963 resultados para sample rate
The study described in this paper developed a model of animal movement, which explicitly recognised each individual as the central unit of measure. The model was developed by learning from a real dataset that measured and calculated, for individual cows in a herd, their linear and angular positions and directional and angular speeds. Two learning algorithms were implemented: a Hidden Markov model (HMM) and a long-term prediction algorithm. It is shown that a HMM can be used to describe the animal's movement and state transition behaviour within several “stay” areas where cows remained for long periods. Model parameters were estimated for hidden behaviour states such as relocating, foraging and bedding. For cows’ movement between the “stay” areas a long-term prediction algorithm was implemented. By combining these two algorithms it was possible to develop a successful model, which achieved similar results to the animal behaviour data collected. This modelling methodology could easily be applied to interactions of other animal species.
This paper discusses similarities and differences in autonomous helicopters developed at USC and CSIRO. The most significant differences are in the accuracy and sample rate of the sensor systems used for control. The USC vehicle, like a number of others, makes use of a sensor suite that costs an order of magnitude more than the vehicle. The CSIRO system, by contrast, utilizes low-cost inertial, magnetic, vision and GPS to achieve the same ends. We describe the architecture of both autonomous helicopters, discuss the design issues and present comparative results.
In many bridges, vertical displacements are the most relevant parameter for monitoring in the both short and long term. However, it is difficult to measure vertical displacements of bridges and yet they are among the most important indicators of structural behaviour. Therefore, it prompts a need to develop a simple, inexpensive and yet more practical method to measure vertical displacements of bridges. With the development of fiber-optics technologies, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been widely used in structural health monitoring. The advantages of these sensors over the conventional sensors include multiplexing capabilities, high sample rate, small size and electro magnetic interference (EMI) immunity. In this paper, methods of vertical displacement measurements of bridges are first reviewed. Then, FBG technology is briefly introduced including principle, sensing system, characteristics and different types of FBG sensors. Finally, the methodology of vertical displacement measurements using FBG sensors is presented and a trial test is described. It is concluded that using FBG sensors is feasible to measure vertical displacements of bridges. This method can be used to understand global behaviour of bridge‘s span and can further develop for structural health monitoring techniques such as damage detection.
A wireless fuel quantity indication system (FQIS) has been developed using an RFID-enabled sensing platform. The system comprises a fully passive tag, modified reader protocol, capacitive fuel probe, and auxiliary antenna for additional energy harvesting. Results of fluid testing show sensitivity to changes in fluid height of less than 0.25in. An RF-DC harvesting circuit was developed, which delivers up to 5dBm of input power through a remote radio frequency (RF) source. Testing was conducted in a loaded reverberation chamber to emulate the fuel tank environment. Results demonstrate feasibility of the remote source to power the sensor with less than 1W of maximum transmit power and under 100ms dwell time (100mW average power) into the tank. This indicates adequate coverage for large transport aircraft at safe operating levels with a sample rate of up to 1 sample/s.
Os delfinídeos possuem um variado repertório de emissões sonoras, que são produzidos em diferentes contextos comportamentais e são importantes para as relações entre os indivíduos. As emissões sonoras dos delfinídeos são predominantemente utilizadas para a comunicação e são divididas em duas categorias: os sons pulsantes e os assobios. O presente estudo apresenta comparações entre os repertórios de assobios de três espécies de delfinídeos encontrados na costa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Stenella frontalis, Steno bredanensis e Sotalia guianensis. Três sistemas de gravação foram utilizados. Estes foram compostos por hidrofones HTI-96-MIN e C54XRS, e gravadores PMD 671 Marantz, FOSTEX (taxa de amostragem de 96 kHz) e SONY TCD-T8 (taxa de amostragem de 48 kHz). As análises dos espectrogramas foram realizadas no software Raven 1.4. Os assobios foram classificados em categorias de formas de contorno e 15 parâmetros acústicos foram mensurados em cada um destes sinais. A estatística descritiva foi realizada para os assobios de cada espécie, e estes foram comparados a partir de testes de comparação de médias e análise discriminante. Um total de 838 assobios foi analisado. Assobios com forma de contorno ascendente de S. frontalis, S. bredanensis, S. guianensis da Baía de Guanabara, da Baía de Ilha Grande e da Baía de Sepetiba corresponderam a 48,1% (N=63), 40,8% (N=47), 49,8% (N=98), 63,9% (N=126) e 58,1% (N=115) do repertório de cada grupo, respectivamente. Diferenças foram encontradas em praticamente todos os parâmetros entre assobios de S. bredanensis e S. guianensis. O maior número de semelhanças ocorreu entre assobios das populações distintas de S. guianensis. A taxa de classificação correta geral foi de 52,4%. Assobios de S. bredanensis apresentaram a maior classificação correta (84,3%). Assobios de S. frontalis apresentaram taxa de classificação correta de 55,7% e os de S. guianensis da Baía de Guanabara, Baía de Ilha Grande e Baía de Sepetiba apresentaram taxas de 57,9%, 48,7% e 29,8%, respectivamente. A análise discriminante realizada entre assobios ascendentes resultou em uma taxa de classificação correta menor (49%). As variáveis consideradas mais importantes para a discriminação entre espécies foram: FF, 3Q, 1Q, MOD e FM. Por meio de parâmetros acústicos foi possível discriminar grande parte dos assobios de espécies simpátricas, apesar de haver ainda sobreposições entre variáveis acústicas dos assobios das espécies comparadas neste estudo.
A poluição sonora é um grave problema nos oceanos devido à eficiência de propagação do som na água e à importância da comunicação acústica para os organismos marinhos. Delfinídeos utilizam o som para comunicação, coordenação de grupo, percepção do hábitat e busca por alimentos, já tendo sido demonstrado que podem alterar suas vocalizações em função do aumento do ruído subaquático. O presente estudo realizou uma comparação dos assobios do boto-cinza Sotalia guianensis em dois ambientes acústicos distintos, um silencioso e um ruidoso, dentro da Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Também foram realizadas investigadas as relações dos parâmetros acústicos dos assobios de S. guianensis com os valores de pressão sonora do ruído subaquático. O sistema de gravação foi totalmente calibrado e consistiu de um gravador digital Marantz PMD670 com taxa de amostragem de 96 kHz e um hidrofone HTI-96MIN (5 Hz 30 kHz, sensibilidade média de -170,5 dB re 1 Pa). As gravações realizadas dos assobios e do ruído subaquático ocorreram simultaneamente em duas regiões da baía: a APA de Guapimirim e o Canal central. Durante o período de amostragem os grupos de S. guianensis foram observados em três estados comportamentais: alimentação, deslocamento e socialização; foram anotadas também informações quanto a tamanho e composição de grupo. A análise dos assobios foi realizada no software Raven 1.4 e 10 parâmetros acústicos foram extraídos. Também foi calculada a razão de emissão de assobios. A análise de ruído subaquático foi realizada no software Adobe Audition 1.5, onde foram extraídos valores de pressão sonora do ruído 300ms imediatamente antes de cada assobio analisado, sendo utilizados para análise estatística os maiores valores de pressão sonora dentro de sete intervalos de frequência. Um Teste U de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar os parâmetros acústicos dos assobios e os valores de pressão sonora das duas regiões amostradas. Esta comparação foi feita para cada estado comportamental observado durante a coleta. Posteriormente foi realizado um teste de correlações de Spearman para investigar a relação entre os parâmetros acústicos e os valores de pressão sonora. Este teste também foi feito separadamente para cada estado comportamental. No comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada diferença na duração, na frequência central e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada diferença na duração e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada relação entre cinco parâmetros acústicos, a taxa de vocalização e a pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada relação entre a duração e a pressão sonora. S. guianensis alterou seu comportamento acústico em situações ruidosas, diminuindo a duração e aumentando a taxa de vocalização. Na Baía de Guanabara esta espécie está exposta diariamente a poluição sonora, sendo a APA de Guapimirim o ambiente acústico menos perturbado a que S. guianensis tem acesso.
Closing feedback loops using an IEEE 802.11b ad hoc wireless communication network incurs many challenges sensitivity to varying channel conditions and lower physical transmission rates tend to limit the bandwidth of the communication channel. Given that the bandwidth usage and control performance are linked, a method of adapting the sampling interval based on an 'a priori', static sampling policy has been proposed and, more significantly, assuring stability in the mean square sense using discrete-time Markov jump linear system theory. Practical issues including current limitations of the 802.11 b protocol, the sampling policy and stability are highlighted. Simulation results on a cart-mounted inverted pendulum show that closed-loop stability can be improved using sample rate adaptation and that the control design criteria can be met in the presence of channel errors and severe channel contention.
A high-sample rate 3D median filtering processor architecture is proposed, based on a novel 3D median filtering algorithm, that can reduce the computing complexity in comparison with the traditional bubble sorting algorithm. A 3 x 3 x 3 filter processor is implemented in VHDL, and the simulation verifies that the processor can process a 128 x 128 x 96 MRI image in 0.03 seconds while running at 50 MHz.
Recently, a number of most significant digit (msd) first bit parallel multipliers for recursive filtering have been reported. However, the design approach which has been used has, in general, been heuristic and consequently, optimality has not always been assured. In this paper, msd first multiply accumulate algorithms are described and important relationships governing the dependencies between latency, number representations, etc are derived. A more systematic approach to designing recursive filters is illustrated by applying the algorithms and associated relationships to the design of cascadable modules for high sample rate IIR filtering and wave digital filtering.
The authors present a VLSI circuit for implementing wave digital filter (WDF) two-port adaptors. Considerable speedups over conventional designs have been obtained using fine grained pipelining. This has been achieved through the use of most significant bit (MSB) first carry-save arithmetic, which allows systems to be designed in which latency L is small and independent of either coefficient or input data wordlength. L is determined by the online delay associated with the computation required at each node in the circuit (in this case a multiply/add plus two separate additions). This in turn means that pipelining can be used to considerably enhance the sampling rate of a recursive digital filter. The level of pipelining which will offer enhancement is determined by L and is fine-grained rather than bit level. In the case of the circuit considered, L = 3. For this reason pipeline delays (half latches) have been introduced between every two rows of cells to produce a system with a once every cycle sample rate.
Automated image analysis for experimental investigations of salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers
A novel methodology has been developed to quantify important saltwater intrusion parameters in a sandbox style experiment using image analysis. Existing methods found in the literature are based mainly on visual observations, which are subjective, labour intensive and limits the temporal and spatial resolutions that can be analysed. A robust error analysis was undertaken to determine the optimum methodology to convert image light intensity to concentration. Results showed that defining a relationship on a pixel-wise basis provided the most accurate image to concentration conversion and allowed quantification of the width of mixing zone between the saltwater and freshwater. A large image sample rate was used to investigate the transient dynamics of saltwater intrusion, which rendered analysis by visual observation unsuitable. This paper presents the methodologies developed to minimise human input and promote autonomy, provide high resolution image to concentration conversion and allow the quantification of intrusion parameters under transient conditions.
The reduction of luvastatin (FLV) at a hanging mercury-drop electrode (HMDE) was studied by square-wave adsorptive-stripping voltammetry (SWAdSV). FLV can be accumulated and reduced at the electrode, with a maximum peak current intensity at a potential of approximately 1.26V vs. AgCl=Ag, in an aqueous electrolyte solution of pH 5.25. The method shows linearity between peak current intensity and FLV concentration between 1.0 10 8 and 2.7 10 6 mol L 1. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were found to be 9.9 10 9 mol L 1 and 3.3 10 8 mol L 1, respectively. Furthermore, FLV oxidation at a glassy carbon electrode surface was used for its hydrodynamic monitoring by amperometric detection in a flow-injection system. The amperometric signal was linear with FLV concentration over the range 1.0 10 6 to 1.0 10 5 mol L 1, with an LOD of 2.4 10 7 mol L 1 and an LOQ of 8.0 10 7 mol L 1. A sample rate of 50 injections per hour was achieved. Both methods were validated and showed to be precise and accurate, being satisfactorily applied to the determination of FLV in a commercial pharmaceutical.