999 resultados para sagittal sinus, superior
The trabecular projections of the human superior sagittal sinus were classified into types and subtypes according to spatial arrangement and shape. The horizontal and vertical projections direct laminar blood flow, while the conic type, which is avalvular, protects the openings of the superior cerebral veins in the superior sagittal sinus. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
PURPOSE: To report a new, direct visual approach for rat pinealectomy. METHODS: Eighty adult female rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus EPM-1 strain) were weighted and anesthetized intraperitoneally with 15 mg/kg xylazine and 30 mg/kg ketamine. The animal was fastened to a dissection table, an incision was made in the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, bringing the lambda into view. The skullcap was opened with a dental drill, bringing the cerebral hemispheres and the superior sagittal sinus into view. The pineal gland, located under the venous sinus, was removed in a single piece using tweezers. Next, the bone fragment was returned to its place and the surgical layers were sutured. RESULTS: This new technique is easy to be done, avoids bleedings and removes only the pineal gland without damage to the remaining encephalon. In addition it makes possible the achievement of a sham surgery, allowing the pineal gland to remain intact. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique intends to facilitate studies aiming to better understanding the complexity and importance of the pineal gland on reproductive and other body systems.
The aim of the present work was to analyze c-fos response within the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) of pinealectomized rats and animals that received intraperitoneal melatonin, after intracisternal infusion of capsaicin, used to induce intracranial trigeminovascular stimulation. Experimental groups consisted of animals that received vehicle solution (saline-ethanol-Tween 80, 8:1:1, diluted 1:50) only (VEI, n = 5); animals that received capsaicin solution (200 nM) only (CAP, n = 6); animals submitted to pinealectomy (PX, n = 5); sham-operated animals (SH, n = 5); animals submitted to pinealectomy followed by capsaicin stimulation (200 nM) after 15 days (PX + CAP, n = 7); and animals that received capsaicin solution (200 nM) and intraperitoneal melatonin (10 mg/kg) (CAP + MEL, n = 5). Control rats, receiving vehicle in the cisterna magna, showed a small number of c-fos-positive cells in the TNC (layer I/II) as well as the sham-operated and pinealectomized rats, when compared to animals stimulated by capsaicin. On the other hand, pinealectomized rats, which received capsaicin, presented the highest number of c-fos-positive cells. Animals receiving capsaicin and melatonin treatment had similar expression of the vehicle group. Our data provide experimental evidence to support the role of melatonin and pineal gland in the pathophysiology of neurovascular headaches.
Introdução – O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da cafeína no valor da razão contraste ruído (CNR) em imagens SWI. Objetivos – Avaliar o efeito da cafeína qualitativamente e quantificado pelo cálculo do valor CNR em imagens de magnitude e MIP para as estruturas: veia cerebral interna, seio sagital superior, tórcula e artéria cerebral média. Metodologia – A população do estudo incluiu 24 voluntários saudáveis que estiveram pelo menos 24h privados da ingestão de cafeína. Adquiriram-se imagens SWI antes e após a ingestão de 100ml de café. Os voluntários foram subdivididos em quatro grupos de seis indivíduos/grupo e avaliados separadamente após decorrido um intervalo de tempo diferente para cada grupo (15, 25, 30 ou 45min pós-cafeína). Utilizou-se um scanner Siemens Avanto 1,5 T com bobine standard de crânio e os parâmetros: T2* GRE 3D de alta resolução no plano axial, TR=49; TE=40; FA=15; FOV=187x230; matriz=221x320. O processamento de imagem foi efetuado no software OsiriX® e a análise estatística no GraphPadPrism®. Resultados e Discussão – As alterações de sinal e diferenças de contraste predominaram nas estruturas venosas e não foram significantes na substância branca, LCR e artéria cerebral média. Os valores CNR pré-cafeína diferiram significativamente do pós-cafeína nas imagens de magnitude e MIP na veia cerebral interna e nas imagens de magnitude do seio sagital superior e da tórcula (p<0,0001). Não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos avaliados nos diferentes tempos pós-cafeína. Conclusões – Especulamos que a cafeína possa vir a ser usada como agente de contraste nas imagens SWI barato, eficaz e de fácil administração.
Susceptibility Weighted Image (SWI) is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique that combines high spatial resolution and sensitivity to provide magnetic susceptibility differences between tissues. It is extremely sensitive to venous blood due to its iron content of deoxyhemoglobin. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through the SWI technique, the differences in cerebral venous vasculature according to the variation of blood pressure values. 20 subjects divided in two groups (10 hypertensive and 10 normotensive patients) underwent a MRI system with a Siemens® scanner model Avanto of 1.5T using a synergy head coil (4 channels). The obtained sequences were T1w, T2w-FLAIR, T2* and SWI. The value of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) was assessed in MinIP (Minimum Intensity Projection) and Magnitude images, through drawing free hand ROIs in venous structures: Superior Sagittal Sinus (SSS) Internal Cerebral Vein (ICV) and Sinus Confluence (SC). The obtained values were presented in descriptive statistics-quartiles and extremes diagrams. The results were compared between groups. CNR shown higher values for normotensive group in MinIP (108.89 ± 6.907) to ICV; (238.73 ± 18.556) to SC and (239.384 ± 52.303) to SSS. These values are bigger than images from Hypertensive group about 46 a.u. in average. Comparing the results of Magnitude and MinIP images, there were obtained lower CNR values for the hypertensive group. There were differences in the CNR values between both groups, being these values more expressive in the large vessels-SSS and SC. The SWI is a potential technique to evaluate and characterize the blood pressure variation in the studied vessels adding a physiological perspective to MRI and giving a new approach to the radiological vascular studies.
OBJECTIVE: CNS or peripheral nervous system dysfunction sometimes occurs in Henoch-Schönlein patients. METHODS: We review all Henoch-Schönlein cases published after 1969 with CNS dysfunction without severe hypertension and neuroimaging studies (n = 35), cranial or peripheral neuropathy (n = 15), both CNS and peripheral nervous system dysfunction without severe hypertension (n = 2) or nervous system dysfunction with severe hypertension (n = 2). Forty-four of the 54 patients were <20 years of age. RESULTS: In patients with CNS dysfunction without or with severe hypertension the following presentations were observed in decreasing order of frequency: altered level of consciousness, convulsions, focal neurological deficits, visual abnormalities and verbal disability. Imaging studies disclosed the following lesions: vascular lesions almost always involving two or more vessels, intracerebral haemorrhage, posterior subcortical oedema, diffuse brain oedema and thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus. Following lesions were noted in the subjects with cranial or peripheral neuropathy without severe hypertension: peroneal neuropathy, peripheral facial palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, brachial plexopathy, posterior tibial nerve neuropathy, femoral neuropathy, ulnar neuropathy and mononeuritis multiplex. Persisting signs of either CNS (n = 9) or peripheral (n = 1) nervous system dysfunction were sometimes reported. CONCLUSIONS: In Henoch-Schönlein syndrome, signs of nervous system dysfunction are uncommon but clinically relevant. This review helps clinicians managing Henoch-Schönlein syndrome with nervous system dysfunction.
Atresia of the coronary sinus (ACS) is a rare congenital anomaly. When associated with persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC), this defect could have no significant hemodynamic effect, and the patient might remain asymptomatic. However, vascular interventions might induce changes or complications that could show the anomaly. Appropriate management requires a good understanding of this condition. We present the first reported case of ACS and PLSVC occurring after thrombosis of the innominate vein (IV) after central venous catheter placement. The patient presented with atypical subacute chest pain and recurrent extrasystoles. Diagnosis and characterization of vascular anomalies was made by computed tomography phlebography, and the patient was successfully managed by endovascular recanalization of the IV.
The author studied the structure of the tissue components of the tunicae of the terminal segment of the sigmoid sinus, particularly at the level of the transition between the sigmoid sinus, the superior bulb of the jugular vein and the first portion of the human internal jugular vein; it was established that the transition between the sigmoid sinus and the first portion of the internal jugular vein occupies the whole extension of the superior bulb of the jugular vein up to the inferior third of the first portion of this vessel. These vascular walls exhibit a structure similar to that of the dura, i.e. the tunica adventitia is formed by fascicles of collagenic fibers which describe discontinuous spirals, more open proximal to the beginning of the first portion of the internal jugular vein. Approximately in the inferior third of the first portion of the internal jugular vein, there appear fascicles of smooth muscle fibers which are arranged similarly to those of the venous walls. The tunica intima of these vascular segments exhibits an endothelium resting on a network of elastic fibers which may play the role of an internal elastic lamina. From the bony border of the jugular foramen there originates a connective system whose fascicles of collagenic and elastic fibers incorporate to the wall of the internal jugular vein after describing a stretch in spiral around the vascular lumen.
OBJECTIVE. MRI and combined ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography in cadavers were used to evaluate the ligaments of the posterior and lateral talar processes. Subsequent anatomic and histologic correlation was performed. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Ten cadaveric ankles were used. Routine radiography and MRI were initially performed. Ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography, followed by anatomic and histologic analysis, was then performed to allow better assessment of the ligaments of the lateral and posterior talar process. RESULTS. In all subjects, MR arthrography provided superior delineation of the articular and periarticular structures, as well as the ligaments. The lateral talocalcaneal and medial talocalcaneal ligaments were best seen in the axial and coronal planes, respectively. The axial plane was best for visualizing the fibulotalocalcaneal ligament, and the sagittal plane was best for evaluating the posterior talocalcaneal ligament. The anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and the posterior tibiotalar ligament (superficial and deep portions) were best seen in the axial plane. Histologic analysis was correlated to anatomic sectioning and showed the attachment sites of these ligaments. CONCLUSION. Combined ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography enhances visualization of the ligaments attaching to the posterior and lateral talar processes, including the posterior, lateral, and medial talocalcaneal and fibulotalocalcaneal ligaments.
Thus far, little has been written concerning echocarchographic identification of the oblique of the left atrium, or Marshall`s vein. There is much discussion, nonetheless, on the potential significance of the vein, or its ligamentous remnant, as an arrhythmic substrate. We describe here four patients in whom transthoracic echocardiography revealed a venous structure protruding within the cavity of the left atrium. We discuss the possibility that these structures represent Marshall`s vein, albeit probably as part of a persistent left superior caval vein.
La persistance d'une veine cave supérieure gauche (VCSG) est une entité relativement fréquente dans le cadre des malformations cardiaques congénitales. Le but de cette étude est d'analyser à quel moment le diagnostic de la persistance de la VCSG est effectué, à quel moment le diagnostic des éventuelles anomalies du sinus coronarien associées est effectué, et de l'impact global de la persistance d'une VCSG sur la mortalité et la morbidité des patients après chirurgie cardiaque pour une malformation cardiaque congénitale. Analyse rétrospective d'une cohorte d'enfants ayant subi une chirurgie cardiaque avec circulation extracorporelle pour une malformation cardiaque congénitale. Trois-cent septante et un patients ont été inclus dans l'étude avec un âge médian de 2.75 ans (IQR 0.65-6.63). Parmi eux, 47 patients présentaient une persistance de la VCSG (12.7%), et cette persistance de la VCSG a été identifiée par échocardiographie dans le cadre du bilan préopératoire chez 39 patients (83%). Trois patients (6.4%) présentant une persistance de la VCSG, ont développé après chirurgie cardiaque, une obstruction significative de la voie d'entrée du ventricule gauche qui a aboutit à un débit cardiaque anormal ou à une hypertension pulmonaire secondaire. Chez huit patients (17%), la persistance de la VCSG, était associée à un défaut partiel ou total de fermeture du sinus coronarien et dans deux cas (4%) à une atrésie de l'ostium du sinus coronarien. La durée de la ventilation mécanique était plus courte de façon significative dans le groupe contrôle (1.2 vs. 3.0 jours, p = 0.004), tandis que la durée de séjour aux soins intensifs ne différait pas. La mortalité était significativement moins élevée dans le groupe contrôle que dans le groupe de patient avec persistance de la VCSG (2.5 vs. 10.6 %, p = 0.004). Les résultats de cette étude montrent que la persistance de la VCSG en association avec une malformation cardiaque congénitale augmente le risque de mortalité chez les enfants qui subissent une chirurgie cardiaque avec circulation extracorporelle. La mise en évidence d'une persistance de la VCSG et des anomalies associées, s'impose pour éviter des complications pendant et après une chirurgie cardiaque.
Persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) is a relatively frequent finding in congenital cardiac malformation. The scope of the study was to analyze the timing of diagnosis of persistent LSVC, the timing of diagnosis of associated anomalies of the coronary sinus, and the global impact on morbidity and mortality of persistent LSVC in children with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery. Retrospective analysis of a cohort of children after cardiac surgery on bypass for congenital heart disease. Three hundred seventy-one patients were included in the study, and their median age was 2.75 years (IQR 0.65-6.63). Forty-seven children had persistent LSVC (12.7 %), and persistent LSVC was identified on echocardiography before surgery in 39 patients (83 %). In three patients (6.4 %) with persistent LSVC, significant inflow obstruction of the left ventricle developed after surgery leading to low output syndrome or secondary pulmonary hypertension. In eight patients (17 %), persistent LSVC was associated with a partially or completely unroofed coronary sinus and in two cases (4 %) with coronary sinus ostial atresia. Duration of mechanical ventilation was significantly shorter in the control group (1.2 vs. 3.0 days, p = 0.04), whereas length of stay in intensive care did not differ. Mortality was also significantly lower in the control group (2.5 vs. 10.6 %, p = 0.004). The results of study show that persistent LSVC in association with congenital cardiac malformation increases the risk of mortality in children with cardiac surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass. Recognition of a persistent LSVC and its associated anomalies is mandatory to avoid complications during or after cardiac surgery.
Agenesia de incisivo lateral superior permanente e a morfologia dentofacial: um estudo cefalométrico
A agenesia dental é a anomalia de número mais freqüente na dentição permanente e o incisivo lateral superior permanente (ILSP) é um dos dentes mais acometidos por essa condição. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da agenesia de ILSP sobre a morfologia dentofacial. A amostra consistiu de 100 telerradiografias da cabeça, em norma lateral, de indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, na fase de dentição permanente, com idades variando de 11 a 25 anos (média de 14.3), que foram divididos em dois grupos pareados individualmente segundo o gênero e a idade: um grupo de 50 casos de agenesia uni ou bilateral de ILSP e outro grupo sem agenesia dental, o grupo controle. As telerradiografias laterais foram traçadas e as medidas angulares e lineares foram comparadas entre os dois grupos, através do teste “t” de Student. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os dois grupos não diferiram significantemente quanto à direção de crescimento facial. A maxila e a mandíbula mostraramse na mesma disposição sagital, quando avaliadas isoladamente em relação à base craniana, e com comprimentos semelhantes nos dois grupos. Entretanto, a convexidade facial mostrou-se significantemente reduzida no grupo com agenesia, medida através do ângulo NAP (P=0.008), bem como a relação maxilo-mandibular entre si, medida pelo ângulo ANB (P=0.017). As alterações mais significantes foram observadas nos incisivos superiores e inferiores, que apresentaram redução significante na inclinação axial e protrusão (P<0.05), com conseqüente aumento do ângulo nasolabial, no grupo com agenesia. Esses resultados permitem concluir que a agenesia de ILSP está associada a alterações na morfologia dentofacial.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)