984 resultados para shuffle-exchange network


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The routing scheme and some permutation properties of a four-shuffle-exchange-based Omega network are discussed. The corresponding optical setup, which is composed of 2-D phase spatial light modulators and calcite plates, is proposed and demonstrated through mapping the inputs to a 2-D array. Instead of one shuffle-exchange followed by one switching operation as in ordinary Omega networks, in our presented system, the shuffle interconnection embraced in the switches is accomplished simply by varying the switching structure of each stage. For the proposed polarization-optical modules, the system is compact in structure, efficient in performance, and insensitive to the environment. (C) 1997 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Flexible constraint length channel decoders are required for software defined radios. This paper presents a novel scalable scheme for realizing flexible constraint length Viterbi decoders on a de Bruijn interconnection network. Architectures for flexible decoders using the flattened butterfly and shuffle-exchange networks are also described. It is shown that these networks provide favourable substrates for realizing flexible convolutional decoders. Synthesis results for the three networks are provided and a comparison is performed. An architecture based on a 2D-mesh, which is a topology having a nominally lesser silicon area requirement, is also considered as a fourth point for comparison. It is found that of all the networks considered, the de Bruijn network offers the best tradeoff in terms of area versus throughput.


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A matrix analysis for free-space switching networks, such as perfect shuffle-exchange omega, crossover and Banyan is presented. On the basis of matrix analysis, the equivalence of these three switching networks and the route selection between input and output ports are simply explained. Furthermore, an optical crossover switching network, where MQW SEED arrays are used as electrically addressed four-function interchange nodes, is described and the optical crossover interconnection of 64 x 64, and high-speed four-function, interchange nodes is demonstrated in the experiment.


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From the perspective of network, a project team’s social capital consists of conduits network, and resource exchange network. Prior research intensively studies the effect of the structure of conduits network on the team’s performance, assuming knowledge transfer is the causal mechanism linking conduits network to performance. This paper attempts to explore the interrelations between conduits network and knowledge network, and further distinguish the different influence between various conduit networks, and hypothesizes that a project team’s knowledge network mediates the effect of various conduit networks on the team’s performance. This research can enrich our knowledge of disparate influence of the various conduit networks on knowledge transfer, and imply some management practices to enhance the organization’s social capital, and hence improve the organization’s performance.


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The optimal integration of work and its interaction with heat can represent large energy savings in industrial plants. This paper introduces a new optimization model for the simultaneous synthesis of work exchange networks (WENs), with heat integration for the optimal pressure recovery of process gaseous streams. The proposed approach for the WEN synthesis is analogous to the well-known problem of synthesis of heat exchanger networks (HENs). Thus, there is work exchange between high-pressure (HP) and low-pressure (LP) streams, achieved by pressure manipulation equipment running on common axes. The model allows the use of several units of single-shaft-turbine-compressor (SSTC), as well as stand-alone compressors, turbines and valves. Helper motors and generators are used to respond to any demand and excess of energy. Moreover, between the WEN stages the streams are sent to the HEN to promote thermal recovery, aiming to enhance the work integration. A multi-stage superstructure is proposed to represent the process. The WEN superstructure is optimized in a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation and solved with the GAMS software, with the goal of minimizing the total annualized cost. Three examples are conducted to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. In all case studies, the heat integration between WEN stages is essential to improve the pressure recovery, and to reduce the total costs involved in the process.


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This paper introduces a new optimization model for the simultaneous synthesis of heat and work exchange networks. The work integration is performed in the work exchange network (WEN), while the heat integration is carried out in the heat exchanger network (HEN). In the WEN synthesis, streams at high-pressure (HP) and low-pressure (LP) are subjected to pressure manipulation stages, via turbines and compressors running on common shafts and stand-alone equipment. The model allows the use of several units of single-shaft-turbine-compressor (SSTC), as well as helper motors and generators to respond to any shortage and/or excess of energy, respectively, in the SSTC axes. The heat integration of the streams occurs in the HEN between each WEN stage. Thus, as the inlet and outlet streams temperatures in the HEN are dependent of the WEN design, they must be considered as optimization variables. The proposed multi-stage superstructure is formulated in mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), in order to minimize the total annualized cost composed by capital and operational expenses. A case study is conducted to verify the accuracy of the proposed approach. The results indicate that the heat integration between the WEN stages is essential to enhance the work integration, and to reduce the total cost of process due the need of a smaller amount of hot and cold utilities.


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In sustainable development projects, as well as other types of projects, knowledge transfer is important for the organisations managing the project. Nevertheless, knowledge transfer among employees does not happen automatically and it has been found that the lack of social networks and the lack of trust among employees are the major barriers to effective knowledge transfer. Social network analysis has been recognised as a very important tool for improving knowledge transfer in the project environment. Transfer of knowledge is more effective where it depends heavily on social networks and informal dialogue. Based on the theory of social capital, social capital consists of two parts: conduits network and resource exchange network. This research studies the relationships among performance, the resource exchange network (such as the knowledge network) and the relationship network (such as strong ties network, energy network, and trust network) at the individual and project levels. The aim of this chapter is to present an approach to overcoming the lack of social networks and lack of trust to improve knowledge transfer within project-based organisations. This is to be done by identifying the optimum structure of relationship networks and knowledge networks within small and medium projects. The optimal structure of the relationship networks and knowledge networks is measured using two dimensions: intra-project and inter-project. This chapter also outlines an extensive literature review in the areas of social capital, knowledge management and project management, and presents the conceptual model of the research approach.


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Absorption heat transformers are thermodynamic systems which are capable of recycling industrial waste heat energy by increasing its temperature. Triple stage heat transformers (TAHTs) can increase the temperature of this waste heat by up to approximately 145˚C. The principle factors influencing the thermodynamic performance of a TAHT and general points of operating optima were identified using a multivariate statistical analysis, prior to using heat exchange network modelling techniques to dissect the design of the TAHT and systematically reassemble it in order to minimise internal exergy destruction within the unit. This enabled first and second law efficiency improvements of up to 18.8% and 31.5% respectively to be achieved compared to conventional TAHT designs. The economic feasibility of such a thermodynamically optimised cycle was investigated by applying it to an oil refinery in Ireland, demonstrating that in general the capital cost of a TAHT makes it difficult to achieve acceptable rates of return. Decreasing the TAHT's capital cost may be achieved by redesigning its individual pieces of equipment and reducing their size. The potential benefits of using a bubble column absorber were therefore investigated in this thesis. An experimental bubble column was constructed and used to track the collapse of steam bubbles being absorbed into a hotter lithium bromide salt solution. Extremely high mass transfer coefficients of approximately 0.0012m/s were observed, showing significant improvements over previously investigated absorbers. Two separate models were developed, namely a combined heat and mass transfer model describing the rate of collapse of the bubbles, and a stochastic model describing the hydrodynamic motion of the collapsing vapour bubbles taking into consideration random fluctuations observed in the experimental data. Both models showed good agreement with the collected data, and demonstrated that the difference between the solution's temperature and its boiling temperature is the primary factor influencing the absorber's performance.


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There is now a concerted effort to grow the ‘blue economy’ which in Europe is estimated at being worthy around €500 a year. The relevance of marine research for the blue-growth agenda is often linked to the degree to which the research is ‘applied’, links to so called ‘blue-skies’ research are less clear. Conservation science is often seen even more negatively with conservation being seen as a hindrance to economic development. The history of blue-skies marine research and conservation science tells a very different story however suggesting the future rests on bringing these elements together.


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O trabalho que apresentamos, “O Quadro Interativo no ensino do Português: dos recursos aos discursos”, situa-se na área do Multimédia em Educação e, mais especificamente, no domínio da tecnologia e pedagogia em sala de aula. Partimos de um projeto de implementação de quadros interativos em agrupamentos/escolas do interior do país, associado a um Centro de Formação e procurámos evidenciar a forma como essa tecnologia levou à introdução de recursos digitais de aprendizagem na unidade curricular de Português. Nesse âmbito, fizemos uma análise sobre os tipos, funcionalidades e usos pelos professores e estudantes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem com os QIM. Analisámos também algumas estratégias de utilização no desenvolvimento de competências essenciais da língua e a interação que proporcionaram no ambiente educativo. Para percebermos as razões e fundamentos que estiveram na base da investigação, procurámos, na primeira parte do nosso trabalho, partir de três vertentes de uma conjuntura que fundamenta a aprendizagem no século XXI: a passagem de uma sociedade da informação para uma sociedade do conhecimento como um processo que radica numa comunicação em rede e na criação de conhecimento(s) através de recursos digitais; o desenvolvimento de competências adequadas e que conduz os indivíduos para ambientes de aprendizagem com as tecnologias; e numa Escola mais familiarizada com as tecnologias, onde o ato de educar cria novos desafios a todos os agentes educativos. Notámos que a capacidade de mobilizar a informação e o conhecimento na rede reclama atitudes dinâmicas, flexíveis e adaptadas à multiculturalidade. Esta característica favorece a construção de aprendizagens multifacetadas, a inclusão progressiva do individuo na “aldeia global”, tornando-o também cada vez mais criativo e produtivo. A promoção de espaços interativos de aprendizagem facilita esse processo e o conhecimento desenvolve-se numa interação social mediada por tecnologias que nos fazem participar nessa multiculturalidade, diversidade do universo e nas histórias pessoais e coletivas. Num ambiente com estas características, torna-se necessário passar de um conceito de ensino declarado nos saberes básicos ou em conhecimentos factuais para uma estratégia de aprendizagem que incida sobre o desenvolvimento e aquisição de outras habilidades. A aquisição de saberes no âmbito da leitura, da oralidade e da escrita tornamse importantes para os indivíduos porquanto esses saberes transformam-se em competências transversais para outros domínios e literacias. Tentámos mostrar que a escola do futuro terá de ser um espaço educativo que implique ambientes de aprendizagem onde vão confluir várias ferramentas tecnológicas, que arrastam consigo outros recursos e outras possibilidades de acesso à informação e à construção de conhecimento. Para isso, a escola está obrigada a mudar alguns conceitos e estratégias e a focar-se no desenvolvimento de competências para a vida. A definição de recurso educativo ou recurso de aprendizagem e a aceção do quadro interativo como um recurso tecnológico, que envolve outros recursos, digitais e multimédia, levou-nos a concluir sobre as potenciais mais-valias deste equipamento. Para além da apresentação da informação, da orientação da atenção e das aprendizagens para o grupo - turma, abre-se a possibilidade de relacionar e organizar conteúdos digitais multimédia, criar conhecimento e desenvolver competências de acordo com os interesses dos públicos em fase de escolarização. Reclama-se um padrão de qualidade nos recursos, avaliados e estruturados em função dos conteúdos, objetivos, desempenhos e currículos de aprendizagem dos aprendentes. Definimos o paradigma digital e as dinâmicas de comunicação e interação proporcionadas pelo quadro interativo. Concluímos que o QIM produz efeitos positivos sobre a participação dos estudantes, evidenciada por um comportamento mais positivo face às tarefas a realizar em sala de aula. Contudo, o papel desta ferramenta e dos recursos utilizados requerem dos professores e dos ambientes educativos novas práticas e modelos de comunicação mais interativos. A informação e o conhecimento tornam-se mais fluidos, diversos e atuais. Fluxos variados de informação em vários suportes e formatos ou pesquisas em tempo real podem ser facilmente incorporados, acedidos e manipulados durante as aulas. A partilha de materiais e recursos retroalimenta uma rede de informação e troca de conhecimentos, amplia a aprendizagem e cria comunidades de prática com as tecnologias. A inclusão do QIM, no contexto do ensino e aprendizagem do Português, promoveu a literacia digital; o desenvolvimento de recursos digitais de aprendizagem; criou ambientes educativos modernos, mais apelativos, criativos e inovadores. Conduziu a uma mudança de práticas, que se querem mais ajustadas às necessidades e expectativas dos estudantes, aos desafios dos novos tempos e aos objetivos de uma educação que reforça o papel e autonomia dos indivíduos no processo de aprendizagem. Por isso, a lógica de projeto ou as dinâmicas de trabalho em projeto devem conduzir a dinâmicas de escola que elevem os comportamentos dos professores para se familiarizarem com a tecnologia, mas também para desenvolverem competências tecnológicas e profissionais coadunadas com contextos educativos atuais. Os resultados disponíveis mostram um quadro predominantemente positivo das possibilidades educativas dos QIM no ensino do Português. O QIM apresenta um conjunto de potencialidades pedagógicas; incentiva ao uso de recursos digitais em vários formatos e com várias finalidades; propicia estratégicas de construção e reconstrução dos percursos de aprendizagem que levam ao desenvolvimento de competências essenciais da língua. Porém, há ainda alguns aspetos que necessitam de ser revistos para tornar os QIM ainda mais eficazes como ferramenta de ensino e aprendizagem em sala de aula. Assim: i. A introdução de recursos digitais de aprendizagem na sala de aula deve ser um processo bem refletido que conduza e valorize a aproximação do professor e dos estudantes, visto que ambos estão perante uma nova realidade de conceitos, representações e formatos que carecem de habilidades, capacidades, comportamentos e literacias próprias; ii. A transformação do ensino, no que respeita a uma aprendizagem mais autónoma e individualizada, não está generalizada com a introdução dos QIM nos contextos de aprendizagem observados. Parece haver um incentivo para abordagens tradicionais centradas no professor e nos conteúdos, uma vez que a aquisição de conhecimentos está também condicionada por um sistema educativo que considera esses conteúdos estritamente necessários para o desempenho de determinadas tarefas; iii. Pelos vários níveis de análise do discurso pedagógico que se institui com os QIM, o tipo que melhor o define é ainda o tipo unidirecional. O discurso interativo, tão badalado pelos modelos comunicacionais modernos e pelos conceitos inerentes às tecnologias interativas, parece ainda não ter sido bem compreendido e explorado nos benefícios que os QIM, os recursos digitais interativos e as tecnologias em geral podem trazer ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem do Português no 3º CEB.


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Ce projet de recherche a comme objectif général de déterminer l’identité culturelle des occupants amérindiens qui se sont établis sur le site Rioux (DaEi-19), île Verte, au cours du Sylvicole supérieur tardif. Plusieurs groupes culturels sont reconnus pour avoir transité dans la région de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent pendant cette période, dont les Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, les Malécites, les Mi’kmaq et les Innus (Montagnais). Il est depuis longtemps accepté que les Stadaconiens se rendaient régulièrement dans l’estuaire et le golfe pour y exploiter les ressources marines et y faire la guerre. L’influence de ce groupe sur les Algonquiens de la région, et vice versa, fait encore l’objet de débats. L’identité culturelle des Amérindiens qui ont occupé les sites à caractère iroquoïde dans l’estuaire est toujours une question délicate, puisque les nombreux échanges ont pu, de part et d’autre, transformer la culture matérielle des différents groupes. La méthodologie préconisée pour répondre à la question de l’identité culturelle est une approche holistique dans laquelle nous avons mis à contribution une foule d’informations provenant de diverses sources archéologiques et ethnohistoriques. Ce projet nous a permis de proposer que de petits groupes iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent se soient arrêtés au site Rioux pour y exploiter intensivement les ressources de la mer au cours du Sylvicole supérieur tardif. Bien que la recherche n’ait pas permis d’établir la présence d’un groupe algonquien sur place, l’influence algonquienne se fait toutefois sentir dans les matières premières utilisées sur le site. Ceci laisse croire que les Iroquoiens du site Rioux, et de la Côte-Sud en général, n’étaient pas intrusifs à la région et qu’ils participaient à un important réseau d’échange avec les Algonquiens des provinces maritimes. Notre projet de recherche nous a aussi permis de constater les limites de notre méthodologie et de critiquer l’approche archéologique classique basée essentiellement sur l’identification stylistique, la typologie et l’identification macroscopique.


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Cette étude a pour but de présenter le dialogue entre les juges de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) et de la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l’homme (CIADH), deux Cours régionales supranationales, visant toutes deux à garantir le respect des droits fondamentaux. Le dialogue est étudié à travers l’analyse du contentieux portant sur l’intégrité de la personne humaine et sur la protection des droits économiques et sociaux. Ce sujet se rattache au contexte de mondialisation qui vient transformer les relations de pouvoir et révèle l’émancipation des juges dans la régulation transgouvernementale. Le présent mémoire conclut que le dialogue vise à établir une cohérence entre les systèmes afin de faire prévaloir une vision commune des droits de l’homme à travers la constitution d’un espace euro-américain, tel un réseau d’échange informel. Néanmoins, le dialogue est limité par certains facteurs contextuels liés aux réalités contrastées des deux systèmes régionaux ainsi que par la volonté des acteurs étatiques.


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Customer evolution and changes in consumers, determine the fact that the quality of the interface between marketing and sales may represent a true competitive advantage for the firm. Building on multidimensional theoretical and empirical models developed in Europe and on social network analysis, the organizational interface between the marketing and sales departments of a multinational high-growth company with operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay is studied. Both, attitudinal and social network measures of information exchange are used to make operational the nature and quality of the interface and its impact on performance. Results show the existence of a positive relationship of formalization, joint planning, teamwork, trust and information transfer on interface quality, as well as a positive relationship between interface quality and business performance. We conclude that efficient design and organizational management of the exchange network are essential for the successful performance of consumer goods companies that seek to develop distinctive capabilities to adapt to markets that experience vertiginous changes