881 resultados para reverence for life, veracity, mysticism, thinking, worldview, common sense


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In vorliegender Dissertation werden die von Albert Schweitzer ersonnene Weltanschauungsphilosophie sowie dessen Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben untersucht und auf ihre Kohärenz sowie auf ihre argumentative Tragfähigkeit geprüft. Es zeigt sich dabei, dass dieselben, entgegen der Meinung vieler Kritiker, keineswegs nur weltfremde Gedankenkonstrukte sind, sondern sehr wohl Orientierung hinsichtlich der ethischen Ausrichtung unserer Zeit zu geben vermögen und insbesondere die Schweitzer’sche Ehrfurchtsethik aus diesem Grunde als theoretisch vollwertiges Konzept einer philosophischen Ethik respektiert zu werden verdient. Schweitzer hat als Hintergrund all seiner Ausführungen die Vorstellung vom "Verfall der Kultur", daher sind sämtliche seiner philosophischen Überlegungen als Antwortversuche auf diesen von ihm konstatierten Kulturverfall zu verstehen. Ist der Verfall der Kultur seiner Zeit für Schweitzer bedingt durch das Fehlen einer lebens- und weltbejahenden Weltanschauung, so kann ein entsprechender Wiederaufbau der Kultur für ihn nur über den Weg der Konzeption einer aus tiefstem Denken ersonnenen lebens- und weltbejahenden Weltanschauung führen; das Kernstück dieser gesuchten neuen Weltanschauung ist für Schweitzer schließlich die Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben. Es entbehrt indes nicht einer gewissen Tragik, dass diese Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben, welche Schweitzer selbst ein Herzensanliegen war und um die sein gesamtes Denken seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts kreiste, weder bei philosophisch interessierten Laien noch bei den Gelehrten dieser Zunft auf reges Interesse stieß. Mit Verweis auf die unsystematische Verfasstheit sowie den unausgereiften bzw. unvollkommenen Zustand dieses Ethikkonzepts schenkte (und schenkt) man demselben in Fachkreisen so gut wie keine Beachtung und auch im Blickpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses standen (und stehen) für gewöhnlich die greif- und sichtbaren Aktivitäten Schweitzers – so etwa sein humanitäres Engagement in Afrika oder seine Rolle als "kritisches Gewissen" seiner Zeit hinsichtlich der damals mehr oder minder akuten Bedrohung der Menschheit durch das atomare Wettrüsten der beiden Supermächte USA und UdSSR – wobei man jedoch verkennt, dass diese letztlich nur verstehbar sind vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben und nur von dort einen Sinn erhalten. Um diese überragende Bedeutung der Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben im Gesamtgefüge des Schweitzer’schen Denkens angemessen einschätzen zu können, werden die tragenden Begriffe dieser Ethikkonzeption aus den Texten Schweitzers heraus so exakt als möglich bestimmt sowie der innere Zusammenhang derselben aufgezeigt, um wiederum die diese Begriffe fundierende Architektonik freizulegen.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Of this special de luxe Independence edition of the centenary issue of the writings of Thomas Paine there have been printed five hundred numbered copies." This set not numbered.


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This paper is concerned with how the everyday aspects of teaching and learning work to reinforce pedagogy as a mechanism for normalizing consensus ideology. In other words, within the context of schooling, particular beliefs are sanctioned as ‘common sense’ and pedagogy reinforces common sense ‘positionalit[ies]’ (Maher & Tetreault, 1993, p. 118). Hence it is argued that everyday aspects of teaching and learning create common sense positionality, or default positions for both teacher and student.Forming part of a larger PhD study about why and how do teachers teach, post 9/11, the paper tells tales from Victorian schools. These tales unearth common-sense assumptions which are then critically analysed to illustrate how ‘classroom experience has a hegemonic influence by controlling the range of alternatives that can be considered’ (Denscombe, 1982, p. 259) thereby rendering consensus belief as the individual’s belief.A combination of semi-structured interviews and photo elicitation methods are employed and through the analytical lens of iconography, a close up examination of two teachers and two students from Victorian schools are presented. Fuelled by the work of W.J.T. Mitchell, the paper supports the position that images capture values and beliefs hidden in the participants’ worlds, which work to shape identity by sustaining consensus ideologies about how the world should be. Through the images of the researched and their life narratives, the power relations and the ‘operative forces in a sociopolitical reality’ (Mitchell, 2011, p. xvii) of the researched are explored.


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We describe the on-going design and implementation of a sensor network for agricultural management targeted at resource-poor farmers in India. Our focus on semi-arid regions led us to concentrate on water-related issues. Throughout 2004, we carried out a survey on the information needs of the population living in a cluster of villages in our study area. The results highlighted the potential that environment-related information has for the improvement of farming strategies in the face of highly variable conditions, in particular for risk management strategies (choice of crop varieties, sowing and harvest periods, prevention of pests and diseases, efficient use of irrigation water etc.). This leads us to advocate an original use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). We believe our demand-driven approach for the design of appropriate ICT tools that are targeted at the resource-poor to be relatively new. In order to go beyond a pure technocratic approach, we adopted an iterative, participatory methodology.


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This work presents a novel approach for human action recognition based on the combination of computer vision techniques and common-sense knowledge and reasoning capabilities. The emphasis of this work is on how common sense has to be leveraged to a vision-based human action recognition so that nonsensical errors can be amended at the understanding stage. The proposed framework is to be deployed in a realistic environment in which humans behave rationally, that is, motivated by an aim or a reason. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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This paper presents a novel method that leverages reasoning capabilities in a computer vision system dedicated to human action recognition. The proposed methodology is decomposed into two stages. First, a machine learning based algorithm - known as bag of words - gives a first estimate of action classification from video sequences, by performing an image feature analysis. Those results are afterward passed to a common-sense reasoning system, which analyses, selects and corrects the initial estimation yielded by the machine learning algorithm. This second stage resorts to the knowledge implicit in the rationality that motivates human behaviour. Experiments are performed in realistic conditions, where poor recognition rates by the machine learning techniques are significantly improved by the second stage in which common-sense knowledge and reasoning capabilities have been leveraged. This demonstrates the value of integrating common-sense capabilities into a computer vision pipeline. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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During the last 30 years governments almost everywhere in the world are furthering a global neoliberal agenda by withdrawing the state from the delivery of services, decreasing social spending and lowering corporate taxation etc. This restructuring has led to a massive transfer of wealth from the welfare state and working class people into capital. In order to legitimize this restructuring conservative governments engage in collective blaming towards their denizens. This presentation will examine some of the well circulated phrases that have been used by the dominant elite in some countries during the last year to legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Phrases such as, ‘We all partied’ used by the Irish finance minister, Brian Lenihan, to explain the Irish crisis and collectively blame all Irish people, ‘We must all share the pain’, deployed by another Irish Minister Gilmore and the UK coalition administration’s sound bite ‘We are all in this together’, legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Utilizing the Gramscian concept of common sense (Gramsci, 1971), I call these phrases ‘austerity common sense’. They are austerity common sense because they both reflect and legitimate the austerity agenda. By deploying these phrases, the ruling economic and political elite seek to influence the perception of the people and pre-empt any intention of resistance. The dominant theme of these phrases is that there is no alternative and that austerity measures are somehow self-inflicted and, as such, should not be challenged because we are all to blame. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the “austerity common sense” theme from a Gramscian approach, focus on its implications for the social work profession and discuss the ways to resist the imposition of the global neoliberal agenda.