995 resultados para space requirements


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Literature cited: p. 37.


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Businesses need property in order to generate turnover and profits. If real estate owners are to be able to provide properties and related services that are desirable, it is crucial that they understand tenants’ requirements and preferences. Changes in the way businesses operate might well lead to an overall reduction in space requirements in all sectors. Faced with reductions in demand, landlords will find themselves in an increasingly competitive marketplace for tenants. Of the array of strategies available to landlords, what strategies should they employ for maximum effect? This paper examines what United Kingdom tenants want from commercial property (retail, industrial and office). The first part provides an analysis of data from several hundred interviews with occupiers of commercial properties owned by some of the largest UK real estate investment companies. Results are presented for each of the asset classes separately. The second part compares the findings with previous research and discusses the strategic implications for landlords.


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A crescente necessidade de reduzir a dependência energética e a emissão de gases de efeito de estufa levou à adoção de uma série de políticas a nível europeu com vista a aumentar a eficiência energética e nível de controlo de equipamentos, reduzir o consumo e aumentar a percentagem de energia produzida a partir de fontes renováveis. Estas medidas levaram ao desenvolvimento de duas situações críticas para o setor elétrico: a substituição das cargas lineares tradicionais, pouco eficientes, por cargas não-lineares mais eficientes e o aparecimento da produção distribuída de energia a partir de fontes renováveis. Embora apresentem vantagens bem documentadas, ambas as situações podem afetar negativamente a qualidade de energia elétrica na rede de distribuição, principalmente na rede de baixa tensão onde é feita a ligação com a maior parte dos clientes e onde se encontram as cargas não-lineares e a ligação às fontes de energia descentralizadas. Isto significa que a monitorização da qualidade de energia tem, atualmente, uma importância acrescida devido aos custos relacionados com perdas inerentes à falta de qualidade de energia elétrica na rede e à necessidade de verificar que determinados parâmetros relacionados com a qualidade de energia elétrica se encontram dentro dos limites previstos nas normas e nos contratos com clientes de forma a evitar disputas ou reclamações. Neste sentido, a rede de distribuição tem vindo a sofrer alterações a nível das subestações e dos postos de transformação que visam aumentar a visibilidade da qualidade de energia na rede em tempo real. No entanto, estas medidas só permitem monitorizar a qualidade de energia até aos postos de transformação de média para baixa tensão, não revelando o estado real da qualidade de energia nos pontos de entrega ao cliente. A monitorização nestes pontos é feita periodicamente e não em tempo real, ficando aquém do necessário para assegurar a deteção correta de problemas de qualidade de energia no lado do consumidor. De facto, a metodologia de monitorização utilizada atualmente envolve o envio de técnicos ao local onde surgiu uma reclamação ou a um ponto de medição previsto para instalar um analisador de energia que permanece na instalação durante um determinado período de tempo. Este tipo de monitorização à posteriori impossibilita desde logo a deteção do problema de qualidade de energia que levou à reclamação, caso não se trate de um problema contínuo. Na melhor situação, o aparelho poderá detetar uma réplica do evento, mas a larga percentagem anomalias ficam fora deste processo por serem extemporâneas. De facto, para detetar o evento que deu origem ao problema é necessário monitorizar permanentemente a qualidade de energia. No entanto este método de monitorização implica a instalação permanente de equipamentos e não é viável do ponto de vista das empresas de distribuição de energia já que os equipamentos têm custos demasiado elevados e implicam a necessidade de espaços maiores nos pontos de entrega para conter os equipamentos e o contador elétrico. Uma alternativa possível que pode tornar viável a monitorização permanente da qualidade de energia consiste na introdução de uma funcionalidade de monitorização nos contadores de energia de determinados pontos da rede de distribuição. Os contadores são obrigatórios em todas as instalações ligadas à rede, para efeitos de faturação. Tradicionalmente estes contadores são eletromecânicos e recentemente começaram a ser substituídos por contadores inteligentes (smart meters), de natureza eletrónica, que para além de fazer a contagem de energia permitem a recolha de informação sobre outros parâmetros e aplicação de uma serie de funcionalidades pelo operador de rede de distribuição devido às suas capacidades de comunicação. A reutilização deste equipamento com finalidade de analisar a qualidade da energia junto dos pontos de entrega surge assim como uma forma privilegiada dado que se trata essencialmente de explorar algumas das suas características adicionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a possibilidade descrita de monitorizar a qualidade de energia elétrica de forma permanente no ponto de entrega ao cliente através da utilização do contador elétrico do mesmo e elaborar um conjunto de requisitos para o contador tendo em conta a normalização aplicável, as características dos equipamentos utilizados atualmente pelo operador de rede e as necessidades do sistema elétrico relativamente à monitorização de qualidade de energia.


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Minimum parking requirements are the norm for urban and suburban development in the United States (Davidson and Dolnick (2002)). The justification for parking space requirements is that overflow parking will occupy nearby street or off-street parking. Shoup (1999) and Willson (1995) provides cases where there is reason to believe that parking space requirements have forced parcel developers to place more parking than they would in the absence of parking requirements. If the effect of parking minimums is to significantly increase the land area devoted to parking, then the increase in impervious surfaces would likely cause water quality degradation, increased flooding, and decreased groundwater recharge. However, to our knowledge the existing literature does not test the effect of parking minimums on the amount of lot space devoted to parking beyond a few case studies. This paper tests the hypothesis that parking space requirements cause an oversupply of parking by examining the implicit marginal value of land allocated to parking spaces. This is an indirect test of the effects of parking requirements that is similar to Glaeser and Gyourko (2003). A simple theoretical model shows that the marginal value of additional parking to the sale price should be equal to the cost of land plus the cost of parking construction. We estimate the marginal values of parking and lot area with spatial methods using a large data set from the Los Angeles area non-residential property sales and find that for most of the property types the marginal value of parking is significantly below that of the parcel area. This evidence supports the contention that minimum parking requirements significantly increase the amount of parcel area devoted to parking.


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After a steady decline in the early 20th century, several terrestrial carnivore species have recently recovered in Western Europe, either through reintroductions or natural recolonization. Because of the large space requirements of these species and potential conflicts with human activities, ensuring their recovery requires the implementation of conservation and management measures that address the environmental, landscape and social dimensions of the problem. Few examples exist of such integrated management. Taking the case of the otter (Lutra lutra) in Switzerland, we propose a multi-step approach that allows to (1) identify areas with potentially suitable habitat, (2) evaluate their connectivity, (3) verify the potentiality of the species recolonization from populations in neighbouring countries. We showed that even though suitable habitat is available for the species and the level of structural connectivity within Switzerland is satisfactory, the level of connectivity with neighbouring populations is crucial to prioritize strategies that favour the species recovery in the field. This research is the first example integrating habitat suitability and connectivity assessment at different scales with other factors in a multi-step assessment for species recovery.


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This paper presents the design and analysis of a novel machine family of Siotiess Permanent Magnet Brushless DC motors (PMBLDC) for precise positioning applications of spacecrafts. Initial design, selection of major parameters and air gap magnetic flux density are estimated using the analytical model of the machine. The proportion of the halbach array in the machine was optimized using FE to obtain near trapezoidal flux pattern. The novel machine topology is found to deliver high torque density, high efficiency, zero cogging torque, better positional stability, high torque to inertia ratio and zero magnetic stiction suiting space requirements. The machine provides uniform air gap flux density along the radius thus avoiding circulating currents in stator conductors and hence reducing torque ripple


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Presents findings from separate research projects conducted in the UK and the USA on the impact of e-commerce on retailers and retail property. Examines differences between UK and US retailers along several dimensions: Internet strategies, perceptions of the Internet, barriers to e-commerce growth, and future space requirements. Overall, findings indicate that UK and US retailers have similar attitudes about e-commerce. Specifically, retailers in both samples perceive little threat or impact from e-commerce. Second, barriers to e-commerce growth are similar for UK and US retailers and include fulfillment and security issues. Third, UK and US retailers indicate that their retail space needs will remain the same or increase in the short term, despite the threat of e-commerce. Finally, both sets of retailers believe that entertainment is an important strategy if shopping centers are to remain viable.


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The ability to create accurate geometric models of neuronal morphology is important for understanding the role of shape in information processing. Despite a significant amount of research on automating neuron reconstructions from image stacks obtained via microscopy, in practice most data are still collected manually. This paper describes Neuromantic, an open source system for three dimensional digital tracing of neurites. Neuromantic reconstructions are comparable in quality to those of existing commercial and freeware systems while balancing speed and accuracy of manual reconstruction. The combination of semi-automatic tracing, intuitive editing, and ability of visualizing large image stacks on standard computing platforms provides a versatile tool that can help address the reconstructions availability bottleneck. Practical considerations for reducing the computational time and space requirements of the extended algorithm are also discussed.


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The City of London is a major financial centre where the property market is heavily dependent on the space requirements of office occupiers. Technological change, however, is changing the way in which organisations conduct their business and is challenging the continued locational pull of the City. This research presents findings from a major survey of City occupiers carried out by The College research team during 2002. The research examines how the shape and form of the office property market in the City will be affected by process change in eBusiness and related technology over the next 5 years. The report, which includes an extensive literature review, examines the implications of increased homeworking and other trends for future office supply in the City. The research was funded by the Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors Trust (Toby Sutton Research Award), and part of the literature review by the Small Business Support Research Unit of DTI. It is essential reading for surveyors, planners, facilities managers and all those interested in the technology and property interface.


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Für den innerbetrieblichen Transport und besonders für die Materialversorgung in der Produktion werden zunehmend Routenzüge eingesetzt, die aus einem Schleppfahrzeug und bis zu fünf Anhängern bestehen. Um gute Manövrierbarkeit und einen geringen Platzbedarf zu gewährleisten, sollten Routenzuganhänger möglichst spurtreu sein. In diesem Beitrag wird die Spurtreue exemplarisch für zwei am Markt verfügbare Anhänger für Routenzüge mit zwei ungelenkten und vier gelenkten Rädern untersucht. Hierfür wird zunächst ein Gütekriterium definiert, das die maximale Abweichung von der Spurtreue quantitativ erfasst. Außerdem werden Testszenarien vorgeschlagen, um die verschiedenen Fahrwerks- und Lenkkonzepte vergleichen zu können. Mit Hilfe eines entwickelten analytischen Modells werden die Abweichungen in der Spurtreue bei stationärer Kreisfahrt für die zwei gewählten Konzepte berechnet und dargestellt. Zusätzlich wird eine Mehrkörper-Simulation, die eine tiefere physikalische Modellierung und die Untersuchung komplexerer Fahrmanöver erlaubt, durchgeführt und mit den analytischen Ergebnissen verglichen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass neben der Lenkkinematik weitere Parameter wie das Schräglaufverhalten der Reifen Einfluss auf die Spurtreue haben.


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Schleppzüge haben für den innerbetrieblichen Materialtransport in den letzten Jahren stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wichtige Eigenschaften sind die Manövrierbarkeit und die Spurtreue, da sie maßgeblich den Flächenbedarf bestimmen. In diesem Beitrag wird das Nachlaufverhalten von Schleppzügen, die sich durch ihr Fahrwerks- und Lenkkonzept unterscheiden, untersucht sowie eine neue Lenkkinematik vorgestellt. Um die Spurtreue der verschiedenen Konzepte objektiv vergleichen zu können, werden zunächst Fahrmanöver und ein Gütekriterium definiert, so dass die Abweichungen von der Spurtreue quantitativ beschrieben und verglichen werden können. Mit einem in diesem Beitrag vorgestellten analytischen Modell können bereits für die stationäre Kreisfahrt wichtige Aus-sagen über die Spurabweichungen getroffen werden. Zu-sätzlich werden Simulationen durchgeführt, die eine tiefere physikalische Modellierung und die Untersuchung komple-xerer Fahrmanöver erlauben. Außerdem wird dargestellt, dass auch die Art des Fahrmanövers Einfluss auf die Spurabweichung hat. Fahrwerks- und Lenkkonzepte, die bei stationärer Kreisfahrt ein sehr gutes Nachlaufverhalten aufweisen und bisher als spurtreu bezeichnet wurden, zeigen beim Ein- oder Ausfahren aus der Kurve zum Teil erhebliche Spurabweichungen. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen wird ein neues Lenkkonzept vorgestellt, das sich insbesondere durch einen sehr einfachen Aufbau sowie eine hohe Spurtreue auszeichnet.


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En esta Tesis Doctoral se aborda la utilización de filtros de difusión no lineal para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos como paso previo al proceso de segmentación. En una primera parte se propone un formulación intrínseca para la ecuación de difusión no lineal que proporcione las condiciones de diseño necesarias sobre los filtros de difusión. A partir del marco teórico propuesto, se proporciona una nueva familia de difusividades; éstas son obtenidas a partir de técnicas de difusión no lineal relacionadas con los procesos de difusión regresivos. El objetivo es descomponer la imagen en regiones cerradas que sean homogéneas en sus niveles de grises sin contornos difusos. Asimismo, se prueba que la función de difusividad propuesta satisface las condiciones de un correcto planteamiento semi-discreto. Esto muestra que mediante el esquema semi-implícito habitualmente utilizado, realmente se hace un proceso de difusión no lineal directa, en lugar de difusión inversa, conectando con proceso de preservación de bordes. Bajo estas condiciones establecidas, se plantea un criterio de parada para el proceso de difusión, para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos con un bajo coste computacional. Una vez aplicado todo el proceso al caso unidimensional, se extienden los resultados teóricos, al caso de imágenes en 2D y 3D. Para el caso en 3D, se detalla el esquema numérico para el problema evolutivo no lineal, con condiciones de contorno Neumann homogéneas. Finalmente, se prueba el filtro propuesto para imágenes reales en 2D y 3D y se ilustran los resultados de la difusividad propuesta como método para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos. En el caso de imágenes 3D, se aborda la problemática del proceso previo a la segmentación del hígado, mediante imágenes reales provenientes de Tomografías Axiales Computarizadas (TAC). En ese caso, se obtienen resultados sobre la estimación de los parámetros de la función de difusividad propuesta. This Ph.D. Thesis deals with the case of using nonlinear diffusion filters to obtain piecewise constant images as a previous process for segmentation techniques. I have first shown an intrinsic formulation for the nonlinear diffusion equation to provide some design conditions on the diffusion filters. According to this theoretical framework, I have proposed a new family of diffusivities; they are obtained from nonlinear diffusion techniques and are related with backward diffusion. Their goal is to split the image in closed contours with a homogenized grey intensity inside and with no blurred edges. It has also proved that the proposed filters satisfy the well-posedness semi-discrete and full discrete scale-space requirements. This shows that by using semi-implicit schemes, a forward nonlinear diffusion equation is solved, instead of a backward nonlinear diffusion equation, connecting with an edgepreserving process. Under the conditions established for the diffusivity and using a stopping criterion I for the diffusion time, I have obtained piecewise constant images with a low computational effort. The whole process in the one-dimensional case is extended to the case where 2D and 3D theoretical results are applied to real images. For 3D, develops in detail the numerical scheme for nonlinear evolutionary problem with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Finally, I have tested the proposed filter with real images for 2D and 3D and I have illustrated the effects of the proposed diffusivity function as a method to get piecewise constant images. For 3D I have developed a preprocess for liver segmentation with real images from CT (Computerized Tomography). In this case, I have obtained results on the estimation of the parameters of the given diffusivity function.