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Plays submitted to the Lord Chamberlain.


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Presentation from the MARAC conference in Pittsburgh, PA on April 14–16, 2016. S2 - Making Friends: The Highs, Lows, and Challenges of Inter-Repository Archival Relationships


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For the past decade, at least, varieties of small, hand held networked instruments have appeared on the global scene, selling in record numbers, and being utilized by all manner of persons from the old to the young; children, women, men, the wealthy and the poor and in all countries. Their presences bespeak a radical shift in telecommunications infrastructure and the future of communications. They are particularly visible in urban areas where mobile transmission network infrastructure (3G, 4G, cellular and Wi-Fi) is more established and substantial, options more plentiful, and density of populations more dramatic. These end user products—I phones, cell phones, Blackberries, DSi, DS, IPads, Zooms, and others – of the mobile communications industry are the latest, hottest globalized commodities. At the same time, wirelessness, or the state of being wireless, and therefore capable of taking along one's networks, communicating from unlikely spaces, and navigating with GPS, is a complex social, political and economic communications phenomenon of early 21st century life. This thesis examines the specter of being wireless in cities. It lends the entire idea an experimentally envisioned, historical and planned context wherein personalization of media tools is seen both as a design development of corporate, artistic, and military imagination, as well as a profound social phenomenon enabling new forms of sharing, belonging, and urban community. In doing that it asserts the parameters of a new mobile space which, aside from clear benefits to humankind by way of mobility, has reinscribed numerous categories including gender. Moreover, it posits the recognition of other, more nuanced theoretical spaces for complex readings of gender and gendered use, including some instantiation of the notion of 'network' itself as a cyborgian and gendered social form. Additionally, cities are studied as places where technology is not only quickly popularized, but is connected to larger political interests, such as the reading of data, tracking of information, and the new security culture. In so doing the work has been undertaken as an urban spatial analysis and experimental ethnography, utilizing architectural, feminist, techno-utopian, industrial and theoretical literatures as discursive underpinnings from whence understandings and interpretations of mobile space, the mobile office, networked mobility, and personal media have come, linking the space of cities to specific, pioneering urban public art projects in which voice, texting and MMS have been utilized in expressions of ubiquitous networks and urban history. Through numerous examples of techno art, the thesis discusses the 'wireless city' as an emerging cultural, socially constructed economic and spatial entity, both conceived and formed through historic processes of urbanization.


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Deliberate firesetting costs our community in destruction to property and lives. Public concern heightens when similar fires occur in a series, raising the specter of copycat firesetting. Difficulties associated with researching copycat crimes in general mean that not a lot is known about copycat firesetting. As an initial step toward filling this research gap, we explore connections between research on copycat crime and research into deliberate firesetting. The intention is to extract salient features from what is known about the phenomena of deliberate firesetting and copycat crime, map them together, and point out shared and unique characteristics. It is argued that a “copycat firesetter” is likely to exist as a distinct subgroup and potentially requiring targeted interventions.


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Objetiva-se reconstruir o sentido e o alcance do princípio do ne bis in idem, estudando-se as interferências recíprocas do direito penal e do direito administrativo sancionador, com ênfase na concorrência normativa entre tais manifestações do ius puniendi do Estado, seus desdobramentos e os riscos que representam para a liberdade humana, especificamente em face da interdição de duplicidade ou multiplicidade punitiva encartada no princípio em comento. Estrutura-se o texto em três pilares: a primeira parte cuida dos aspectos mais universais do princípio do ne bis in idem, percorrendo tanto seu traçado histórico como seu reconhecimento internacional; a segunda parte examina a consistente experiência jurídica europeia, analisando os marcos teóricos e práticos relacionados à matéria; finalmente, a terceira parte atinge o âmago da investigação, enfocando teoricamente o princípio do ne bis in idem, de modo a renovar sua interpretação no plano nacional, redimensionando as convergências entre o direito penal e o direito administrativo sancionador, a unicidade da (re)ação repressiva do Estado e as possibilidades de enfrentamento das disfunções desse princípio no direito brasileiro. Demonstra-se que a acumulação de sanções de caráter punitivo, de natureza penal e/ou administrativa sancionadora, quando presentes os pressupostos de identidade de sujeito, de fatos e de fundamentos, é vedada pelo espectro de proteção do princípio do ne bis in idem. Postula-se, ainda, esclarecer se, nas situações de exacerbação punitiva com fins semelhantes ou confluentes, deverá sempre prevalecer a aplicação da lei penal. Espera-se, ademais, formular propostas para a regulamentação de conflitos nos casos de concorrência normativa entre o direito penal e o direito administrativo sancionador. Evidencia-se, enfim, que o objetivo principal da investigação é a plena compreensão do princípio do ne bis in idem, refletindo-se a respeito da ilegitimidade da acumulação de sanções penais e sanções administrativas, tão somente pelo fundamento de que não é possível a desvinculação das regras de independência entre a competência jurisdicional e a atribuição sancionadora da administração ou em razão de supostas indiferenças ontológicas entre os ilícitos penal e administrativo.


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"Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.)"


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Hans Jonas is considered one of the principal leaders of the ecological doctrine that fights against the hegemony of technical power upon society. We will study the conception of man in Jonas’ ideology through the lens of nature and of responsibility. He brandishes the specter of disaster (“heuristics of fear”) as a guard against technological excesses. He appeals to a prospective, universal and categorical responsibility to protect nature and to save future generations. Jonas considers responsibility as a method of anticipating the threat to that which is vulnerable, ephemeral, and perishable. Thus, the responsibility that Jonas decrees implies an ethics of conservation. Jonas’ writings aim to procure a new dimension of acting, which necessitates an ethics of foresight and responsibility.


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Pour la pensée humaine, l’image a toujours constitué une interrogation laissée sans réponse définitive : de l’interdit biblique à la possibilité technologique infinie, l’image a traversé des étapes conceptuelles complexes et hétérogènes. Aujourd’hui, on conçoit l’image comme une présence incontournable de l’existence quotidienne et comme une forme de réflexion mystérieuse. Cette thèse propose une analyse de la vision sur l’image chez Walter Benjamin et Aby Warburg à travers quelques concepts essentiels : image de pensée, survivance, espace de pensée, coupure, représentation de l’histoire. Située énigmatiquement entre les arts visuels et la pensée philosophique, l’image devient un sujet de réflexion à la fin du 19e siècle et au début du 20e siècle; les deux penseurs mentionnés ont été les premiers à interroger les valeurs conceptuelles de l’image et à chercher de l’évoquer en tant que spectre de la pensée. Les morceaux aphoristiques et les articles critiques de Benjamin rencontrent discrètement les études esthétiques de Warburg au point où l’idée de l’image amorce toute réflexion. Pour l’imaginaire contemporain, les structures conceptuelles bâties par Benjamin et Warburg constituent des éléments dominants dans l’engrenage réflexif atonal d’aujourd’hui. Lorsque le Denkraum (espace de pensée) et le Denkbild (image de pensée) gèrent la dynamique de la philosophie de Benjamin et Warburg, le Nachleben (survie) et la coupure nuancent le grand tableau de l’histoire (Geschichtsdarstellung). L’analyse comparatiste de ces concepts aboutit à la conclusion que l’image est intimement et paradoxalement liée à la vision de l’histoire; en fait, l’image n’est qu’une représentation de l’histoire qui, à son tour, se représente dans chaque image.


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Avec la sécularisation, la laïcité et la diversité croissantes de la société québécoise, la place de la religion en général et du catholicisme en particulier se sont vues remises en question. Cette situation a d’ailleurs mené à la mise en place de deux commissions : l’une sur la place de la religion à l’école (1999) et l’autre sur les pratiques d’accommodements reliées aux différences culturelles (2008). Ces deux commissions auront fourni énormément d’informations sur les rapports qu’entretiennent encore les Québécois avec le catholicisme. Cette recherche a donc pour but de faire le point sur certains aspects du catholicisme au Québec à partir d’une perspective reposant principalement sur des instruments heuristiques issus des écrits signés « Jacques Derrida ». Pour ce faire, nous nous appuierons sur les travaux du Groupe de travail sur la religion à l’école, de la consultation générale sur la place de la religion à l’école et de la commission de consultation sur les pratiques d’accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles. Nous posons comme hypothèse que de manière générale, les Québécois entretiennent avec le catholicisme, des rapports « archivaux », c’est-à-dire conditionnés par des perceptions de ce dernier informées par son passé, plutôt que par son présent. De plus, ces perceptions du catholicisme, probablement développées dans le sillage de la Révolution tranquille et peut-être même un peu avant, nourriraient l’existence de « spectres » qui viendraient hanter les rapports des Québécois à tout ce qui touche le religieux et la diversité culturelle. En ce sens, il s’agit d’une dimension essentielle de ce que nous appellerions la « postmodernité » religieuse québécoise. Pour illustrer ce propos, nous mènerons une analyse de contenu documentaire. Premièrement, nous procéderons à l’analyse thématique de centaines de documents (rapports de recherche, rapports officiels, mémoires) déposés lors de ces débats. Le logiciel QDA Miner permettra d’effectuer une analyse documentaire en identifiant les passages thématiques reliés à la recherche. Nous procéderons ensuite à une analyse plus fine de ces extraits sélectionnés à partir de perspectives philosophiques provenant principalement du philosophe Jacques Derrida.


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This thesis entitled “Child labour in india”Children are "supremely important assets" of the nation, India proudly asserts in the National Policy for Children (1974) gracefully acknowledging that they are future citizens on whose shoulders the destiny of our nation rests.Childhood is a time of discovery as the world and all it contains are new to children. It is a time of excitement and anticipation. lt is a time of dreams and fantasies. And it is a time of receiving love and appreciation. Paradoxically, a picture of contrast is a common experience in India as a vast majority of children who are starved of basic needs of nutrition, health and education are made to work at an early age in exploitative conditions. The specter of child labour is a glaring anomaly in a country graciously adorning human right. In an exposition of the problem involving human rights abuse, Chapters from Two to Five of this study have shot into focus the human rights jurisprudence with special reference to the rights of children. Children have a particular identity as children and they also have a universal identity as human beings.The concern for mankind expressed unequivocally and transcending the globe will be real and moving and not mere rhetoric and ritual if and only when it begins with children, as, to quote the words of Nehru, the human being counts much more as a child than as a grown up.The first three of these rights namely right to health, right to nutritive food and right to education are dealt with in Chapter Four. Finally, the positive effects of education have been sketched in that chapter to impress upon its significance in the development of human capitals.legitimization. The theme of legitimacy was rationalised on the ground of poverty as a strategy for achieving eradication of child labour ultimately by enforcing minimum wages, shorter working hours, leave compensation, non-formal education etc., as the employer would soon discover that child labour is not cheap and would be obliged to substitute adult labour. However, humanising the work life is only a promise to the detriment of children as the Act of 1986 enacted as a part of the new strategy is nearingcompletion of a decade of existence but nowhere near the fulfilment of the mission.As similar urge is more necessary and overdue, it has been suggested that a special body be established with all powers for cognisance of human rights abuse of children.It is proposed to conclude this study with a brief summary of the inferences drawn from the foregoing chapters along with a few suggestions emerging out of those inferences


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Escritas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, Canaima, La vorágine, y Sangama son tres novelas de la selva en las cuales aparece una representación del mundo indígena del Amazonas o del Orinoco. Se ha repetido que se trataba de novelas progresistas, que encerraban una crítica del sistema social de la época, y más particularmente del genocidio acarreado por la explotación del caucho durante el “ciclo da borracha”. Sin embargo estas ficciones nos proporcionan un enfoque ambiguo de la realidad indígena. Una visión impregnada por las mismas concepciones del siglo XIX que favorecieron los excesos, maltratos y masacres que dichas novelas pretenden denunciar. Este ensayo se propone analizar la matriz científica de estas representaciones, insistiendo en el paradigma racialista decimónico, derivado de la teoría evolucionista y de la ideología del progreso. Los indios de las ficciones se desplazan como fantasmas en un universo mágico, embrujado, o infernal que carece de realidad. Este “flor” romántico es la proyección literaria de una estrategia biopolítica que se da en las sociedades de la época: la cuestión gira en torno a la construcción del pueblo nacional. Los “aparecidos” del espacio novelesco son un momento de unas estrategias discursivas más globales: se trata de construir una homegeneidad nacional a partir de una etnicidad ficticia que requiere el rechazo del “otro atrasado”. El espectro es la huella o el testigo de esta violencia fundadora.