868 resultados para social background
The aim of this study was to examine the trends, incidence and recidivism of drunken driving during a 20-year period (1988 - 2007) using the data on all suspected drunken driving in this period. Furthermore, the association between social background and drunken driving, and the mortality of drunk drivers were studied by using administrative register data provided by Statistics Finland. The study was completely register-based. In 1989 - 1991, every year 30,000 drivers were suspected of drunken driving, but the number fell to less than 20,000 by 1994, during the economic recession. The changes in the arrest incidence of the youngest age groups were especially pronounced, most of all in the age group of 18 - 19-year olds. Even though the incidence among youth decreased dramatically, their incidence rate was still twice that of the general population aged 15 - 84 years. Drunken driving was associated with a poor social background among youth and working-aged men and women. For example, a low level of education, unemployment, divorce, and parental factors in youth were associated with a higher risk of being arrested for drunken driving. While a low income was related to more drunken driving among working-aged people, the effect among young persons was the opposite. Every third drunk driver got rearrested during a 15-year period, whereas the estimated rearrest rate was 44%. Findings of drugs only or in combination with alcohol increased the risk of rearrest. The highest rearrest rates were seen among drivers who were under the influence of amphetamines or cannabis. Also male gender, young age, high blood alcohol concentration, and arrest during weekdays and in the daytime predicted rearrest. When compared to the general population, arrested drunk drivers had significant excess mortality. The greatest relative differences were seen in alcohol-related causes of death (including alcohol diseases and alcohol poisoning), accidents, suicides and violence. Also mortality due to other than alcohol-related diseases was elevated among drunk drivers. Drunken driving was associated with multiple factors linked to traffic safety, health and social problems. Social marginalization may expose a person to harmful use of alcohol and drunken driving, and the associations are seen already among the youth. Recidivism is common among drunk drivers, and driving under the influence of illicit and/or medicinal drugs is likely to indicate worse substance abuse problems, judging from the high rearrest rates. High alcohol-related mortality in this population shows that drunken driving is clearly an indicator of alcohol abuse. More effective measures of preventing alcohol-related harms are needed, than merely preventing convicted drunk drivers from driving again.
The recent report of the Milburn Review into Social Mobility highlights the under-representation of young people from lower socio-economic groups in higher education and encourages universities and others to act to remedy this situation as a contribution to greater social mobility. The paper uses data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England to examine the relationship between social background, attainment and university participation. The results show that differences in school-level attainment associated with social background are by far the most important explanation for social background differences in university attendance. However, there remains a small proportion of the participation gap that is not accounted for by attainment. It is also the case that early intentions for higher education participation are highly predictive of actual participation. The results suggest that although there may be some scope for universities to act to improve participation by people from less advantaged backgrounds, a much more important focus of action is on improving the school-level achievement of these students.
Incluye Bibliografía
"Sources for tables": p. 63-64. Bibliographical references included in "Footnotes to the study"(p.65-71)
Buscou-se, nesse estudo, quantificar e avaliar a homogamia, a heterogamia e as barreiras de cruzamento ao matrimônio via escolaridade (anos de estudo) e origem social (categorias ocupacionais dos pais). As tendências temporais desses padrões também foram examinadas. Analisou-se, ainda, a associação entre escolaridade dos maridos, escolaridade das esposas (status realizado), origem social dos maridos e origem social das esposas (status atribuído). Esse trabalho teve o intuito também de discutir o viés de seletividade marital segundo os diferenciais sociais (anos de estudo e origem social). Para isso, foram analisados parâmetros que mostram como se configuram os padrões de nupcialidade (idade média ao casar e celibato definitivo), bem como foram examinados os determinantes da união sob a perspectiva de três níveis de fatores condicionantes (nível das características individuais, nível do status atribuído e nível do status realizado). Verificou-se que as mulheres com alta escolaridade, no Brasil, permanecem num período maior na condição de solteiras (alta idade média ao casar e alto celibato definitivo). Os homens com alta escolaridade também apresentaram uma alta idade média ao casar, entretanto, o casamento demonstrou ser praticamente universal para esse segmento. Os resultados também mostraram que o aumento de um ano na idade dos indivíduos elevam a chance de união em aproximadamente 5%. Ter uma baixa escolaridade também aumenta a chance dos indivíduos se casarem. A variável origem social apresentou um comportamento dúbio ao ser incorporada no modelo com a variável anos de estudo. Constatou-se que há uma alta proporção de uniões homogâmicas por escolaridade. Para efetuar uma análise adequada das tendências temporais na seletividade marital foi proposto modelos log-lineares em que a dimensão do tempo foi incorporada. O ajustamento dos modelos indicou que a interpretação mais plausível para as tendências temporais na seletividade marital por escolaridade é a da estabilidade dos parâmetros indicativos das propensões homogâmicas. Em relação a análise da seletividade marital e origem social os resultados mostraram que a maior proporção de homogamia pôde ser verificada entre os casais que tinham como origem social a categoria de pequenos proprietários rurais. A conclusão mais plausível ao se analisar os modelos que consideraram as tendências temporais é que a variação temporal dos parâmetros indicativos da seletividade marital por origem social é a característica mais forte dos dados analisados. Ao analisar as chances relativas oriundas desse modelo observou-se que as barreiras de origem social de curta distância (entre segmentos de origem social próximos) são as mais fáceis de serem transpostas. Ao passo que as barreiras mais difíceis de serem ultrapassadas estão concentradas nos dois extremos. Verificou-se, ainda, que as associações entre as interações escolaridade do marido e escolaridade da esposa e origem social do marido e origem social da esposa não são independentes. Assim, pode-se presumir que a origem social (status atribuído) continua influenciando a escolha conjugal mesmo quando se leva em consideração o status realizado (escolaridade dos cônjuges)
Does Climbing the ‘Social Ladder’ Increase Life Satisfaction? A Comparison of the UK and Switzerland
It is a widely held belief that status and wealth affect subjective well-being (SWB). This is reflected in the efforts of many people to climb up the ‘social ladder’ and to transcend their social background. By being upwardly mobile, they hope to benefit from various rewards they believe to be associated with desirable societal positions. However, findings from a range of disciplines provide evidence that these benefits are not to be taken for granted. Thus, we decided investigate the question of how upward social mobility impacts life satisfaction, the cognitive component of SWB.
Contexte. Depuis quelques années, plusieurs études se sont intéressées aux effets protecteurs des repas en famille sur divers aspects du développement des enfants et des adolescents. Objectif. Identifier les associations prospectives entre l'environnement des repas en famille à 6 ans et le développement bio-psycho-social à 10 ans. Méthode. Les participants sont 1 085 filles et 1 138 garçons faisant partie de l'Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ÉLDEQ), qui a sélectionné un échantillon aléatoire et stratifié en utilisant le registre des naissances du Québec. Dans ce devis prospectif-longitudinal, les parents ont fourni une mesure sur l'environnement de leurs repas en famille à l'âge de 6 ans. Quatre années plus tard, les parents ont également fourni des mesures sur le niveau de condition physique de leur enfant ainsi que sa fréquence de consommation de boissons gazeuses; les enseignants ont mesuré la réussite en lecture et en mathématiques; les enfants ont auto-rapporté leurs niveaux d’agressivité physique globale, d’opposition, du trouble du comportement non agressif et d’agressivité réactive. Des analyses de régressions multiples ont été réalisées. Résultats. Un environnement plus sain lors des repas en famille à 6 ans a prédit les bénéfices suivants à 10 ans : une augmentation de la condition physique (β = 0,24; 95 % intervalle de confiance [IC], 0,12 à 0,36) ainsi qu'une diminution de la consommation de boissons gazeuses (β = -0,43; 95 % IC, -0,62 à -0,23), de l'agressivité physique globale (β = -0,38; 95 % IC, -0,58 à -0,18), de l'opposition (β = -0,72; 95 % IC, -1 à -0,4), du trouble du comportement non agressif (β = -0,33; 95 % IC, -0,50 à -0,17) et de l'agressivité réactive (β = -0,70; 95 % IC, -0,98 à -0,42). Contrairement à nos attentes, l'environnement des repas en famille n'était pas significativement relié au rendement scolaire. Conclusion. Les repas familiaux ont une forte influence à long terme sur le développement de l'enfant, par rapport à sa santé physique et à son ajustement social. Par conséquent, ils pourraient nourrir une campagne informative intéressante qui porterait sur la promotion de la santé mentale et physique des jeunes à travers ce rituel social.
Contexte. Depuis quelques années, plusieurs études se sont intéressées aux effets protecteurs des repas en famille sur divers aspects du développement des enfants et des adolescents. Objectif. Identifier les associations prospectives entre l'environnement des repas en famille à 6 ans et le développement bio-psycho-social à 10 ans. Méthode. Les participants sont 1 085 filles et 1 138 garçons faisant partie de l'Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ÉLDEQ), qui a sélectionné un échantillon aléatoire et stratifié en utilisant le registre des naissances du Québec. Dans ce devis prospectif-longitudinal, les parents ont fourni une mesure sur l'environnement de leurs repas en famille à l'âge de 6 ans. Quatre années plus tard, les parents ont également fourni des mesures sur le niveau de condition physique de leur enfant ainsi que sa fréquence de consommation de boissons gazeuses; les enseignants ont mesuré la réussite en lecture et en mathématiques; les enfants ont auto-rapporté leurs niveaux d’agressivité physique globale, d’opposition, du trouble du comportement non agressif et d’agressivité réactive. Des analyses de régressions multiples ont été réalisées. Résultats. Un environnement plus sain lors des repas en famille à 6 ans a prédit les bénéfices suivants à 10 ans : une augmentation de la condition physique (β = 0,24; 95 % intervalle de confiance [IC], 0,12 à 0,36) ainsi qu'une diminution de la consommation de boissons gazeuses (β = -0,43; 95 % IC, -0,62 à -0,23), de l'agressivité physique globale (β = -0,38; 95 % IC, -0,58 à -0,18), de l'opposition (β = -0,72; 95 % IC, -1 à -0,4), du trouble du comportement non agressif (β = -0,33; 95 % IC, -0,50 à -0,17) et de l'agressivité réactive (β = -0,70; 95 % IC, -0,98 à -0,42). Contrairement à nos attentes, l'environnement des repas en famille n'était pas significativement relié au rendement scolaire. Conclusion. Les repas familiaux ont une forte influence à long terme sur le développement de l'enfant, par rapport à sa santé physique et à son ajustement social. Par conséquent, ils pourraient nourrir une campagne informative intéressante qui porterait sur la promotion de la santé mentale et physique des jeunes à travers ce rituel social.
Investigating Literacy Years 4-9: A pilot acknowledges that the literacy required of students in the middle years of schooling changes as they begin to read and write to learn across the subject areas using various resources and media. Teachers begin to look for evidence of understanding of concepts, content details, appropriate genre uses and the capacity to work with extended and complex texts. Yet, in comparison to the early years, there has been relatively little research conducted during this period of schooling, especially Years 4-7 of primary schooling (Comber et al, 2002). However, evidence suggests that gaps between those who perform highly and those who perform poorly on standardised measures of literacy increase rather than decrease, and these gaps relate to social background. Hence there is a need to investigate how different school communities with diverse student populations design rich curriculum at these stages of schooling and explicitly teach young people to handle new and changing literacy demands.
A major issue facing Australia is addressing an education system that OECD’s data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) show is of high quality, but low equity. In other words, while Australian schools score relatively high in terms of international benchmarks related to quality, the same cannot be said in relation to indicators of social background or socioeconomic status (SES). The federal and state responses to this dilemma can be found in a coordinated national agenda targeting social inclusion. Two key policy areas within this agenda relate directly to the Exceptional Teachers for Disadvantaged Schools Project (ETDS). These are the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) and the National Partnership Agreements on Low Socio-economic Status School Communities and Improving Teacher Quality.
Purpose There has been little community-based research regarding multiple-type victimization experiences of young people in Asia, and none in Malaysia. This study aimed to estimate prevalence, explore gender differences, as well as describe typical perpetrators and family and social risk factors among Malaysian adolescents. Methods A cross-sectional survey of 1,870 students was conducted in 20 randomly selected secondary schools in Selangor state (mean age: 16 years; 58.8% female). The questionnaire included items on individual, family, and social background and different types of victimization experiences in childhood. Results Emotional and physical types of victimization were most common. A significant proportion of adolescents (22.1%) were exposed to more than one type, with 3% reporting all four types. Compared with females, males reported more physical, emotional, and sexual victimization. The excess of sexual victimization among boys was due to higher exposure to noncontact events, whereas prevalence of forced intercourse was equal for both genders (3.0%). Although adult male perpetrators predominate, female adults and peers of both genders also contribute substantially. Low quality of parent–child relationships and poor school and neighborhood environments had the strongest associations with victimization. Family structure (parental divorce, presence of step-parent or single parent, or household size), parental drug use, and rural/urban location were not influential in this sample. Conclusion This study extends the analysis of multiple-type victimization to a Malaysian population. Although some personal, familial, and social factors correlate with those found in western nations, there are cross-cultural differences, especially with regard to the nature of sexual violence based on gender and the influence of family structure.
The relationship between social background and achievement has preoccupied educational researchers since the mid-20th century with major studies in the area reaching prominence in the late 60s. Despite five decades of research and innovation since, recent studies using OECD data have shown that the relationship is strengthening rather than weakening. In this paper, the systematic destabilisation of public education in Australia is examined as a philosophical problem stemming from a fundamental shift in political orientation, where “choice” and “aspiration” work to promote and disguise survivalism. The problem for education however extends far deeper than the inequity in Federal government funding. Whilst this is a major problem, critical scrutiny must also focus on what states can do to turn back aspects of their own education policy that work to exacerbate and entrench social disadvantage.
The hypothesis that twinning raises risk for behavioral difficulties in childhood is persistent, yet there is limited and inconsistent empirical evidence. Simple mean comparison without control for confounders provides data on prevalence rates but cannot provide knowledge about risk or etiology. To assess the effect of twin relationship on behavior, comparison of patterns of association with single-born siblings may be informative. Analyses of data from an Australian sample of twins and single-born children (N = 305, mean age 4 years 9 months, and a follow-up 12 months later) were undertaken. The outcome measure was the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Predictor and control measures were obtained from parent report on the sibling/co-twin relationship behavior, family demographics, and obstetric history. We assessed difference between twins and single-born children in two respects: (a) mean behavioral difficulties, and (b) patterns of association between sibling relationship and behavioral difficulties, controlling for confounders. Results showed no differences in mean levels of behavioral difficulties between twins and single-born siblings identifying the importance of statistical control for family and obstetric adversity. Differences in patterns of association were found; for twin children, conflict in their co-twin relationship predicted externalizing behaviors, while for single-born children conflict predicted internalizing behaviors. The findings of mean differences between twin and single-born children in social background, but not in behavioral difficulties, underscore the necessity of statistical control to identify risk associated with twinning compared with risk associated with family and obstetric background factors.
Australia has a long history of policy attention to the education of poor and working-class youth (Connell, 1994), yet currently on standardized educational outcomes measures the gaps are widening in ways that relate to social background, including race, location and class. An economic analysis of school choice in Australia reveals that a high proportion of government school students now come from lower Socio-Economic Status (SES) backgrounds (Ryan & Watson, 2004), indicating a trend towards a gradual residualisation of the poor in government schools, with increased private school enrolments as a confirmed national trend. The spatial distribution of poverty and the effects on school populations are not unique to Australia (Lupton, 2003; Lipman, 2011; Ryan, 2010). Raffo and colleagues (2010) recently provided a synthesis of socially critical approaches towards schooling and poverty arguing that what is needed are shifts in the balances of power to reposition those within the educational system as having some say in the ways schooling is organized. ‘Disadvantaged’ primary schools are not a marginal concern for education systems, but now account for a large and growing number of schools that serve an ever increasing population being made redundant, in part-time precarious work, under-employed or unemployed (Thomson 2002; Smyth, Down et al 2010). In Australia, the notion of the ‘disadvantaged’ school now refers to those, mostly public schools, being residualised by a politics of parental choice that drives neoliberalising policy logic (Bonner & Caro 2007; Hattam & Comber, forthcoming 2014; Thomson & Reid, 2003)...