135 resultados para slippage


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In this Letter a hydrodynamic theory of liquid slippage on a solid substrate near a moving contact line is proposed. A family of spatially varying slip lengths in the Navier slip law recovers the results of past formulations for slip in continuum theories and molecular dynamics simulations and is consistent with well-established experimental observations of complete wetting. This formulation gives a general approach for continuum hydrodynamic theories. New fluid flow behaviors are also predicted yet to be seen in experiment. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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This paper addresses the role of photography as a documentary medium and how this forms a basis for my practice-led studio investigations. In it, I will explore how photography is used to create histories and sustain specific notions of ‘legacy’ within the context of the family photo album. Family history is often based on stories to which the photo album provides a visual point of reference. Despite the ostensible ‘objectivity’ of the family photograph though it is nonetheless as subjective as the stories that surround it. In this way, the photo album perpetuates a hegemony of truth that obscures the fragmentary and highly selective nature of these documents and stories. The result is that every photo album implicitly documents the gaps or voids present in understandings of our own histories. Homi Bhabha refers to these kinds of voids as ‘disjunctive historical spaces’ – spaces of slippage that create the opportunity for new narratives and understandings to occur. Using Bhabha’s ideas as a chief point of reference, I will explore how these voids or gaps in information – and the opportunities for re-examination that they open up - can be explored through contemporary photomedia. Digital technologies such as camera phones and scanners generate a space in which photography’s own documentary conventions can be turned in on themselves to create a subterfuge. My current studio-based research involves using the scanner to navigate through my family’s sometimes-‘occulted’ history, in order to explore, document and recover my connection to this narrative. I am primarily interested in the scanner as a tool for capturing not simply surfaces, but objects, moments or movements in time. Objects or moments captured by the scanner can often be simultaneously distorted and consolidated, blurred and sharpened. This paper will propose that this ‘slippage’, literally expressed in the disruption of the pixelated field, can be used to create a space in which alternative readings or understandings of past events can be explored and new narratives produced.


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This work reveals that parallel gripper flat-jaw configuration affects grasping effectiveness. An important finding is the fact that object grasp reliability is influenced significantly by gripper's ability to develop high resistance to object rotation in the gripper. The concept of effective torque radius, which increases resistance to object rotation in the gripper, is presented here and can be extrapolated to other grasping devices and grasping strategies to improve their reliability and make them more effective. Grippers with full-jaw contact surface and those with discrete contact areas have been investigated using simple experimental setups. Essential mathematical models needed for analytical investigation, based on simple mechanics for full-jaw contact surfaces and discrete-jaw contact surfaces, are presented. These may be useful for gripper jaw design purposes.


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The τ and γ subunits of DNA polymerase III are both encoded by a single gene in Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus. γ is two-thirds the size of τ and shares virtually all its amino acid sequence with τ. E. coli and T. thermophilus have evolved very different mechanisms for setting the approximate 1:1 ratio between τ and γ. Both mechanisms put ribosomes into alternate reading frames so that stop codons in the new frame serve to make the smaller γ protein. In E. coli, ≈50% of initiating ribosomes translate the dnaX mRNA conventionally to give τ, but the other 50% shift into the −1 reading frame at a specific site (A AAA AAG) in the mRNA to produce γ. In T. thermophilus ribosomal frameshifting is not required: the dnaX mRNA is a heterogeneous population of molecules with different numbers of A residues arising from transcriptional slippage on a run of nine T residues in the DNA template. Translation of the subpopulation containing nine As (or +/− multiples of three As) yields τ. The rest of the population of mRNAs (containing nine +/− nonmultiples of three As) puts ribosomes into the alternate reading frames to produce the γ protein(s). It is surprising that two rather similar dnaX sequences in E. coli and T. thermophilus lead to very different mechanisms of expression.


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We describe and test a Markov chain model of microsatellite evolution that can explain the different distributions of microsatellite lengths across different organisms and repeat motifs. Two key features of this model are the dependence of mutation rates on microsatellite length and a mutation process that includes both strand slippage and point mutation events. We compute the stationary distribution of allele lengths under this model and use it to fit DNA data for di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeats in humans, mice, fruit flies, and yeast. The best fit results lead to slippage rate estimates that are highest in mice, followed by humans, then yeast, and then fruit flies. Within each organism, the estimates are highest in di-, then tri-, and then tetranucleotide repeats. Our estimates are consistent with experimentally determined mutation rates from other studies. The results suggest that the different length distributions among organisms and repeat motifs can be explained by a simple difference in slippage rates and that selective constraints on length need not be imposed.


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Somatic mosaicism caused by in vivo reversion of inherited mutations has been described in several human genetic disorders. Back mutations resulting in restoration of wild-type sequences and second-site mutations leading to compensatory changes have been shown in mosaic individuals. In most cases, however, the precise genetic mechanisms underlying the reversion events have remained unclear, except for the few instances where crossing over or gene conversion have been demonstrated. Here, we report a patient affected with Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) caused by a 6-bp insertion (ACGAGG) in the WAS protein gene, which abrogates protein expression. Somatic mosaicism was documented in this patient whose majority of T lymphocytes expressed nearly normal levels of WAS protein. These lymphocytes were found to lack the deleterious mutation and showed a selective growth advantage in vivo. Analysis of the sequence surrounding the mutation site showed that the 6-bp insertion followed a tandem repeat of the same six nucleotides. These findings strongly suggest that DNA polymerase slippage was the cause of the original germ-line insertion mutation in this family and that the same mechanism was responsible for its deletion in one of the propositus T cell progenitors, thus leading to reversion mosaicism.


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The attempt to understand the relationship between messages intended and messages received has been an enduring issue in teacher education. For the past three decades researchers have made forays into understanding this enduring issue, and in the process have drawn on various explanatory frameworks, one of them being socialisation. In this paper we work with Giddens' structuration theory as well as his concept of knowledgeability as analytical frameworks for understanding the relationship between messages intended (by the teacher educator) and messages received (by the student-teachers). Our discussion is informed by the findings of a study that investigated student-teachers' interpretations of the pedagogical process of a physical education teacher education course. Data generated from conversations with, and observations of, the student-teachers indicated that there was considerable “slippage” between the teacher educator's critical pedagogy inspired intentions and what was understood by the student-teachers.


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The dynamics of fibre slippage within general non-bonded fibrous assemblies is studied in the situation where the assembly is subjected to general small cyclic loads. Two models are proposed. The first is applicable when the general cyclic loading is complemented by an occasional tugging force on one end of a fibre, which causes it to gradually withdraw from the assembly, such as might occur during the pilling of a textile. The second considers the situation in which the cyclic perturbations act around a constant background load applied to the assembly. The dynamics is reminiscent of self-organized critical behaviour. This model is applied to predict the progressive elongation of a single yarn during weaving.


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Genetic decoding is not ‘frozen’ as was earlier thought, but dynamic. One facet of this is frameshifting that often results in synthesis of a C-terminal region encoded by a new frame. Ribosomal frameshifting is utilized for the synthesis of additional products, for regulatory purposes and for translational ‘correction’ of problem or ‘savior’ indels. Utilization for synthesis of additional products occurs prominently in the decoding of mobile chromosomal element and viral genomes. One class of regulatory frameshifting of stable chromosomal genes governs cellular polyamine levels from yeasts to humans. In many cases of productively utilized frameshifting, the proportion of ribosomes that frameshift at a shift-prone site is enhanced by specific nascent peptide or mRNA context features. Such mRNA signals, which can be 5′ or 3′ of the shift site or both, can act by pairing with ribosomal RNA or as stem loops or pseudoknots even with one component being 4 kb 3′ from the shift site. Transcriptional realignment at slippage-prone sequences also generates productively utilized products encoded trans-frame with respect to the genomic sequence. This too can be enhanced by nucleic acid structure. Together with dynamic codon redefinition, frameshifting is one of the forms of recoding that enriches gene expression.