992 resultados para repeated measurement


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The ability to undertake repeat measurements of flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) within a short time of a previous measurement would be useful to improve accuracy or to repeat a failed initial procedure. Although standard methods report that a minimum of 10 min is required between measurements, there is no published data to support this. Thirty healthy volunteers had five FMD measurements performed within a 2-h period, separated by various time intervals (5, 15 and 30 min). In 19 volunteers, FMD was also performed as soon as the vessel had returned to its baseline diameter. There was no significant difference between any of the FMD measurements or parameters across the visits indicating that repeat measurements may be taken after a minimum of 5 min or as soon as the vessel has returned to its baseline diameter, which in some subjects may be less than 5 min.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether letter sequences and/or lens-presentation order should be randomized when measuring defocus curves and to assess the most appropriate criterion for calculating the subjective amplitude of accommodation (AoA) from defocus curves. SETTING: Eye Clinic, School of Life & Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. METHODS: Defocus curves (from +3.00 diopters [D] to -3.00 D in 0.50 D steps) for 6 possible combinations of randomized or nonrandomized letter sequences and/or lens-presentation order were measured in a random order in 20 presbyopic subjects. Subjective AoA was calculated from the defocus curves by curve fitting using various published criteria, and each was correlated to subjective push-up AoA. Objective AoA was measured for comparison of blur tolerance and pupil size. RESULTS: Randomization of lens-presentation order and/or letter sequences, or lack of, did not affect the measured defocus curves (P>.05, analysis of variance). The range of defocus that maintains highest achievable visual acuity (allowing for variability of repeated measurement) was better correlated to (r = 0.84) and agreed best with ( 0.50 D) subjective push-up AoA than any other relative or absolute acuity criterion used in previous studies. CONCLUSIONS: Nonrandomized letters and lens presentation on their own did not affect subjective AoA measured by defocus curves, although their combination should be avoided. Quantification of subjective AoA from defocus curves should be standardized to the range of defocus that maintains the best achievable visual acuity.


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Supervision is a highly valued component of practitioner training. This chapter discusses the following: factors influencing perceived satisfaction and alliance; and how satisfaction, alliance, and supervision relationships are currently measured; and reviews issues with the concept and its assessment. Given the importance of the supervisory relationship and of the supervisory alliance for the effectiveness of supervision and for the welfare of supervisees, the routine, repeated measurement of both these concepts, together with supervisee satisfaction, also assumes considerable utility. The chapter describes a selection of some commonly used measures: Supervisee Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ), Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ), Supervisory Relationship Measure (SRM), Supervision Attitude Scale (SAS), Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory (SWAI), Supervisory Styles Inventory (SSI), Role Conflict and Ambiguity Inventory (RCAIC), and Evaluation Process within Supervision Inventory (EPSI).


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Cette thèse porte sur l’évaluation de la cohérence du réseau conceptuel démontré par des étudiants de niveau collégial inscrits en sciences de la nature. L’évaluation de cette cohérence s’est basée sur l’analyse des tableaux de Burt issus des réponses à des questionnaires à choix multiples, sur l’étude détaillée des indices de discrimination spécifique qui seront décrits plus en détail dans le corps de l’ouvrage et sur l’analyse de séquences vidéos d’étudiants effectuant une expérimentation en contexte réel. Au terme de ce projet, quatre grands axes de recherche ont été exploré. 1) Quelle est la cohérence conceptuelle démontrée en physique newtonienne ? 2) Est-ce que la maîtrise du calcul d’incertitude est corrélée au développement de la pensée logique ou à la maîtrise des mathématiques ? 3) Quelle est la cohérence conceptuelle démontrée dans la quantification de l’incertitude expérimentale ? 4) Quelles sont les procédures concrètement mise en place par des étudiants pour quantifier l’incertitude expérimentale dans un contexte de laboratoire semi-dirigé ? Les principales conclusions qui ressortent pour chacun des axes peuvent se formuler ainsi. 1) Les conceptions erronées les plus répandues ne sont pas solidement ancrées dans un réseau conceptuel rigide. Par exemple, un étudiant réussissant une question sur la troisième loi de Newton (sujet le moins bien réussi du Force Concept Inventory) montre une probabilité à peine supérieure de réussir une autre question sur ce même sujet que les autres participants. De nombreux couples de questions révèlent un indice de discrimination spécifique négatif indiquant une faible cohérence conceptuelle en prétest et une cohérence conceptuelle légèrement améliorée en post-test. 2) Si une petite proportion des étudiants ont montré des carences marquées pour les questions reliées au contrôle des variables et à celles traitant de la relation entre la forme graphique de données expérimentales et un modèle mathématique, la majorité des étudiants peuvent être considérés comme maîtrisant adéquatement ces deux sujets. Toutefois, presque tous les étudiants démontrent une absence de maîtrise des principes sous-jacent à la quantification de l’incertitude expérimentale et de la propagation des incertitudes (ci-après appelé métrologie). Aucune corrélation statistiquement significative n’a été observée entre ces trois domaines, laissant entendre qu’il s’agit d’habiletés cognitives largement indépendantes. Le tableau de Burt a pu mettre en lumière une plus grande cohérence conceptuelle entre les questions de contrôle des variables que n’aurait pu le laisser supposer la matrice des coefficients de corrélation de Pearson. En métrologie, des questions équivalentes n’ont pas fait ressortir une cohérence conceptuelle clairement démontrée. 3) L’analyse d’un questionnaire entièrement dédié à la métrologie laisse entrevoir des conceptions erronées issues des apprentissages effectués dans les cours antérieurs (obstacles didactiques), des conceptions erronées basées sur des modèles intuitifs et une absence de compréhension globale des concepts métrologiques bien que certains concepts paraissent en voie d’acquisition. 4) Lorsque les étudiants sont laissés à eux-mêmes, les mêmes difficultés identifiées par l’analyse du questionnaire du point 3) reviennent ce qui corrobore les résultats obtenus. Cependant, nous avons pu observer d’autres comportements reliés à la mesure en laboratoire qui n’auraient pas pu être évalués par le questionnaire à choix multiples. Des entretiens d’explicitations tenus immédiatement après chaque séance ont permis aux participants de détailler certains aspects de leur méthodologie métrologique, notamment, l’emploi de procédures de répétitions de mesures expérimentales, leurs stratégies pour quantifier l’incertitude et les raisons sous-tendant l’estimation numérique des incertitudes de lecture. L’emploi des algorithmes de propagation des incertitudes a été adéquat dans l’ensemble. De nombreuses conceptions erronées en métrologie semblent résister fortement à l’apprentissage. Notons, entre autres, l’assignation de la résolution d’un appareil de mesure à affichage numérique comme valeur de l’incertitude et l’absence de procédures d’empilement pour diminuer l’incertitude. La conception que la précision d’une valeur numérique ne peut être inférieure à la tolérance d’un appareil semble fermement ancrée.


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Zur Erholung in die Natur gehen oder doch lieber zur Natursimulation greifen? Intuitiv würden die meisten Menschen der Natur einen größeren Erholungswert zusprechen als einer Natursimulation. Aber ist die Natur tatsächlich erholsamer? In der Naturerholungsforschung (Restorative Environment Research) kommen häufig Natursimulationen zum Einsatz, um die erholsame Wirkung von Natur zu ermitteln. Problematisch ist dabei, dass deren ökologische Validität und Vergleichbarkeit noch nicht empirisch abgesichert ist. Vorliegende Arbeit setzt an dieser methodischen und empirischen Lücke an. Sie überprüft sowohl die ökologische Validität als auch die Vergleichbarkeit von Natursimulationen. Dazu wird die erholsame Wirkung von zwei Natursimulationen im Vergleich zu der physisch-materiellen Natur empirisch untersucht und verglichen. Darüber hinaus werden Aspekte des subjektiven Erlebens und der Bewertung im Naturerholungskontext exploriert. Als bedeutsamer Wirkmechanismus wird die erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit angesehen, die sich auf die Erlebnisqualität von Natursimulationen und der physisch-materiellen Natur bezieht: Natursimulationen weisen im Vergleich zur physisch-materiellen Natur eine reduzierte Erlebnisqualität auf (erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit), z.B. eine reduzierte Qualität und Quantität der Sinnesansprache. Stellt man einen derartigen Vergleich nicht nur mit der physisch-materiellen Natur, sondern mit unterschiedlichen Natursimulationstypen an, dann zeigen sich auch hier Unterschiede in der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit. Beispielsweise unterscheidet sich ein Naturfoto von einem Naturfilm durch das Fehlen von auditiven und bewegten Stimuli. Diese erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit kann die erholsame Wirkung von Natur - direkt oder indirekt über Bewertungen - hemmen. Als Haupthypothese wird angenommen, dass mit zunehmendem Ausmaß an erlebnisbezogener Künstlichkeit die erholsame Wirkung der Natur abnimmt. Dem kombinierten Feld- und Laborexperiment liegt ein einfaktorielles Vorher-Nachher-Design zugrunde. Den 117 Probanden wurde zunächst eine kognitiv und affektiv belastende Aufgabe vorgelegt, danach folgte die Erholungsphase. Diese bestand aus einem Spaziergang, der entweder in der physisch-materiellen Natur (urbaner Park) oder in einer der beiden audio-visuellen Natursimulationen (videogefilmter vs. computergenerierter Spaziergang durch selbigen urbanen Park) oder auf dem Laufband ohne audio-visuelle Darbietung stattfand. Die erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit wurde also wie folgt operationlisiert: die physische Natur steht für die erlebnisbezogene Natürlichkeit. Die beiden Natursimulationen stehen für die erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit. Die computergenerierte Version ist im Vergleich zur Videoversion erlebnisbezogen künstlicher, da sie weniger fotorealistisch ist. Die Zuordnung zu einer der vier experimentellen Erholungssettings erfolgte nach dem Zufallsprinzip. Die Effekte von moderater Bewegung wurden in den Natursimulationen durch das Laufen auf dem Laufband kontrolliert. Die Beanspruchungs- bzw. Erholungsreaktionen wurden auf kognitiver (Konzentriertheit, Aufmerksamkeitsleistung) affektiver (3 Befindlichkeitsskalen: Wachheit, Ruhe, gute Stimmung) und physiologischer (Alpha-Amylase) Ebene gemessen, um ein umfassendes Bild der Reaktionen zu erhalten. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die beiden Natursimulationen trotz Unterschiede in der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit zu relativ ähnlichen Erholungsreaktionen führen, wie die physisch-materielle Natur. Eine Ausnahme stellen eine der drei affektiven (Wachheit) und die physiologische Reaktion dar: Probanden der physisch-materiellen Naturbedingung geben an wacher zu sein und weisen - wider erwarten - eine höhere physiologische Erregung auf. Demnach ist die physisch-materielle Natur nicht grundsätzlich erholsamer als die Natursimulationen. Die Hypothese ließ sich somit nicht bestätigen. Vielmehr deuten sich komplexe Erholungsmuster und damit auch unterschiedliche Erholungsqualitäten der Settings an, die einer differenzierten Betrachtung bedürfen. Für die ökologische Validität von Natursimulationen gilt, dass diese nur mit Einschränkung als ökologisch valide bezeichnet werden können, d.h. nur für bestimmte, aber nicht für alle Erholungsreaktionen. Die beiden Natursimulationen führen ebenfalls trotz Unterschiede in der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit zu ähnlichen Erholungsreaktionen und können somit als gleichwertig behandelt werden. Erstaunlicherweise kommt es hier zu ähnlichen Erholungsreaktionen, obwohl die bestehenden Unterschiede von den Probanden wahrgenommen und die erlebnisbezogen künstlichere computergenerierte Version negativer bewertet wird. Aufgrund der nicht erwartungskonformen Ergebnisse muss das Erklärungskonzept der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit infrage gestellt werden. Alternative Erklärungskonzepte für die Ergebnisse („Ungewissheit“, mentale räumliche Modelle), die sich andeutenden unterschiedlichen Erholungsqualitäten der Settings, methodische Einschränkungen sowie die praktische Bedeutung der Ergebnisse werden kritisch diskutiert.


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Despite growing popularity of experience sampling methodology (ESM) for evaluations of state-based components of body image, there have been concerns that the frequent repeated measurement might encourage problematic responding resulting in low data quantity and/or quality. Using a sample of 105 women (mean age = 24.84), this study used multilevel modelling to investigate whether (a) there were changes in compliance or response variability across a 7-day period, and (b) whether such changes are explained by participant characteristics. Present findings suggest that demands of ESM protocol undermine quantity more so than quality of obtained data. Decline in procedural compliance across the testing period correlated with BMI and body shame, whereas reduced variability in state-based assessments did not adversely impact the strength of association between state body satisfaction ratings and other variables in the dataset. The authors make several recommendations for ensuring the quality of ESM-based data in future studies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose. To assess the impact of a six-month stage-based intervention on fruit and vegetable intake, regarding perceived benefits and barriers, and self-efficacy among adolescents. Design. Randomized treatment-control, pre-post design. Subjects/ Setting. Schools were randomized between control and experimental groups. 860 adolescents from ten public schools in Bras ' ilia, Federal District, Brazil were evaluated at baseline; 771 (81%) completed the study. Intervention. Experimental group received monthly magazines and newsletters aimed at promotion of healthy eating. Measures. Self-reported fruit and vegetable intake, stages of change, self-efficacy and decisional balance scores were evaluated at baseline and post-intervention in both groups. Analysis. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated using the analysis of covariance model (ANCOVA) and repeated measurement analysis by means of weighted least squares. Comparison between the proportions of adolescents who advanced through the stages during the intervention was performed using the Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test. Results. After adjusting for sex and age, study variables showed no modifications through the proposed intervention. There was no statistical difference in participant mobility in the intervention and control groups between the stages of change, throughout the study. Conclusion. A nutritional intervention based exclusively on distribution of stage-matched printed educational materials was insufficient to change adolescents' dietary behavior.


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In natural history studies of chronic disease, it is of interest to understand the evolution of key variables that measure aspects of disease progression. This is particularly true for immunological variables in persons infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The natural timescale for such studies is time since infection. However, most data available for analysis arise from prevalent cohorts, where the date of infection is unknown for most or all individuals. As a result, standard curve fitting algorithms are not immediately applicable. Here we propose two methods to circumvent this difficulty. The first uses repeated measurement data to provide information not only on the level of the variable of interest, but also on its rate of change, while the second uses an estimate of the expected time since infection. Both methods are based on the principal curves algorithm of Hastie and Stuetzle, and are applied to data from a prevalent cohort of HIV-infected homosexual men, giving estimates of the average pattern of CD4+ lymphocyte decline. These methods are applicable to natural history studies using data from prevalent cohorts where the time of disease origin is uncertain, provided certain ancillary information is available from external sources.


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RATIONALE: Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic drug with a more favourable safety profile than typical antipsychotics with a hitherto unknown topographic quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) profile. OBJECTIVES: We investigated electrical brain activity (QEEG and cognitive event related potentials, ERPs) in healthy subjects who received olanzapine. METHODS: Vigilance-controlled, 19-channel EEG and ERP in an auditory odd-ball paradigm were recorded before and 3 h, 6 h and 9 h after administration of either a single dose of placebo or olanzapine (2.5 mg and 5 mg) in ten healthy subjects. QEEG was analysed by spectral analysis and evaluated in nine frequency bands. For the P300 component in the odd-ball ERP, the amplitude and latency was analysed. Statistical effects were tested using a repeated-measurement analysis of variance. RESULTS: For the interaction between time and treatment, significant effects were observed for theta, alpha-2, beta-2 and beta-4 frequency bands. The amplitude of the activity in the theta band increased most significantly 6 h after the 5-mg administration of olanzapine. A pronounced decrease of the alpha-2 activity especially 9 h after 5 mg olanzapine administration could be observed. In most beta frequency bands, and most significantly in the beta-4 band, a dose-dependent decrease of the activity beginning 6 h after drug administration was demonstrated. Topographic effects could be observed for the beta-2 band (occipital decrease) and a tendency for the alpha-2 band (frontal increase and occipital decrease), both indicating a frontal shift of brain electrical activity. There were no significant changes in P300 amplitude or latency after drug administration. Conclusion: QEEG alterations after olanzapine administration were similar to EEG effects gained by other atypical antipsychotic drugs, such as clozapine. The increase of theta activity is comparable to the frequency distribution observed for thymoleptics or antipsychotics for which treatment-emergent somnolence is commonly observed, whereas the decrease of beta activity observed after olanzapine administration is not characteristic for these drugs. There were no clear signs for an increased cerebral excitability after a single-dose administration of 2.5 mg and 5 mg olanzapine in healthy controls.


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Background: Prevalence of hypertension in HIV infection is high, and information on blood pressure control in HIV-infected individuals is insufficient. We modeled blood pressure over time and the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive HIV-infected individuals. Methods: All patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study with confirmed hypertension (systolic or diastolic blood pressure above 139 or 89 mm Hg on 2 consecutive visits and presence of at least 1 additional cardiovascular risk factor) between April 1, 2000 and March 31, 2011 were included. Patients with previous cardiovascular events, already on antihypertensive drugs, and pregnant women were excluded. Change in blood pressure over time was modeled using linear mixed models with repeated measurement. Results: Hypertension was diagnosed in 2595 of 10,361 eligible patients. Of those, 869 initiated antihypertensive treatment. For patients treated for hypertension, we found a mean (95% confidence interval) decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of −0.82 (−1.06 to −0.58) mm Hg and −0.89 (−1.05 to −0.73) mm Hg/yr, respectively. Factors associated with a decline in systolic blood pressure were baseline blood pressure, presence of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular events, and the typical risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In patients with hypertension, increase in systolic blood pressure [(hazard ratio 1.18 (1.06 to 1.32) per 10 mm Hg increase], total cholesterol, smoking, age, and cumulative exposure to protease inhibitor–based and triple nucleoside regimens were associated with cardiovascular events. Conclusions: Insufficient control of hypertension was associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events indicating the need for improved management of hypertension in HIV-infected individuals.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection may develop cirrhosis with portal hypertension, reflected by decreased platelet count and splenomegaly. This retrospective cohort study aimed to assess changes in platelet counts after antiviral therapy among chronic HCV-infected patients with advanced fibrosis. METHODS Platelet counts and spleen sizes were recorded in an international cohort of patients with Ishak 4-6 fibrosis who started antiviral therapy between 1990 and 2003. Last measured platelet counts and spleen sizes were compared to their pre-treatment values (within 6 six months prior to the start of therapy). All registered platelet count measurements from 24 week following cessation of antiviral therapy were included in repeated measurement analyses. RESULTS This study included 464 patients; 353 (76%) had cirrhosis and 187 (40%) attained sustained virological response (SVR). Among patients with SVR, median platelet count, increased by 35 x10(9) /L (IQR 7-62, p<0.001). In comparison, patients without SVR showed a median decline of 17 x10(9) /L (IQR -5-47, p<0.001). In a subgroup of 209 patients, median decrease in spleen size was 1.0 cm (IQR 0.3-2.0) for patients with SVR, while median spleen size increased with 0.6 cm (IQR -0.1-2.0, p<0.001) among those without SVR. The changes in spleen size and platelet count were significantly correlated (R=-0.41, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS Among chronic HCV-infected patients with advanced hepatic fibrosis the platelet counts improved following SVR and the change in platelets correlated with the change in spleen size following antiviral therapy. These results suggest that HCV eradication leads to reduced portal pressure. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Background. A review of the literature suggests that Hypertension (HTN) in older adults is associated with sympathetic stimulation that results in increasing blood pressure (BP) reactivity. If clinical assessment of BP captured sympathetic stimulation, it would be valuable for hypertension management. ^ Objectives. The study examined whether reactive change scores from a short BPR protocol, resting blood pressure (BP), or resting pulse pressure (PP) is a better predictor of 24 hour ambulatory BP and BP load in cardiac patients. ^ Method. The study used a single-group design, with both an experimental clinical component and an observational field component. Both components used repeated measurement methods. The study population consisted of 45 adult patients with a mean age of 64.6 ± 8.5 years who were diagnosed with cardiac disease and who were taking anti-hypertensive medication. Blood pressure reactivity was operationalized with a speech protocol. During the speech protocol, BP was measured with an automatic device (Dinamap 825XT) while subjects talked about their health and about their usual day. Twenty-four hour ambulatory BP measurement (Spacelabs 90207 monitor) followed the speech protocol. ^ Results. Resting SBP and resting PP were significant predictors of 24-hour SBP, and resting SBP was a significant predictor of SBP load. No predictors were significant of 24-hour DBP or DBP load. ^ Conclusions. Initial resting BP and PP may be used in clinical settings to assess hypertension management. Future studies are necessary to confirm the ability of resting BP to predict ABP and BP load in older, medicated hypertensives. ^