996 resultados para soft parallel robot


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This paper presents the design, analysis and fabrication of a novel low-cost soft parallel robot for biomedical applications, including bio-micromanipulation devices. The robot consists of two active flexible polymer actuator-based links, which are connected to two rigid links by means of flexible joints. A mathematical model is established between the input voltage to the polymer actuators and the robot's end effector position. The robot has two degrees-of-freedom, making it suitable for handling planar micromanipulation tasks. Moreover, a number of robots can be configured to operate in a cooperative manner for increasing micromanipulation dexterity. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate two main motion modes of the robot.


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Parallel robot (PR) is a mechanical system that utilized multiple computer-controlled limbs to support one common platform or end effector. Comparing to a serial robot, a PR generally has higher precision and dynamic performance and, therefore, can be applied to many applications. The PR research has attracted a lot of attention in the last three decades, but there are still many challenging issues to be solved before achieving PRs’ full potential. This chapter introduces the state-of-the-art PRs in the aspects of synthesis, design, analysis, and control. The future directions will also be discussed at the end.


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This paper presents a simple and available system for manipulation of heavy tools by low powered manipulator for industrial applications. In the heavy manufacturing industries, sometimes, heavy tools are employed for different types of work. But the application of robots with heavy tools is not possible due to the limited torque limits of actuators. Suspended tool systems (STS) have been proposed to manipulate heavy tools by low powered robot-arm for this purpose. A low powered five-bar direct-drive parallel manipulator is designed and constructed to manipulate heavy tools suspended from a spring balancer. The validity, usefulness, and effectiveness of the suspended tool system are shown by experimental results.


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In this paper a 6-RRCRR parallel robot assisted minimally invasive surgery/microsurgery system (PRAMiSS) is introduced. Remote centre-of-motion (RCM) control algorithms of PRAMiSS suitable for minimally invasive surgery and microsurgery are also presented. The programmable RCM approach is implemented in order to achieve manipulation under the constraint of moving through the fixed penetration point. Having minimised the displacements of the mobile platform of the parallel micropositioning robot, the algorithms also apply orientation constraint to the instrument and prevent the tool tip to orient due to the robot movements during the manipulation. Experimental results are provided to verify accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed RCM control algorithms for minimally invasive surgery.


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This article describes a new visual servo control and strategies that are used to carry out dynamic tasks by the Robotenis platform. This platform is basically a parallel robot that is equipped with an acquisition and processing system of visual information, its main feature is that it has a completely open architecture control, and planned in order to design, implement, test and compare control strategies and algorithms (visual and actuated joint controllers). Following sections describe a new visual control strategy specially designed to track and intercept objects in 3D space. The results are compared with a controller shown in previous woks, where the end effector of the robot keeps a constant distance from the tracked object. In this work, the controller is specially designed in order to allow changes in the tracking reference. Changes in the tracking reference can be used to grip an object that is under movement, or as in this case, hitting a hanging Ping-Pong ball. Lyapunov stability is taken into account in the controller design.


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The main purpose of robot calibration is the correction of the possible errors in the robot parameters. This paper presents a method for a kinematic calibration of a parallel robot that is equipped with one camera in hand. In order to preserve the mechanical configuration of the robot, the camera is utilized to acquire incremental positions of the end effector from a spherical object that is fixed in the word reference frame. The positions of the end effector are related to incremental positions of resolvers of the motors of the robot, and a kinematic model of the robot is used to find a new group of parameters which minimizes errors in the kinematic equations. Additionally, properties of the spherical object and intrinsic camera parameters are utilized to model the projection of the object in the image and improving spatial measurements. Finally, the robotic system is designed to carry out tracking tasks and the calibration of the robot is validated by means of integrating the errors of the visual controller.


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This paper presents a novel method for the calibration of a parallel robot, which allows a more accurate configuration instead of a configuration based on nominal parameters. It is used, as the main sensor with one camera installed in the robot hand that determines the relative position of the robot with respect to a spherical object fixed in the working area of the robot. The positions of the end effector are related to the incremental positions of resolvers of the robot motors. A kinematic model of the robot is used to find a new group of parameters, which minimizes errors in the kinematic equations. Additionally, properties of the spherical object and intrinsic camera parameters are utilized to model the projection of the object in the image and thereby improve spatial measurements. Finally, several working tests, static and tracking tests are executed in order to verify how the robotic system behaviour improves by using calibrated parameters against nominal parameters. In order to emphasize that, this proposed new method uses neither external nor expensive sensor. That is why new robots are useful in teaching and research activities.


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Nowadays robots have made their way into real applications that were prohibitive and unthinkable thirty years ago. This is mainly due to the increase in power computations and the evolution in the theoretical field of robotics and control. Even though there is plenty of information in the current literature on this topics, it is not easy to find clear concepts of how to proceed in order to design and implement a controller for a robot. In general, the design of a controller requires of a complete understanding and knowledge of the system to be controlled. Therefore, for advanced control techniques the systems must be first identified. Once again this particular objective is cumbersome and is never straight forward requiring of great expertise and some criteria must be adopted. On the other hand, the particular problem of designing a controller is even more complex when dealing with Parallel Manipulators (PM), since their closed-loop structures give rise to a highly nonlinear system. Under this basis the current work is developed, which intends to resume and gather all the concepts and experiences involve for the control of an Hydraulic Parallel Manipulator. The main objective of this thesis is to provide a guide remarking all the steps involve in the designing of advanced control technique for PMs. The analysis of the PM under study is minced up to the core of the mechanism: the hydraulic actuators. The actuators are modeled and experimental identified. Additionally, some consideration regarding traditional PID controllers are presented and an adaptive controller is finally implemented. From a macro perspective the kinematic and dynamic model of the PM are presented. Based on the model of the system and extending the adaptive controller of the actuator, a control strategy for the PM is developed and its performance is analyzed with simulation.


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Motion analysis of a parallel robot assisted minimally invasive surgery/microsurgery system (PRAMiSS) and the control structures enabling it to achieve milli/micromanipulations under the constraint of moving through a fixed penetration point or so-called remote centre-of-motion (RCM) are presented in this article. Two control algorithms are proposed suitable for minimally invasive surgery (MIS) with submillimeter accuracy and for minimally invasive micro-surgery (MIMS) with submicrometer accuracy. The RCM constraint is performed without having any mechanical constraint. Control algorithms also apply orientation constraint preventing the tip to orient relative to the soft tissues due to the robot movements. Experiments were conducted to verify accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms for MIS and MIMS operations. The experimental results demonstrate accuracy and performance of the proposed position control algorithms.


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A methodology for the numerical solution of the forward kinematics problem of 6-RRCRR parallel manipulators with orthogonal non-intersecting RR-joint configuration is presented in this article. The inverse and forward kinematics solutions of such robots compared with that of parallel robots with orthogonal intersecting RR-joint or universal joint configurations are much more complicated due to the existence of dependent joint variables. The constraints of RR-joints are analysed and the numerical algorithm for the forward kinematics solution is assessed. Numerical results for the solution of the forward kinematics of 6-RRCRR parallel robot under study are provided to confirm the accuracy and efficiency of the procedure.


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The main focus of this research is to design and develop a high performance linear actuator based on a four bar mechanism. The present work includes the detailed analysis (kinematics and dynamics), design, implementation and experimental validation of the newly designed actuator. High performance is characterized by the acceleration of the actuator end effector. The principle of the newly designed actuator is to network the four bar rhombus configuration (where some bars are extended to form an X shape) to attain high acceleration. Firstly, a detailed kinematic analysis of the actuator is presented and kinematic performance is evaluated through MATLAB simulations. A dynamic equation of the actuator is achieved by using the Lagrangian dynamic formulation. A SIMULINK control model of the actuator is developed using the dynamic equation. In addition, Bond Graph methodology is presented for the dynamic simulation. The Bond Graph model comprises individual component modeling of the actuator along with control. Required torque was simulated using the Bond Graph model. Results indicate that, high acceleration (around 20g) can be achieved with modest (3 N-m or less) torque input. A practical prototype of the actuator is designed using SOLIDWORKS and then produced to verify the proof of concept. The design goal was to achieve the peak acceleration of more than 10g at the middle point of the travel length, when the end effector travels the stroke length (around 1 m). The actuator is primarily designed to operate in standalone condition and later to use it in the 3RPR parallel robot. A DC motor is used to operate the actuator. A quadrature encoder is attached with the DC motor to control the end effector. The associated control scheme of the actuator is analyzed and integrated with the physical prototype. From standalone experimentation of the actuator, around 17g acceleration was achieved by the end effector (stroke length was 0.2m to 0.78m). Results indicate that the developed dynamic model results are in good agreement. Finally, a Design of Experiment (DOE) based statistical approach is also introduced to identify the parametric combination that yields the greatest performance. Data are collected by using the Bond Graph model. This approach is helpful in designing the actuator without much complexity.


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采用串联约束 /并联驱动的原理 ,通过加入约束机构 ,设计一种新型柔索驱动并联机器人。然而由于约束机构的引入 ,机器人的动力学分析变得更为复杂。在对机器人进行运动学分析的基础上 ,利用牛顿 欧拉法建立机器人动力学方程。仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性


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柔索驱动并联机器人采用柔索代替连杆作为机器人的驱动元件 ,它结合了并联结构和柔索驱动的优点 .文章提出了一种新型带有约束机构的并联柔索驱动机器人 ,采用四根柔索驱动 .由于约束机构的引入 ,机器人可实现在空间的三维转动 .介绍柔索驱动并联机器人的机构构型 ,给出了位姿逆解 ,建立了静力平衡方程和运动学方程 ,讨论了柔索拉力的确定方法 .研究结果证明在加入了约束机构后 ,柔索机器人可以实现更多的运动形式 ,这就为更广泛的应用柔索驱动成为可能