933 resultados para rifampicin-resistant
We evaluated the mutations in a 193bp of the rpoB gene by automated sequencing of rifampicin (RMP)-resistant and susceptible Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from Brazil (25 strains) and France (37 strains). In RMP-resistant strains, mutations were identified in 100% (16/16) from France and 89% (16/18) from Brazil. No mutation was detected in the 28 RMP-susceptible strains. Among RMP-resistant or RMP-susceptible strains deletion was observed. A double point mutation which had not been reported before was detected in one strain from France. Among French resistant strains mutations were found in codons 531 (31.2%), 526, 513 and 533 (18.7% each). In Brazilian strains the most common mutations were in codons 531 (72.2%), 526 (11.1%) and 513 (5.5%). The heterogeneity found in French strains may be related to the fact that most of those strains were from African or Asian patients.
We described for the first time the amino acid substitutions conferring rifampicin resistance in eight Propionibacterium acnes strains isolated from patients with biofilm or device-related infections. We identified different mutations in cluster I and one mutation, never reported, in cluster II of the rpoB gene (I480V) associated with the most frequent one in cluster I (S442L). Half of the patients previously received treatment with rifampicin.
OBJECTIVES: Activity of rifampicin against Propionibacterium acnes biofilms was recently demonstrated, but rifampicin resistance has not yet been described in this organism. We investigated the in vitro emergence of rifampicin resistance in P. acnes and characterized its molecular background. METHODS: P. acnes ATCC 11827 was used (MIC 0.007 mg/L). The mutation rate was determined by inoculation of 10(9) cfu of P. acnes on rifampicin-containing agar plates incubated anaerobically for 7 days. Progressive emergence of resistance was studied by serial exposure to increasing concentrations of rifampicin in 72 h cycles using a low (10(6) cfu/mL) and high (10(8) cfu/mL) inoculum. The stability of resistance was determined after three subcultures of rifampicin-resistant isolates on rifampicin-free agar. For resistant mutants, the whole rpoB gene was amplified, sequenced and compared with a P. acnes reference sequence (NC006085). RESULTS: P. acnes growth was observed on rifampicin-containing plates with mutation rates of 2 ± 1 cfu × 10(-9) (4096× MIC) and 12 ± 5 cfu × 10(-9) (4 × MIC). High-level rifampicin resistance emerged progressively after 4 (high inoculum) and 13 (low inoculum) cycles. In rifampicin-resistant isolates, the MIC remained >32 mg/L after three subcultures. Mutations were detected in clusters I (amino acids 418-444) and II (amino acids 471-486) of the rpoB gene after sequence alignment with a Staphylococcus aureus reference sequence (CAA45512). The five following substitutions were found: His-437 → Tyr, Ser-442 → Leu, Leu-444 → Ser, Ile-483 → Val and Ser-485 → Leu. CONCLUSION: The rifampicin MIC increased from highly susceptible to highly resistant values. The resistance remained stable and was associated with mutations in the rpoB gene. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the emergence of rifampicin resistance in P. acnes.
Beneficial bacteria interact with plants by colonizing the rhizosphere and roots followed by further spread through the inner tissues, resulting in endophytic colonization. The major factors contributing to these interactions are not always well understood for most bacterial and plant species. It is believed that specific bacterial functions are required for plant colonization, but also from the plant side specific features are needed, such as plant genotype (cultivar) and developmental stage. Via multivariate analysis we present a quantification of the roles of these components on the composition of root-associated and endophytic bacterial communities in potato plants, by weighing the effects of bacterial inoculation, plant genotype and developmental stage. Spontaneous rifampicin resistant mutants of two bacterial endophytes, Paenibacillus sp. strain E119 and Methylobacterium mesophilicum strain SR1.6/6, were introduced into potato plants of three different cultivars (Eersteling, Robijn and Karnico). Densities of both strains in, or attached to potato plants were measured by selective plating, while the effects of bacterial inoculation, plant genotype and developmental stage on the composition of bacterial, Alphaproteobacterial and Paenibacillus species were determined by PCR-denaturing gradient gel-electrophoresis (DGGE). Multivariate analyses revealed that the composition of bacterial communities was mainly driven by cultivar type and plant developmental stage, while Alphaproteobacterial and Paenibacillus communities were mainly influenced by bacterial inoculation. These results are important for better understanding the effects of bacterial inoculations to plants and their possible effects on the indigenous bacterial communities in relation with other plant factors such as genotype and growth stage.
Information on the effects of released wild-type or genetically engineered bacteria on resident bacterial communities is important to assess the potential risks associated with the introduction of these organisms into agroecosystems. The rifampicin-resistant biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif and its derivative CHA0-Rif/pME3424, which has improved biocontrol activity and enhanced production of the antibiotics 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl) and pyoluteorin (Plt), were introduced into soil microcosms and the culturable bacterial community developing on cucumber roots was investigated 10 and 52 days later. The introduction of either of the two strains led to a transiently enhanced metabolic activity of the bacterial community on glucose dimers and polymers as measured with BIOLOG GN plates, but natural succession between the two sampling dates changed the metabolic activity of the bacterial community more than did the inoculants. The introduced strains did not significantly affect the abundance of dominant genotypic groups of culturable bacteria discriminated by restriction analysis of amplified 16S rDNA of 2500 individual isolates. About 30-50% of the resident bacteria were very sensitive to Phl and Plt, but neither the wild-type nor CHA0-Rif/pME3424 changed the proportion of sensitive and resistant bacteria in situ. In microcosms with a synthetic bacterial community, both biocontrol strains reduced the population of a strain of Pseudomonas but did not affect the abundance of four other bacterial strains including two highly antibiotic-sensitive isolates. We conclude that detectable perturbations in the metabolic activity of the resident bacterial community caused by the biocontrol strain CHA0-Rif are (i) transient, (ii) similar for the genetically improved derivative CHA0-Rif/pME3424 and (iii) less pronounced than changes in the community structure during plant growth.
Many biotic and abiotic factors affect the persistence and activity of beneficial pseudomonads introduced into soil to suppress plant diseases. One such factor may be the presence of virulent bacteriophages that decimate the population of the introduced bacteria, thereby reducing their beneficial effect. We have isolated a lytic bacteriophage (phi)GP100) that specifically infects the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and some closely related Pseudomonas strains. phiGP100 was found to be a double-stranded-DNA phage with an icosahedral head, a stubby tail, and a genome size of approximately 50 kb. Replication of phiGP100 was negatively affected at temperatures higher than 25 degrees C. phiGP100 had a negative impact on the population size and the biocontrol activity of P. fluorescens strain CHA0-Rif (a rifampicin-resistant variant of CHA0) in natural soil microcosms. In the presence of phiGP100, the population size of strain CHA0-Rif in soil and on cucumber roots was reduced more than 100-fold. As a consequence, the bacterium's capacity to protect cucumber against a root disease caused by the pathogenic oomycete Pythium ultimum was entirely abolished. In contrast, the phage affected neither root colonization and nor the disease suppressive effect of a phiDGP100-resistant variant of strain CHA0-Rif. To our knowledge, this study is the first to illustrate the potential of phages to impair biocontrol performance of beneficial bacteria released into the natural soil environment.
Non-target effects of biocontrol strains of Pseudomonas on the population of resident pseudomonads should be assessed prior to their large scale application in the environment. The rifampicin resistant bacterium P. fluorescens CHA0-Rif and its antibiotic overproducing derivative CHA0-Rif/pME3424 were introduced into soil microcosms and the population of resident pseudomonads colonizing cucumber roots was investigated after 10 and 52 days. Both CHA0-Rif and CHA0-Rif/pME3424 displaced a part of the resident pseudomonad population after 10 days. To investigate the population structure, utilization of 10 carbon sources and production of two exoenzymes was assessed for 5600 individual pseudomonad isolates and 1700 isolates were subjected to amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis of the spacer region (spacer-ARDRA). After 10 days, only the proportion of pseudomonads able to degrade -tryptophan was reduced in treatments inoculated with either biocontrol strain. In parallel the phenotypic diversity was reduced. These effects were only observed 10 days after inoculation, and they were similar for inoculation with CHA0-Rif and CHA0-Rif/pME3424. Changes in the population structure of resident pseudomonads on cucumber roots during plant growth were more pronounced than changes due to the inoculants. The inoculants did not affect the genotypic diversity detected with spacer-ARDRA, but the genotypic fingerprints corresponded only partially to the phenotypic profiles. Overall CHA0-Rif had a small and transient impact on the population of resident pseudomonads and the effect was essentially the same for the genetically engineered derivative CHA0-
Una soca de Lactobacillus salivarius resistent a la rifampicina, CTC2197, es va assajar com a probiòtic en pollastres, estudiant la seva capacitat de prevenir la colonització de Salmonella enteritidis C-114 en pollastres. Quan la soca probiòtica es va administrar via oral juntament amb S.enteritidis C-114 directament al proventricle en pollets Leghorn de 1 dia, el patògen fou eliminat completament després de 21 dies. Els mateixos resultats es van obtenir quan la soca es va administrar a través del menjar i l'aigua a més de la inoculació directa al proventricle. La inclusió de L.salivarius CTC2197 en el menjar del primer dia va mostrar que una concentració de 105 UFC g-1 era suficient per assegurar la colonització dels tracte gastrointestinal dels pollets després de 1 setmana. No obstant, entre els 21 i 28 dies, L.salivarius CTC2197 no va ser detectable en el tracte gastrointestinal d'alguns pollets, mostrant que seria necessària més d'una dosis per assegurar la seva presència fins al final de l'etapa d'engreix. La liofilització i la congelació per glicerol o llet descremada com a agents crioprotector, van semblar mètodes adequats per preservar la soca probiòtica. La inclusió de L.salivarius CTC2197 en un pinso comercial va semblar ser un bon mètode per subministrar-lo en granja, tot i que la soca va mostrar sensibilitat a les temperatures utilitzades durant l'emmagatzematge del pinso i a les incubadores dels pollets. A més, la supervivència va millorar després de diverses reinoculacions en pinso.
Neste trabalho é descrita a síntese de hidrazidas graxas derivadas da isoniazida e de ácidos graxos saturados, insaturados, poli-insaturados e hidroxilados, os quais posteriormente tiveram sua atividade antimicobacteriana in vitro avaliada frente às cepas do Micobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (ATCC 27294), M. tuberculosis resistentes à isoniazida (INHr, ATCC 35822) e M. tuberculosis (INHr, 1896HF), e M. tuberculosis resistente à rifampicina (RIFr, ATCC 35338). A síntese dos compostos 3a-g, derivados dos ácidos graxos C16:0, 18:0, cis- 18:1, trans-18:1, 18:1(OH), 18:2, e 18:3, respectivamente, foi realizada na presença de (COCl)2, DMAP e isoniazida, e os rendimentos variaram entre 60–90%. A maioria dos compostos testados demonstrou atividade mais potente que a isoniazida contra todas as cepas de M. tuberculosis estudadas, com valores de CIM entre 0,0019–50 µg.mL-1 . No estudo de relação estrutura vs. atividade, para a cepa resistente a isoniazida, o aumento da cadeia graxa e do número de insaturações provocou uma perda na potência dos derivados testados. Para as demais cepas testadas, os valores de CIM parecem ser dependentes da cepa em estudo, não sendo evidenciada uma relação estrutura vs. atividade sistemática com relação ao arranjo estrutural da cadeia graxa. Entre os compostos testados, o derivado do ácido palmítico 3a parece representar um protótipo promissor para o desenvolvimento de fármacos antituberculose, tendo apresentado valores de CIM entre 0,003–0,125 µg.mL-1 .
INTRODUCTION: Antimicrobial activity on biofilms depends on their molecular size, positive charges, permeability coefficient, and bactericidal activity. Vancomycin is the primary choice for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection treatment; rifampicin has interesting antibiofilm properties, but its effectivity remains poorly defined. METHODS: Rifampicin activity alone and in combination with vancomycin against biofilm-forming MRSA was investigated, using a twofold serial broth microtiter method, biofilm challenge, and bacterial count recovery. RESULTS: Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration for vancomycin and rifampicin ranged from 0.5 to 1mg/l and 0.008 to 4mg/l, and from 1 to 4mg/l and 0.06 to 32mg/l, respectively. Mature biofilms were submitted to rifampicin and vancomycin exposure, and minimum biofilm eradication concentration ranged from 64 to 32,000 folds and from 32 to 512 folds higher than those for planktonic cells, respectively. Vancomycin (15mg/l) in combination with rifampicin at 6 dilutions higher each isolate MIC did not reach in vitro biofilm eradication but showed biofilm inhibitory capacity (1.43 and 0.56log10 CFU/ml reduction for weak and strong biofilm producers, respectively; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In our setting, rifampicin alone failed to effectively kill biofilm-forming MRSA, demonstrating stronger inability to eradicate mature biofilm compared with vancomycin.
The activity of dalbavancin, a representative of the lipoglycopeptide antibiotics, alone and in combination with rifampicin, was investigated against meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a foreign-body infection model in guinea pigs. The MIC, MBC and time-kill profile of dalbavancin were determined for MRSA ATCC 43300 in the logarithmic (MBClog) and stationary (MBCstat) growth phases. The pharmacokinetic profile of dalbavancin was determined in sterile cage fluid in guinea pigs. The activity of intraperitoneal dalbavancin (40, 60 or 80mg/kg as a single dose), rifampicin (12.5mg/kg/12h for 4 days) and their combination was assessed against planktonic and biofilm MRSA. The MIC of dalbavancin was 0.078mg/L; MBClog and MBCstat were both >128Ã- MIC. In time-kill studies, bacterial reduction of 3log10CFU/mL was achieved after 48h at â0/00¥32Ã- MIC (logarithmic growth) and at â0/00¥1Ã- MIC (stationary growth). Dalbavancin was neither synergistic nor antagonistic with rifampicin, and prevented the emergence of rifampicin resistance in vitro. The half-life of dalbavancin in cage fluid was 35.8-45.4h and the concentration remained above the MIC of MRSA during 7 days after a single dose. Dalbavancin reduced planktonic MRSA in cage fluid at high dose (60mg/kg and 80mg/kg) but failed to eradicate biofilm MRSA from cages. In combination with rifampicin, dalbavancin at 80mg/kg cured 36% of infected cages, and emergence of rifampicin resistance was completely prevented. Dalbavancin at 80mg/kg and in combination with rifampicin eradicated approximately one-third of cage-associated MRSA infections and prevented emergence of rifampicin resistance.
Nosocomial transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) frequently results in chronic respiratory tract carriage. This is an increasing problem, adds to the burden of glycopeptide antibiotic use in hospitals, and represents a relative contraindication to lung transplantation. The aim of this study was to determine whether it is possible to eradicate MRSA with prolonged oral combination antibiotics, and whether this treatment is associated with improved clinical status. Adult CF patients (six mate, one female) with chronic MRSA infection were treated for six months with rifampicin and sodium fusidate. Outcome data were examined for six months before treatment, on treatment and after treatment. The patients had a mean age of 29.3 (standard deviation = 6.3) years and FEV1 of 36.1% (standard deviation = 12.7) predicted. The mean duration of MRSA isolation was 31 months. MRSA isolates identified in these patients was of the same lineage as the known endemic strain at the hospital when assessed by pulsed-field get electrophoresis. Five of the seven had no evidence of MRSA during and for at [east six months after rifampicin and sodium fusidate. The proportion of sputum samples positive for MRSA was lower during the six months of treatment (0.13) and after treatment (0.19) compared with before treatment (0.85) (P < 0.0001). There was a reduction in the number of days of intravenous antibiotics per six months with 20.3 +/- 17.6 on treatment compared with 50.7 before treatment and 33.0 after treatment (P = 0.02). There was no change in lung function. Gastrointestinal side effects occurred in three, but led to therapy cessation in only one patient. Despite the use of antibiotics with anti-staphylococcal activity for treatment of respiratory exacerbation, MRSA infection persists. MRSA can be eradicated from the sputum of patients with CF and chronic MRSA carriage by using rifampicin and sodium fusidate for six months. This finding was associated with a significant reduction in the duration of intravenous antibiotic treatment during therapy. (C) 2003 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: Although little studied in developing countries, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is considered a major threat. We report the molecular epidemiology, clinical features and outcome of an emerging MDR-TB epidemic. METHODS: In 1996 all tuberculosis suspects in the rural Hlabisa district, South Africa, had sputum cultured, and drug susceptibility patterns of mycobacterial isolates were determined. Isolates with MDR-TB (resistant to both isoniazid and rifampicin) were DNA fingerprinted by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using IS6110 and polymorphic guanine-cytosine-rich sequence-based (PGRS) probes. Patients with MDR-TB were traced to determine outcome. Data were compared with results from a survey of drug susceptibility done in 1994. RESULTS: The rate of MDR-TB among smear-positive patients increased six-fold from 0.36% (1/275) in 1994 to 2.3% (13/561) in 1996 (P = 0.04). A further eight smear-negative cases were identified in 1996 from culture, six of whom had not been diagnosed with tuberculosis. MDR disease was clinically suspected in only five of the 21 cases (24%). Prevalence of primary and acquired MDR-TB was 1.8% and 4.1%, respectively. Twelve MDR-TB cases (67%) were in five RFLP-defined clusters. Among 20 traced patients, 10 (50%) had died, five had active disease (25%) and five (25%) were apparently cured. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of MDR-TB has risen rapidly in Hlabisa, apparently due to both reactivation disease and recent transmission. Many patients were not diagnosed with tuberculosis and many were not suspected of drug-resistant disease, and outcome was poor.
Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) is an emerging public health problem worldwide. Severe invasive infections have been described, mostly associated with the presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). In Portugal limited information exists regarding CA-MRSA infections. In this study we describe the case of a previously healthy 12-year-old female, sport athlete, who presented to the hospital with acetabulofemoral septic arthritis, myositis, fasciitis, acetabulum osteomyelitis, and pneumonia.The MRSA isolated from blood and synovial fluid was PVL negative and staphylococcal enterotoxin type P (SEP) and type L (SEL) positive, with a vancomycin MIC of 1.0mg/L and resistant to clindamycin and ciprofloxacin. The patient was submitted to multiple surgical drainages and started on vancomycin, rifampicin, and gentamycin. Due to persistence of fever and no microbiological clearance, linezolid was started with improvement. This is one of the few reported cases of severe invasive infection caused by CA-MRSA in Portugal,which was successfully treated with linezolid. In spite of the severity of infection, the MRSA isolate did not produce PVL.
An increase in the number of new cases of tuberculosis (TB) combined with poor clinical outcome was identified among HIV-infected injecting drug users attending a large HIV unit in central Lisbon. A retrospective epidemiological and laboratory study was conducted to review all newly diagnosed cases of TB from 1995 to 1996 in the HIV unit. Results showed that from 1995 to 1996, 63% (109/173) of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from HIV-infected patients were resistant to one or more anti-tuberculosis drugs; 89% (95) of these were multidrug-resistant, i.e., resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin. Eighty percent of the multidrug-resistant strains (MDR) available for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) DNA fingerprinting clustered into one of two large clusters. Epidemiological data support the conclusion that the transmission of MDR-TB occurred among HIV-infected injecting drug users exposed to infectious TB cases on open wards in the HIV unit. Improved infection control measures on the HIV unit and the use of empirical therapy with six drugs once patients were suspected to have TB, reduced the incidence of MDR-TB from 42% of TB cases in 1996 to 11% in 1999.