12 resultados para sclerophyllous


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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1. Ice-volume forced glacial-interglacial cyclicity is the major cause of global climate variation within the late Quaternary period. Within the Australian region, this variation is expressed predominantly as oscillations in moisture availability. Glacial periods were substantially drier than today with restricted distribution of mesic plant communities, shallow or ephemeral water bodies and extensive aeolian dune activity. 2. Superimposed on this cyclicity in Australia is a trend towards drier and/or more variable climates within the last 350 000 years. This trend may have been initiated by changes in atmospheric and ocean circulation resulting from Australia's continued movement into the Southeast Asian region and involving the onset or intensification of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation system and a reduction in summer monsoon activity. 3. Increased biomass burning, stemming originally from increased climatic variability and later enhanced by activities of indigenous people, resulted in a more open and sclerophyllous vegetation, increased salinity and a further reduction in water availability. 4. Past records combined with recent observations suggest that the degree of environmental variability will increase and the drying trend will be enhanced in the foreseeable future, regardless of the extent or nature of human intervention.


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Es destaca la presència de tres espècies bioinvasores, tals com la gambúsia(Gambusiaaffinis), la canya (Arundodonax) i el cranc vermell americà (Procambarusclarkii). S’ha detectat que la qualitat de l’aigua ha disminuït en alguns paràmetres, especialment en l’Estanyet del Safareig. En els tres estanyets els sòlids dissolts totalsa TSD) estan al voltant del límit màxim recomanat per la EPA (Agència de Protecció Ambiental d’Estats Units). S’ha observat que la Cladophora, indicadora de concentracions elevades de nitrogen a l’aigua, és un cloròfit molt abundant. S’han identificat dos hàbitats d’interès comunitari no prioritari, segons la Directiva Hàbitats: les closes i les freixenedes termòfiles de Fraxinusangustifolia. En funció dels resultats obtinguts s’han elaborat les propostes de gestió i conservació per aquest espai.


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Les invasions biològiques representen una greu amenaça per al funcionament dels ecosistemes i per a la preservació de la biodiversitat.. La formiga argentina (Linepithema humile) està considerada com una de les 100 espècies invasores més nocives. Prospera en extenses àrees de clima mediterrani de regions temperades i subtropicals de tots els continents amb l’excepció de l’Antàrtida. És una formiga dominant i una competidora agressiva que mitjançant múltiples mecanismes, des de predació directe a competència, produeix efectes negatius en una amplia varietat de taxons, principalment formigues i altres artròpodes, però també vertebrats. S’ha investigat, per primera vegada, els efectes de la formiga invasiva sobre les comunitats d’artròpodes de fullatge i com aquestes pertorbacions es transmeten en la xarxa tròfica del bosc esclerofil•le mediterrani. En les suredes estudiades la invasió de formiga argentina és causa directe de la extinció local de la gran majoria de poblacions de formigues natives. En el període mostrejat s’han constatat també impactes negatius en la diversitat i en l’abundància d’artròpodes natius en les capçades dels arbres, particularment d’erugues. Una avaluació preliminar basada únicament amb dades del 2005 indica que, reduint la disponibilitat d’erugues, la formiga argentina empobreix l’hàbitat reproductiu de la mallerenga blava (Parus caeruleus). La mallerenga blava basa la dieta insectívora estricte de la seva pollada fonamentalment en les erugues. No hem detectat impactes en l’èxit reproductiu de les mallerengues blaves en zones envaïdes. Els polls crescuts en àrees envaïdes assoleixen una condició física similar als de les zones no envaïdes, però la reducció en la disponibilitat d’erugues associada a la invasió de formiga argentina es tradueix en un creixement descompassat i en una menor mida estructural del polls volanders. Així, les pertorbacions en la comunitat d’artròpodes associades a la invasió de la formiga argentina promouen efectes bottom-up que acaben perjudicant el desenvolupament dels polls de mallerenga blava.


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A new case constructing adelid moth from Chile (Lepidoptera). The adult and larva of Ceromitia tubulifolia sp. nov. are described and illustrated. The larvae seem to be associated with sclerophyllous forest of central Chile. The larvae make a protective case from of a piece of leaf. The name phylloikos is proposed for this form of larval case. A review of the morphology and bionomics of this species are provided.


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Because protected areas are a major means of conservation, the extent to which ecosystems are represented under different protection regimes needs to be ascertained. A gap analysis approach was used to assess the representativeness of Chile's terrestrial ecosystems in differing kinds of protected areas. Terrestrial ecosystems were described in terms of potential vegetation, employing three protection scenarios. Scenario 1 was based exclusively on the Chilean National System of Protected Wild Areas (SNASPE). Scenario 2 included all types of public protected areas, namely SNASPE, nature sanctuaries and Ministry of National Heritage lands. Scenario 3 included all items in Scenario 2, but also included private protected areas and biodiversity priority sites. There is insufficient protection of terrestrial ecosystems under the Scenario 2. In addition to the low level of ecosystem protection provided by state protected areas (only 42 of the 127 terrestrial ecosystems had >10% of their area protected), 23 terrestrial ecosystems were identified as having no protection at the national level. Gaps in protection were concentrated in the North (both coastal and inland desertic scrub), Central (thorny scrub, thorny forests, sclerophyllous forests and deciduous coastal forests) and Austral (steppe ecosystems) regions of Chile. These gaps include ecosystems that are of global conservation importance.


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Tropical high altitude grasslands present several species with both microphyllous and highly sclerophyllous leaves, and co-occur in specific soil patches, thus exposed to identical environments. In this article we describe herbivory among co-occurring microphyllous species in a tropical high altitude grassland ecosystem of Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais state, and we tested the effect of variable anatomic traits on leaf herbivory patterns. Leaf anatomical traits were investigated for Baccharis imbricata Heering , Lavoisiera imbricata DC. and L. subulata Triana (focal species). Herbivory was measured from branches and leaves of individual plants and compared among co-occurring species within one multispecific shrub patch and among L. subulata individuals from this patch and an adjacent monospecific patch. For all present plant species and individuals we estimated the proportion of leaves with different levels of area lost. For the focal species, six leaves were sorted and taken for histological sectioning, in order to allow precise measures of defensive structures. Relative mean leaf area lost differed significantly among the six species found in the multispecific patch. Lavoisiera subulata individuals were more attacked in the multispecific than in the monospecific patch. Leaf margin protection traits in both B. imbricata and L. imbricata showed significant effect against herbivory. Data suggest that some anatomic traits have direct effect against herbivory but their effect are not clearly perceptible among branches within individual plants or among plants within the same species.


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(Test of hypotheses about herbivory and chemical defences of Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae) in Brazilian Cerrado). Qualea parviflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae), a widely distributed tree found in different habitats in Brazilian Cerrado (savanna), provides resources for a great variety of insects. In this study, we tested two hypotheses about plant investment in anti-herbivore defences along a fertility gradient in Cerrado: the carbon/nitrogen balance (CNBH) and resource availability (RAH). We also investigated how the pattern of herbivory varies through the year and among three types of vegetation in Brazilian Cerrado - campo sujo, cerrado sensu strictu and cerradão. Sampling was conducted in three types of vegetation and in rainy (January and November) and dry months (April and July). Damage on 20 completely expanded leaves, leaf nutrients, sclerophlylly, total phenols and tannins were recorded for each plant (n = 30). When leaves were young, less sclerophyllous, and with higher concentration of nutrients and tannins, damage by herbivores was about 7% in cerrado sensu stricto and 3% in campo sujo. Mature leaves did not show any significant difference on herbivory among habitats, that varied from 6 to 9%. Nutrient availability to plants is an important factor determining production of secondary metabolites in Q. parviflora, corroborating the CNBH. The absence of correlation between damaged leaf area and tannin concentration did not corroborate the RAH, suggesting that tannin production is not strongly influenced by herbivores on Q. parviflora.


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O gênero Gochnatia é comumente encontrado em diferentes fitofisionomias do Cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, crescendo desde ambientes mais abertos até áreas florestais mais fechadas. Aqui foram comparadas a anatomia foliar e alguns parâmetros ecofisiológicos de duas espécies do gênero Gochnatia, uma arbustiva (Gochnatia barrosii Cabrera) e a outra arbórea (Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera), ambas ocorrendo em área de cerradão na Estação Ecológica de Assis, SP. Encontraram-se diferenças estruturais qualitativas entre as espécies, com G. barrosii apresentando folhas anfiestomáticas, com epiderme unisseriada e G. polymorpha apresentando folhas hipoestomáticas, com epiderme múltipla ou hipoderme, na face adaxial. Além disso, as folhas de G. barrosii apresentaram menores valores para a espessura dos tecidos (com exceção da epiderme na face abaxial) e da folha em relação a G. polymorpha. Foram observadas diferenças na assimilação de CO2 tanto em base de área quanto de massa seca foliar, além de diferenças na área foliar específica, sendo esta maior em G. barrosii. Apesar das folhas de G. barrosii possuírem estrutura bem menos escleromorfa do que as folhas de G. polymorpha, não foram encontradas diferenças na eficiência do uso de água. Os resultados sugerem que espécies de formas distintas de crescimento de um mesmo gênero possuem características foliares diferenciadas para lidar com as variações ambientais a que são submetidas.


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Foi realizado o inventário da araneofauna do Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades (municípios de Brasileira e Piracuruca, Piauí), utilizando amostragem padronizada para permitir comparações entre as assembléias de aranhas de seis fitofisionomias existentes na área de estudo e obter estimativas de riqueza. Utilizaram-se dados oriundos amostragem com armadilhas de queda (PTF), extratores de Winkler (WIN), guarda-chuva entomológico (GCE), rede de varredura (RV) e coletas manuais noturnas (MN), totalizando 1386 amostras; além do exame de todos os demais espécimes já coletados na área de estudo (n=1166). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se os dados obtidos com GCE, RV e MN. Ao todo, foram coletados 14.890 indivíduos (4491 adultos), segregados em 364 espécies. Destas, 72 foram determinadas a nível específico, 62 são novos registros para a área de estudo, 2 são novos registros para o Brasil e 48 foram reconhecidas como espécies novas por especialistas. A aplicação dos métodos GCE, RV e MN resultou em 11.085 aranhas, pertencentes a 303 espécies. As estimativas de riqueza variaram entre 355 (Bootstrap) e 467 (Jack 2). Entretanto o estimador que apresentou maior tendência a atingir a assíntota foi Chao 2 (403 spp.). A riqueza observada foi maior na mata seca semi-decídua (131 spp.), seguida pela mata de galeria (104 spp.), campo limpo (102 spp.), cerradão (91 spp.), cerrado típico (88 spp.) e cerrado rupestre (78 spp.). A eficiência dos métodos de coleta exibiu variação de acordo com a fitofisionomia onde o método foi aplicado, destacando-se a elevada eficiência da rede de varredura em áreas abertas. A composição de espécies variou entre as fitofisionomias e pode ser, em parte, explicada pela complexidade estrutural das áreas em questão. Os resultados das análises de agrupamento sugerem que em condições de dominância elevada, estes testes sejam realizados com coeficientes que utilizem dados qualitativos, a fim de anular-se o efeito da escolha do coeficiente e/ou a necessidade de transformação dos dados. De maneira geral, a araneofauna do Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades não segue padrões de agrupamento como sugerido para as análises botânicas, em que fitofisionomias campestre, savânicas e florestais são agrupadas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Plant-sociological and climatic classification of the Australian Nothofagus cunninghamii rain forest provides the basis for a new, semiquantitative approach to interpretations of late-Quaternary paleoclimates from four pollen sequences in southwestern Tasmania. Varying proportions of rain-forest pollen types in the records were related to different modern rain-forest alliances and their specifc climatic regimes, such as Eastern Rain Forest, Leatherwood Rain Forest, and sclerophyllous, Subalpine Rain Forest. According to this interpretation, early Holocene climates were characterized by 1,600 mm annual precipitation and 10°C annual temperature, conditions substantially warmer and drier than previously thought. Maximum precipitation levels of 2,500 mm annually were not reached until 8,000 years B.P. A short-term cooling episode between 6,000 and 5,000 years B.P. led to the establishment of modern rain-forest distribution in western Tasmania, characterized either by a precipitation gradient steeper than before, or by greater climatic variability. To interpret paleoclimates from before 12,000 years B. P., when non-arboreal environments dominated in western Tasmanian bollen records, various modern treeless environments were studied in search for analogs. Contrary to earlier interpretations, late-glacial environments were not alpine tundra with a treeline at modern sea level, but steppe, with marshes or shallow lakes instead of the modern lakes. Climate was characterized by 50% less precipitation than today, resulting in substantial summer droughts. To explain such drastic precipitation decrease, the westerlies that dominate Tasmanian climate today must have been shifted polewards. This suggestion is supported by climate models that take Milankovitch-type insolation differences into account as well as sea-surface temperatures. Paleolimnological information based on diatom analyses support the general paleoclimatic reassessment.