994 resultados para speleogenesi, grotta, Monti Lessini, stratigrafia, xrf


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Lo scopo del lavoro è stato quello di ipotizzare e comprendere la speleogenesi del sistema carsico del Ponte di Veja, nel Parco Regionale dei Monti Lessini. È stato eseguito un primo rilevamento geomorfologico dell'intero sistema carsico con annessi campionamenti. Il sito è caratterizzato dalla struttura principale dell'arco e dal connesso sistema di grotte. L'arco rappresenta il resto di un antico soffitto della grotta più grande crollato probabilmente durante il Pleistocene, che forma attualmente una dolina. La grotta su cui si basa la gran parte delle ipotesi è la Grotta dell'Orso (grotta A) che è attraversata in parte da un dicco basaltico.


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Un rilievo laserscanner della Grotta dell'Orso, vicino al Ponte di Veja (Monti Lessini) ha consentito di descrivere in dettaglio questo sistema carsico e trarre alcune conclusioni dal punto di vista morfometrico e speleogenetico.


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The Alburni Massif is the most important karstic area in southern Italy and It contains about 250 caves. Most of these caves are located on the plateau, between 1500 m a.s.l. and 700 m a.s.l., and only a few reach the underground streams that feed the springs and the deep aquifer. The main springs are Grotta di Pertosa-Auletta (CP1) and Auso spring (CP31), both located at 280 m a.s.l., the first on the south-eastern margin whereas the second on south-west margin, and the springs present in Castelcivita area, the Castelcivita-Ausino system (CP2) and Mulino di Castelcivita spring (CP865), located at 60 m a.s.l.. Some other secondary springs are present too. We have monitored Pertosa-Auletta’s spring with a multiparameter logger. This logger has registered data from November 2014 to December 2015 regarding water level, electric conductivity and temperature. The hydrodynamic monitoring has been supported by a sampling campaign in order to obtain chemical water analyses. The work was done from August 2014 to December 2015, not only at Pertosa but also at all the other main springs, and in some caves. It was possible to clarify the behavior of Pertosa-Auletta’s spring, almost exclusively fed by full charge conduits, only marginally affected by seasonal rains. Pertosa-Auletta showed a characteristic Mg/Ca ratio and Mg2+ enrichment, as demonstrated by its saturation index that always showed a dolomite saturation. All other spring have characteristic waters from a chemical point of view. In particular, it highlights the great balance between the components dissolved in the waters of Mulino’ spring opposed to the variability of the nearby Castelcivita-Ausino spring. Regarding the Auso spring the variable behavior in terms of discharge and chemistry is confirmed, greatly influenced by rainfall and, during drought periods, by full charge conduits. Rare element concentrations were also analyzed and allowed to characterize further the different waters. Based on all these data an updated hydrogeological map of the Alburni massif has been drawn, that defines in greater detail the hydrogeological complexes on the basis of lithologies, and therefore of their chemical characteristics.


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XRF spectrometry was applied to provenance studies of Iron Age pottery specimens that originated from the Mngeni river area in South Africa. Ten transition metals (Sc to Zn) mere determined in 107 potsherds, excavated from four different sites. The data were subjected to a computerized mathematical technique (correspondence analysis), which was used to group the samples according to the similarity of their elemental distributions. The groupings were interpreted in terms of social or cultural interaction between the sites. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A proposta do referente estudo foi medir a espessura do depósito de um metal em outro metal base, ou seja, utilizar o processo eletroquímico de Galvanoplastia ou eletrodeposição deste metal, por meio da técnica de fluorescência de raios X (XRF). O uso desta técnica justificou-se pelo interesse em reduzir os custos excessivos durante o processo eletroquímico, bem como, minimizar as possíveis margens de erros para obter resultados satisfatórios nas medidas. Neste trabalho, incluíram-se as medidas da espessura do Níquel (Ni) e análises da intensidade de radiação incidentes e a radiação atenuante, em função da espessura dos elementos Cromo (Cr) e Zinco (Zn), considerando como metal base o elemento Ferro (Fe). Em decorrência disso, em todos os casos foram simulados os processos de deposição do metal onde foram incluídos os resultados de absorção de raios X, além de desprezar a influência de outros fatores como a temperatura, o pH, o tratamento de superfície, entre outros, os quais são necessários para considerar em cada caso.


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Nesta dissertação são apresentados resultados de simulações Monte Carlo de fluorescência de raios X (XRF), utilizando o programa GEANT4, para medidas de espessura de revestimento metálico (Ni e Zn) em base metálica (Fe). As simulações foram feitas para dois tamanhos de espessura para cada metal de revestimento, (5μm e 10μm), com passos de 0,1 μm e 0,001 μm e com 106 histórias. No cálculo da espessura do revestimento foram feitas as aproximações de feixe de raios X monoenegético, com a análise da transmissão apenas da energia do K-alfa e para uma geometria compatível com um sistema real de medição (ARTAX-200). Os resultados mostraram a eficiência da metodologia de simulação e do cálculo da espessura do revestimento, o que permitirá futuros cálculos, inclusive para multirevestimentos metálicos em base metálica.


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The vegetation history of the Faroe Islands has been investigated in numerous studies all broadly showing that the early-Holocene vegetation of the islands largely consisted of fellfield with gravely and rocky soils formed under a continental climate which shifted to an oceanic climate around 10,000 cal yr BP when grasses, sedges and finally shrubs began to dominant the islands. Here we present data from three lake sediment cores and show a much more detailed history from geochemical and isotope data. These data show that the Faroe Islands were deglaciated by the end of Younger Dryas (11,700 10,300 cal yr BP), at this time relatively high sedimentation rates with high delta C-13 imply poor soil development. delta C-13, Ti and chi data reveal a much more stable and warm mid-Holocene until 7410 cal yr BP characterised by increasing vegetation cover and build up of organic soils towards the Holocene thermal maximum around 7400 cal yr BP. The final meltdown of the Laurentide ice sheet around 7000 cal yr BP appears to have impacted both ocean and atmospheric circulation towards colder conditions on the Faroe Islands. This is inferred by enhanced weathering and increased deposition of surplus sulphur (sea spray) and erosion in the highland lakes from about 7400 cal yr BP. From 4190 cal yr BP further cooling is believed to have occurred as a consequence for increased soil erosion due to freeze/thaw sequences related to oceanic and atmospheric variability. This cooling trend appears to have advanced further from 3000 cal yr BR A short period around 1800 cal yr BP appears as a short warm and wet phase in between a general cooling characterised by significant soil erosion lasting until 725 cal yr BP. Interestingly, increased soil erosion seems to have begun at 1360 cal yr BP, thus significantly before the arrival of the first settlers on the Faroe Island around 1150 cal yr BP, although additional erosion took place around 1200 cal yr BP possibly as a consequence of human activities. Hence it appears that if humans caused a change in the Faroe landscape in terms of erosion they in fact accelerated a process that had already started. Soil erosion was a dominant landscape factor during the Little Ice Age, but climate related triggers can hardly be distinguished from human activities. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The only supernovae (SNe) to show gamma-ray bursts ( GRBs) or early x-ray emission thus far are overenergetic, broad- lined type Ic SNe ( hypernovae, HNe). Recently, SN 2008D has shown several unusual features: (i) weak x-ray flash (XRF), (ii) an early, narrow optical peak, (iii) disappearance of the broad lines typical of SN Ic HNe, and (iv) development of helium lines as in SNe Ib. Detailed analysis shows that SN 2008D was not a normal supernova: Its explosion energy (E approximate to 6 x 10(51) erg) and ejected mass [similar to 7 times the mass of the Sun ( M.)] are intermediate between normal SNe Ibc and HNe. We conclude that SN 2008D was originally a similar to 30 M. star. When it collapsed, a black hole formed and a weak, mildly relativistic jet was produced, which caused the XRF. SN 2008D is probably among the weakest explosions that produce relativistic jets. Inner engine activity appears to be present whenever massive stars collapse to black holes.


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Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ib SN 2008D, associated with the X-ray Flash (XRF) 080109, at two separate epochs, is presented. The epochs of these observations correspond to V-band light curve maximum and 15 days after light curve maximum (or 21 and 36 days after the XRF). We find SN 2008D to be significantly polarized, although the largest contribution is due to the interstellar polarization component of Q ISP = 0% ± 0.1% and U ISP = -1.2% ± 0.1%. At the two epochs, the spectropolarimetry of SN 2008D is classified as being D1+L(He I)+L(Ca II). The intrinsic polarization of continuum wavelength regions is <0.4%, at both epochs, implying an asymmetry of the photosphere of <10%. Similar to other Type Ibc SNe, such as 2005bf, 2006aj, and 2007gr, we observed significant polarization corresponding to the spectral features of Ca II, He I, Mg I, Fe II and, possibly, O I ?7774, about a close-to-spherically symmetric photosphere. We introduce a new plot showing the chemically distinct line-forming regions in the ejecta and comment on the apparent ubiquity of highly polarized high-velocity Ca II features in Type Ibc SNe. The polarization angle of Ca II IR triplet was significantly different, at both epochs, to those of the other species, suggesting high-velocity Ca II forms in a separate part of the ejecta. The apparent structure in the outer layers of SN 2008D has implications for the interpretation of the early-time X-ray emission associated with shock breakout. We present two scenarios, within the jet-torus paradigm, which explain the lack of an apparent geometry discontinuity between the two observations: (1) a jet which punched a hole straight through the progenitor and deposited Ni outside the ejecta and (2) a jet which stalled inside the radius of the photosphere as observed at the second epoch. The lack of a peculiar polarization signature, suggesting strongly asymmetric excitation of the ejecta, and the reported properties of the shock-breakout favor the second scenario.


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The technique of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) is often employed to quantify labile metals in situ; however, it is a challenge to perform the measurements in-field. This study evaluated the capability of field-portable X-ray fluorescence (FP-XRF) to swiftly generate elemental speciation information with DGT. Biologically available metal ions in environmental samples passively preconcentrate in the thin films of DGT devices, providing an ideal and uniform matrix for XRF nondestructive detection. Strong correlation coefficients (r > 0.992 for Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb and As) were obtained for all elements during calibration. The limits of quantitation (LOQ) for the investigated elements of FP-XRF on DGT devices are 2.74 for Mn, 4.89 for Cu, 2.89 for Zn, 2.55 for Pb, and 0.48 for As (unit: µg cm(-2)). When Pb and As co-existed in the solution trials, As did not interfere with Pb detection when using Chelex-DGT. However, there was a significant enhancement of the Pb reading attributed to As when ferrihydrite binding gels were tested, consistent with Fe-oxyhydroxide surfaces absorbing large quantities of As. This study demonstrates the value of the FP-XRF technique to rapidly and nondestructively detect the metals accumulated in DGT devices, providing a new and simple diagnostic tool for on-site environmental monitoring of labile metals/metalloids


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Collectionneur : Lesouëf, Auguste (1829-1906)


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Collectionneur : Lesouëf, Auguste (1829-1906)