951 resultados para sodium and lithium niobate


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Developing nano/micro-structures which can effectively upgrade the intriguing properties of electrode materials for energy storage devices is always a key research topic. Ultrathin nanosheets were proved to be one of the potential nanostructures due to their high specific surface area, good active contact areas and porous channels. Herein, we report a unique hierarchical micro-spherical morphology of well-stacked and completely miscible molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets and graphene sheets, were successfully synthesized via a simple and industrial scale spray-drying technique to take the advantages of both MoS2 and graphene in terms of their high practical capacity values and high electronic conductivity, respectively. Computational studies were performed to understand the interfacial behaviour of MoS2 and graphene, which proves high stability of the composite with high interfacial binding energy (−2.02 eV) among them. Further, the lithium and sodium storage properties have been tested and reveal excellent cyclic stability over 250 and 500 cycles, respectively, with the highest initial capacity values of 1300 mAh g−1 and 640 mAh g−1 at 0.1 A g−1.


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Ultra-fine powders of Na1-xLixNbO3 (x=0; 0.06; 0.09; 0.12) were synthesized by the Polymeric Precursors Method. Such powders had their orthorhombic structures determined by X-ray diffraction and their surface area determined by BET isotherms (less than 10 m(2) g(-1)). Densification was followed by dilatometric study. The powders, calcined at 700 degrees C for 5 h, were sintered at 1290 degrees C during 2 h under ambient atmosphere with no application of extra pressure. The samples with relative densities higher than 95% were analyzed by impedance spectroscopy at room temperature, under a signal amplitude of 1 V-rms. Dielectric constants of about 180 and dielectric loss factor of about 0.03 were measured showing small dependence with frequency. The electrical properties were similar to those obtained for samples sintered by hot pressing. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Limited and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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The present rate of technological advance continues to place significant demands on data storage devices. The sheer amount of digital data being generated each year along with consumer expectations, fuels these demands. At present, most digital data is stored magnetically, in the form of hard disk drives or on magnetic tape. The increase in areal density (AD) of magnetic hard disk drives over the past 50 years has been of the order of 100 million times, and current devices are storing data at ADs of the order of hundreds of gigabits per square inch. However, it has been known for some time that the progress in this form of data storage is approaching fundamental limits. The main limitation relates to the lower size limit that an individual bit can have for stable storage. Various techniques for overcoming these fundamental limits are currently the focus of considerable research effort. Most attempt to improve current data storage methods, or modify these slightly for higher density storage. Alternatively, three dimensional optical data storage is a promising field for the information storage needs of the future, offering very high density, high speed memory. There are two ways in which data may be recorded in a three dimensional optical medium; either bit-by-bit (similar in principle to an optical disc medium such as CD or DVD) or by using pages of bit data. Bit-by-bit techniques for three dimensional storage offer high density but are inherently slow due to the serial nature of data access. Page-based techniques, where a two-dimensional page of data bits is written in one write operation, can offer significantly higher data rates, due to their parallel nature. Holographic Data Storage (HDS) is one such page-oriented optical memory technique. This field of research has been active for several decades, but with few commercial products presently available. Another page-oriented optical memory technique involves recording pages of data as phase masks in a photorefractive medium. A photorefractive material is one by which the refractive index can be modified by light of the appropriate wavelength and intensity, and this property can be used to store information in these materials. In phase mask storage, two dimensional pages of data are recorded into a photorefractive crystal, as refractive index changes in the medium. A low-intensity readout beam propagating through the medium will have its intensity profile modified by these refractive index changes and a CCD camera can be used to monitor the readout beam, and thus read the stored data. The main aim of this research was to investigate data storage using phase masks in the photorefractive crystal, lithium niobate (LiNbO3). Firstly the experimental methods for storing the two dimensional pages of data (a set of vertical stripes of varying lengths) in the medium are presented. The laser beam used for writing, whose intensity profile is modified by an amplitudemask which contains a pattern of the information to be stored, illuminates the lithium niobate crystal and the photorefractive effect causes the patterns to be stored as refractive index changes in the medium. These patterns are read out non-destructively using a low intensity probe beam and a CCD camera. A common complication of information storage in photorefractive crystals is the issue of destructive readout. This is a problem particularly for holographic data storage, where the readout beam should be at the same wavelength as the beam used for writing. Since the charge carriers in the medium are still sensitive to the read light field, the readout beam erases the stored information. A method to avoid this is by using thermal fixing. Here the photorefractive medium is heated to temperatures above 150�C; this process forms an ionic grating in the medium. This ionic grating is insensitive to the readout beam and therefore the information is not erased during readout. A non-contact method for determining temperature change in a lithium niobate crystal is presented in this thesis. The temperature-dependent birefringent properties of the medium cause intensity oscillations to be observed for a beam propagating through the medium during a change in temperature. It is shown that each oscillation corresponds to a particular temperature change, and by counting the number of oscillations observed, the temperature change of the medium can be deduced. The presented technique for measuring temperature change could easily be applied to a situation where thermal fixing of data in a photorefractive medium is required. Furthermore, by using an expanded beam and monitoring the intensity oscillations over a wide region, it is shown that the temperature in various locations of the crystal can be monitored simultaneously. This technique could be used to deduce temperature gradients in the medium. It is shown that the three dimensional nature of the recording medium causes interesting degradation effects to occur when the patterns are written for a longer-than-optimal time. This degradation results in the splitting of the vertical stripes in the data pattern, and for long writing exposure times this process can result in the complete deterioration of the information in the medium. It is shown in that simply by using incoherent illumination, the original pattern can be recovered from the degraded state. The reason for the recovery is that the refractive index changes causing the degradation are of a smaller magnitude since they are induced by the write field components scattered from the written structures. During incoherent erasure, the lower magnitude refractive index changes are neutralised first, allowing the original pattern to be recovered. The degradation process is shown to be reversed during the recovery process, and a simple relationship is found relating the time at which particular features appear during degradation and recovery. A further outcome of this work is that the minimum stripe width of 30 ìm is required for accurate storage and recovery of the information in the medium, any size smaller than this results in incomplete recovery. The degradation and recovery process could be applied to an application in image scrambling or cryptography for optical information storage. A two dimensional numerical model based on the finite-difference beam propagation method (FD-BPM) is presented and used to gain insight into the pattern storage process. The model shows that the degradation of the patterns is due to the complicated path taken by the write beam as it propagates through the crystal, and in particular the scattering of this beam from the induced refractive index structures in the medium. The model indicates that the highest quality pattern storage would be achieved with a thin 0.5 mm medium; however this type of medium would also remove the degradation property of the patterns and the subsequent recovery process. To overcome the simplistic treatment of the refractive index change in the FD-BPM model, a fully three dimensional photorefractive model developed by Devaux is presented. This model shows significant insight into the pattern storage, particularly for the degradation and recovery process, and confirms the theory that the recovery of the degraded patterns is possible since the refractive index changes responsible for the degradation are of a smaller magnitude. Finally, detailed analysis of the pattern formation and degradation dynamics for periodic patterns of various periodicities is presented. It is shown that stripe widths in the write beam of greater than 150 ìm result in the formation of different types of refractive index changes, compared with the stripes of smaller widths. As a result, it is shown that the pattern storage method discussed in this thesis has an upper feature size limit of 150 ìm, for accurate and reliable pattern storage.


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Nonlinear absorption and refraction phenomena in stoichiometric lithium niobate (SLN) pure and co-doped with Zn and Nd, and congruent lithium niobate (CLN) were investigated using Z-scan technique. Femtosecond laser pulses from Ti:Sapphire laser (800 nm, 110 fs pulse width and 1 kHz repetition rate) were utilized for the experiment. The process responsible for nonlinear behavior of the samples was identified to be three photon absorption (3PA). This is in agreement with the band gap energies of the samples obtained from the linear absorption cut off and the slope of the plot of Ln(1 − TOA) vs. Ln(I0) using Sutherland’s theory (s = 2.1, for 3PA). The nonlinear refractive index (n2) of Zn doped samples was found to be lower than that of pure samples. Our experiments show that there exists a correlation between the nonlinear properties and the stoichiometry of the samples. The values of n2 fall into the same range as those obtained for the materials of similar band gap.


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It has been suggested that materials with interesting and useful bulk non-linear optical properties might result by substituting vanadium, the lightest element in the group V of periodic table, for Nb or Ta atoms along with Li and three oxygens. It is with this motivation that we have been making attempts to grow single crystals of LiNbO3 doped with various concentrations of V2O5. Unfortunately the results obtained on the ceramic samples of this material have not been very encouraging, owing to their hygroscopic nature. However, our attempts to prepare both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of potassium lithium niobate (K3Li2Nb5O15; KLN) doped V2O5 were successful. In this letter we report the preliminary results concerning our studies on the effect of V2O5 doping on the structural as well as topographic features of both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of KLN.


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Nano-crystals of LiNbxTa1 (-) O-x(3) were evolved by subjecting melt-quenched 1.5Li(2)O-2B(2)O(3)-xNb(2)O(5)-(1 - x)Ta2O5 glasses (where x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.00) to a controlled 3-h isothermal heat treatment between 530 and 560 degrees C. Detailed X-ray diffraction and Raman spectral studies confirmed the formation of nano-crystalline LiNbxTa1 (-) O-x(3) along with a minor phase of ferroelectric and non-linear optic Li2B4O7. The sizes of the nanocrystals evolved in the glass were in the range of 19-37 nm for x = 0-0.75 and 23-45 nm for x = 1.00. Electron microscopic studies confirmed a transformation of the morphology of the nano-crystallites from dendritic star-shaped spherulites for x = 0 to rod-shaped structures for x = 1.00 brought about by a coalescence of crystallites. Broad Maker-fringe patterns (recorded at 532 nm) were obtained by subjecting the heat-treated glass plates to 1064 nm fundamental radiation. However, an effective second order non-linear optic coefficient, d(eff), of 0.45 pm/V, which is nearly 1.2 times the d(36) of KDP single crystal, was obtained for a 560 degrees C/3 h heat-treated glass of the representative composition x = 0.50 comprising 37 nm sized crystallites. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nano-crystals of LiNbxTa1 (-) O-x(3) were evolved by subjecting melt-quenched 1.5Li(2)O-2B(2)O(3)-xNb(2)O(5)-(1 - x)Ta2O5 glasses (where x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.00) to a controlled 3-h isothermal heat treatment between 530 and 560 degrees C. Detailed X-ray diffraction and Raman spectral studies confirmed the formation of nano-crystalline LiNbxTa1 (-) O-x(3) along with a minor phase of ferroelectric and non-linear optic Li2B4O7. The sizes of the nanocrystals evolved in the glass were in the range of 19-37 nm for x = 0-0.75 and 23-45 nm for x = 1.00. Electron microscopic studies confirmed a transformation of the morphology of the nano-crystallites from dendritic star-shaped spherulites for x = 0 to rod-shaped structures for x = 1.00 brought about by a coalescence of crystallites. Broad Maker-fringe patterns (recorded at 532 nm) were obtained by subjecting the heat-treated glass plates to 1064 nm fundamental radiation. However, an effective second order non-linear optic coefficient, d(eff), of 0.45 pm/V, which is nearly 1.2 times the d(36) of KDP single crystal, was obtained for a 560 degrees C/3 h heat-treated glass of the representative composition x = 0.50 comprising 37 nm sized crystallites. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a theoretical model in which the band-transport equations and the coupled-wave equations are considered to study the two thermal-fixing methods (simultaneous fixing and postfixing) in Fe:LiNbO3. We found that, in simultaneous fixing, the existing ionic-grating affects the writing of the electronic grating by reduction of the coupling gain, and the grating envelope of the fixed-index grating is quite uniform inside the photorefractive crystal in comparison with the method of postfixing. The resulting diffraction efficiency of the fixed-volume grating is dependent mainly on the initial intensity modulation of the two writing beams. A set of experiments is also presented. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.


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The transient interaction between a refraction index grating and light beams during simultaneous writing and thermal fixing of a photorefractive hologram is investigated. With a diffusion- and photovoltaic-dominated carrier transport mechanism and carrier thermal activation (temperature dependent) considered in Fe:LiNbO3 crystal, from the standpoint of field-material coupling, the theoretical thermal fixing time and the space-charge field buildup, spatial distribution, and temperature dependence are given numerically by combining the band transport model with mobile ions with the coupled-wave equation


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The thermal annealing of amorphous tracks of nanometer-size diameter generated in lithium niobate (LiNbO3) by Bromine ions at 45 MeV, i.e., in the electronic stopping regime, has been investigated by RBS/C spectrometry in the temperature range from 250°C to 350°C. Relatively low fluences have been used (<1012 cm−2) to produce isolated tracks. However, the possible effect of track overlapping has been investigated by varying the fluence between 3×1011 cm−2 and 1012 cm−2. The annealing process follows a two-step kinetics. In a first stage (I) the track radius decreases linearly with the annealing time. It obeys an Arrhenius-type dependence on annealing temperature with activation energy around 1.5 eV. The second stage (II) operates after the track radius has decreased down to around 2.5 nm and shows a much lower radial velocity. The data for stage I appear consistent with a solid-phase epitaxial process that yields a constant recrystallization rate at the amorphous-crystalline boundary. HRTEM has been used to monitor the existence and the size of the annealed isolated tracks in the second stage. On the other hand, the thermal annealing of homogeneous (buried) amorphous layers has been investigated within the same temperature range, on samples irradiated with Fluorine at 20 MeV and fluences of ∼1014 cm−2. Optical techniques are very suitable for this case and have been used to monitor the recrystallization of the layers. The annealing process induces a displacement of the crystalline-amorphous boundary that is also linear with annealing time, and the recrystallization rates are consistent with those measured for tracks. The comparison of these data with those previously obtained for the heavily damaged (amorphous) layers produced by elastic nuclear collisions is summarily discussed.


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We review our recent work on the numerical design and optimisation of buried, micro-structured waveguides (WGs) that can be formed in a lithium niobate (LiNbO3) crystal by the method of direct femtosecond laser inscription. We also report on the possibility of fabricating such WGs using a high-repetition-rate, chirped-pulse oscillator system. Refractive index contrasts as high as -0.0127 have been achieved for individual modification tracks. The results pave the way for developing micro-structured WGs with low-loss operation across a wide spectral range, extending into the mid-infrared region up to the end of the transparency range of the host material. © 2014 IEEE.


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Lithium niobate powders from the raw powders of Li2 O5 are directly synthesized by a combustion method with urea fuel. The synthesis parameters (e.g. the calcination temperature, calcination time, and urea-to-(Li2 CO3 + Nb2 O5) quantity ratio) are studied to reveal the optimized synthesis conditions for preparing high-quality lithium niobate powders. In our present work, it is found that a urea-to-(Li2 CO3 + Nb2 O5) ratio close to 3, calcination temperature at 550-600 degrees and reaction time around 2.5h may lead to high-quality lithium niobate powsers. The microstructure of synthesized powders is further studied; a possible mechanism of the involved reactions is also proposed.