965 resultados para skin self examination


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BACKGROUND Little is known about the potential benefit of skin self-examination for melanoma prevention and early detection. Objectives: To determine whether skin self-examination is associated with reduced melanoma risk, self-detection of tumours, and reduced risk of deeper melanomas. METHODS We used data from a population-based case-control study (423 cases, 678 controls) to assess recent skin self-examination in relation to self-detection, melanoma risk and tumour depth ( ≤1 mm; > 1 mm). Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (CIs) for associations of interest. RESULTS Skin self-examination conducted 1-11 times during a recent year was associated with a possible decrease in melanoma risk (OR 0·74; 95% CI 0·54-1·02). Melanoma risk was decreased for those who conducted skin self-examination and saw a doctor (OR 0·52; 95% CI 0·30-0·90). Among cases, those who examined their skin were twice as likely to self-detect the melanoma (OR 2·23; 95% CI 1·47-3·38), but self-detection was not associated with shallower tumours. Tumour depth was reduced for those who conducted skin self-examination 1-11 times during a recent year (OR 0·39; 95% CI 0·18-0·81), but was not influenced by seeing a doctor, or by conducting skin self-examination and seeing a doctor. CONCLUSIONS Risk of a deeper tumour and possibly risk of melanoma were reduced by skin self-examination 1-11 times annually. Melanoma risk was markedly reduced by skin self-examination coupled with a doctor visit. We cannot, however, exclude the possibility that our findings reflect bias or confounding. Additional studies are needed to elucidate the potential benefits of skin self-examination for melanoma prevention and early detection.


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Objective: Whole-body skin self-examination (SSE) with presentation of suspicious lesions to a physician may improve early detection of melanoma. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence and determinants of SSE in a high-risk population in preparation for a community-based randomised controlled trial of screening for melanoma. Methods: A telephone survey reached 3110 residents older than 30 years (overall response rate of 66.9%) randomly selected from 18 regional communities in Queensland, Australia. Results: Overall, 804 (25.9%) participants reported whole-body SSE within the past 12 months and 1055 (33.9%) within the past three years. Whole-body SSE was associated in multivariate logistic regression analysis with younger age (< 50 years); higher education; having received either a whole-body skin examination, recommendation or instruction on SSE by a primary care physician; giving skin checks a high priority; concern about skin cancer and a personal history of skin cancer. Conclusion: Overall, the prevalence of SSE in the present study is among the highest yet observed in Australia, with about one-third of the adult population reporting whole-body SSE in the past three years. People over 50 years, who are at relatively higher risk for skin cancer, currently perform SSE less frequently than younger people.


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Objetivou-se descrever processo de desenvolvimento da cartilha virtual sobre autoexame ocular para pessoas com HIV/aids. A proposta metodológica seguiu as cinco etapas preconizadas por Falkembach: análise e planejamento, modelagem, implementação, avaliação e distribuição. A adequação da versão impressa para virtual requereu a construção de um vídeo tutorial, agregação de fotos ilustrativas para visualização de possíveis alterações oculares e ferramenta de interatividade com demonstração do resultado do exame ao usuário. Na avaliação inicial do material, foram diagnosticadas falhas no layout. Assim, comandos foram recolocados, unificados, dispostos em local de fácil visualização e foi feita a adequação da linguagem. Considera-se possível promover aproximação do usuário com métodos de prevenção na área da saúde ocular por meio de cartilha virtual, contribuindo para desenvolvimento de habilidades e divulgação do autoexame.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the level of education that Canadian women have and their use of breast self-examination (BSE). The secondary objective of this study was to do some exploratory research to measure how the demographic characteristics of these women, and the behaviours that they chose to participate in, might be associated to their use of BSE. This exploratory research was done to gain a better understanding of what kinds of lifestyle and behavioural factors are associated with the use of BSE, and how these factors impact on the relationship that education has on women's use of BSE. The data for the women in the sample were taken from the 1990 Population Health Survey, conducted by Statistics Canada. This survey included questions related to both the demographic characteristics of this population, and their behavioural choices in regards to various healthy lifestyle factors. Education was found to be significantly related to the use of BSE. Many of the demographic variables (age, income, marital status and language) were also found to be significantly related to the use of BSE. The behavioural variables (tobacco use, alcohol use) did not reflect such a strong relationship.


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The comparability of information collected through telephone interviews and information collected through mailed questionnaires has not been well studied. As part of the first phase of a randomized controlled trial of population screening for melanoma in Queensland, Australia, the authors compared histories of skin examination reported in telephone interviews and self-administered mailed questionnaires. A total of 1,270 subjects each completed a telephone interview and a mailed questionnaire 1 month apart in 1999; 564 subjects received the interview first, and 706 received the mailed questionnaire first. Agreement between the two methods was 91.2% and 88.6% for whole-body skin examination by a physician in the last 12 months and the last 3 years, respectively, and 81.9% for whole-body skin self-examination in the last 12 months. Agreement was lower for any skin self-examination. Agreement between the two methods was similar regardless of whether the interview or the questionnaire was administered first. Missing data were less frequent for interviews (0.5%) than for mailed questionnaires (3.8%). Costs were estimated at A$9.55 (US$6.21) per completed interview and A$3.01 (US$1.96) per questionnaire. The similarity of results obtained using telephone interviews and mailed questionnaires, coupled with the substantially higher cost of telephone interviews, suggests that self-administered mailed questionnaires are an appropriate method of assessing this health behavior.


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Community responses (n = 925, response rate = 71%) of a series of eight photographs of pigmented skin lesions were compared against those of general practitioners (n = 114, response rate = 77%), considered to be the most relevant gold standard. The eight photographs included three melanomas, two potentially malignant lesions and three benign pigmented lesions. Over the pool of lesions examined, the average probability that community members thought a lesion was likely to be skin cancer (0.68 [99% CI = 0.66-0.69]) was higher (p < 0.0001) than that of the comparison general practitioners 0.58 [99% CI = 0.55-0.62]. This reflects a general (but not consistent) inflated propensity to over-diagnose among community members. The average probability that respondents indicated they would seek medical advice for a lesion was 0.71 [99% CI = 0.70-0.73]. As expected, this was strongly associated with their perceptions of the skin lesion. These results suggest that the community can play a valuable role in assessing the need for medical evaluation of pigmented skin lesions. (c) 2004 International Society for Preventive Oncology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Survival from cutaneous melanoma is mainly dependent on the thickness of the lesion at diagnosis. Skin screening may increase detection of thin lesions and hence improve survival. Within a community-based randomized controlled trial of a population screening program for melanoma in Queensland, Australia, 9 communities were randomly assigned to the 3-year intervention and 9 communities to the control group. Skin screening prevalence was monitored by cross-sectional surveys at baseline, 1, 2 and 3 years into the intervention and 2 years later. At baseline, prevalence of whole-body clinical skin examination was similar in intervention and control communities. In intervention communities, the prevalence of whole-body skin examinations increased to 29.2%, an absolute difference of 18% from baseline, with a peak of 34.8% 2 years after baseline, and began to decline again at the end of the intervention period. The largest increases were seen in men and women ≥50 years. Uptake of screening did not differ according to melanoma risk factors; however, the decline in screening was less in participants who reported a number of melanoma risk factors. The prevalence of skin self-examination remained stable during the intervention program. No changes were observed in the control communities. These results indicate that the intervention program significantly increased the prevalence of whole-body clinical skin examinations in intervention communities. Once the intervention program ceased, and particularly after skin clinics ceased, levels of skin screening began to decline. The provision of specialized skin screening clinics may be needed to achieve sufficient screening rates should population based screening for skin cancer be considered. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Skin self-examination (SSE) is promoted widely so that individuals will become familiar with their skin and be better able to identify suspicious changes earlier. However, individuals can also become familiar with their skin other than through purposeful SSE. In this article, we develop a measure of skin familiarity based on the density of spots on 14 different areas of the body. A factor analysis of the 14 body-area scores revealed that they could be grouped into four broad body regions (shoulders and back, front of legs, back of legs, and feet). Each total body score and body-region score has high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranging from 0.79 to 0.93). Moreover, the scores correlate as expected with skin self-examination behaviors and other personal characteristics, indicating high construct validity. We consider the advantages that skin familiarity measures offer over the exclusive use of SSE measures in the assessment of early detection activities and discuss the direction of future research in this area


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Queratoses actínicas são neoplasias benignas intraepiteliais formadas por proliferações atípicas de queratinócitos com potencial de transformação em carcinoma espinocelular. Desenvolvem-se em áreas fotoexpostas da pele, são induzidas principalmente pela radiação ultravioleta e constituem marcadores de exposição solar crônica. Acometem indivíduos adultos e idosos, de fototipos claros, representando o quarto diagnóstico dermatológico mais comum no Brasil. Danos nas vias de apoptose do epitélio fotoexposto favorecem a proliferação celular e manutenção das lesões. Nesta revisão os autores reúnem os principais dados epidemiológicos sobre a doença e defendem que estratégias de identificação de fenótipos de risco, diagnóstico precoce, tratamento adequado, seguimento clínico, incentivo ao autoexame da pele, fotoeducação e fotoproteção devem ser promovidas, a fim de evitar a evolução das lesões, e também prevenir e diagnosticar neoplasias concomitantes também induzidas pela radiação solar.


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In der vorliegenden Studie wurde überprüft, ob Broschüren, die negative Konsequenzen unzureichender Hautselbstuntersuchung (HSU) betonen (Verlustrahmung), besser geeignet sind, die Früherkennung von Hautkrebs zu fördern als Broschüren, die positive Konsequenzen bei richtig durchgeführter HSU schildern (Gewinnrahmung). Geschlecht und die Bewältigungsdispositionen Vigilanz und kognitive Vermeidung wurden als mögliche Moderatorvariablen untersucht. Nach Erfassung von Baseline- und Hintergrundvariablen lasen 180 Teilnehmer jeweils eine der Broschüren, die ihnen per Zufall zugeteilt wurde. Diese variierten in Rahmung (Gewinn/Verlust) und Bedrohungsgrad (gering/hoch), so dass vier unterschiedliche Versionen vorlagen. Rahmung und Bedrohungsgrad wirkten sich in Abhängigkeit von Vigilanz, d.h. der Disposition, bedrohungsbezogene Informationen systematisch zu verarbeiten, auf die Intention aus. Deutlicher war die Wirkung der Rahmung auf die berichtete Häufigkeit von HSU, die zwei Monate nach dem Lesen erneut erfragt worden war. In der Verlustbedingung stieg die berichtete Häufigkeit von HSU bei Personen mit hoher Vigilanz, bei Personen mit niedriger Vigilanz dagegen sank sie. In der Gewinnbedingung profitierten Personen mit niedriger Vigilanz, während Personen mit hoher Vigilanz weniger HSU berichteten als zuvor. Diese Effekte korrespondierten zwar mit Änderungen der eigenen Risikowahrnehmung, der Erinnerungsleistung und der Beschäftigung mit dem Studienthema, jedoch ließ sich für keine dieser Variablen eine vermittelnde Wirkung nachweisen. Einstellung und Anforderung von Informationsmaterialien blieben unbeeinflusst.


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Detecting melanoma early often relies on patient concern about a particular pigmented lesion. However, it is not clear what specific features the public views as being important.Our purpose was to explore the importance persons place on various features of skin lesions when looking for early signs of melanoma.This study comprised 1148 respondents (participation rate, 78%) from 60 rural communities in Queensland, Australia, who participated in a telephone interview.The following features were considered important and are listed in order of importance: change in the lesion (clearly identified as the most important), more than one color, uneven edges, elevation, large size (the last three of equal importance), and hairiness of the lesion. Age, sex, education, self-efficacy, perceived knowledge, and recent self-examination influenced importance levels, but having a recent skin examination by a family physician did not.To increase the skin self-examination skills of the community, guidelines may have to become more specific and all opportunities fully utilized to educate the public. Article in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 36(1):33-9 · February 1997