200 resultados para rincon
El ensayo se estableció en la localidad “El Rincón”, Darío-Matagalpa, en agosto del año dos mil diez, para evaluar el efecto de fertilización orgánica y sintética sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento de grano de tres variedades de maíz (Zea mays L). Se utilizó un diseño de parcelas divididas en bloques completos al azar (BCA), utilizando los tratamientos: factor fertilización (A) con 3 niveles: abono verde (frijol mungo). Tratamiento mixto: mezcla proporcional de compost y fertilizantes sintéticos (completo y urea 46%). Ambas fuentes aplicadas en proporción 1:1; y el tercer tratamiento consistió en fertilizantes sintéticos (completo 12-30-10, + urea al 46%) Además se evaluó, el rendimiento obtenido con las fuentes de fertilización, el factor variedad (B) con 3 niveles: NB-S, NB-6 y una criolla. Las variables de crecimiento evaluadas fueron: altura y diámetro de tallo, número de hojas por planta, área foliar, altura de inserción de la mazorca; para variables de rendimiento: peso, longitud y diámetro de la mazorca, peso del raquis, número de hileras por mazorca, número de granos por hilera, peso de 1000 semillas y rendimiento. En las variables de crecimiento, hubo diferencias significativas en el diámetro de tallo aplicando fertilizante sintético; en variables de rendimiento hubo diferencias significativas en peso y longitud de mazorca, peso de raquis, número de hileras por mazorca y número de granos por hilera, mediante la aplicación de fertilizante sintético, resultando mejor la variedad criolla . El manejo convencional (completo + urea al 46%) obtuvo los mayores rendimientos con 424.27 kg ha-1, seguido por el tratamiento mixto [compost (50%) + sintético (50%)] con 415.88 kg ha-1, por último el tratamiento orgánico (mungo) con 395.19kg ha-1. Asimismo, la variedad criolla mostró los mejores resultados, con 422.11 kg ha-1, seguido de variedad NB-6 y NB-S, con 406.85 y 406.37 kg ha-1, respectivamente.
Resumen basado en la publicaci??n
This study documents marine ecological conditions at Rincon Island, located approximately 0.8 kilometer offshore between Ventura and Santa Barbara, California, in a depth of 14 meters. The island, which was constructed between 1957 and 1958 to serve as a permanent platform for oil and gas production, is particularly suitable for ecological study. Habitat features associated with the armor rock and concrete tetrapods surrounding the island support a 'microecosystem' which differs in biotic composition from surrounding natural bottom areas. A major part of the study was devoted to analysis of seasonal dynamics in biotic composition. Permanent transects extending from the high intertidal to natural bottom were established normal to each of the four cardinal sides of the island. All macrobiota were censused in duplicate 1-square meter quadrats along each transect during each of the four seasons. Data analysis indicated that many species exhibit significant variability in abundance from one season to the next. In general, the findings indicate a rich and varied fauna and flora associated with the high-relief solid substrate of Rincon Island which differs substantially from the more depauperate natural bottom habitats in the area.
"March 1974."
Se ha tratado de destacar los aspectos de vulcanismo secundario existentes en las faldas del Rincón de la Vieja, como son fumarolas, manantiales termales, soffioni y volcancitos de barro y todas las otras manifestaciones superficiales que probablemente en un futuro no lejano se podrán reducir a causa de la posible instalación de plantas geotérmicas. Se discute también el impacto geográfico, o sea, los cambios físicos y humanos importantes que resultarían de dicha instalación
This research project investigated and designed a modular architecture for a 3D Reconfigurable Autopilot Flight System that could be used to control actuators in both manned and unmanned aircraft. The system is based on a CAN Bus interface and allows seamless control of different types of actuators. During the course of the research the differences and similarities of autopilots for fixed-wing general aviation aircraft and unmanned aircraft were analysed focusing on the actuator interfaces. This project suggests that software and hardware used in commercial-of-the-shelf avionics could be used in manned and unmanned aviation.
Coherent electronic transport through individual molecules is crucially sensitive to quantum interference. We investigate the zero-bias and zero-temperature conductance through pi-conjugated annulene molecules weakly coupled to two leads for different source-drain configurations, finding an important reduction for certain transmission channels and for particular geometries as a consequence of destructive quantum interference between states with definite momenta. When translational symmetry is broken by an external perturbation we find an abrupt increase of the conductance through those channels. Previous studies concentrated on the effect at the Fermi energy, where this effect is very small. By analyzing the effect of symmetry breaking on the main transmission channels we find a much larger response thus leading to the possibility of a larger switching of the conductance through single molecules.
Many of the most intriguing quantum effects are observed or could be measured in transport experiments through nanoscopic systems such as quantum dots, wires and rings formed by large molecules or arrays of quantum dots. In particular, the separation of charge and spin degrees of freedom and interference effects have important consequences in the conductivity through these systems. Charge-spin separation was predicted theoretically in one-dimensional strongly inter-acting systems (Luttinger liquids) and, although observed indirectly in several materials formed by chains of correlated electrons, it still lacks direct observation. We present results on transport properties through Aharonov-Bohmrings (pierced by a magnetic flux) with one or more channels represented by paradigmatic strongly-correlated models. For a wide range of parameters we observe characteristic dips in the conductance as a function of magnetic flux which are a signature of spin and charge separation. Interference effects could also be controlled in certain molecules and interesting properties could be observed. We analyze transport properties of conjugated molecules, benzene in particular, and find that the conductance depends on the lead configuration. In molecules with translational symmetry, the conductance can be controlled by breaking or restoring this symmetry, e.g. by the application of a local external potential. These results open the possibility of observing these peculiar physical properties in anisotropic ladder systems and in real nanoscopic and molecular devices.
Several of the most interesting quantum effects can or could be observed in nanoscopic systems. For example, the effect of strong correlations between electrons and of quantum interference can be measured in transport experiments through quantum dots, wires, individual molecules and rings formed by large molecules or arrays of quantum dots. In addition, quantum coherence and entanglement can be clearly observed in quantum corrals. In this paper we present calculations of transport properties through Aharonov-Bohm strongly correlated rings where the characteristic phenomenon of charge-spin separation is clearly observed. Additionally quantum interference effects show up in transport through pi-conjugated annulene molecules producing important effects on the conductance for different source-drain configurations, leading to the possibility of an interesting switching effect. Finally, elliptic quantum corrals offer an ideal system to study quantum entanglement due to their focalizing properties. Because of an enhanced interaction between impurities localized at the foci, these systems also show interesting quantum dynamical behaviour and offer a challenging scenario for quantum information experiments.
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas
Ondorengo orri hauetan, Oiartzungo lurraldean natur jardueren sustapena gauzatzeko proiektu baten azalpena ageri da. Urte hauetako natur jardueren masifikazioa baliatuz eta Oiartzunen aurki ditzakegun paraje naturalak erabiliz, inguruko biztanleriari beraien ondare natural zein kulturala erakusteko asmoz, Oiasso Natur enpresaren eskutik, mendi irteeren eskaintza bat aurkezten da. Bertan, emandako urratsak eta hauen nondik norakoak ikusteko aukera dago. Lurraldearen analisi sakon bat egiteko eta ondorioak ateratzeko egindako bilaketa irakur daiteke ere. Txangoei dagokionez, adin guztientzako txangoak dira eta edonor liluratuta uzteko kapaza diren txangoak ikustarazteko eginak dira.
Bio art, understood as the convergence of the relations between art, biology and technology, constitutes a useful case study to discuss the meaning of interdisciplinarity in the artistic field. This paper explores different discourses around interdisciplinarity in order to challenge certain generic approaches for their ineffectiveness when assessing artistic practices. It is proposed that the analysis of interdisciplinarity must address the singular connections produced in the artistic practice itself, considering the impossibility of reducing the complexity of interdisciplinary dialogues into generic considerations. Taking bioart as a case study, different kinds of relationships between the artist and the lab are identified and analyzed, ranging from the use of the lab as a true atelier and as a resource for materials and techniques, to the rejection of the lab by proposing amateurism as an alternative. estrategias amateur, pasando por su utilización como fuente de técnicas y materiales.
Colour-based particle filters have been used exhaustively in the literature given rise to multiple applications However tracking coloured objects through time has an important drawback since the way in which the camera perceives the colour of the object can change Simple updates are often used to address this problem which imply a risk of distorting the model and losing the target In this paper a joint image characteristic-space tracking is proposed which updates the model simultaneously to the object location In order to avoid the curse of dimensionality a Rao-Blackwellised particle filter has been used Using this technique the hypotheses are evaluated depending on the difference between the model and the current target appearance during the updating stage Convincing results have been obtained in sequences under both sudden and gradual illumination condition changes Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B V All rights reserved