994 resultados para signal reconstruction


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The classical approach to A/D conversion has been uniform sampling and we get perfect reconstruction for bandlimited signals by satisfying the Nyquist Sampling Theorem. We propose a non-uniform sampling scheme based on level crossing (LC) time information. We show stable reconstruction of bandpass signals with correct scale factor and hence a unique reconstruction from only the non-uniform time information. For reconstruction from the level crossings we make use of the sparse reconstruction based optimization by constraining the bandpass signal to be sparse in its frequency content. While overdetermined system of equations is resorted to in the literature we use an undetermined approach along with sparse reconstruction formulation. We could get a reconstruction SNR > 20dB and perfect support recovery with probability close to 1, in noise-less case and with lower probability in the noisy case. Random picking of LC from different levels over the same limited signal duration and for the same length of information, is seen to be advantageous for reconstruction.


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We address the problem of signal reconstruction from Fourier transform magnitude spectrum. The problem arises in many real-world scenarios where magnitude-only measurements are possible, but it is required to construct a complex-valued signal starting from those measurements. We present some new general results in this context and show that the previously known results on minimum-phase rational transfer functions, and recoverability of minimum-phase functions from magnitude spectrum, form special cases of the results reported in this paper. Some simulation results are also provided to demonstrate the practical feasibility of the reconstruction methodology.


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Although many sparse recovery algorithms have been proposed recently in compressed sensing (CS), it is well known that the performance of any sparse recovery algorithm depends on many parameters like dimension of the sparse signal, level of sparsity, and measurement noise power. It has been observed that a satisfactory performance of the sparse recovery algorithms requires a minimum number of measurements. This minimum number is different for different algorithms. In many applications, the number of measurements is unlikely to meet this requirement and any scheme to improve performance with fewer measurements is of significant interest in CS. Empirically, it has also been observed that the performance of the sparse recovery algorithms also depends on the underlying statistical distribution of the nonzero elements of the signal, which may not be known a priori in practice. Interestingly, it can be observed that the performance degradation of the sparse recovery algorithms in these cases does not always imply a complete failure. In this paper, we study this scenario and show that by fusing the estimates of multiple sparse recovery algorithms, which work with different principles, we can improve the sparse signal recovery. We present the theoretical analysis to derive sufficient conditions for performance improvement of the proposed schemes. We demonstrate the advantage of the proposed methods through numerical simulations for both synthetic and real signals.


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It has been shown that iterative re-weighted strategies will often improve the performance of many sparse reconstruction algorithms. However, these strategies are algorithm dependent and cannot be easily extended for an arbitrary sparse reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, we propose a general iterative framework and a novel algorithm which iteratively enhance the performance of any given arbitrary sparse reconstruction algorithm. We theoretically analyze the proposed method using restricted isometry property and derive sufficient conditions for convergence and performance improvement. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed method using numerical experiments with both synthetic and real-world data. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is possible to sample signals at sub-Nyquist rate and still be able to reconstruct them with reasonable accuracy provided they exhibit local Fourier sparsity. Underdetermined systems of equations, which arise out of undersampling, have been solved to yield sparse solutions using compressed sensing algorithms. In this paper, we propose a framework for real time sampling of multiple analog channels with a single A/D converter achieving higher effective sampling rate. Signal reconstruction from noisy measurements on two different synthetic signals has been presented. A scheme of implementing the algorithm in hardware has also been suggested.


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The standard approach to signal reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) is to apply the inverse Fourier transform to the measurements. This technique offers limited resolution (due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle). We propose a new super-resolution reconstruction method based on a parametric representation. We consider multilayer specimens, wherein each layer has a constant refractive index and show that the backscattered signal from such a specimen fits accurately in to the framework of finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signal model and is represented by a finite number of free parameters. We deploy the high-resolution Prony method and show that high-quality, super-resolved reconstruction is possible with fewer measurements (about one-fourth of the number required for the standard Fourier technique). To further improve robustness to noise in practical scenarios, we take advantage of an iterated singular-value decomposition algorithm (Cadzow denoiser). We present results of Monte Carlo analyses, and assess statistical efficiency of the reconstruction techniques by comparing their performance against the Cramer-Rao bound. Reconstruction results on experimental data obtained from technical as well as biological specimens show a distinct improvement in resolution and signal-to-reconstruction noise offered by the proposed method in comparison with the standard approach.


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Event-triggered sampling (ETS) is a new approach towards efficient signal analysis. The goal of ETS need not be only signal reconstruction, but also direct estimation of desired information in the signal by skillful design of event. We show a promise of ETS approach towards better analysis of oscillatory non-stationary signals modeled by a time-varying sinusoid, when compared to existing uniform Nyquist-rate sampling based signal processing. We examine samples drawn using ETS, with events as zero-crossing (ZC), level-crossing (LC), and extrema, for additive in-band noise and jitter in detection instant. We find that extrema samples are robust, and also facilitate instantaneous amplitude (IA), and instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation in a time-varying sinusoid. The estimation is proposed solely using extrema samples, and a local polynomial regression based least-squares fitting approach. The proposed approach shows improvement, for noisy signals, over widely used analytic signal, energy separation, and ZC based approaches (which are based on uniform Nyquist-rate sampling based data-acquisition and processing). Further, extrema based ETS in general gives a sub-sampled representation (relative to Nyquistrate) of a time-varying sinusoid. For the same data-set size captured with extrema based ETS, and uniform sampling, the former gives much better IA and IF estimation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We propose data acquisition from continuous-time signals belonging to the class of real-valued trigonometric polynomials using an event-triggered sampling paradigm. The sampling schemes proposed are: level crossing (LC), close to extrema LC, and extrema sampling. Analysis of robustness of these schemes to jitter, and bandpass additive gaussian noise is presented. In general these sampling schemes will result in non-uniformly spaced sample instants. We address the issue of signal reconstruction from the acquired data-set by imposing structure of sparsity on the signal model to circumvent the problem of gap and density constraints. The recovery performance is contrasted amongst the various schemes and with random sampling scheme. In the proposed approach, both sampling and reconstruction are non-linear operations, and in contrast to random sampling methodologies proposed in compressive sensing these techniques may be implemented in practice with low-power circuitry.


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This paper presents a new paradigm for signal reconstruction and superresolution, Correlation Kernel Analysis (CKA), that is based on the selection of a sparse set of bases from a large dictionary of class- specific basis functions. The basis functions that we use are the correlation functions of the class of signals we are analyzing. To choose the appropriate features from this large dictionary, we use Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression and compare this to traditional Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the tasks of signal reconstruction, superresolution, and compression. The testbed we use in this paper is a set of images of pedestrians. This paper also presents results of experiments in which we use a dictionary of multiscale basis functions and then use Basis Pursuit De-Noising to obtain a sparse, multiscale approximation of a signal. The results are analyzed and we conclude that 1) when used with a sparse representation technique, the correlation function is an effective kernel for image reconstruction and superresolution, 2) for image compression, PCA and SVM have different tradeoffs, depending on the particular metric that is used to evaluate the results, 3) in sparse representation techniques, L_1 is not a good proxy for the true measure of sparsity, L_0, and 4) the L_epsilon norm may be a better error metric for image reconstruction and compression than the L_2 norm, though the exact psychophysical metric should take into account high order structure in images.


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Theories of sparse signal representation, wherein a signal is decomposed as the sum of a small number of constituent elements, play increasing roles in both mathematical signal processing and neuroscience. This happens despite the differences between signal models in the two domains. After reviewing preliminary material on sparse signal models, I use work on compressed sensing for the electron tomography of biological structures as a target for exploring the efficacy of sparse signal reconstruction in a challenging application domain. My research in this area addresses a topic of keen interest to the biological microscopy community, and has resulted in the development of tomographic reconstruction software which is competitive with the state of the art in its field. Moving from the linear signal domain into the nonlinear dynamics of neural encoding, I explain the sparse coding hypothesis in neuroscience and its relationship with olfaction in locusts. I implement a numerical ODE model of the activity of neural populations responsible for sparse odor coding in locusts as part of a project involving offset spiking in the Kenyon cells. I also explain the validation procedures we have devised to help assess the model's similarity to the biology. The thesis concludes with the development of a new, simplified model of locust olfactory network activity, which seeks with some success to explain statistical properties of the sparse coding processes carried out in the network.


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In this paper we propose a postprocessing technique for a spectrogram diffusion based harmonic/percussion decom- position algorithm. The proposed technique removes har- monic instrument leakages in the percussion enhanced out- puts of the baseline algorithm. The technique uses median filtering and an adaptive detection of percussive segments in subbands followed by piecewise signal reconstruction using envelope properties to ensure that percussion is enhanced while harmonic leakages are suppressed. A new binary mask is created for the percussion signal which upon applying on the original signal improves harmonic versus percussion separation. We compare our algorithm with two recent techniques and show that on a database of polyphonic Indian music, the postprocessing algorithm improves the harmonic versus percussion decomposition significantly.


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For compressed sensing (CS), we develop a new scheme inspired by data fusion principles. In the proposed fusion based scheme, several CS reconstruction algorithms participate and they are executed in parallel, independently. The final estimate of the underlying sparse signal is derived by fusing the estimates obtained from the participating algorithms. We theoretically analyze this fusion based scheme and derive sufficient conditions for achieving a better reconstruction performance than any participating algorithm. Through simulations, we show that the proposed scheme has two specific advantages: 1) it provides good performance in a low dimensional measurement regime, and 2) it can deal with different statistical natures of the underlying sparse signals. The experimental results on real ECG signals shows that the proposed scheme demands fewer CS measurements for an approximate sparse signal reconstruction.


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We address the problem of two-dimensional (2-D) phase retrieval from magnitude of the Fourier spectrum. We consider 2-D signals that are characterized by first-order difference equations, which have a parametric representation in the Fourier domain. We show that, under appropriate stability conditions, such signals can be reconstructed uniquely from the Fourier transform magnitude. We formulate the phase retrieval problem as one of computing the parameters that uniquely determine the signal. We show that the problem can be solved by employing the annihilating filter method, particularly for the case when the parameters are distinct. For the more general case of the repeating parameters, the annihilating filter method is not applicable. We circumvent the problem by employing the algebraically coupled matrix pencil (ACMP) method. In the noiseless measurement setup, exact phase retrieval is possible. We also establish a link between the proposed analysis and 2-D cepstrum. In the noisy case, we derive Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) on the estimates of the parameters and present Monte Carlo performance analysis as a function of the noise level. Comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques in terms of signal reconstruction accuracy show that the proposed technique outperforms the Fienup and relaxed averaged alternating reflections (RAAR) algorithms in the presence of noise.