998 resultados para road project


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ABSTRACT Before the mid 1980s the World Bank conceived "nature" as something to be "conquered" and "environment" as a source of resources for "development". By the late 1980s the Bank incorporated norms of environmental sustainability and indigenous peoples' protection into its mandate, and other development-oriented IOs followed. This two-part paper describes how a fight over the Polonoroeste road project in the Brazilian Amazon - inside the Bank, between the Bank and NGOs supported by the US Congress, and between the Bank and the government of Brazil -helped to generate the far-reaching change of policy norms. The first part describes how the project was designed as an innovation in sustainable development in rainforests; and how it provoked a firestorm inside the Bank as it moved towards project approval.


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Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil.


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A criação de infraestruturas passa pela construção de estradas que ligam pontos estratégicos, permitindo acesso a bens e serviços, de forma cómoda e segura. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho é abordado o estudo e projeto de uma variante urbana no concelho de Cinfães, nas especificidades de traçado, pavimentos e sinalização. Inicia-se por uma apresentação sobre o trabalho, os objetivos, estrutura e metodologia utilizada na sua elaboração. São apresentados os softwares utilizados, como editores de imagem (Google Earth, Microsoft ICE e Caesium) que permitem obter e trabalhar imagens panorâmicas, o Civil 3D que possibilita a realização ágil de um projeto de vias, e o Alize-LCPC que determina as caraterísticas de dimensionamento de um pavimento flexível. São apresentados os estudos necessários para a construção da variante em questão passando pela localização da via, o trabalho sobre o levantamento topográfico fornecido pela Câmara Municipal, condicionantes de traçado e serviços afetados. Posteriormente, são abordados alguns conceitos teóricos como geometria do traçado, velocidade, tráfego e visibilidade. Descrevem-se as caraterísticas geométricas de infraestruturas rodoviárias a conhecer anteriormente à realização de um projeto de execução de uma via, como o traçado em planta (alinhamentos retos, curvas, raios, sobreelevação, sobrelargura), perfil longitudinal (trainéis, inclinações, concordâncias verticais) e perfil transversal (faixa de rodagem, bermas, valetas e taludes). É realizada ainda uma apresentação sobre os elementos integrantes de uma plataforma rodoviária e passeio, os seus critérios de dimensionamento, como caraterização do tráfego, temperaturas de serviço e deformações, assim como os elementos teóricos para o estudo de drenagem (período de retorno, precipitação e tipos de dispositivos). São ainda apresentadas as caraterísticas gerais de um projeto de sinalização e segurança, enunciando as marcas rodoviárias e a sinalização vertical. Termina-se apresentando as soluções encontradas e os meios utilizados, para a elaboração do projeto de uma via nova, alargamento de via existente e requalificação de pavimento de um troço de ligação à EN222, expondo ainda as conclusões obtidas na realização do projeto com propostas para desenvolvimento futuros.


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This report presents the results of a number of detailed Iowa access management case studies. Case studies were selected to provide a cross-section of locations and community sizes in Iowa as well as a variety of project types. Generally, access management projects completed during the mid-1990s were chosen as case studies. Projects ranging from driveway consolidation to full raised medians were analyzed on a before and after basis in terms of traffic safety, traffic operations, and adjacent business vitality. Sources of information used for the case study analysis included: road project files; traffic accident records; state sales tax records; and personal interviews of business owners, business customers, and local officials. The case study results from Iowa essentially confirm results of previous access management research from around the nation. Recent access in Iowa had significant, positive impacts in terms of traffic safety. The average reduction of annual accidents and accident rates on improved roadways was approximately 40%. Improvements in access management also led to significantly better roadway operations for most case studies. Although a small number of individual businesses do report sales losses and/or customer complaints once projects have been completed, access management projects in Iowa have not had an adverse impact on the majority of businesses located along them. In fact, some access management projects in Iowa seem to have contributed to an improved business environment along the corridors that have been improved. The results from the Iowa case studies presented in this report will be used to develop access management education materials for Iowa transportation professionals and other audiences interested in the impacts of access management.


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Tutkimus käsittelee YVA-lain mukaiseen ympäristövaikutusten arviointimenettelyyn (YVA-menettely) liittyvää vaihtoehtotarkastelua. Yleisessä vaihtoehtotarkastelua koskevassa osiossa selvitetään lainsäädännön asettamat vaihtoehtotarkastelua koskevat sisältövaatimukset. Tutkimuksen perusteella lainsäädäntö, mukaan lukien EY-oikeus, antaa vain vähän viitteitä siihen milloin vaihtoehtotarkastelu on riittävää. YVA:n laadunarvioinnissa ja siten myös vaihtoehtotarkastelun riittävyyden arvioinnissa yhteysviranomaiselle on annettu suuri rooli. Erilaisten YVA-menettelyä koskevien tutkimusten perusteella vaihtoehtojen valintaan ja vertailuun liittyen oli kuitenkin löydettävissä selkeät kriteerit, jotka määrittävät vaihtoehtotarkastelun laatua ja riittävyyttä. Tutkimuksen toisessa osiossa tarkastellaan vaihtoehtotarkasteluun liittyvää käytäntöä tiehankkeiden YVA-menettelyssä. Tutkimus perustuu tiehankkeiden YVA-menettelyä koskeviin oppaisiin, sekä neljään esimerkkihankkeeseen. Laadunarviointikriteerien perusteella tehdään myös esimerkkihankkeiden vaihtoehtojen valintaan ja vertailuun liittyvää laadunarviointia. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään sosiaalisten vaikutusten merkitykseen vaihtoehtotarkastelussa. Laadunarviointi tehdään esimerkkihankkeiden kirjallisten YVA-asiakirjojen pohjalta. Tiehankkeissa tarkasteltavat vaihtoehdot ovat yleensä erilaisia linjausvaihtoehtoja. Tästä syystä vaihtoehtotarkastelun merkitys korostuu tiehankkeissa, sillä vaihtoehtojen ympäristövaikutukset ovat usein hyvin erilaiset. Tutkimuksen perusteella YVA:n vaihtoehtotarkastelun avulla pyritään myös aidosti löytämään hankkeelle ympäristön kannalta paras vaihtoehto. Näin ollen tarkasteltavat vaihtoehdot ovat yleensä realistisia ja kaikki toteuttamiskelpoiset vaihtoehdot pyritään tutkimaan. Myös sosiaaliset vaikutukset huomioidaan muiden ympäristövaikutusten tapaan vaihtoehtotarkastelussa. Joitakin kehittämiskohteita tuli laadunarvioinnissa kuitenkin esille. Suurimmat puutteet vaihtoehtojen valinnassa koskevat vaihtoehtojen valinnan perusteluita. Vaihtoehtojen valinta tulisi perustella tarkemmin, jotta tiedetään esimerkiksi ovatko kaikki keskeiset vaihtoehdot tutkittu. Vaihtoehtojen vertailussa puutteena oli usein se, että tietoa vaihtoehdoista aiheutuvien vaikutusten merkittävyydestä ei ole esitetty. Nykyistä enemmän tulisi kiinnittää huomiota myös hankekokonaisuuteen sekä vaikutuksiin koko hankkeen elinkaaren ajalta. Tutkimuksen viimeisessä osiossa arvioidaan vaihtoehtotarkastelun merkitystä tiehankkei-den suunnittelussa ja erilaisissa lupapäätöksissä. Tutkimuksen perusteella tien yleissuunnitelmavaiheessa tehtävällä YVA:n vaihtoehtotarkastelulla on hyvät mahdollisuudet vaikuttaa hankkeen vaihtoehtojen muotoutumiseen. YVA:n vaihtoehtotarkastelulla on myös merkittävä rooli yleissuunnitelmaan valittavan vaihtoehdon valinnassa. Hankkeelle asetetut tarkat reunaehdot voivat kuitenkin rajoittaa vaihtoehtotarkastelun huomioonottamismahdollisuutta. Vaihtoehtotarkastelulla voi olla merkitystä myös tiehankkeiden lupapäätöksissä, mutta käytännössä tämän merkitys lienee vähäinen.


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El estudio analiza el intento de las autoridades coloniales quiteñas de poner en marcha un proyecto vial que conecte la región centro-norte de la Sierra con la costa del Pacífico en el siglo XVII. Con este propósito, se fundó la villa de San Miguel de Ibarra, un centro urbano de enlace que permitiría concretar dicho proyecto viaL El artículo enfatiza en la ubicación estratégica de la ciudad, la participación del Cabildo, las aspiraciones económicas de las élites regionales, la participación de Pedro Vicente Maldonado y las dificultades y oposiciones que impidieron la realización del proyecto.


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Esta dissertação aborda a análise de estabilidade de taludes em escavação, para infraestruturas de engenharia civil, nomeadamente obras rodoviárias. Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em quatro partes. Na primeira parte é abordado o papel das descontinuidades no maciço. A segunda parte, na representação dos dados adquiridos. A terceira parte centra-se nos fundamentos teóricos sobre os taludes. Por último, a quarta parte, onde se desenvolve o caso de estudo, no âmbito de um estágio curricular na Geoma. O estudo refere-se a análise de estabilidade de taludes para uma obra rodoviária denominada Sublanço – Nó de Ligação do IP4/Túnel do Marão.


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In broad sense, Project Financing1 as a mean of financing large scale infrastructural projects worldwide has had a steady growth in popularity for the last 20 years. This growth has been relatively unscathed from most economic cycles. However in the wake of the 2007 systemic Financial Crisis, Project Financing was also in trouble. The liquidity freeze and credit crunch that ensued affected all parties involved. Traditional Lenders, of this type of financial instrument, locked-in long-term contractual obligations, were severely hit with scarcity of funding compounded by rapidly increasing cost of funding. All the while, Banks were “rescued” by the concerted actions of Central Banks and other Multi-Lateral Agencies around the world but at the same time “stressed” by upcoming regulatory effort (Basel Committee). This impact resulted in specific changes to this type of long-term financing. Changes such as Commercial Banks’ increased risk aversion; pricing increase and maturities decrease of credit facilities; enforcement of Market Disruption Event clauses; partial responsibility for project risk by Multilateral Agencies; and adoption of utility-like availability payments in other industrial sectors such as transportation and even social infrastructure. To the extent possible, this report is then divided in three parts. First, it begins with a more instructional part, touching academic literature (theory) and giving the Banks perspective (practice), but mostly as an overview of Project Finance for awareness’ sake. The renowned Harvard Business School professor – Benjamin Esty, states2 that Project Finance is a “relatively unexplored territory for both empirical and theoretical research” which means that academic research efforts are lagging the practice of Project Finance. Second, the report presents a practical case regarding the first Road Concession in Portugal in 1998 ending with the lessons learned 10 years after Financial Close. Lastly, the report concludes with the analysis of the current trends and changes to the industry post Financial Crisis of the late 2000’s. To achieve this I’ll reference relevant papers, books on the subject, online articles and my own experience in the Project Finance Department at a major Portuguese Investment Bank. Regarding the latter, with the signing of a confidentiality agreement, I’m duly omitting sensitive and proprietary bank information.


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A network of 25 sonic stage sensors were deployed in the Squaw Creek basin upstream from Ames Iowa to determine if the state-of-the-art distributed hydrological model CUENCAS can produce reliable information for all road crossings including those that cross small creeks draining basins as small as 1 sq. mile. A hydraulic model was implemented for the major tributaries of the Squaw Creek where IFC sonic instruments were deployed and it was coupled to CUENCAS to validate the predictions made at small tributaries in the basin. This study demonstrates that the predictions made by the hydrological model at internal locations in the basins are as accurate as the predictions made at the outlet of the basin. Final rating curves based on surveyed cross sections were developed for the 22 IFC-bridge sites that are currently operating, and routine forecast is provided at those locations (see IFIS). Rating curves were developed for 60 additional bridge locations in the basin, however, we do not use those rating curves for routine forecast because the lack of accuracy of LiDAR derived cross sections is not optimal. The results of our work form the basis for two papers that have been submitted for publication to the Journal of Hydrological Engineering. Peer review of our work will gives a strong footing to our ability to expand our results from the pilot Squaw Creek basin to all basins in Iowa.


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The use of Railroad Flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure on low-volume county bridges has been investigated in a research project conducted by the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University. These bridges enable county engineers to replace old, inadequate county bridge superstructures for less than half the cost and in a shorter construction time than required for a conventional bridge. To illustrate their constructability, adequacy, and economy, two RRFC demonstration bridges were designed, constructed, and tested: one in Buchanan County and the other in Winnebago County. The Buchanan County Bridge was constructed as a single span with 56-ft-long flatcars supported at their ends by new, concrete abutments. The use of concrete in the substructure allowed for an integral abutment at one end of the bridge with an expansion joint at the other end. Reinforced concrete beams (serving as longitudinal connections between the three adjacent flatcars) were installed to distribute live loads among the RRFCs. Guardrails and an asphalt milling driving surface completed the bridge. The Winnebago County Bridge was constructed using 89-ft-long flatcars. Preliminary calculations determined that they were not adequate to span 89 ft as a simple span. Therefore, the flatcars were supported by new, steel-capped piers and abutments at the RRFCs' bolsters and ends, resulting in a 66-ft main span and two 10-ft end spans. Due to the RRFC geometry, the longitudinal connections between adjacent RRFCs were inadequate to support significant loads; therefore, transverse, recycled timber planks were utilized to effectively distribute live loads to all three RRFCs. A gravel driving surface was placed on top of the timber planks, and a guardrail system was installed to complete the bridge. Bridge behavior predicted by grillage models for each bridge was validated by strain and deflection data from field tests; it was found that the engineered RRFC bridges have live load stresses significantly below the AASHTO Bridge Design Specification limits. To assist in future RRFC bridge projects, RRFC selection criteria were established for visual inspection and selection of structurally adequate RRFCs. In addition, design recommendations have been developed to simplify live load distribution calculations for the design of the bridges. Based on the results of this research, it has been determined that through proper RRFC selection, construction, and engineering, RRFC bridges are a viable, economic replacement system for low-volume road bridges.


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From Proposed Action: "The proposed action consists of reconstructing the East 1st Street/I-35 interchange with a Diverging Diamond interchange, widening I-35 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes, and widening East 1st Street from four (4) lanes to five (5) lanes from Delaware Avenue to Frisk Drive. The project also proposes to reconstruct the intersections of East 1st Street/Creekview Drive and East 1st Street/Frisk Drive."


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"Research project 39 F-7 (2)."