999 resultados para sheep milk


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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[EN] The concept of sustainability when referring to food production rests, in general, on 3 main aspects: 1) respect for the environment; 2) economic and social benefits for all involved in production; and 3) production of sufficient quantity of quality food at an accessible price. In this contribution we focus on the main aspects of the traditional sheep's milk and cheese production (under the Denomination of Origin Idiazabal Cheese) in the Basque Country that contribute primarily to its sustainability. It is based on the local latxa or carranzana breeds of sheep, adapted to the mountainous terrain. The sheepherder takes advantage of local resources to reduce management costs by combining indoor dry forage and concentrates with outdoor grazing throughout lactation, according to local pasture availability, and thus avoiding having to buy large amounts of feed. This system facilitates recycling of manure, fertilising pastures and forest at the same time. Use of local breeds helps maintain biodiversity of sheep breeds. Cheese is produced industrially (44.5% of the total cheese produced in 2008) from milk of many flocks, or artisanally (38.3%) by the sheepherders with the milk from their own flocks. Transforming their own milk into cheese is advantageous for the following reasons: 1) higher economic returns as compared to selling the milk to cheese factories because cheese price directly sold to consumers is more competitive than industrial cheese sold in supermarkets; 2) increases the value of women's work (over 80% of the cheese makers are women) in the community and their self-esteem; 3) it creates rural jobs and contributes to rural development; 4) we have demonstrated both with experimental and commercial flocks that part-time grazing allows the sheepherder to obtain high yields of milk, and cheese, of high nutritional and functional quality. Currently a less sustainable, intensive sheep's milk production with foreign, imported breeds kept indoors constantly is gaining favour among milk producers because of its perceived higher economic profitability.


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Purpose: To detect Brucella melitensis in the milk of reared sheep and goats from Isfahan and Shahrekord regions, Iran. Methods: A total of 225 milk samples (sheep = 125; goat = 100) were collected from Isfahan and Shahrekord regions, Central Iran. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of B. melitensis in the milk following standard procedures. Results: From 225 milk samples, 20 (8.9 %) were positive for B. melitensis. Out of 125 sheep milk, 12 (9.6 %) had B. melitensis, and of these, 8 (66.6 %) were milk collected from Shahrekord and 4 (33.3 %) from Isfahan region. On the other hand, out of 100 goat milk samples, 18 (18 %) were positive for B. melitensis, out of which 10 (55.5 %) were from Shahrekord and 8 (44.4 %) from Isfahan. Conclusion: The findings show that B. melitensis is present in a significant proportion of caprine and ovine milk in a section of Iran.


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The present work aimed to evaluate udders of Bergamasca ewes and their correlation with milk yield in a mix system of milk yield. Seventy-seven ewes were fed with balanced concentrate starting 20 days before lambing until the end of the experiment. The lambs stayed with their mothers in pastures during the day and were separated at night. They returned to their mothers after the morning milking and were weaned at 45 days of age. Forty-eight hours after lambing, ewes were machine milked once daily at 7 am and the milk yield was recorded for a period of 60 days. Measurements of circumference, depth and width of the udder, and width and length of teats, at 30 and 60 days, were taken. A higher average daily yield of commercial milk was observed after lambs weaning (0.509 vs. 0.435 kg/ewe/day) than before. In the same way, the correlations between udder depth, circumference and width and milk yield were positive and significant only after weaning (0.74, 0.75 and 0.62, respectively). Udder measures had positive correlations with milk yield and can be used in programs of milk yield improvement. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito do uso de gordura protegida na dieta de ovelhas da raça Bergamácia sobre a produção e composição do leite e a dinâmica de peso das ovelhas. Utilizaram-se 77 ovelhas distribuídas em 2 grupos de forma homogênea por ordem de parição e idade, mantidas com uma dieta controle, com silagem de milho e concentrado, ou com a dieta controle contendo gordura protegida (35 g/ovelha.dia) adicionada ao concentrado. As dietas foram isoenergéticas e isoproteicas e continham 16% PB e 70% NDT na matéria seca. Durante o dia, os cordeiros eram mantidos com suas mães em pasto, à noite eram separados e retornavam à suas mães após a ordenha matinal; foram desmamados aos 45 dias de idade. As ovelhas, após 48 horas do parto, foram ordenhadas mecanicamente uma vez ao dia, às 7 h, e sua produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente durante 60 dias. Amostras de leite foram coletadas semanalmente para determinação dos teores de proteína e gordura. A dieta com gordura protegida proporcionou maior produção média diária de leite após a desmama dos cordeiros (0,531 vs 0,489 kg/animal.dia). Entretanto, a produção de todo o período não diferiu entre as dietas (0,468 vs 0,453 kg/animal.dia, com gordura protegida e controle, respectivamente). As produções de leite corrigidas para 6,5% de gordura e para 6,5% de gordura e 5,8% de proteína foram semelhantes entre as dietas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)