing.


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This research focused on operation of a manpower pool within a service business unit in Company X and aimed to identify how the operation should be improved in order to get most out of it concerning the future prospects of the service business unit. This was done by analyzing the current state of the manpower pool related operations in means of project business, project management and business models. The objective was to deepen the understanding and to highlight possible areas of improvement. The research was conducted as a qualitative single-case study utilizing also an action research method; the research approach was a combination of conceptual, action-oriented and constructive approaches. The primary data was collected with executing a comprehensive literature review and semi-structured theme interviews. The main results described how the manpower pool operates as part of the service business unit in project business by participating in different types of delivery projects; process flows for the project types were mapped. Project management was analyzed especially from the resource management point of view, and an Excel-based skills analysis model was constructed for this purpose. Utilization of operational business models was also studied to define strategic direction for development activities. The results were benchmarked against two competitors in order to specify lessons to be learnt from their use of operational business models.


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This paper explains how strategic planning is able to deliver strategic integration within organizations. While communication and participation within planning processes are perceived to have an integrative effect, we argue that these effects are unlikely to arise simply from bringing people together. Rather, we suggest that, given the varying interests of actors in different business units, integration will only arise from active negotiations and compromises between these actors. The paper is based upon a case of strategic planning in a multinational that was attempting to develop greater strategic integration across Europe. Drawing upon an activity theory framework, we examine how a common strategy emerges over time through modifications to the planning process and to different actors’ roles within it. The findings are used to develop a process model that shows how different business unit characteristics of planning experience and relative power shape different experiences of communication and participation activities and different processes for achieving integration. The paper concludes with a discussion of how this process model contributes to the literature on strategic planning, political processes of strategy-making, and strategy-as-practice.